The Calling: Follow your spirit- all the way in

006 Unveiling Archetypal Realms: Navigating Leadership in Torus Technology with Clinton Callahan

January 19, 2024 Homaya / Clinton Callahan Season 1 Episode 6
006 Unveiling Archetypal Realms: Navigating Leadership in Torus Technology with Clinton Callahan
The Calling: Follow your spirit- all the way in
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The Calling: Follow your spirit- all the way in
006 Unveiling Archetypal Realms: Navigating Leadership in Torus Technology with Clinton Callahan
Jan 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Homaya / Clinton Callahan

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Welcome to another inspiring episode of The Calling.  I'm thrilled to share a conversation that delves deep into the realms of archetypal resources, navigating modern culture, and redefining leadership.


In this episode, my guest, Clinton Callahan, takes us on a journey through the transformative world of archetypal domains. We explore the challenges of modern culture, particularly the materialistic nature of Patriarchy, and newly emerging regenerative human cultures of Archiarchy.

Clinton discusses the concept of archetypal lineages, bright principles, and the importance of preparation for those ready to step into a different kind of leadership. He introduces the idea of being a Spaceholder rather than a traditional ‘leader’, emphasizing the creation of space for personal and collective evolution.

The conversation touches on the significance of distilling hidden purposes and the liberation that comes with embracing conscious anger. Clinton shares insights into the authentic adulthood initiatory processes that allow individuals to tap into their archetypal resources, unlocking internal structures for anger, sadness, fear, and joy.

The episode also explores the tools and techniques of Torus Technology, a method of working in circles to harness group intelligence and create a space where individuals can invent what is needed, learn together, and unfold their tribal essence.

Key Takeaways:

Archetypal Resources: Discover the power of internal archetypal resources for anger, sadness, fear, and joy, and how activating them can lead to conscious and purposeful living.

Archetypal Lineages: Explore the four classifications of archetypal lineages – Earth Guardians, Village Weavers, Evolutionary Managers, and Gameworld Builders – and their role in personal and collective transformation.

Spaceholding: Shift from traditional ‘leadership’ to being a Spaceholder serving your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage, creating and navigating spaces where individuals can step into their authentic selves and contribute to collective evolution.

Initiation Processes: Learn about the initiation processes that distill hidden purposes, unlocking clarity and guiding individuals on their path of conscious evolution.

Torus Technology: Understand the power of working in circles, using Torus technology to liberate group intelligence. 

This episode is a celebration of reclaiming authenticity, letting go of societal expectations, and stepping into the richness of archetypal spaces for personal and collective evolution.

Thank you for joining us on this profound exploration. Remember, every step towards understanding your archetypal self is a step towards a more liberated and purposeful life.

Clinton Callahan Resources:

Homaya Resource Links:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Welcome to another inspiring episode of The Calling.  I'm thrilled to share a conversation that delves deep into the realms of archetypal resources, navigating modern culture, and redefining leadership.


In this episode, my guest, Clinton Callahan, takes us on a journey through the transformative world of archetypal domains. We explore the challenges of modern culture, particularly the materialistic nature of Patriarchy, and newly emerging regenerative human cultures of Archiarchy.

Clinton discusses the concept of archetypal lineages, bright principles, and the importance of preparation for those ready to step into a different kind of leadership. He introduces the idea of being a Spaceholder rather than a traditional ‘leader’, emphasizing the creation of space for personal and collective evolution.

The conversation touches on the significance of distilling hidden purposes and the liberation that comes with embracing conscious anger. Clinton shares insights into the authentic adulthood initiatory processes that allow individuals to tap into their archetypal resources, unlocking internal structures for anger, sadness, fear, and joy.

The episode also explores the tools and techniques of Torus Technology, a method of working in circles to harness group intelligence and create a space where individuals can invent what is needed, learn together, and unfold their tribal essence.

Key Takeaways:

Archetypal Resources: Discover the power of internal archetypal resources for anger, sadness, fear, and joy, and how activating them can lead to conscious and purposeful living.

Archetypal Lineages: Explore the four classifications of archetypal lineages – Earth Guardians, Village Weavers, Evolutionary Managers, and Gameworld Builders – and their role in personal and collective transformation.

Spaceholding: Shift from traditional ‘leadership’ to being a Spaceholder serving your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage, creating and navigating spaces where individuals can step into their authentic selves and contribute to collective evolution.

Initiation Processes: Learn about the initiation processes that distill hidden purposes, unlocking clarity and guiding individuals on their path of conscious evolution.

Torus Technology: Understand the power of working in circles, using Torus technology to liberate group intelligence. 

This episode is a celebration of reclaiming authenticity, letting go of societal expectations, and stepping into the richness of archetypal spaces for personal and collective evolution.

Thank you for joining us on this profound exploration. Remember, every step towards understanding your archetypal self is a step towards a more liberated and purposeful life.

Clinton Callahan Resources:

Homaya Resource Links:

Homaya Amar:

Welcome back. This is so good to welcome today, Clinton Callahan, which is a very dear friend, a colleague, a co teacher, someone who personally supported me and guided me through my life, my personal evolution, my spiritual evolution. I met him for the first time when I was a spiritual baby. We can say that in a cafe or coffee shop, I think it was somewhere in Munich or something like that, right? Oh, wow, that was such an amazing thing. And I remember I was taking some notes Clinton, and then you were saying to me do you write your book, taking notes, this is the beginning of a book. And then since then, when I was doing large and deep work group, I invited Clinton several times to be co teacher with me, and supported you also, in teaching different places around the world. Being in your presence, being with you, is a remarkable experience. It's something that lasts forever. Really, it does not, does not disappear from the space from the mind from the impact is so deep, it's really life changing. And I haven't met you for three years. That was the last time that we've met here in my house. I remember my child coming to you and shaking your hand with a lot of enthusiasm as he was reading, good night feelings, one of your books, right. And he's still reading that. He's still reading that. Yeah, we're still going to this book again. And again, he's already eight and a half. And yeah, and recommending this book for many people. And as we also share with those who are listening that you're also the author of adults book, we can say more adult books like conscious feeling and radiating joy, brilliant love. I've seen that there is a new book, which is building love that lasts. And you were also part of the Leap and movie full movie. But three years in Clinton time probably there are like three more books. Three more businesses, two more videos like what is going on in your world since then.

Clinton Callahan:

And 650 websites at the start, right?

Homaya Amar:

Yeah. Oh, yes, this is right. It's

Clinton Callahan:

150 others the no reason book about my time, my 21 years with Lee Lhasa wick, an amazing additional book called White Witch of Tarifa, which Oh, wow, really support people in your in your domain with remarkable stories from a woman who decided not to agree on limiting for potential to what other people thought she should be?

Homaya Amar:

Is this the woman you that you were travelling some time to work with? I

Clinton Callahan:

lived in for one month at her place in in Tenerife.

Homaya Amar:

Yeah, just before going there. One of our meetings were just before going there. I need to read this book. Yeah, highly

Clinton Callahan:

recommended. It's just a fabulous inspiring of getting positive feedback from witches coming back to life. Oh

Homaya Amar:

my god. Yeah. What did you compose there? What are the spells that you put these aside

Clinton Callahan:

it's, it's really a door opener for people to get in touch with their essential gifts, and to trust them to go forward. Because because it's that's our story. You know, we were born in a culture that suppresses all that. And for for you and me and some a few other people that was not satisfying. No know we've spent our lives going to the edge. And whatever way we could find that edge, you know, it doesn't take so many drugs and stuff like that to get to the edge, the edge is right there. So once you're at the edge, it's about staying at the edge, and you stayed at the edge the whole time. That

Homaya Amar:

stretched it, I kept on stretching the edge, and I keep on stretching it.

Clinton Callahan:

That's how you do it. You have to stay there to stretch the edge. And it's it's fabulous, invigorating work. I mean, it's really fabulous. It's, it's carried me through like since 1975 for the whole time, just on and on and on. And it's not there's no end there's only more and more as you know, it's like wider and deeper and broader and bigger and more amazing and more inspiring, and I just try to give it all away as fast as I can. So I'm really happy to talk to you and talk to your friends in this space.

Homaya Amar:

Yeah, and I feel that this is most of the people who are listening to Glass are people who understand that the edge is the centre is the centre of their life, like the edge is might be the edge for the rest of the people. But for us, this is the centre, this is the location where from where we move from that place, we think from that place, we create

Clinton Callahan:

this, this action, this set of skills called Creating, I'd like to go there with you. Because we've been, like you said, in the last three years, I think I've probably learned double what I had before, because we've somehow empowered other people to also be doing research, parallel research and in the same domains, and it's, it's just incredible how rich the resources are. So that's what I wanted to talk about was about creating the path of the Creator is the provides a kind of ecstasy, or food or nurturing, that nothing else really can, like politics doesn't, you know, or making a bunch of money doesn't or owning a lot of possessions doesn't like all this stuff is burdensome compared to the path of becoming a creator. Because as a creator, our job is to be a space through which the creation forces of the universe can do their work in the world. Because they cannot do those that work without us. Because they those forces do not have eyes and mouth and ears and heart and hands. They don't have those material objects to work with. And so when when, when you and I, when somebody at the edge, puts themselves in a position of being a kind of a transformer for these archetypal forces of nature, then the archetypal forces of nature feel glad about it. And support support us. And we haven't been trained how to do this. So it's all about talking to other people like us, you know, say, Well, how do you how does this work? How does it go, and I want to share a couple of secrets. So we've been finding lately, and one of them is really surprising, which is, if you look at traditional spiritual work, or traditional spiritual teachings, you get the idea that your job is to find the source, and praise the source, you know, appreciate the source, pray to the source, bow down to this source, and admire and acknowledge the source.

Homaya Amar:

The father figure

Clinton Callahan:

is, what do you think the source feels about this, the source is waiting to deliver its work in the world and you've turned around and you're facing the source. And you're essentially blocking the source from going through you because you're doing what you think you're supposed to do is bow down to put your attention on the source. Yeah. So this, this little exercise that you can try after this is we call it to look away from the light, basically, is put the light behind you put the light at your back, and then then you can spend, you can put your attention on where the light needs to go. Because you know where your attention goes, The Power goes, the energy goes, the energy flows, where your attention goes. So it's about putting your attention on where the resources need to go. But you don't you do not get to praise the resources except by making space in your life for these archetypal forces of nature to go through and do their work in the world through you. Because I

Homaya Amar:

just I love that it touched me so much. So in those drafts of books that I'm still writing, one of them awakened healer, into hence. One of waiting, we're waiting, I want to deliver soon. Thank you. Well, one of them is the Awakened healer. And one of the paradigm that I shift in the in this description is this, there is an idea that there is a healer, who's facing the client, and there are speaking to each other face to face, which is not how the healing is. And it's not why the healing exists. It's actually if there is an issue in someone life, this issue chosen a certain person, because that person can be the carrier of transmutation of whatever it is pain, discomfort, conflict, complexity, whatever it is, and that person is coming for you to hold space. And therefore there cannot be like one conversation face to face. It's actually sourced and then the healer, and then the client and then whatever is there at the end which wants to flourish and become light. And this is the same description as you're saying. It's like this. We are an activator of light. We're not here. Like our way to praise light is by activating Turning it on. Right?

Clinton Callahan:

One of one of our websites is called the number three, three phase healing, phase healing. And it kidding, ordinary medicine uses two phase, which is your quote unquote, well, you would quote unquote get sick. And the healers job is to bring you back to this condition that you were before about well, So phase one, phase two, phase one, we're talking about a three phase healing, which is your well, your some condition, you have some kind of a chaos or liquid state, you're going into this illness, however you want to call it a disorderliness. And that chaos is the transition between between where you were before and a new condition, which we're calling phase three, which is an evolved more aware, more, more clear, present powerful condition, and so and so began it that the illness is part of the path. And we're not about trying to take the illness out of you, we're actually changing your condition so that you step out of the illness like you no longer need the process and move into Phase Three. And you're on your way.

Homaya Amar:

Amazing. It's already several questions, I want to bring in several deepening of this, but I want to share with you that one of the things that quite shocked me in terms of personal evolution, healing, and so on, is there's always this conversation about you, we are not moving because you are in a comfort zone. And you don't want to move out of the comfort zone. This is like a subject that we already discussed in the world so much. But the ridiculous thing is that most of the people will be finally willing to move away from their comfort zone, only if we offer them a better comfort zone. Right? How good

Clinton Callahan:

you're really getting on something.

Homaya Amar:


Clinton Callahan:

Somebody who promises that, you know, we can give you a better comfort zone. It's a position a character that we're calling that handsome holy tribal man. Okay, that's beautiful. Oh, man. The handsome holy tribal man, subscribe here, you know, Patreon, he's my account is here. And I will want to get a comfort zone for you that you will not even be able to conceive of and it will be. And what we're finding is that adding this marshmallow zone on top of our already existing survival strategy takes us away from our compass of reality. It takes us away from dropping off the baggage and moving down into almost nothingness. So you can take your steps on your path towards going through the eye of the needle into actually adulthood. Actually the free and net find through the needle. Yeah.

Homaya Amar:

Yes, more? What would you can you elaborate about this composite of reality? We thought there could be good. Yeah, there's

Clinton Callahan:

a, there's this condition, we were calling it the V condition. It is V condition. And it's like the point of reality. It's very small. And it's right down here at the bottom of the V. And over here. Is this beating yourself up. It's like, I'm not doing it right. I'm getting it wrong of self doubt, criticism, judgement, blame, you know, and it's this guilt and shame and all this stuff. And it's a way from reality. Because it's all stories. It's all taking you way over here, this whole domain. And if if the other the other part that takes you away from this point of reality, is this putting on a show? See how good I am I'm, I'm doing this wonderful stuff, look at me, you know, love the that we take in appreciate you support me. And so both of those things, this is kind of like a pinball machine. And these are like flippers on the pinball machine. It just take the your, your your ego, your presence, your point of attention, and found sit all over the place. And it's like, it's like, you have to get to know those things so that you can just breathe your way out of them and come back to this tiny little place where reality is connected to reality at the bottom of the V.

Homaya Amar:

Well, amazing. So I think yesterday or two days ago, I had this insight about ego, of course, because like it's always here. And one of the things that I've realised is that ego is the type of placenta we supposed to create by our tribe. So we have the first placenta when we are at our mother's womb. This is like a type of something that supports you guide you, nourish you and so on as you're going through the first to hormonal episodes of your life, this first six years, you get all the nourishment, everything there is all the codes are there, then there is six to 12. And then this poverty 12 to 18, where actually you develop your ego. But I realised that in a normal culture, the ego is strength, the ego is like a healthy placenta that puts you in your place. In the right level, the word that comes from me is humbleness, I'm not high, I'm not low I Am that I Am. However, because of let's have this conversation and say, because of this, a little bit inflated society, and terrified, fearful society, what we develop is an ego that takes us so far from our nature from connection from truly contributing for being part. So when you're saying that the ego is pinpointing us in two parts of this V. In this culture that we're living, what would be your guidance to? It's false really powerful.

Clinton Callahan:

It's really powerful to do exactly what you're saying, which is to take responsibility for being born into a certain culture. That leaves us for the rest of our lives at 18 years old. Still, inside that placenta. There's another culture that's rapidly emerging around the world that comes after matriarchy, and patriarchy have run their course, which is now and the new culture is called archy archy. Instead of having a feminine orientation, like Mother Earth, or masculine orientation, like a hierarchical power structure, what you have is a circle of collaboration between the archetype elite initiated adult feminine and archetype Lee initiated adult masculine and that's why it's called archy arc because it's the archetypal parts of ourselves that are that are contributing, like holding the space for this culture. So in that culture, it's centred around authentic adulthood initiatory processes that begin when we're 18 years old, when we when we have developed enough capability for responsibility, you know, a causal body is structured enough with enough matrix and distinctions to take to take responsibility into authentic adulthood initiatory process which never end the path, that path never ends. There's no top end and that path. Yeah, it's like that whole thing that I just said, is not contained in our birth in the modern culture, birth culture that we're so it's an entirely new paradigm for for living is oriented towards authentic adulthood initiatory processes at the centre as the highest value, it's a non material value. And so that whole context is waiting for us. It's emerging all over the world at the same time, we're so excited about it. And we just figured out one thing that I have to tell you tell me and Chloe, my partner just she just delivered it. And with Vera, Franco, a week long a five day long women's women of Earth lab in Portugal. And in that lab, they had 30 women, something like that. And they discovered through raging together. By raging together, they discovered that women create archaeology, because the men born and raised in the Archaea in a patriarchal structure cannot build our Keyaki but the women can get out of patriarchy easier through the rage, the rage is the secret and out by raging together. The result is a culture of archaeology is just stunning. I've been waiting my whole life for this to emerge. And it's just my whole orientation towards what I'm writing what I'm telling people what I'm shining the light on is women raging together create archaea.

Homaya Amar:

Amazing. So tell me more, tell us more. I've done an amazing several times. I've done rage work personally, privately. I've done it with you. I've done it with my clients privately. I've done it with a group. There's so much power in that. And I would love to hear that from you. What is so powerful, of course, rage by itself is so powerful, but how come you see it and what did she discover of collective rage being a type of a portal and also what gives it a poor power? Like the positive power of it. We also want to speak to that right? Yes, yes,

Clinton Callahan:

because as soon as you start observing rage or noticing rage for you, the first you have to go through this cultural the taboo of is being you know, even in the spiritual world, there's so many times against being something other than peaceful, you know, our job is to be peaceful, every time you are angry, you've hurt an angel, you know, there's all this stuff going on, you know, but you have to get through this mishmash of, of beliefs, you know, old old beliefs and, and find your way to, it's okay to say, I feel 13% angry that I forgot to turn the light off. And I'm going back now I'm going to use this energy to go back and turn the light off just to save electricity, something like that. So the power of the anger is where it comes from the source of the anger is what you care about. And if you put women together to rage, they will care about the Earth. They will care about children. They'll care about species dying and contaminated oceans and plastic and global warming. And politicians who are psychopaths at the top of hierarchies. And women have this rage about this. And it's that is so intelligent, that if you just bring those elements together, you're big, you're designing and building and moving into archeparchy. And so that's what's happening is women are moving together in what we call bridge houses, which is a an environment, it's a self contained environment. recontacted in the next to culture in archaeology. Out of that comes radical responsibility comes initiatory processes called emotional healing processes. And this, this fabulous, powerful intelligence of the rage, informing everybody about how to make it fly.

Homaya Amar:

And it's just to make it fly. Yes, the

Clinton Callahan:

power is the, it's like, when you know what to do. Like when people the women come together, they rage until everybody knows what to do, and the meeting is over. You know what to do next? Yes, meeting. Decisions.

Homaya Amar:

What do you feel that was awakened a level of clarity and level of education? Why

Clinton Callahan:

I think it was really, there were 30 women who had done rage work before, there's a great thing called rage club. There's another thing called fear club, there's a rage club, space holder training and fear club space holder training, people who deliver a rage club every month or two can quit their corporate job, they can just quit the job and do what they came here to do. Because he get enough support from the people in their rage club online, once a week, twice a week online and you got enough, you know, poor to get food and rent and, and live your life. And so what comes out of it, what comes through it is the Is this the intelligence of Gaia, the design of the next culture of how it works, how it goes together?

Homaya Amar:

So you're saying? Yeah, so you're saying, but my question was, what is happening there is there is like a type of activation, what is happening in the rage that this level of clarity is coming, that they know what needs to be done? Like, I'm wondering, so

Clinton Callahan:

there's a thing an article written, but there's also agian of being radical reliance on your rage. You know, that, you know, it's not a reactivity, you know, it's not, it's not, you're not, it's not a button, a hook, a trigger a trauma, a voice in your head or an imbalance in your body. Okay? This Rage has a voice, and it has an intention, it has a purpose. And you start radically relying on this force of nature. It's an archetypal force of nature, because it's not your rage. We're designed to experience and express 100%, intense anger, sadness, fear, and joy. When you go through the initiations that turn on that internal resource, it's forever, you can hold space for other people forever with that. And that resource comes through with its intelligence, and that that's a resource for you, for your life. And your job is to create infrastructure for archaeology. What that means is to build out game world in which people thrive in a non material value world, like everything we know, in patriarchy, this context and everything modern culture teaches us is context that in patriarchy, I mean, okay, that means we need to learn everything over again, from a different context, a different culture.

Homaya Amar:

Can you can you elaborate because there could be some of the people that listens need a little bit of elaboration of this specific moment? That everything that is built in patriarchy. I don't know if you skip the words or not, is in some way based on materialism. Yes,

Clinton Callahan:

I didn't say it but material. Patriarchy is a materialistic culture, you walk down the street is more shoes, you want more, you know, more jewellery, more dresses, more phone covers for your phone. I mean, it's insane to think that a creature as intelligent as a human being, could devote their lives to having more shoes. But that's how that's what we're offered by modern culture. Whereas you could walk down a street and there could be a rage club, there could be an intimacy cafe, there could be an initiation centre, there could be a potential, unleashing space, etc. I could go on for hours about what I would love that.

Homaya Amar:

So in your archy archy vision, in what you see there, as you're holding space for more of that to be on the planet, to be the next culture, as we love to call it. What do you see for the RTR key? What is the meaning of the word? Are you let's start from there. Because you are using our QR code.

Clinton Callahan:

It's clear that human beings are designed in the image of the archetypal that's been known for ages. And, and you can if you've ever been to Athens and walk down the street of the old Athens, and you can see that pillars and the design of the triangles and the spaces that are set up to visit with the deities, all these all these designs are reflect the archetypal. So we're designed for that the problem for modern people is that the gateway to enter the archetypal domains is the adult ego state. The adult ego state decontaminated from the child ego state decontaminated from the parent ego state, the Gremlin ego, state and demon ego states. And so there are processes that we've developed in the last four or five years that are so effective and decontaminating the adult ego state from these places, and all of a sudden, these doorways are opening up. And that's what happening in the women's lab. Also. These women just entered archetypal domain and it was home. Amazing. It was so delightful. I mean, we I came there five days later, because right after that, we had the RTR key Maker Faire in the same space. So I was in there were a couple of men and we came into the property, and the women paid no attention to the men. Can you believe it? And the men, I was in ecstasy and the other men were freaking out like, voice, the mommy is not looking at me. Mommy's not giving me dominating power over the feminine, that that just had no need to deliver their attention to the men anymore because they were in a different, totally different culture context. And they moved there. They're not coming back, those women moved there, they crossed the line, they went over the line and they're not coming back. And it is a celebration is is fabulous.

Homaya Amar:

I heard you using the word archetypal resources. Can you elaborate about that? Yeah,

Clinton Callahan:

there's there's a number of resources that we can talk about that are in jack into we can actually go through the initiations and the preparations where we jack into these archetypal resources. So I mentioned one right now before, which was to stellate your feeling archetypes, which is an internal archetypal resource, so we're born with these inner structures for anger, sadness, fear and joy, that are dormant until we go through the turn on process, this initiatory process which like turns the switch on, so the feeling that associated, you know, there's anger, sadness, fear and joy. And if you turn on the archetypal resource of anger, what you get is the doer or the maker for the warrior Plus, you get this force in your life, the one that says yes, the one this is no stop you not you hear now, me, you know, those like this finish this conversation is over. This is the sentence that those women learn they go, You know what, here's the bar for our interacting. Here's the doorway. And if your offer is here, and you can't make it up to this doorway for interacting with me, this is my space of interacting. And if you can't make it to that, this conversation is over.

Homaya Amar:

Liberating really, it's liberating. It's actually the foundation to create a sacred space and living as a sacred space is like you need to have this Doer not doing but being the doer. Right, you need to have this

Clinton Callahan:

sacred. The sacred part is the archetypal part. In reality, when you stop doing that handsome, holy tribal man thing, sacred beings archetypal. And so you turn on the sadness and you get the lover the connection, the communicator, the healer, you Know, you turn on the fear, you get the magician, the source, the sorceress, you turn on the joy and you don't people don't We don't have words for it. So we had to invent a new a whole new word for when you steal eight and turn on 100% maximum the joy through your nerves in your cells, the you get the possibility later, you get, you know, the edge worker, get that person. And so these are an internal archetypal force of nature, you have other forces of nature, for example, bright principles, so bright, if you take consciousness and you put it through a, like a prism, consciousness, will, will spread out into facets. This has long been known, like all this is known if the 99 names of God, you know, you take the take consciousness and spread it out. And every person has a set of 3456 Bright principles that they they took on as a mission on earth, you know, coming into the meet and being coming in carbonated. And so it's like, part of the initiation is to Jackie's to steal your bright principles out of the 1000s that there are so so my principles are integrity, clarity, possibility, love, initiation, and high level fun. And this is what I am. And I I represented, they come from back there, I do not turn around and phrase them, you know, I am the space through which those bright principles do their work in the world and I help other people do the same thing. So there's other archetypal forces also one is called Eco, it's an earth coincidence Control Office. And we can make yourself interesting to the earth coincidence Control Office and it will reach down and grab you and pull you out of whatever life situation you're in and drop you in a place that's useful for the evolution of consciousness on Earth. And that makes for an interesting life. So you've done that you made yourself interesting to echo and it's moved you from from Thailand islands, you know, Portugal all over the place. Yeah, yeah. And so but in each time, you're in service at a at a higher level, to your bride principles, and another archetypal resource called your archetypal lineage. We've been researching archetypal lineage for a few years, and we've figured out there's these four kind of classifications of archetypal lineages, that one of them is the guardian, like Earth, Guardian, guardian of space, guardian of stripe principles. So another is the village Weaver, like the connector, one who knows how everybody is, and whoever when the village Weaver detects something that needs this out of balance, brings them over to the evolutionary so the ones who manage evolutionary healing processes, transformational processes. And then a fourth one is the game world builders. And these are the ones who are building out energetic structures to hold the life, the life force of archaeology, then up next culture. And if you build it, people can inhabit it. So a lot of game will builder. And that's why we should have 650 websites, in the Start Over game, you just go to, and you have a gateway into the 650 transformational websites,

Homaya Amar:

we're gonna get all the links, whoever want to go deeper in that, and hopefully not only reading the links, because this is, you know, 50% 10% of the work. Because, for example, I remember quite well the process that I have done for turning on the archetypal lineage that I am part of I still varietally Remember now as we speak, how it looked from the within, what was the messages and so on, and I already had my awakening, I think, like, more, like 16 years before we've done it. And still, once we have done that together, there were more people, more pieces, and, of course, more people coming into my life to activate this realisation so maybe you to receive your gifts, younger sibling recreating after creation, but what you can create for them. Yes, yeah. Would you mind in your words, sharing the process a little bit? Well, it's

Clinton Callahan:

mostly a process of preparation. So for example, if you're not prepared to and you're in your archetypal lineage gives you a job to do. And it has you have to go over and talk to that guy and, and make a proposal for your project and tell him you need a million euros and your, your, your we call it your box, you call it your placenta, you know your ego, and your ego freaks out and goes well, I might make a mistake, you know, I mean, I don't want to interrupt it. You know, it's a man, you know, I mean, he might call the police. You might think I'm a pervert. You know all these considerations come up with a job does not get done. And so it stays in the tube from your archetypal lineage and the architect, the lineage sends down another job and is blocked by the first job you didn't do. And another job and after three or four jobs come down the tube and you are not prepared to do them. And you said, I'm Jack, then I'm going to jack it and it gives you jobs and you don't do them, it's, then you have a mess that's difficult to clean up. Because you got to, you really have to start over. So the whole thing about the archetypal lineages, preparations and preparations have to do with your attention, with your intention with being able to split your attention. So you can observe yourself and and notice what you're noticing. And notice what you're noticing with and be able to speak and hold space, different kinds of space and cavitate space, you can annotate space, in a culture that doesn't exist before you step in and zip it up. In the inside, you can see i cavitate space through which, you know, we're RP archy, thrives and you're in a space is separate from patriarchy, and you can live there, you never have to go back. And out of that you can unfold game worlds and unfold projects and deliver all kinds of archetypal lineage. Yeah,

Homaya Amar:

it's almost like creating roots in multi dimensional aspects, like you're putting seeds and creating roots in different aspects. And letting that thrive by you. Just holding that. I see that so so clearly. And it also give me more realisation about my own process of activating my archetypal lineage, which was quite phenomenal. Yes,

Clinton Callahan:

yeah, that's what anger is for conscious anger is for that. That's why

Homaya Amar:

I love that you use the word purpose, because there's such a difference between doing it purposely and doing it as a reaction. As a reaction, you're not going to create a space, you're not going to set standards, there is not going to be boundaries, nothing will you will be created as a reaction, it was sort

Clinton Callahan:

of an unconscious purpose. We call it the hidden purpose. In the trainings that we deliver the possibility labs, one of the initiatory processes we bring people through, is distilling their hidden purpose, bringing it out of the unconscious into their own awareness as a as a piece of clarity to help them navigate what they're creating. So it makes it conscious hidden purpose,

Homaya Amar:

strong desire, oh, to post first thing in the morning, I wrote a post. And I wrote something like, if you want, just see who you are, like this thing of seeing who you are, your life, forever will be transformed. And seeing who you are, is really, you know, seeing this big from this dilated experience is seeing who you are. It's there, you cannot hide anymore, right? It's there. Yeah, there's

Clinton Callahan:

this saying, maybe Aristotle or somebody who said Know yourself, know thyself. Yeah, we know thyself, we've, we've modified, we say he was wrong. It's really, it's really know themselves. Know thyself, because we have this zoo going on in there, you have to see the whole zoo. And it's so easy to tell there's a zoo, because if you're talking to somebody on the phone, you know that you're talking to somebody and their phone rings, and they pick it up. And, and all of it's their mother and their face changes, their voice changes their whole, you know, phraseology changes, speech patterns, everything changes. And they're talking to their mother or the lawyer or the police, you know, or their kid. You know, that as soon as a phoning that they turned back into that one who's talking to you, is we have this whole zoo inside, so you have to know yourselves. It's

Homaya Amar:

amazing. It's amazing what you're saying. And it takes me to maybe one more topic, we talk, we touch right? So the Buffalo game, that you're now speaking with your mother, you're now speaking with the teacher, you're now speaking with the lawyer, etc. It's living a life out of reaction. You're always triggered, whoever is coming into your presence, you're triggered. And then you have your card and you say, Well, I have those cards, what would be the card that I'm going to play? Now? Let me give you that right. It's like, which is taking us so far away from leadership. Because as leader you cannot react all day long, but you cannot be triggered. There needs to be some, you know, like a distance where you can take in, digest, recalculate, recalibrate, be who you are, again, like you take in, but you can still be who you are, you don't need to take in and then become immediately. It's not like, right.

Clinton Callahan:

Since archy, archy is a different culture. It's emerging that in archaeology they speak a different language. And that language is called Arkin. It's the language they speak in archaeology. It's just like, there's this stuff called Ark and permaculture. Well, what's that? Well, that's the kind of permaculture they do in archaeology. There's ark in shamanism, what's that is the kind of shamanism they do in archaeology. It's a completely different kind of shamanism with initiatory processes from totally different from indigenous cultures. And so one of the one of the distinctions or vocabulary in archaeology is that if you're playing the card of leader, you're simultaneously playing the card of creating followers. You know, in modern culture to be successful, you need followers, in the anarchy archy. If you have followers, you failed. And it's like what the different word that replaces leadership is space holder. And it's really the qualities that you mentioned is this since I'm holding this space and navigating the space and then somebody else can take this job, so I don't have to be space holder, we pass around the job of space holder, and then give feedback and coaching so people can be better space holders. What you end up with is massively more group intelligence, massively more intelligence from those mad, sad, glad and scared feelings massively more intelligence from the bright principles and archetypal lineage and all those archetypal resources are available. Because there is not a leader. There's what there is, is a space.

Homaya Amar:

So the space slash the space holder. This is from where, for example, the language emerge. This is from where the initiative processes emerge in this space holding by the space holding by these.

Clinton Callahan:

Yeah, yes. As preparations to Jack in your archetypal lineages preparations to serve your bright principles as preparations to build out game worlds. And our infrastructure for archaeology. It's like this is all preparatory processes, yeah, happens in

Homaya Amar:

those spaces. I'm listening to that. I'm saying to myself, there's so many people searching, searching, searching, like, how can I find my voice? How can I find my language? How can I be stable confidence in my voice in my language, and what I do in what is being created, what is being created through me and all that you're describing here, like this is, I'm gonna use the word map, because it's a word in common for both of us, right? This is, you are literally putting here a map for all of that, which is to the individual and beyond the individuals. I love that and I love your work. It's amazing. It's

Clinton Callahan:

a map for the edge workers who are really ready to leave behind what they know doesn't work. And instead of, you know, there's this path, and we're born into this path. And modern culture makes it really attractive to be successful in the definition of modern culture, which means do whatever it takes to climb the ladder, they become a millionaire, become own property, et cetera, et cetera. And so if that is no longer tasteful for you, you might spin out and go in you see another, another map, another, another track over here, which looks like a different kind of comfort. And it's this evolutionary comfort, where we're all together, we kind of hold each other's feathers down or peaceful. We do that dance unfold the tribal thing with marshmallows. So

Homaya Amar:

much sadness comes i gonna cry in a minute.

Clinton Callahan:

Yeah, and it's like, Oh, my God, you know, I thought I was doing the right thing. I really wanted to help people. And I'm, I'm there are 100 I have hundreds of followers. And, you know, they're really, it's another distraction from this real simple thing that has to do with getting back to this thing at the bottom of the Wii, and then taking those steps. And it goes to this well, yeah, I mean, it goes to this, this free and natural adulthood, which is where we can play. You know, this is where you get access to the archetypal domains and you have five body archetypal intimacy journeys together. Men Women groups, teams, create stuff creation is happening in this space, as it as a Torus we call it Torus technology, how to work in a circle with groups, and it's just so I can't shut up about it. And everybody, it's all free. You know, it's like all online, it's all the cost is you have to lose everything. You have to lose everything you think, you know, because everything you learned came from a patriarchal context. You get to start over. So for people who are edge workers in love to learn and help people come back into themselves and really show up this is, this is this edge workers path.

Homaya Amar:

Diamonds speaking about diamond This is diamond real diamond, this is how it feels, we're going to put the links for the people, you're going to provide us the link so that they can be nourished and start their journey, open the door, say game over and start,

Clinton Callahan:

you know, just say something about that. Yeah, for anybody listening to you, anybody who's connected to you is already along their path. So they're not they don't not starting anything, we call it start over, start over again, start over again. But they've already and everything that they've learned so far that has value, everything that has value, will say, you know, people don't lose that valuable stuff. So it's not like you're sacrificing everything, oh, my God, and I'm starting over again, you know, no, take your skill base from whatever you have built your skill base in and apply it in a new situation. So they don't lose anything. But you get back on track, and you can feel it, you know, when you peel the marshmallow zone off, then you get through your psychological defence strategy. And you get back to this place where the bottom of the bat where you're just like, stuff shows up, and you have your energy back, because you're not reacting to stuff so much. You're not hooked, you know, you're not listening to the voices anymore.

Homaya Amar:

You know, I actually just wore Yeah, I would, I would rephrase it, I feel that you do lose. And I feel that you become really liked by that. You become who you are. This is my experience. This is the experience that I see with people. And then the fear of losing what you you would not lose who you are. You can only lose what you thought you have.

Clinton Callahan:

It makes more space for who you are. Excellent. And the thing is, we're afraid that who I am doesn't match other people's expectations or society's projections or some will

Homaya Amar:

attach directly to match your expectation This is then we can celebrate nature. Yeah, exactly.

Clinton Callahan:

Yeah, then you got space for yourself, what a celebration that is to come together with other people have space for themselves. And then then the play really starts. And it's really painful out. Yeah,

Homaya Amar:

Clinton, that is amazing. I'm like, in the middle, I was saying to myself, Okay, you can just also invite him half a year from now. And that context is going to be even richer and more detailed, and so on, I feel the need, because that was so rich. And you know, we are in some way we're speaking the same language. So we are writing a certain wave, which is very familiar for us. And it could be that there would be people here who would listen. And that they will feel the frequency, they will feel the truth, they will feel that it touched them. And it could be that the best thing to do would be to listen again. Because in my in my heart eyes when I am in this conversation, I can literally see the map be like there's so much richness, just by being and listening to this specific again. And of course, go read Clinton books join his laboratories. What do we have now we have possibility management and there's lab those things still are still active. Yeah,

Clinton Callahan:

there's still expand the box training, which is a doorway for the trainings. And after that, come to the standard possibility village labs that and then a bunch of specialty labs are emerging, for example, women of Earth lab, super.

Homaya Amar:

Okay. So that's enough for those who wants to step up. And

Clinton Callahan:

your wells are all welcome. really well and I you will be so happy to meet your brothers and sisters out here. They're great. Really, when this when we come together as celebration time and really powerful. Evolution just keeps happening. Cool. So thank you for making this space for everybody homebuyer.

Homaya Amar:

Well, I'm super grateful for me this podcast, it's the calling itself, I feel that this is part of the calling. It's not just the name of the podcast, this is my calling. I really feel that every time I'm having a conversation every time I'm creating something regarding the podcast, I'm so activated. So I'm so happy. I'm happy that you were accepting this invite, and I'm so happy that you're in my life. You are such an inspiration. It does. There is a feeling within me that when you meet a good teacher, it's it's a good it's a sign for a good karma. It's it's a blessing and being with you and working with you and was a beautiful blessing in my life. And I know that it is a blessing for many people who are working with you.

Clinton Callahan:

Thank you so much. Thank you. Oh, my ICU around harbi go.

Homaya Amar:

Bye bye. Thank you so much.

Spiritual evolution, personal growth, and new books
Creativity, spirituality, and personal growth.
Healing, comfort zones, and reality.
Ego, culture, and personal growth.
Women's rage and its transformative power.
Archetypes, inner resources, and creating a sacred space.
Archetypes, lineages, and personal growth.
Personal growth and leadership in archaeology.
Leadership, archetypes, and personal growth.
Personal growth and self-expression.