Jordan Kidney's GNED 1103

GNED 1103 - Chapter 02 - The Scientific method - Part 1

September 19, 2023 Jordan Kidney
GNED 1103 - Chapter 02 - The Scientific method - Part 1
Jordan Kidney's GNED 1103
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Jordan Kidney's GNED 1103
GNED 1103 - Chapter 02 - The Scientific method - Part 1
Sep 19, 2023
Jordan Kidney

Have you ever wondered how science shapes our lives, what it's essence truly is, and how art intertwines with it? Join us on a journey that transcends the boundaries of traditional science, exploring its process, culture, and its unsuspecting artists. We're breaking down the stereotype of scientists in lab coats and discovering how science is a collective pursuit of curiosity-driven knowledge, accessible to anyone willing to ask questions, from gardeners to chefs. We discuss the scientific method and how it constantly refines our understanding of the world, and how science, as a culture with its norms, values, languages, and practices, shapes our society.

Ponder upon the harmonious intersection of art and science with us, as we delve into the shared essence of observation, curiosity, creativity, and the quest to unravel the mysteries of our world. We unpack the complex web of cause and effect within the scientific method, revealing how it shapes our understanding of everything from climate change to disease spread. Embrace the beauty of the scientific method and its ability to predict outcomes, while exploring the connection between empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning. Join us for an enlightening journey that will challenge your perception of science and inspire you to observe, question, and explore the world around you.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever wondered how science shapes our lives, what it's essence truly is, and how art intertwines with it? Join us on a journey that transcends the boundaries of traditional science, exploring its process, culture, and its unsuspecting artists. We're breaking down the stereotype of scientists in lab coats and discovering how science is a collective pursuit of curiosity-driven knowledge, accessible to anyone willing to ask questions, from gardeners to chefs. We discuss the scientific method and how it constantly refines our understanding of the world, and how science, as a culture with its norms, values, languages, and practices, shapes our society.

Ponder upon the harmonious intersection of art and science with us, as we delve into the shared essence of observation, curiosity, creativity, and the quest to unravel the mysteries of our world. We unpack the complex web of cause and effect within the scientific method, revealing how it shapes our understanding of everything from climate change to disease spread. Embrace the beauty of the scientific method and its ability to predict outcomes, while exploring the connection between empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning. Join us for an enlightening journey that will challenge your perception of science and inspire you to observe, question, and explore the world around you.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to chapter 2 of our textbook. Gnd 1103 lecture slide, companion, section 01. What is the essence of science? In this section we delve into the essence of science and the people engaged in scientific endeavors. We'll also explore the process that science follows. What is the essence of science? Who are the people engaged in scientific endeavors? What process does science follow?

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Science in its simplest form can be thought of as the collective pursuit of knowledge about the natural world and the universe we inhabit. It is an endeavor to understand the phenomena that shape our existence, fueled by curiosity and our innate desire to explore, understand and predict. The individuals who are actively engaged in these scientific pursuits very widely. They may be professional scientists working in laboratories, academic institutions or research facilities. They could be students of all ages engaging in scientific learning as part of their educational journey. But beyond this, science is done by anyone with an inquisitive mind who observes, asks questions and seeks to uncover answers about the world around them. From a gardener understanding the biology of plants to a chef experimenting with culinary chemistry, science is done by us all, often in ways we don't even realize. The process by which science is done is known as the scientific method. This systematic approach to inquiry involves formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments to test this hypothesis, collecting and analyzing data and then drawing conclusions from the findings. The results are then shared with the wider scientific community, inviting further testing, scrutiny and refinement. This is a recursive process, continuously refining our knowledge and understanding In response to these inquiries. One could say that the essence of science is an infinite loop of questioning, investigating, discovering and understanding. The people who do science are not just those in lab coats, but anyone who approaches the world with curiosity and a desire to understand the process by which science is done. The scientific method is a rigorous, repeatable approach designed to minimize error and bias, moving us ever closer to the truth. Science, then, is more than just a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking, a method of solving problems and a means of understanding the world. Its influence extends far beyond the confines of the laboratory, shaping our societies, driving technological progress and deeply influencing our day-to-day lives.

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Section 02 Embracing fluidity and revising understanding the iterative nature of scientific inquiry. In Section 2 of our exploration into the scientific method, we delve into the iterative nature of scientific inquiry. Scientists do not embark on a quest to ascertain absolute truth or to generate unwavering certainty. Rather, they strive to expand the frontiers of knowledge. By hypothesizing and testing theories grounded in empirical evidence, they cultivate an evolving understanding of the world. They recognize with clear-eyed pragmatism that future evidence may lead to the revision, rejection or complete displacement of these theories. This iterative process forms the basis of scientific inquiry. Theories are proposed, scrutinized, tested and then either corroborated, revised or supplanted, depending on the outcomes of these tests. In this way, science progresses not by proving an immutable truth, but by refining our collective understanding through continual hypothesis, testing and theory adjustment. The edifice of scientific knowledge is therefore not static but dynamic, continually revised and enriched by new insights, discoveries and innovations. Scientists do not seek to reach an end point of truth, but rather to perpetually push the boundaries of what is known, embracing change and adaptation in response to new evidence. It is this inherent fluidity, this understanding that knowledge is malleable and subject to change, that lies at the heart of the scientific process.

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Let's illuminate the ideas discussed in the passage with some relatable everyday examples weather forecasting meteorologists continually update their weather prediction models based on incoming data. These models aren't infallible sources of truth. Rather, they represent the best possible predictions based on current information. If new data arises, say a sudden change in wind patterns, the weather forecast is revised. Here, the model is not generating truth, but refining knowledge of likely weather patterns.

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Medical science take the discovery of penicillin's antibacterial properties, for instance. This wasn't a final truth, but a significant advancement in knowledge that led to the era of antibiotics. Over time, however, we've learned about antibiotic resistance, prompting further research and adjustments to medical practices. This ongoing evolution reflects how science generates and refines knowledge. Technological advances consider the development of smartphones. Early mobile phones were bulky, with limited functionality. However, the understanding of technology and user needs has refined over time, leading to the advanced multipurpose devices we have today. The truth of what a mobile phone should be has continually evolved, based on research and technological advancements. Environmental science understanding of climate change is a potent example of how science is an evolving field. Initial theories have been continually refined, with ongoing research and accumulating evidence. Predictions and models are regularly updated to reflect the growing understanding of our development, indicating that scientific knowledge is not static, but subject to ongoing refinement and change. These examples demonstrate how science operates in our daily lives, not in pursuit of absolute certainty, but as a means of generating, testing and refining knowledge about the world around us.

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Section 03. Understanding science as a culture moving beyond the abstract. In section 3 of our exploration into the scientific method, we delve into the concept of understanding science as a culture, one that's much more than an abstract concept or a distant entity. Viewing science as a culture opens up a richer understanding of what science truly represents. Just as with any culture, science has its unique set of norms, values, languages, tools and practices. It is an evolving body of knowledge, shaped by a community of individuals who engage in a shared process of discovery and understanding. The culture of science is rooted in a commitment to curiosity, critical thinking and a respect for empirical evidence. Scientists, as the members of this culture, are not absolute truth seekers, but are instead engaged in the ongoing generation and refinement of knowledge. They propose and test theories based on evidence, knowing that these theories may be refined, rejected or replaced as future evidence comes to light. This iterative process is not a quest for finality, but rather an enduring journey of intellectual exploration and expansion.

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In many ways, science as a culture extends beyond the confines of professional scientists and their laboratories. Each one of us can be a participant in this culture of science when we adopt a questioning mindset, examine the world around us, form our own hypotheses and use evidence from our experiences to support or revise these hypotheses. When we engage with science in this way, it ceases to be an abstract concept and becomes a lived experience, a part of our shared human culture. Consider everyday phenomena like weather patterns, medical advancements, technological improvements or the evolving understanding of our environment. They all bear the imprints of this scientific culture. They serve as testaments to the dynamic, iterative and participatory nature of science. In this light, science becomes more than just an external body of facts or a set of principles. It becomes an integral part of how we interact with and make sense of the world around us. If we reconceptualize science as a culture rather than an abstract, distant field of study, we can foster a more inclusive and participatory scientific community. This perspective helps break down barriers by emphasizing that one does not need to be a professional scientist or an academic to partake in the culture of science.

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Science, when viewed as an exclusive domain of experts, can seem intimidating and inaccessible to many. However, when we understand it as a culture, a culture that values curiosity, evidence-based thinking and the continuous refinement of knowledge, it becomes something everyone can participate in. Everyone, regardless of their background or formal education, can engage with the world scientifically, ask questions, gather data and develop theories based on their observations. Consider a child examining different rocks they find in a park, sorting them by size, color or texture. This is a rudimentary form of geological study. Or think of a gardener who experiments with different plant varieties, soil mixtures and watering schedules to see which combination produces the healthiest plants.

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In the digital age, citizen science projects offer more structured ways for the general public to contribute to scientific research. For instance, people around the world can help classify galaxies from their computers for the Zooniverse project, zooniverse, or track bird populations in their local communities for eBird eBird discover a new world of birding. These examples demonstrate that scientific participation isn't limited to professionals in laboratories. It can be a part of our daily lives. By viewing science as a culture and not an abstract concept, we emphasize its collaborative, communal and inclusive nature. This perception invites more individuals to see themselves as contributors to scientific culture, regardless of their formal scientific training. When science becomes something that everyone can do, rather than something done only by a select few, we create a more diverse, inclusive and, consequently, a more innovative and resilient scientific culture. The questions posed and the solutions sought become more representative of our diverse society, making the culture of science richer and its impact more for eaching.

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Section 04. The Harmonious Intersection of Art and Science. In section 4 of our exploration into the scientific method, we dive into the intriguing relationship between art and science, two seemingly distinct realms of human endeavor. Both science and art represent human endeavors to interpret and portray the world around us. Despite their apparent differences in methodologies, audiences and traditional domains, they share profound similarities in their core motivations and objectives. Essentially, both art and science strive for a deeper comprehension of our existence and seek to communicate these insights in ways that resonate with others.

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Embedded within art, one can find traces of scientific principles. Consider the alchemy of mixing paints. An artist must understand the principles of colour theory, which is deeply rooted in the science of light, to create the desired hues on their palette. The digital artistry involved in photography necessitates an understanding of binary codes, as a camera's inner workings are technological marvel of computing and optics. Even classic forms of art like portraiture and sculpture require an understanding of human anatomy and principles of perspective, both of which are inherently scientific. Similarly, artistry is woven into the fabric of scientific endeavours. A surgeon must wield their scalpel with the finesse of a sculptor, translating their understanding of the human body into precise incisions, the aesthetics of a laboratory, the precise arrangement of glassware, the hypnotic dance of a Bunsen burner's flame, the palette of stains and reagents evokes a minimalist art style. Moreover, scientific discoveries often stem from an intimate act of observation that mirrors an artist's careful study of their subject. Whether it's a material scientist meticulously examining the microstructure of a new alloy, or a microbiologist observing unseen microbes under a microscope, the attention to detail parallels the keen eye of an artist. By recognising the science in art and the art in science, we can bridge the gap between these two fields. This intersection reveals a shared essence of curiosity, observation, creativity and an enduring quest to decode the mysteries of our world. Understanding the interplay between art and science can enrich our appreciation of both and illuminate the beautiful tapestry of human knowledge and expression.

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Section 05, mathematics is the Language of Science. Welcome to section 5 of our journey through the Scientific Method. In this section, we explore the vital role that mathematics plays in the world of science. Mathematics is often referred to as the Language of Science. This is a fitting description, as it is the primary tool used by scientists to communicate abstract principles and complex ideas in a clear and precise manner. Much like any language, clarity and conciseness in mathematics are paramount to ensuring effective communication of concepts. Just as you could use English to study a diverse range of subjects from history to philosophy, so too is mathematics employed across various scientific disciplines, from physics to biology. However, akin to studying the structure, grammar and vocabulary of English in isolation, mathematics also stands as a field of study in its own right. It explores intricate patterns, relationships and abstract structures that extend beyond its practical applications in science.

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Scientists need to understand the underlying principles of mathematics to effectively use it in their research. This comprehension extends from basic arithmetic and algebra to complex calculus and statistics. For example, consider a biologist analysing data from an experiment. They may need to use statistical methods to determine whether the results are significant. Without an understanding of statistics, they might misinterpret the data and arrive at incorrect conclusions. Similarly, a physicist might need calculus to understand how an object's velocity changes over time. Without this mathematical tool, they could not adequately describe the motion. Therefore, a solid foundation in mathematics is essential for anyone seeking to delve into scientific pursuits. Without this foundational understanding, the representation and analysis of scientific information can become skewed, leading to flawed interpretations of the natural world.

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Section 06 the Scientific Method A Pillar of Natural Science. Welcome to section 6 of our journey through the Scientific Method. In this section, we explore the significance of the scientific method as a foundational framework in natural science. The scientific method, a procedural approach central to natural science since the 17th century, is a meticulously designed framework that guides scientific investigations. Its core components include systematic observation, precise measurement, controlled experiments and the development, evaluation and refinement of hypotheses. When researchers embark on a scientific inquiry, they employ the scientific method to gather quantifiable empirical evidence within the context of an experiment. This experiment is typically related to a hypothesis, often structured in the format of an if-then statement. For instance, a biologist studying plant growth might hypothesize if I provide a plant with more sunlight, then it will grow taller. The outcomes of the experiment aim to either corroborate or challenge the proposed hypothesis. To illustrate, if a hypothetical biologist observes that plants receiving more sunlight indeed grow taller, the results support the initial hypothesis. Conversely, if plants exposed to more sunlight do not exhibit enhanced growth, the results contradict the hypothesis, prompting its modification or rejection. The beauty of the scientific method lies in its cyclic nature. Each iteration, each formulation and testing of a hypothesis fuels the progression of scientific understanding, leading to more refined hypotheses and more targeted experiments. As such, the scientific method is not just a rigid set of procedural steps, but rather a dynamic journey of exploration, discovery and continuous learning. It is through this method that science decodes the complexities of the natural world, revealing insights that shape our understanding of the universe.

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Section 6.1. Quantitative reasoning and empirical evidence, the inseparable duo of scientific exploration. Welcome to section 6.1. Where we explore the inseparable duo of scientific exploration quantitative reasoning and empirical evidence. Empirical evidence is a cornerstone of the scientific method. It consists of information gathered through observation or experimentation that is measurable and quantifiable. Let's meticulously record and analyze this data, setting the stage for their findings and conclusions. Complimenting the use and interpretation of empirical evidence is quantitative reasoning. This involves understanding, evaluating and applying numerical data in a logical and systematic manner. This form of reasoning allows scientists to discern patterns, draw conclusions and formulate hypotheses based on the empirical evidence they have collected. Let's delve into everyday examples where empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning play significant roles.

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Cooking a recipe, when baking a cake, you gather empirical evidence by measuring ingredients, baking temperature and cooking time. For instance, the recipe may require 200g of flour, 150g of sugar and so forth. These measurements constitute your empirical data. Quantitative reasoning comes into play when you adjust the recipe. If you wish to halve the recipe, you would divide all the quantities by two. Monitoring health consider tracking your daily step count with a fitness tracker. This device accumulates empirical evidence of your physical activity by recording the number of steps you've walked. Quantitative reasoning helps you interpret this data. For example, if your aim is to walk 10,000 steps each day and you've only walked 7,000 by evening, you know you need to walk an additional 3,000 steps to reach your goal.

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Managing finances suppose you're budgeting for the month. Your bank statements provide empirical evidence of your spending habits, showing how much you've spent on groceries, dining out, utilities and other expenses. Quantitative reasoning assists in planning your budget. For instance, if you've spent $300 on dining out this month and aim to halve this expense next month, you target not spending more than $150. In all these examples, empirical evidence provides objective and verifiable data, while quantitative reasoning enables us to interpret, analyze and apply this data in meaningful ways. By harnessing these tools, we can make informed decisions, solve problems and more accurately comprehend the world around us.

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Analyzing empirical evidence through the lens of quantitative reasoning amplifies our understanding of the subject at hand. This blend of empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning empowers scientists to systematically and reproducibly untangle the intricacies of the natural world. Thus, empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning work hand in hand. Empirical data provides the raw material for our analysis, and quantitative reasoning serves as the tool with which we shape and interpret this material. Together, they form the backbone of scientific exploration, underpinning our ability to invest, to get comprehend and elucidate the world around us.

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Section 6.2. Integrating quantitative reasoning and empirical evidence into the scientific method. Welcome to section 6.2, where we dive into the seamless integration of quantitative reasoning and empirical evidence into the scientific method. Quantitative reasoning and empirical evidence are not standalone elements in the world of scientific exploration. They are intrinsic parts of the scientific method, a structured approach for investigating natural phenomena that has been honed over centuries. This method generally comprises systematic observation, measurement, experimentation and the formulation, testing and modification of hypotheses.

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Empirical evidence is integral to the initial stages of the scientific method. Let's take a simple everyday scenario to illustrate this. Notice you notice that one of your house plants is wilting. Your observation of the wilting plant is the starting point, its empirical evidence that something is amiss. From there, you would use quantitative reasoning to form a hypothesis and devise an experiment. For example, you might hypothesize that the plant is wilting due to insufficient water. To test this, you could set up an experiment where you water the plant more frequently and measure its response over a specific period. This experiment's outcome will yield more empirical evidence. If the plant revives and begins to thrive, this provides data supporting your hypothesis. If it continues to wilt, the evidence suggests that your hypothesis might be incorrect and other factors, such as light exposure or temperature, may be at play. In either case, your findings would lead you to revise your hypothesis and set up new experiments, forming an ongoing cycle of discovery.

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In essence, empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning serve as the guiding lights in the scientific method, illuminating the path from observation to understanding. Empirical evidence provides the raw data for our investigations, while quantitative reasoning helps us interpret that data, form and test hypotheses and draw conclusions about the natural world. These elements are not merely tools in the scientist's toolkit, but are interwoven into the very fabric of the scientific method. From the simplest observations in our everyday lives to the most complex experiments in the world's leading laboratories, empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning are the driving forces behind our ever-evolving understanding of the universe. Sections 6.3. Deciphering Cause and Effect Relationships the Backbone of Scientific Exploration. Welcome to Sections 6.3, where we explore the essential role of deciphering cause and effect relationships in scientific exploration.

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Understanding the natural world often involves deciphering cause and effect relationships. Scientists design experiments specifically to observe or measure these relationships, to see if changes in one factor cause another to vary in a predictable and repeatable way. In simple terms, cause and effect relationships explain why things happen and enable reliable predictions about what will happen under certain conditions. Some cause and effect relationships are straightforward. For example, if you turn the handle of a faucet. Cause water flows out. Effect this is a simple, immediate relationship where the cause directly triggers the effect. However, many cause and effect relationships are far more complex and less apparent, often involving several interrelated causes and effects. For example, consider the weather. Changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and wind speed all interact in complex ways to cause specific weather patterns. Predicting the weather involves understanding and modelling these complex cause and effect relationships.

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In the pursuit of understanding cause and effect, scientists often pose questions like how does it work, which aims to uncover the mechanism of the relationship, and what happens and why does it happen, which seeks to explain the relationship. This is often referred to as establishing a causal relationship, where the effect is understood to be a direct consequence of the cause. During the scientific method, we aim to establish causality based on empirical evidence. Causality is the study of how things influence one another and how causes lead to effects. The classical understanding of causality involves a few key principles. Firstly, events have causes. They do not occur randomly or spontaneously. If a ball moves, something must have propelled it. If a leaf falls from a tree, it's because of a combination of factors such as its weight, the weakness of the stem or wind conditions. Secondly, effects follow causes in a consistent, predictable sequence. For instance, when you strike a match cause, the friction generates heat, ignites the matchhead and produces a flame effect. Finally, large effects often result from the accumulation of many smaller causes. Consider a landslide, a substantial effect that can occur from an accumulation of smaller causes saturation of soil from rainfall, gravitational pull and gradual erosion over time.

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Considering cause and effect is crucial to scientific exploration. It allows us to understand the underlying principles of how the natural world operates and enables us to predict future events with greater certainty, whether it's understanding the implications of our actions on climate change, predicting the spread of diseases or developing new technologies. Cause and effect relationships are at the heart of scientific understanding Section 6.4. Unraveling the Web Cause and effect relationships within the framework of the scientific method. Welcome to section 6.4. Where we delve into the intricate web of cause and effect relationships within the scientific method. The understanding and analysis of cause and effect relationships are deeply ingrained within the scientific method. Each step forming a hypothesis, gathering empirical evidence, applying quantitative reasoning and analyzing the results serves to clarify and confirm these relationships, offering insights into the mysteries of the natural world.

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When initiating the scientific method, researchers pose a hypothesis, a prediction or educated guess about a particular cause and effect relationship. For instance, a scientist might hypothesize that higher temperatures cause increased evaporation rates in a body of water. To test this hypothesis, the scientist then conducts an experiment to collect empirical evidence, observable and measurable data related to the hypothesized cause and effect. In our example, the scientist might heat a sample of water and carefully measure how the rate of evaporation changes with temperature. Quantitative reasoning is the next crucial step. It allows scientists to interpret the collected data, understand its significance and determine if the results support or refute the hypothesis. This might involve calculating the rate of evaporation at different temperatures or using statistical methods to assess the strength and significance of the relationship between temperature and evaporation rate. The analysis phase of the scientific method then integrates all of these elements. Scientists scrutinize the gathered empirical evidence and the results of the quantitative reasoning process to make conclusions about the initial hypothesis. They might determine, for example, that their results indeed support the hypothesis that higher temperatures cause increased evaporation rates.

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Let's consider a simpler everyday example. Suppose you suspect that watering your plants more frequently will make them grow faster. Hypothesis you conduct an experiment where you water one plant more frequently than another, carefully measuring their growth over several weeks. Empirical evidence Using quantitative reasoning, you compare the growth rates of the two plants. Your analysis might reveal that the plant you watered more frequently indeed grew faster, supporting your hypothesis and demonstrating the cause and effect relationship between watering frequency and plant growth.

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For another everyday example, let's consider cooking. You might hypothesize that adding salt to the water you use for boiling pasta will make the pasta taste better. Cause and effect To test this, you could cook two batches of pasta, one in salted water, the other in unsalted water, gathering empirical evidence. After tasting both the effect, you and others can decide if the salted pasta indeed tastes better. Analysis here your taste test provides the empirical evidence. Your decision process is the quantitative reasoning does adding salt improve the taste? And concluding that the salted pasta tastes better supports your original hypothesis.

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Throughout this process, the scientific methods steps interweave to clarify and confirm cause and effect relationships. Hypotheses guide the collection of empirical evidence, quantitative reasoning illuminates the significance of the data, and the analysis phase integrates all these components to draw meaningful conclusions. This intricate dance of cause and effect forms the basis of our scientific understanding, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and predict the outcomes of various actions and events. Section 6.5. The connection between effect and empirical evidence Observing outcomes. Welcome to section 6.5. Where we explore the vital connection between effects and empirical evidence within the scientific method.

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Empirical evidence forms the backbone of the scientific method and it is fundamentally tied to the notion of effects in cause and effect relationships. Simply put, an effect is an observable change or outcome that occurs due to a specific cause or set of causes. Empirical evidence is the data we gather to document and quantify these effects. When scientists conduct experiments to investigate hypotheses about cause and effect relationships, they are specifically observing for and measuring effects that can provide empirical evidence to support or refute their hypotheses. Consider the example of an experiment to determine whether a specific fertilizer helps plants grow faster. In this case, the cause would be the application of the fertilizer and the effect would be any change in the rate of plant growth. The empirical evidence would be the data collected on plant growth rates, which could include measurements of plant height, the number of leaves or other growth indicators, taken over time and compared between plants that received the fertilizer and those that did not. In this experiment, if the empirical evidence shows a statistically significant increase in the growth rate of the fertilized plants compared to the control group, it would suggest that the fertilizer has a positive effect on plant growth. If no significant difference is observed, it could suggest that the fertilizer does not have the hypothesized effect.

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It's crucial to remember that the effect must be something that is observable, measurable and can be reliably and independently reproduced under the same conditions. That way, it can provide valid empirical evidence for scientific investigations. In this sense, the concept of effect is deeply intertwined with empirical evidence, providing the observable and measurable outcomes that empirical evidence aims to document and understand. Sections 6.6, formulating a hypothesis, the intersection of cause and effect relationships, empirical evidence and quantitative reasoning in the scientific method. In the context of the scientific method, a hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for an observed phenomenon or a prediction about a cause and effect relationship. It's the backbone of any scientific investigation, setting the stage for a systematic process of discovery. The scientific method is a testable explanation for a scientific and quantitative method. It's a testable explanation for a scientific and quantitative method. It's the backbone of any scientific investigation, setting the stage for a systematic process of discovery that involves gathering empirical evidence and employing quantitative reasoning.

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A hypothesis starts with a question about why something is happening. For instance, you may notice that your bread molds faster in the summer than in the winter and wonder does temperature influence how quickly bread molds? Here the cause and effect relationship you're interested in is the effect of temperature on the speed of bread molding. To investigate this relationship, you formulate a hypothesis, a statement that predicts the outcome of the experiment you're about to conduct. An example of a hypothesis might be if the temperature increases, then the bread will mold faster. This hypothesis can be tested experimentally by exposing bread to different temperatures and observing how quickly mold grows. The power of a hypothesis lies in its testability. The conditions outlined in a hypothesis, in this case the temperature and the rate of bread molding, should be measurable, allowing for the collection of empirical evidence, facts obtained through observation or experimentation. For instance, you might count the number of mold spots each day for a week in bread stored at room temperature and bread stored in a warmer spot. Quantitative reasoning comes into play. As you analyze this empirical evidence, you might calculate the rate of mold growth under the different temperatures and compare these rates to evaluate whether temperature indeed influences how quickly bread molds. If your results show a clear pattern, for instance that the bread in the warmer spot consistently molds faster than the bread at room temperature, your empirical evidence supports your hypothesis. If not, it may be necessary to revise your hypothesis or consider other factors like humidity. Hence, a hypothesis is a critical starting point in the scientific method that guides the collection and analysis of empirical evidence and the application of quantitative reasoning. It enables scientists and curious individuals alike to test predictions about cause and effect relationships and move closer to understanding the mechanisms that underlie the phenomena we observe in the world around us.

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Section 6.7. Exploring the basic steps of the scientific method. Welcome to section 6.7., where we dive into the basic steps of the scientific method, a systematic procedure used by scientists to explore observations, answer questions and solve problems. Here are the fundamental steps of the scientific method. Step 1. Observation and questioning. All scientific inquiry begins with an observation, a notice or awareness of a circumstance or a phenomenon that peaks your curiosity. You might notice something unusual or unexpected, or perhaps you observe a regular event but seek to understand it better. From this observation you develop a question about a potential cause and effect relationship. Example let's say you notice that some of your plants are wilting despite receiving regular water. A question you might ask is could excessive sunlight exposure be causing the wilting?

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Step 2. Research. After identifying a problem or question, it's crucial to research what's already known about the topic. This research can involve reviewing scientific literature, asking experts or studying related phenomena. Example from this research you might find out that indeed plants can wilt from too much sun exposure. This step helps prevent redundancy and duplication of work already done and it can provide a deeper context for your question.

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Step 3. Formulating a hypothesis. Based on your observations and preliminary research, you propose a hypothesis. This hypothesis is an educated guess about the cause and effect relationship underlying the phenomenon you're studying. Example for instance you might propose the hypothesis that excessive sunlight exposure is causing my plants to wilt. It's essential to frame the hypothesis so that it's testable. The outcome should be measurable and directly related to the cause you're investigating.

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Step 4. Design and conduct an experiment. Now comes the hands-on part. You design an experiment that will test your hypothesis. Example for instance you might decide to place half of your plants in a shaded area and leave the other half in their original sunlit location. By keeping all other variables the same, like the watering schedule, you ensure that any differences observed are due to the variable you're manipulating sunlight exposure. This method allows you to isolate the effect of sunlight on the health of your plants.

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Step 5. Collect and analyze data. During your experiment, you gather empirical evidence, data that is observable, measurable and objective. Example this might involve taking photos to document the visual changes in the plants and collecting numerical data like leaf count or plant height over time. After the experiment, you'll apply quantitative reasoning to analyze this data, such as calculating average leaf count or comparing the height of the plants in the shade versus those left in the sun. Step 6. Interpretation. With the data analyzed, you move on to interpreting the results. Example if the plants in the shade are healthier than those exposed to the sun, this might suggest that your data supports your hypothesis. You would assess how significantly different the health of the plants in the two environments is and consider whether this difference could have occurred by chance or whether it is likely due to the sunlight exposure.

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Step 7. Draw a conclusion. Based on your interpretations, you reach a conclusion regarding your hypothesis. If your data supports your hypothesis, you conclude that excessive sunlight exposure indeed caused your plants to wilt. If not, you may need to revise your hypothesis or consider other variables that might be at play, restarting the process with this new information. Step 8. Communicate results. Finally, you share your findings with others. This step is crucial for the advancement of scientific knowledge, allowing others to learn from, replicate or challenge your findings, ensuring the self-correcting nature of the scientific process. Each step in this process is integral to the scientific method and allows us to derive reliable, objective and verifiable conclusions about the cause and effect relationships. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and your journey into the world of science. Remember, you're awesome. Now go out and be the wonderful people I know you are. If you'd like to hear more of this song, please keep listening.

Essence, Process, Culture of Science
Art and Science in the Scientific Method
Mathematics is the language of Science
The Scientific Method: A Pillar of Natural Science
Quantitative Reasoning and Empirical Evidence: The Inseparable Duo of Scientific Exploration
Integrating Quantitative Reasoning and Empirical Evidence into the Scientific Method
Deciphering Cause and Effect Relationships: The Backbone of Scientific Exploration
Unravelling the Web: Cause and Effect Relationships within the Framework of the Scientific Method
The Connection Between Effect and Empirical Evidence: Observing Outcomes
Formulating a Hypothesis: The Intersection of Cause and Effect Relationships, Empirical Evidence, and Quantitative Reasoning in the Scientific Method
Exploring the Basic Steps of the Scientific Method
End: go out and be the wonderful people I know you are