The UPLift with Tzedek: Real Talk for Real Change

Why Should POC Care About Dismantling Antisemitism?

March 27, 2023 Abby Lublin & Ray Hemachandra Season 1 Episode 2

This month, we're diving into the question, "Why should POC care about dismantling antisemitism?" Carolina Jews for Justice Executive Director Abby Lublin and local author, advocate, and Golden Moon Circles consultant Ray Hemachandra are at the table to help unpack these topics. Hang on tight because this conversation goes deep - fast!

Grappling with the antisemitic tropes of Jews as power brokers and cash controllers, we consider how antisemitism is used to fuel other forms of oppression by exploring the age-old lie of blaming Jews for societal problems and discussing ways to actively work towards dismantling it. What we learned here is there's work to do, discussions to have, relationships to build, and joy to multiply as we work together for a liberated Asheville where all can thrive. Yes, it's possible - as long as we're willing to expand our minds and hearts to mirror the reality of the "We" that has and continues to be oppressed by inequitable systems designed to split the people in order to serve, preserve, and protect the status quo.

Are you ready to challenge assumptions, build bridges, and be the change? Hit play to jump in!

We'll see you same time, same place next month. Until then, peace.

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