Meaning and Moxie After 50

Podcast Trailer

September 26, 2023 Leslie Maloney

Hi everybody. Welcome to Meaning and Moxie after 50. This is your host Leslie Maloney. I'm a teacher, author, proud wife and mom, over 50 and committed to living a life of meaning and moxie. What's moxie you ask? Moxie means spicy, sassy, gritty, courage, energy. Things that go along with an interesting life. That's why I chose Moxie to be in the title of this podcast. And I'm guessing those are things that you want more of in your life too. See for years, I've marveled at the cool people that I know and those I've encountered in my travels and thought, boy, I'd love to interview them and really have the time to hear their story. Now I've created a space to do just that. So you'll find inspiring conversations from people living lives of meaning in That will remind you how similar we all are and maybe even light a fire under your rear end to do something you've always wanted to do. We'll be dropping a podcast once a week, starting January 15th, 2024. It's right around the corner. And in the meantime, find meaning and Moxie over 50 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and follow my journey of birth in this baby. Talk soon.