Weird World Variety with Matt and Jesse

Fair Frustrations, Miami Magic, and Mysterious Mummies: A Dessert-Fueled Debate

October 03, 2023 Matt and Jesse Season 1 Episode 3
Fair Frustrations, Miami Magic, and Mysterious Mummies: A Dessert-Fueled Debate
Weird World Variety with Matt and Jesse
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Weird World Variety with Matt and Jesse
Fair Frustrations, Miami Magic, and Mysterious Mummies: A Dessert-Fueled Debate
Oct 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Matt and Jesse

Ready for a rollercoaster ride of unique experiences and engaging discussions? We kick off with a lively debate about the increasingly exorbitant prices and restrictive rules at local fairs. Jesse and I investigate these changes, questioning if the very spirit of competition and thrill is being stifled. From there, we embark on a virtual tour of Miami, diving into its popular tourist attractions. Whether you're an adventure seeker or a fan of relaxed sightseeing, we've got you covered. We explore everything from the Miami Skyline 90-minute cruise to ATV countryside tours and kayaking explorations. 

Ever wondered about the remarkable instances of cross-species empathy? We dig into the fascinating account of a crocodile saving a dog and the implications of such unexpected animal interactions. Shifting gears, anime fans are in for a treat as we scrutinise Jeff Ward's portrayal of Buggy the Clown in One Piece and spill the beans on the upcoming English dubs this Fall. The conversation takes an intriguing turn as we examine the recent discovery of purported mummified aliens in Mexico. 

As the icing on the cake, join us on a delicious journey as we uncover unique desserts from around the world. From Korean Bingsu to Italian Tiramisu, we're uncovering their origins, fun facts, and sharing our personal opinions on these delightful treats. We even discuss which of these mouthwatering desserts we'd love to try our hands at making. So buckle up for an episode filled with animated debates, fascinating discoveries, and sweet indulgences. Trust us, you won't want to miss this!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready for a rollercoaster ride of unique experiences and engaging discussions? We kick off with a lively debate about the increasingly exorbitant prices and restrictive rules at local fairs. Jesse and I investigate these changes, questioning if the very spirit of competition and thrill is being stifled. From there, we embark on a virtual tour of Miami, diving into its popular tourist attractions. Whether you're an adventure seeker or a fan of relaxed sightseeing, we've got you covered. We explore everything from the Miami Skyline 90-minute cruise to ATV countryside tours and kayaking explorations. 

Ever wondered about the remarkable instances of cross-species empathy? We dig into the fascinating account of a crocodile saving a dog and the implications of such unexpected animal interactions. Shifting gears, anime fans are in for a treat as we scrutinise Jeff Ward's portrayal of Buggy the Clown in One Piece and spill the beans on the upcoming English dubs this Fall. The conversation takes an intriguing turn as we examine the recent discovery of purported mummified aliens in Mexico. 

As the icing on the cake, join us on a delicious journey as we uncover unique desserts from around the world. From Korean Bingsu to Italian Tiramisu, we're uncovering their origins, fun facts, and sharing our personal opinions on these delightful treats. We even discuss which of these mouthwatering desserts we'd love to try our hands at making. So buckle up for an episode filled with animated debates, fascinating discoveries, and sweet indulgences. Trust us, you won't want to miss this!

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, before we get started, I just wanted to let you know that we have a Facebook page. If you want to join our community and also if you want to send us stories, we have an email infowwe 2023 at gmailcom. Again, if you have stories, comments, concerns or just want to be a part of the show, infowwe 2023 at gmailcom. Thanks, let's get back to the show. Welcome to episode three of Weird World Variety, with your host, matt, and my co-host.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What's up, jesse? How you doing man? So today we got a lot of things going on. I will tell you that this week coming up well, when this comes out, it'll be passed, but by the time this comes out it'll be already over. But this week coming up we have something very near and dear to my heart happening. Um, it is said fair week, a lot of cities. Do you like going to the fair at all?

Speaker 2:

Not, particularly when they keep raising the prices. But so usually the same stuff every year, and then they may get more expensive.

Speaker 1:

So we are going to talk about that. So they have raised the prices again. Bruh, give me the money again. And it's not a dollar, it's not a two dollar. This year it's over five dollars If it's. If it was twelve dollars last year, it might be three dollars, but I thought it was five dollars for sure, man, it's. It's a lot For the fair, I mean. Yes, you do get a bunch of stuff with it, but I personally think fair is just getting more and more expensive as we go on.

Speaker 2:

It's just not really worth the price anymore, me yeah.

Speaker 1:

Do you think it's worth it Like?

Speaker 2:

I don't but.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

I know plenty of people still go to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we do spend they. We do spend a ton of money for the food and whatnot. But I feel like if you're raising prices that much, people are not going to be able to buy, like the food.

Speaker 2:

People are going to barely buy groceries.

Speaker 1:

So I mean it's like you know, the only, the only upside is, I think with this fair coming up and a couple other fairs I know around the states, there are rides included in the upside Rides and shows included, but they keep raising the price every year, like it doesn't stop, like it won't be the same price next year. It was this year. I remember five or ten years ago. It used to be the same price for three or four years in a row.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're not doing that anymore. That was where they. Yeah, that was, that was fine. At least it was bearable then.

Speaker 1:

So, which also raises the question when is it too much, when is inflation?

Speaker 2:

too much and I got another question for you.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that happens at the fair a lot. We have a lot of events at the fair. The rules are getting more and more and more strict. Safety is number one priority, to the point where the events that used to have ramps in them are no longer ramps. And I wanted to ask you, I wanted to get your take on it but when do you think enough is enough and when do you think it's too many rules or not enough rules? What do you mean by ramp?

Speaker 1:

So like OK, for instance we have a event every year called a rough truck right oh yeah, so in rough truck. There are twists, there are turns, there are bumps, there are, and then the final thing that they jump off of, they have a jump contest called a ramp.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, that has gotten lower every year. I mean, what a ramp is, but I wasn't sure if you meant a ramp that so for quote unquote safety reasons.

Speaker 1:

that ramp has gotten lower and lower every year Are you serious? So it's basically not really much of a ramp anymore. That's sad, my. My point of the whole thing is how do you have a jump contest when you can't get very far? You got to be able to jump.

Speaker 2:

What kind of sense does that make? Pretty soon it's going to be a speed bump.

Speaker 1:

And they're going to have a speed bump and a code and you're like, once you hit the speed bump, now here's what they should do. If they're going to eliminate the ramp for quote, unquote safety reasons, they should put a speed bump, but make it sharp so that when the car truck hits the speed bump they go launching in the air. Yeah, because I don't know about you, but I we both grew up in the same area with a lot of country boys who don't care about safety, but they do, like they'll. They'll wear helmets and make sure they have roll cages and whatnot. But the whole reason why they entered the contest in the first place danger.

Speaker 2:

the threat was for the thrill of it and was for the fun with it. You know, and we talked about this.

Speaker 1:

We talked about competitions. When is enough? Enough, Like, if you're going to make so many rules in sports, if you're going to make so many rules in competition, where do you stop? Because at this point I mean eventually people will be like, well, I'm going to be in the same place.

Speaker 2:

I mean eventually people will stop participating Period.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, it's exactly what's happening and less. And every year we're getting less and less people that participate, because the rules are too much, it's just too much. It works too expensive, yeah, but more so that they're just harping on the safety, and that goes for every event. So I gave you one example. But for every event it's like let's see how safe we can be, and because of that, all the ramps have gone down to like nearly flat surfaces. So what's the point?

Speaker 2:

That's not a ramp.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's the point in even having a race?

Speaker 2:

A ramp needs an incline. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two exits at the rear. Oxygen will be provided. Anyway, it's a mess man, I see a ramp is at least five foot incline.

Speaker 1:

Something like the things like starting to be barely High enough to be a kid's ramp, let alone.

Speaker 1:

And you know what cracks me up is not only they're doing it for every event at the fair, but people are doing this for every sport in general. Think of how many sports have so many rules now. You know it used to be and this is a dumb example, but it used to be. Back when we first started playing football, there was way less rules than there are now. Now I get being safe, I understand that, but also not just football, baseball, basketball, whatever. There are so many rules now. It's ridiculous, for how do they keep every little thing? How do they keep what? How?

Speaker 2:

do they keep thinking of new rule?

Speaker 1:

I want to know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

And every year, haven't you covered everything by now, and that's my point.

Speaker 1:

Every year it seems like to come up with a new rule and it's like, okay, guys, but when did we stop having fun? You know what I mean? Like the whole point of sports, the whole point of events, the whole point of anything.

Speaker 2:

Aside from competition. Aside from competition was to making money potentially is fun, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, that's exactly my point. So I don't know Everybody that's listening to this podcast right now. If you're hanging out with a group or whatever, ask your friends Like, is it when is enough to know? Like, when is enough enough, when are the rules too much? Because when you have rules to keep people safe, that's one thing, but when you're starting to like, like, for instance, with that competition, the point of the competition is no longer. It's becoming no longer a competition. So when is enough enough? Right, when is too much? Too much? I don't know Something to think about. I keep thinking about it every year and the rules get crazier every year and it seems like every sport I watch, the rules get more and more ridiculous. It doesn't matter what sport it is.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't surprise me.

Speaker 1:

When did we stop playing the sports and doing the events and the races and everything? When did we stop?

Speaker 2:

having fun For the sheer joy of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for the sheer joy of it. Man, like I don't know, we talked about this quite a few times, you and I, when we're traveling, but that's just something I wanted to bring up. I thought it was interesting. Today we got a lot. I got tons of stuff for you. We're probably not going to get it to all of it today and we might have to get it into next time, but, just like last time, we've got a lot. Let's dive right into it. So, jess, my first question to you when have you traveled to? Have you been outside the United States? No, I have not left the country.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so in admit all good In. You know, if you ever get a chance to leave the country, I suggest it for any anybody. So inside the country, where do you think you've been to like most?

Speaker 2:

I've gone northeast and south, but I've never gone west.

Speaker 1:

Northeast and south, but you never gone west, for people don't know. We're kind of around the Midwest area, so he just hasn't been in the. You haven't been to California.

Speaker 2:

You haven't been to California surfer yet Well, when I told people that I haven't gone west, they're like well, there's nothing there. So I'm like oh.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's true. There's a, there's a lot. There's a lot going on the West. It's just very different from what we've got here More dirt, speaking of which. So today, on today's podcast, we're going to talk about really cool things. Last time we talked about fun places to eat in the Bahamas, which was amazing. We heard that show. Go back and hear it. It was episode one. It was awesome. I cannot wait to go to the Bahamas. I don't know about you, but I'd love to go there. Oh my gosh, yes, it was beautiful. Yeah, yeah, can't. I'd love to go there. So today we're going to continue with this tropical trend and we're going to talk about things to do if you ever visit Miami Florida.

Speaker 2:

Not quite as far down as the Bahamas Not quite, but still a little tropical, still a little fun.

Speaker 1:

So if you're from Miami, if you've done any of these things and you have a good experience, please let us know. But we're going to look through some things here.

Speaker 2:

I've got something pulled up by Miami Top Tours and Activities.

Speaker 1:

Yes, by V8 or V8 or I don't know how to say that.

Speaker 2:

V8 or a TripAdvisor company? Yeah, it's a.

Speaker 1:

TripAdvisor company. So you know they have a little bias, probably because they want people to book certain things. But I saw some of the stuff on here and I thought some of them were really cool and also not so badly priced. So let's go through this list here. And the very first one I'd love to know if you do this, jess, is a Miami Skyline 90-minute cruise and you go and see South Beach Millionaire Homes in the Venetian Islands. Looks like a typical boat cruise.

Speaker 2:

Well, venetian Island sounds interesting. I don't know much about them, or?

Speaker 1:

much, if anything.

Speaker 2:

I should say about them.

Speaker 1:

Well, this also begs the question would you ever drive by millionaire homes just to see them?

Speaker 2:

I'm probably supposed to say yes, but probably not, I mean but it's part of the cruise or whatever.

Speaker 1:

No, I want to know what you would do. Jesse, I don't care about anybody else's audience right now. I want to know what you would do, because would you?

Speaker 2:

I was that be worth.

Speaker 1:

It Looks like it starts at around $30 right now. Venetian Islands does.

Speaker 2:

Well, if I knew whose houses they were, maybe if I wanted to see a particular person's house like an actress, then, yes, it does.

Speaker 1:

A percent, you know. To me $30 does not seem bad for 90 minutes, for a tour and a cruise.

Speaker 2:

No, I love, I love being on a boat.

Speaker 1:

And most of the time when I go to do boat stuff in other states, it is so expensive, so expensive. Have you ever? Have you ever priced fishing tours or whale watching tours or anything that involves a boat? It's usually hundreds of dollars.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I love that. The second one I saw I think you would like. I'm going to pull this up for you here Miami Combo. So this one, you get a city tour, a Bay cruise and an Everglades airboat ride. I kind of like this one because you get three in one and it's one price, Like it's not super expensive. It's one price and you get three tours and you get basically a nine hour day.

Speaker 2:

I see nine hours and like that sounds 100 percent worth it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that sounds like something you would definitely get your money off of. The other one says an hour 30. Both of these have four stars out of five, so pretty decent reviews. But I mean, especially if you've never been to Miami before, if you're looking for a tour, I feel like that's a good starting place. So the Miami Combo and the Miami Skyline Uh, here's one I would do because I'm crazy enough to do it. If you want your sightseeing tour fast and I mean fast, fast you can do a 45 minute speedboat sightseeing tour and from the picture I see here they don't look like they're going slow at all.

Speaker 2:

What exactly is supposed to be saying? I see foam, I see scrapers.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to click on it, see, see what we got here. I'm going to pull it up. Oh, there's a whole video and everything. Oh my gosh, there's a lime green boat. Sign me up. I want to. I want to. On the lime green boat. Have a lime green boat. They have a red boat. Oh, this is fun. There's like a yellow boat. This thing is for people that are listening on the, on the podcast. These things look like jet boats, like the really fast ones. They're insane, but they, instead of the extra engines, they have extra rows of seats. Jesse, would you do this? Sure, why not? It's 45 bucks, so that's a dollar a minute.

Speaker 2:

A dollar a minute.

Speaker 1:

A dollar a minute. That doesn't sound good when you say it like that, but it's a dollar a minute but you get a very fast tour of the city. What do?

Speaker 2:

you charge a dollar a minute.

Speaker 1:

Oh really, I don't know it looks fun and it looks like everybody on the speed boat is having a blast, although one lady is holding under a purse. So it looks like she might, she might lose it. That's a fast boat that's. That's one of those boats where they say we're not responsible for loss of valuables or items like riding a roller coaster.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I sign a disk. Hey, a waiver before you sign a waiver, you might lose your stuff in the ocean. Just fair warning.

Speaker 1:

Maybe. Ok, I need to refresh this here.

Speaker 2:

Keep all your stuff at your hotel if you're going to ride this boat.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much Now there is a half day tour that includes a sightseeing cruise and a bus. That's kind of cool. Have you ever ridden on a double decker bus?

Speaker 2:

Not double Wait. No, no, no, not double decker, no.

Speaker 1:

I haven't either. I've always wanted to. I know some tours are expensive. This one's not expensive. This one's very doable. I think if I got a chance I'd probably do a double decker bus. Now here's a different. If you are on the richer side and you would like a more private cruise, they have a two hour private yacht cruise in Miami with champagne for up to 10 to 12 people. Now they charge by the group, so it's still not a bad price. It's going to be expensive. No, three fifty doesn't sound that bad. Yeah, it's three fifty.

Speaker 1:

But it's a yacht you can have. It's not a regular boat and that's per group people. So usually, when I said the 10 to 12 people, I've seen fishing tours at one hundred and fifty per person. This is three fifty for a group. So this is much better. You get a private cruise and you get champagne. I mean, come on.

Speaker 2:

I have yet to try champagne.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a champagne person, but for my friends that like champagne, that's not bad. Here we go, let's do another one. I love the Everglades and airboat tours. I would definitely sign up for one. We saw that one that has an Everglades tour. I wonder if you could get, because if you sign up for the three in one, you can get an Everglades tour for a little bit cheaper. But if you sign up for an Everglades tour by itself, it's seventy dollars.

Speaker 2:

That's not bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, still not bad, still not bad.

Speaker 2:

So three to seven hours. I don't know why it's labeled as three or four hours. It's in bold, but then it says three to seven hours below. That makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Now this one in Miami. I never thought you could do this in Miami, but apparently this is a thing. For a hundred dollars you can rent an ATV and go through the countryside in. Miami and thirty minutes, that seems a little pricey, A little bit, but ATV crews I mean, I don't know. I feel like I just borrow my friends. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, come on, yeah, yeah. I feel like I just borrow my friends that seems pricey, for an hour and thirty minutes to me.

Speaker 1:

Now I will tell you this next one is worth it because I have personal experience with kayaking and paddleboarding and if you do not have the money to pay for a kayak or paddleboard yourself, for a little bit less money you can have a two hour and thirty minutes, Basically exploration with a kayak or paddleboard and you get to explore Island and wildlife. So it's not just like, hey, you get to borrow this for two hours. It's like they take you on a wildlife tour and that's pretty sick, Like I'm seeing paddleboards and people on paddleboards and this person's got a manatee right below them.

Speaker 2:

That definitely looks more fun.

Speaker 1:

That is awesome dude.

Speaker 2:

I would.

Speaker 1:

I'd pick that over speedboat these people are looking at a raccoon in a tree though we got plenty of raccoons in here but yeah, there's manatees, there's all kinds of stuff going on. Looks like oh man, these pictures are cool. I would love this. This would be fun. There are. It looks like they're going through different styles of like wildlife reserves, like forests. There's a big forest that I see they're going through.

Speaker 2:

I don't think a raccoon would stay still like that. They're hanging on trained. Okay, they're hanging on an island with raccoons, though.

Speaker 1:

This one has raccoons in a kayak hanging out with the people. They're just like, yeah, give me some watermelon. I think they're feeding the raccoon watermelon. Oh, this one. This girl has dolphins. This girl has dolphins blower, what. That's where I insert dolphin sound effect, right there, you got one. Okay now, two hours and 30 minutes, 80 bucks, up to two people. Yeah, I'd still do it, I think, I think I'd still do it. Definitely looks worth it. You get to go explore the wildlife. It's not just like, hey, let's get a kayak and explore.

Speaker 2:

I probably get that more than once, honestly. Yeah, it looks like I might do back to back doors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, it looks fun. I would definitely. If you have time to do all these things, it definitely looks fun. Jetski rentals those can also be expensive, but there's one Jetski rental here that they're offering a deal for 140 bucks a group, which is pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Who next one dude taste of Miami. I saw that. I saw that.

Speaker 1:

Now that is only 20 minutes, but you're flying for the experience for the experience.

Speaker 2:

I do it 100%.

Speaker 1:

I might spend a little bit of money just for the experience.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I got excited when I saw that helicopter. I've never been in a helicopter either.

Speaker 1:

I always wanted to. It's an interesting. I think I would be scared out of my mind. I think I'd be shaking in my boots. But that's a professional dude, he knows what he's doing. I know that, but I'm saying like I'd still be nervous Really. Yeah, you never been nervous flying.

Speaker 2:

I've always been nervous I wouldn't be as worried.

Speaker 1:

I think flying is fun, but it does make me nervous. Like you know, they have the Miami city tour with the stars, so they probably tour people's homes and stuff for that one Miami ultimate adventure.

Speaker 2:

What Whole day Key West tour and coral reef snorkeling with open bar. Oh my gosh, 50 hours for $115. That sounds great.

Speaker 1:

It does have three and a half stars. What's going on here? Is it good?

Speaker 2:

That sounds very low for that amount of things you do. So what's?

Speaker 1:

going on here. Let's see what we got the pictures here. I'm going to pull it up.

Speaker 2:

And why is there only three stars? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The pictures seem random. It is of Key West. There's a lot of cool stuff. What do you get with this? Let's see if we can find a description. Hold on Overview. Explore Key West by Land and Water on a full day tour with Round Trip Bus Transport. Oh well, it is a bus. Miami and Snorkeling Cruise, so you?

Speaker 2:

do get a snorkeling cruise.

Speaker 1:

The bus is probably what got people.

Speaker 2:

That is one of the worst ways to travel.

Speaker 1:

Overview is scenery on the overseas highway to Key West means it's best to let somebody else drive Round Trip Transport. Free-flowing drinks on the Catamann cruise. I think the Catamann cruise is probably the best part. I think the people probably just didn't like the bus, but it looks like the. Catamann cruise with the drinks and stuff probably is the best part. Not too bad. I try it once. If it wasn't a great experience I might not do it again, but I'd at least try this once.

Speaker 2:

Coral Reef got me.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, ooh, yeah, that would be fun, coral Reef would be fun. And then, like I was telling you earlier, they have those Miami open top buses. You can definitely take tours in those. All right, so Beyond Tours, you can do jet skiing, atv and parasailing. That sounds fun. Yes, I love the Wildlife Tour. That one was cool because you got the paddle board. The helicopter thing is cool. They have a golf cart tour, and get this. The golf cart tour for small groups is five stars. What is this? Okay? Okay, we got to check this out. Graffiti Golf Cart Tour Graffiti, yes, I'm going to check this out. This is hilarious. Get an Express Tour of the Street Art in Miami's Winwood neighborhood via golf cart, right around with the revitalized district, with your guide, marvelay and the Graffiti and Murals. Bring your camera and fantastic snaps of art by local painters such as Shepard, ferry, retina, d-face and Enter. I'm probably not saying this, right, guys? Sorry. Enter, resny, they lowered it from 45 to 39.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. It's got five stars. Ride in a comfortable golf cart, which I don't know about you, I like riding a golf cart. I think it's great. It's fun yeah.

Speaker 2:

I haven't gone and won like fast, but I've ridden it before I don't know, it's got five stars.

Speaker 1:

I guess you have to appreciate art. I do like the murals in the picture. I love art, dude. The murals and graffiti are pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

I carry art with me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this would definitely be an experience. I think it would be cool, because then you do the tour, take selfies with your friends. It would be kind of fun. That would be kind of fun. I think that's definitely worth one. Any other ones, jess, any other ones that you see here before we move on.

Speaker 2:

Hang on a second. I see Island Snorkeling. I see Island Snorkeling. It's the second page though.

Speaker 1:

I see Island Snorkeling Salsa lessons.

Speaker 2:

Hang on a second. There's a lot of Wait. There's a Fly Pink Miami private coastal airplane tour with free cash Nice $89.

Speaker 1:

There is a half-day deep sea fishing trip starting at $75, which is by far the best price I've seen.

Speaker 2:

Mangoes dinner and show ticket. I like the picture that's attached to it initially.

Speaker 1:

It looks good. What's the oh, my goodness? Oh, private transfer. They have a service so you can rent black limousines and stuff. That's kind of cool.

Speaker 2:

A few moments later, If this is what I think it is. I actually got a hired out of Mangoes Now, I kid you not.

Speaker 1:

Here's one that's interesting. We do this in Ohio, the Windwood Party Bike Bar Crawl. You ever seen that?

Speaker 2:

What is it?

Speaker 1:

The Windwood Party Bike Bar Crawl. So it's like this big vehicle. If you scroll down, you should see it. It's right before the pink plane Might be on page three.

Speaker 2:

Right before the pink plane.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a pink plane, you can take a tour.

Speaker 2:

Party Bike Bar Crawl Is that you? Yes, yeah, 59 for two hours.

Speaker 1:

So we do this in Ohio. It's kind of fun. It's like a bar crawl, but you also have a bar on the vehicle. The whole time everybody's pedaling together. It's like a group of 15, 20 people, so you're hanging out and talking with each other. Meanwhile the person in control of the bar bike is steering and everybody's pedaling. It's great.

Speaker 2:

That's unusual, it's fun. It says Lake Lee to sell out yes, so it must be pretty popular.

Speaker 1:

Yes, those kind of bar crawls are very popular. Besides that, there's lots of stuff for families to do too. I mean, there's all kinds of craziness we got snorkeling, horseback riding, jet skis.

Speaker 2:

Looks like just what I didn't think of.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Miami is definitely popping. If you guys get a chance to do some of this stuff in Miami, let us know. And yeah, we'd love to hear from you. Is that all you got? That's all I got. I mean, we pretty much covered everything. All right, cool, let's go on to our next section. It would not be weird world without a bit of weird news. So today we're going to cover some weird news about time.

Speaker 2:

I know we're called weird world it's been two shows in between and getting back to weird episode three. Getting to the weird yeah, One, one to three. Why'd we skip on the second one?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I know, you know what, actually the Sasquatch stuff was a little weird, I guess. Okay, structures.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to read you a few articles. You tell me which ones you want to go with Ready. So you, you've been arrested after free climbing London sky scraper.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't sound very. You know what free?

Speaker 1:

climbing is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, thanks though here's. Here's something interesting Crocodile saved dog stranded in river instead of eating it. In possible case of emotional empathy, that what?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, let's go down. All right, all right, all right. So I'm going to bring this up.

Speaker 2:

I like to hear that. That is pretty strange. We're a crocodile.

Speaker 1:

If you guys want to follow along. This is from Sky News Newsskycom. It's called Sky News. This is by a reporter. This was on September 22nd of this year. Here's the article. My reptiles have a reputation of being opportunistic predators, but chose to nudge the dog to safety and what scientists say may be sentient behavior suggested of cross species empathy. That's a mouthful.

Speaker 2:

A little.

Speaker 1:

So let's see what happens here. I want to try to dive in here. We got threatened taxa Don't know why it says threatened taxa outlines how a young dog was observed being chased by a pack of feral dogs and entered the shallow waters of the Savitri River in India's oh my gosh, I'm not going to say this right Maharashtra. Don't know how to say that. Sorry guys. The dog had not spotted the three mugger crocodiles floating nearby, which began edging closer to what appeared to be certain prey. The adult reptiles, described by the Wildlife Institute of India as opportunistic predators Instead oh my gosh, this thing is interrupting instead pushed the dog to safety using their snouts. They even guided him to an area of the river bank that wasn't occupied by the feral pack of dogs, allowing this dog to make a safe escape on land. What the heck.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it gets much weirder than that.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. People are always like saying oh, animals are not smart yeah they are. They're ridiculous. They're smarter than us. Sometimes. Some of the stuff I see in the animal kingdom is insane. Man, and they have a picture. Did you see the picture? They have a picture of the dog and the crocodile on there, bringing it up for you. Now I'm going to show you.

Speaker 2:

Show it to me, yeah hold on Using a different device there, sir.

Speaker 1:

Well, I thought you would have brought it up.

Speaker 2:

You didn't send that one to me it is pretty blurry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you can see it is a gold retriever.

Speaker 2:

Looks like the crocodiles. Are you see the water?

Speaker 1:

and like I think they do have a video breaking the surface.

Speaker 2:

Do they have a video? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. Hold on, I'm going to check to see if they have a video. No, this is just a picture, but that's interesting, bro. That's so interesting, I'll say so to move on. The curious incident was uncharacteristic of the crocodiles. The species can grow to over 16 feet and 450 kilograms and are known to pose a major threat to humans who encroach in their natural habitats. Okay, and this is what I'm going to say about this, animals have this. Okay, and maybe not crocodile so much, but animals have this intuition, like this natural instinct, that when something's in danger, and especially if a crocodile is not hungry, if something's in danger, animals tend to help each other.

Speaker 2:

It must have eaten plenty that day.

Speaker 1:

Probably did. They probably got plenty of food and my guess is that they saw the dog struggling and trying to get away from something else and for some reason that instinct came in, because I don't know about you, but I've seen plenty of animals and dogs and other animals like wild animals, like horses, I mean you name it and they have this instinct to help each other. It's weird, and humans too. I've seen them help humans when, huh, where, like on video.

Speaker 2:

Like in the US. Oh, okay, I got you.

Speaker 1:

Like, if a human is like, it's that whole thing Like. For instance, one story was talking about a dog that helped a human because they needed help and they somehow either got help or dial 911, accidentally, or you know whatever. It's their natural instinct to help people and dogs especially maybe not in crocodiles. It is definitely weird to see it in crocodiles, but yeah, I never thought I'd hear that.

Speaker 2:

The crocodile saves dogs. The animal kingdom what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Did I hear that right? Yes, the wild saves a dog. Okay, okay, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

This is where we go Of the croc.

Speaker 2:

Bra, bra.

Speaker 1:

No, but I have hope for humanity if crocodiles are out here saving dogs.

Speaker 2:

I have hope for dogs.

Speaker 1:

I have crocodiles. I have crocodiles too. All right, here's another one.

Speaker 2:

It's crocodiles just came into new light to me after that.

Speaker 1:

And this is what we were just talking about. Everything toddler found asleep in woods with one family dog as a pillow, while the other kept her safe. That's cute, yeah. And we were talking about animal instincts to help people. That is a perfect example.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm pretty sure any animal that sees a baby is just instinctually caring for it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about all of them, but especially animals that are close to your family. I think animals that are more pets or more close to your family.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Well, I suppose a wolf might A bear, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but I mean, if a crocodile is saving a dog, apparently. Listen, I've heard the void has opened and anything I've heard crazy stories where kids are hanging out with wild animals too, so you're probably right.

Speaker 2:

I want to go try to pet a bear now, oh my goodness.

Speaker 1:

And then finally the biggest story in the news this week is the mummified aliens that they said were found in Mexico.

Speaker 2:

Did you see those things? We're a little late on that. It's all good A little bit late Now, this report.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what the latest report is.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand why more people aren't fascinated by this.

Speaker 1:

I know it's weird, it's crazy, it's weird Even if it was.

Speaker 2:

Life sucks sometimes and you know the world or the life is crazy whatever is nuts Ailey them admitting to aliens? Just oak. Really blows my mind like why are people Excited about this?

Speaker 1:

like 20 years ago, they wouldn't even say the word aliens.

Speaker 2:

No, they wanted to deny it vehemently let alone the Mexican.

Speaker 1:

You know Mexico area coming.

Speaker 2:

I think it's pretty strange that people aren't excited about that, honestly alien bodies or whatever this says.

Speaker 1:

They were not assembled. Mexican doctors have claimed so whatever theory that you have. They said that these bodies were not assembled. Not assembled yeah, quote-unquote, you know, not fake, they argued. The doctors have carried out a series of laboratory studies on the remains after academics, scientists and archaeologists Argued that they were part of a hoax. So they're trying to say these are not.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know, they look me.

Speaker 2:

We know experts. We don't know, for sure, no.

Speaker 1:

But and I I don't know, but it is interesting and it's weird, it's kind of fun because it's like that's kind of the boy dear. We really have not had too much alien talk until recently and now. I want to see more everybody in their mama are talking about Aliens and if they're real and if they're here and all that's kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I have a theory about that, but I Personally think why would we be the only ones in the universe? It doesn't make sense. To me. That part just doesn't make sense. Why would we be the only ones? Ever that? That doesn't make sense. So to me it's more practical to believe there are other creatures out there than not. I Mean the universe is how big? This big like, massive like, endless like, why would we be the only ones? That's my bigger than this big.

Speaker 1:

That's my outtake on that Stretches arms out did the side stretches arms out to the ends of the earth. No, stretches arms out to the end of the earth. Oh my gosh, all right, moving right along. Probably a certain amount of people that watch TV shows and movies out there. There are also a certain amount of people that watch cartoons and anime, and we are two of those people, so I wanted to go anime.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wanted to go over some anime news that they're producing, and if anybody's paying attention to anime now, you know that right now, the biggest thing on the internet is one piece. One piece has taken over the internet and They've even doing a live action right now, so it's getting crazy.

Speaker 2:

The live action has kind of taken over, right, yeah, as opposed to the anime.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, the anime has taken over too, because we're in the season where he uses gear five, which is like his. If you don't know what gear five is, gear five is his, like most recent power that's awakened every time I loofy yes.

Speaker 2:

So did he eat another fruit? No, there was a whole gear five.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna I'm not gonna spoil it. You have to watch the new season and I'm gonna, I gotta watch it period. If you want to know about gear five, there's, there's, there's several gears that loofy is in and that's the latest one. People are going nuts. Then there's the live action, which we both saw, and gum gum pistol, the live I had stuck in my head ever hilarious and it is pretty good for the most part. I think some characters could be better, but Dude buggy was phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he is Joker status in my opinion key. They did buggy Amazing. I don't know how they got that actor, but he was like awesome.

Speaker 2:

I was like bro, his name pulled up our fast I wanted to know that.

Speaker 1:

Give me a second I.

Speaker 2:

Don't want to know his name. I meant to look it up the day I started watching it and I totally forgot.

Speaker 1:

Okay, one piece, actor buggy live action. I.

Speaker 2:

Mean he was. He was cackling just like the Joker in the dark night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna bring up the live action cast. We have Jeff.

Speaker 2:

Ward plays word. I said I never heard of him. Is he a nuke like he must be a pretty new actor, because I don't.

Speaker 1:

Bro, let's see if I can pull up. Yeah, he was a great buggy, the movies that he was in. He was in agents of shield. He was in the shield, yeah what Some of like some random movies I haven't even heard of, but the big one was agents of shield from 2013 to 2020. My guess is he was one of the agents. Oh, that'd be great. I think I kind of want to deek Shaw. He played deek Shaw and agents of shield. He.

Speaker 2:

I. That's one I still need to get to you as well. I've been putting that off for years.

Speaker 1:

If anybody's seen the I don't know the Netflix series brand new cherry, it doesn't look like anything I'd watch. But he also played Roy Hardaway in Netflix series and now he played buggy the clown and I gotta say but the clown pirate is probably his best so far.

Speaker 1:

I mean he looks like a buggy, the cloud, it's, it's so good. It's so good like and his personality, his normal life is cool, but he's got this like piercing. Like his normal look is really cool. He's 36 years old, five foot nine, so he's shorter than I am, but like he's got these piercing eyes and I'm gonna show you the picture he looks like he could do buggy really easily because he's got these piercing eyes that like bring out the character Even without all the makeup. So I'm like, oh, this is so dope because he nailed that. He nailed that and we both agree he did phenomenal here. I'm gonna show you the picture now.

Speaker 2:

Well, like a different rendering of buggy.

Speaker 1:

That's him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can. I can totally see. You can see it right without the makeup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can see it right Like it's, and that's not to make fun of him or anything like that. That's totally like he was. He nailed that role.

Speaker 2:

I think he did great. Yeah, like he's doing great if he still is.

Speaker 1:

The next thing we have is the.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to go over the fall line up portraying not being, is being Still portraying buggy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'm gonna bring up the fall line up here. They have dubs for goblin slayer two coming up In fall. They have Girl, so goblin slayer two is coming out in fall. Girlfriend, girlfriend, season two. Here's a list of English dubs coming out in fall 23 Returners magic should be special after school. Dead Mountain Death play is getting a dub. Dr Stone, new world season two was getting a dub. Beyond Jeremy's in goblin slayer two. I'm in love with a villainous. Let's see some of the more famous ones here ancient magus bride, which is a fantasy Style anime. That one's getting this dub.

Speaker 2:

Which ones have you watched?

Speaker 1:

the faraway paladin. Rising of shield hero. Season three is getting a dub. I have seen, I've watched dr Stone. I have not watched the newest seasons of dr Stone and that's based on somebody who wakes up in a Stone-Age style earth and has to start technology all over again.

Speaker 2:

Dad probably be pretty difficult.

Speaker 1:

It is, and but he's like a scientist, genius kid who can.

Speaker 2:

So he has the knowledge already. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, because of his previous life being frozen from before After. It's an interesting story. I have watched shield hero. I've seen shield hero. I've seen faraway paladin that's an interesting one. I've seen anxious magus bride, but I am not Big into it. It's like a fantasy one. It's cool, but it's like that, like we don't have really any character development, like all the characters are just random and so it's pretty good. But I don't know, you don't know, I don't know, it's not my thing. I know a lot of people love it. I didn't enjoy goblin slayer. That is not a family show, but it is phenomenal. This is all crunchy rollies, head right, yep. Goblin slayer is not a family show, but it is phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

All these are on crunchy.

Speaker 1:

Yep, all these are from crunchy roll. Of course there's tons from others. There's like seven to ten other anime sites. I just wanted to name some of them off for you, in case, jesse, you get time to watch some dubs this fall.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't have crunchy for right now, but I watch it with you and Hulu's got some anime, so that's mainly what I use so upcoming.

Speaker 1:

My hero academia. Season 6, part 1, swoops in crunchy roll December 2023. So there you go if you want to know when the next my hero is. That is more of a family show. That's coming in December 2023. And then also season 2 is just got announced of Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen. Looks like for dubs Now Hindi into meal dubs. So they're doing two other languages for the Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen. So if you're listening, you were waiting for those dubs. There you go. I Know there's a bunch of stuff coming up in 2023 and 2024. We have a Anime coming up called solo leveling. That's gonna be crazy. There's I'm looking here at the final season, final chapters of attack on Titan are getting English dubs. Wait, what? What season this is? This says here's the exact time attack on Titan females final season, the final chapters Special one English dub launches on country roll. Huh, and it's. I think it already went live. I think this was September 6th. So there you go.

Speaker 2:

I left off on the final season brand new English.

Speaker 1:

For attack on Titan.

Speaker 2:

But I'm pretty sure they're all dubbed on who already so.

Speaker 1:

That's. That's all I got for now. I think there's gonna be more announcements coming up. I saw a bunch of Preview kind of trailers for 2024. I think we're gonna have a lot of good anime in October and also a lot of good anime in January. That's what I'm looking at. So Let us know if you watch anime. Let us know what your, what your favorites are, what you find awesome that's coming up and what you're looking forward to. What about you, jesse, got anything else?

Speaker 2:

No, I mean I'm just chipping in here. Yeah, you're good. You're good, you got all right, so that you're like going through this stuff a lot better than I am, so we're actually running out of time here, so let's dive into our last part.

Speaker 1:

I got one more article for you. This is the 13 most popular desserts in the world desserts. Now, this list list is wrong and you're like Matt and Jess, you guys are full of it. This is not the most popular desserts. Go blame flower or a dot com. This is from them. So this is from flower or a dot com flower. I think it's probably a little biased. They're probably like trying to sell. So this is from flower or a dot com. This is their top 13 most popular desserts in the world. All right, so here we go. Do we want to start with number one or 13? We start at number 13. Yeah, let's do 13. All right, yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for making me scroll.

Speaker 1:

All right, so 13, 13. I don't know even how to say this. Do you know how to say this word?

Speaker 2:

I would say good jar kahalwa, so bad is not so we don't know how to say this.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

It's from India. It's from India.

Speaker 1:

Apparently. It's a famous dessert from India and has been seen almost every household. It's mostly made during winter and festivities. We the ingredients include grated carrots, milk, sugar, koya nuts and spices like cardamom and saffron. This dessert is beloved for a creamy texture and delicious flavor.

Speaker 2:

Did I say that wrong, doesn't that?

Speaker 1:

sounds really weird. It does, it looks really. It looks like carrots.

Speaker 2:

It looks like no, it looks like some kind of spicy nacho mix to me.

Speaker 1:

But it could be delicious. I don't know, but it looks. It doesn't look that great. I'll be honest, folks.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but if you're from India, you probably know what this is, can we? Even buy koya. I don't even. I've never even heard of that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I'd have to look that up. Probably have to like order it or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm assuming we'd have to order it online.

Speaker 1:

But do you think like a restaurant here would have it, like if a restaurant here would have it, I'd try it, considering it's Indian.

Speaker 2:

Like any restaurant, yeah, like any restaurant, right Like man.

Speaker 1:

okay, if we did have this I would try it, but I tell you it doesn't look great. It does not look good, but I would try it all. I am willing to try anything, okay so?

Speaker 1:

I'll try it at least once Now. This next one looks fantastic. It's called bingsu bingsu, I think, bingsu from Korea, a Korean shaved ice dessert topped with sweetened condensed milk, fruit and other toppings like mochi or nuts. During the Joseon dynasty, when Korea was under Japanese rule, a cold dessert was introduced and involved shaving ice from a royal ice box, serving it with fruit and adding red beans for extra sweetness. Over time, during the Korean War, foreign influences included nuts, rice cakes, cereals and syrups and dessert. That looks delicious.

Speaker 2:

It looks like strawberry ice cream. It does Nutmeg and fruits on top of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it looks delicious. I would definitely try that. That would be sweet. And it's got. It's kind of got like a pinkish color to it. It's got the blueberry looks like the blueberry stuff on top. It's in a little bowl like that. Looks delicious. Go for it.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure everybody's heard of number 11, tiramisu from Italy. The dessert known as tiramisu, which translates to pick me up I did not know it translated to pick me up Many other has its roots in the Treviso dialect man, there's some hard words in here where it was called tiramisu, originally created in Treviso, italy, around 1800. The name was later modified to tiramisu in the 20th century. This layer of dessert is made with ladyfingers soaked in coffee and layered with a mixture of mask, mascarpone, cheese, egg yolks and sugar. Top with cocoa powder. This dessert is a perfect pick me up.

Speaker 1:

It's a perfect pick me up. They had to like play on the words there, yeah, they did. Now that probably could be why that my mom likes this so much. This is a very popular dessert. I know many people that love this dessert. I've tried it. It's not my favorite, but it is good. I will say it's good Like cake. I mean, yeah, it's kind of like a cake or dessert you would have, you know, after meal. So Next one is from Hungary. I want to say what I want to say is not, probably not right.

Speaker 1:

Creams, creme, creme, k R E M.

Speaker 2:

E S creams or creme, I'd say creams but we're American, we're kind of ignorant, though.

Speaker 1:

The famous good luck saying that the fame. Look at this next word the famous cream S N I T goes with the name. I'm just going to say cream S N I T goes with the name. Cream creams in Hungary to puffy layers, which it does look like a cream dessert, so very fitting to puffy layers filled with a generous amount of pastry cream and sandwich with another is quite everyone's favorite dessert in Hungary, although it has been modernized a bit. The classic version used to be made of light and dry and topped with powdered sugar, but it still happens to be the staple dessert for all the Hungarians.

Speaker 2:

I think I ate a piece of this in a buffet once, are you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I would like looks familiar, it looks simple and it looks like it would be good. It's basically for those listening. It's basically like yellow, but it's like cream topped with powdered sugar. It looks pretty good.

Speaker 2:

The next one is also another hard word, thanks. Number nine is something called Poffert cheese. I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right either, but it's from the Netherlands.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I feel like I should look up some of these pronunciations Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

In other words, it's the name given to the small round and puffy pancakes that are made with yeast and buckwheat flour. People in the Netherlands use a separate pan to make these scrumptious pancakes called Poffert. Poffert just pan. Poffert has pan, poffert just pan.

Speaker 1:

I don't know Poffert hates. We're probably not saying that right, but we're doing our best.

Speaker 2:

No, definitely not Served on a cardboard paper. On various festivations, poffert cheese, the Poffert dessert, poffert dessert are meant to be relished in breakfast by topping it up with some tasty toppings. That looks pretty good, nakalei looks pretty good, and it looks like little. You know what? In a Gen 4 or Pokemon there were treats called Poffins, and that's what these look like. They look like many, many ways I've ever played that they look like little round pancakes and fruit. They look like a cross between a cookie and a pancake.

Speaker 1:

That's so weird, definitely.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what the Poffins were based on.

Speaker 1:

I would definitely try that and you might be right, I don't know. All right, we got another one. All right, heading up the list here, number eight Didar Gulang. I don't know how to say that. I'm sorry, indonesia, I'm not from any of these countries.

Speaker 1:

I apologize if you have a butchering yeah we're butchering these words, but you know what we're talking about. Another cousin of the sweet pancakes are these sweet Indonesian versions known as Didar Galang. Didar Galang I'm not even saying that, right. Didar means pancakes, whereas Galang means to roll, and hence the name. This pancake roll is green, it's a green color. It's made with pandan leaves and filled with sweet grated coconut. Now, I like coconut. You will find easy to bake summer dessert recipes for this, and with a refreshing taste of coconut, it would be a feast for the taste buds. I do like coconut.

Speaker 2:

I like coconut. These look like green burritos or what are those.

Speaker 1:

One of those things rolled.

Speaker 2:

They're like rolls like the chimichangas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like the chimichangas. That's what it reminds me of green. Yeah, but I mean, they do like, like mini green burritos, that's, but they apparently are fruit burrito, I'll take one. I'll try it. Like I said, I would try it. Even though it's green, I would try it. It looks interesting. It does look interesting. Oh my gosh, why are these names so long?

Speaker 2:

Oh man, number seven looks pretty hard to do. Cardinal Schnitten from Austria. A biscuit like dessert which is combined with meringue corresponds to the colors of Catholic Church Yellow and white. They got famous after being served at Cafe Mozart in the year 1974. This dessert stands out just the way its name does, making it one of the best desserts in the world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it doesn't. It says meringue, it's meringue, and meringue yeah. I'm trying to figure out. I mean, it looks like there's powdered sugar, looks like there's some other layers here. Does that look like a fruit layer on the bottom to you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it does. It kind of looks Make in the middle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was wondering if I was just tripping or if that was like You're tripping. Am I tripping Like? It looks like a fruit jam or something on the bottom. I would try that Looks good. Looks like a cake dessert you get after lunch. I don't know, but it looks good, I kind of want to try making these Dude. We should. We should have a whole like live video of us trying to make these on the pockets we might fail, we might.

Speaker 1:

We make them turn out well, who knows who knows, who knows who knows the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

It would make for good.

Speaker 1:

TV. Let's blow up the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

Let's do it Cover everything in powdered sugar, gelatin, meringue.

Speaker 1:

I was talking with my son just the other day about our first episode when we talked about inventions as a kid and he said he wants to make a strawberry cupcake with watermelon frosting and apple sprinkles. That's definitely different I know I was like, I would try that.

Speaker 2:

I was like dude, let's do it, I would snarf that down.

Speaker 1:

So our next to tip is probably gonna be the strawberry cupcake. I want to. I want to try it. I think it would be fun. All right, next one is Paclo Paclova, not baklava, water melon, apple cupcake.

Speaker 2:

Uh Paclova from turkey. If I'm saying that this sounds a little familiar to me too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not baklava but it is From turkey, one of the famous desserts of the east side. Paclova is a dessert which has thinner slices with the filling of minced nuts, which is further topped with syrup or honey and cut into square pieces. It is a must-try dessert of giving people goosebumps with his exotic melt-to-mouth experience. You know, honestly, it's not the same thing, but there are some similarities between this and baklava, because baklava has like a sweet. I don't know if you've had baklava, but it has like a sweet honey kind of Flavor to it I might have it's, it's a Greek dessert, I believe.

Speaker 1:

I've tried a lot of desserts, but it's it's. It's got like that honey flavor. This is kind of similar, although it is not the same thing, like you can.

Speaker 2:

I thought a baklava picture is definitely different. I thought a baklava was something that women wore.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's, it's, I'm talking about the dessert. Talking about the dessert. All right, moving on before we get roasted in the comments Jamun we're all we're gonna. India really gonna get roasted already.

Speaker 2:

Roast those guys. It's fine, um, haha. Gulab jamun from India. The heart of every Indian occasion is gulab jamun, prepared with milk solids that are needed into a dough, and then deep-fried Um into desi D, I don't know. Gulab jamuns are topped up with saffron, green cardamom and rose water. Rose water. To add a dash of royalty. Never, ever, rose water either. All right, speaking of history, this dessert was introduced by the Mughals Muggles. Mughals, I think in India, as they relished an arabic dessert Arabic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I knew that, you knew that.

Speaker 2:

I just it came out, it arabic. It's all good, it's all bad Arabic dessert called man these words are no, they put like a lot. Al-qadi.

Speaker 1:

Lupamal Al-Qadi. I think.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure, and since then, it has become one of the best sweets in the world. Gulab Jamun can be seen saved by people throughout the summer, which is why it is one of the best dessert ideas to surprise the taste buds. They look like sweet meatballs. I thought they were like sliced hot dogs minute or tomato.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting. It is interesting again. I would definitely try it. It looks interesting. I would definitely try. It is deep fried. That's why they look like Deep-fried balls of dough, because they are deep-fried, like you know, like deep-fried Oreos or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I still have it right there, still Deep-fried Oreos are good.

Speaker 1:

They hit, they hit hard. They're good, all right. Next one Nanimo bar number four, after getting its name from the town of Nana mo, this Canadian dessert Am I saying that right, dear lord? No, no, no, no, no, no. Oreos is so bad is one of the most delicious desserts in the world, having three decks of tart that doesn't require any baking. The lower deck includes waffle bits, whereas there are a creamy icing and a chocolate glaze.

Speaker 2:

Now, I am all about that?

Speaker 1:

that looks amazing, that looks delicious. Yeah, I'm all about that. Sign me up.

Speaker 2:

I'm not too crazy about like dry flaky chocolate, but that looks pretty, pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm surprised. I'm surprised it does.

Speaker 2:

Next one number three apple pie. That's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

We have more desserts than just apple pie. I'm so like why is it apple pie? But it is a staple. It is a staple especially during fall season. Apple pie.

Speaker 2:

Once the famous author Jane Austen quoted good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness and since then the people of USA took apple pie very seriously kidding, okay, as apples are fruits which are the first loves of many. Hence this dessert, made up with a crispy crust which can be presented with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or even with cheddar cheese. Who puts cheddar cheese on apple pie? I don't. That's. That's pretty strange to me became so popular, or should we say a bit sweet, in the now best sweet in the world.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's the best. I feel like that's American eight guards right there.

Speaker 1:

Right there, big no, but I we do have a lot of good desserts in America and I know a lot of them. Okay, apple pie is not my favorite, but I know a lot of people like apple pie, so I'm a little pretty surprised to see that at number three. That's crazy. All right, this one. I am not surprised because this is definitely a popular dessert. This is mochi from japan, as sweet as the name of this dessert Seems. Mochi is a traditional japanese dessert which is prepared with sticky rice pounded in a mortar, turned into a paste and made from scones and made into scones or pellets, uh, resulting in making this dessert item which is very heart of the japanese festival. To take this yumminess up A level, a scoop of ice cream is served along with mochi. It is one of the simplest desserts to make at home, as you will find it plenty easy to do. Summer dessert recipes out there um and pokemon legends arc.

Speaker 2:

Yes, uh, you actually eat something called potato mochi.

Speaker 1:

I haven't had too much mochi, but I know this is a very popular dessert um, especially especially in japan.

Speaker 2:

So that's not surprising number one. Number one is crème brûlée france crème brûlée.

Speaker 1:

That also doesn't surprise me.

Speaker 2:

You got to give this exotic dessert item at least a try, for sure. It is the simplest to bake, even by an amateur baker if he or she has an oven at home. Back in the 17th century, this dessert was introduced by france swah messy a lot, a chef of a kitchen of a duke of orlean, who wrote about its recipe in a book A creamy pastry, a thin crisp caramel layer, is what is referred to as crème brûlée and which has stolen everyone's heart.

Speaker 1:

Uh, that is a very popular dessert. I don't know if it's the best in the world, but you know, according to the list, this is number one. And, uh, I know a lot of people love crème brûlée. So there you have it, just the top 13 desserts In the world which I've seen. None of the desserts I like I need to make.

Speaker 2:

I need to make 12 out of 13 of those.

Speaker 1:

I think we should try all of them. So maybe sometime we'll try all of them.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've tried apple pie plenty, so I don't need to make that. There's that, yeah, for real.

Speaker 1:

Okay, guys, that's all we got this week. Uh, we are out of time. We will pick up next week and uh, uh, like always from the w w v, keep it weird. Keep it weird, everybody.

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