Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast

"Pros and Cons of Dating a Witch"

December 15, 2023 Toni H. Season 1 Episode 13
"Pros and Cons of Dating a Witch"
Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
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Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
"Pros and Cons of Dating a Witch"
Dec 15, 2023 Season 1 Episode 13
Toni H.

Ever wondered about the unique experiences that come with dating a witch? Buckle up, because our guests, Loyalty and Jasmine, join me, Toni, on this riveting episode of the Bougie Bayou Witches podcast, as we open

But it's not all smooth sailing. We navigate through the stormy seas of misconceptions and stereotypes, shedding light on the genuine essence of being a witch. We emphasize that being a witch empowers us to tap into our intuition, manifest our desires, and explore the vastness of our spiritual journey. We acknowledge the stigma we face, but we stand firm, highlighting the meaningful impact of our practices on relationships and the pivotal role of the younger generation in spreading awareness about spirituality. From honoring our ancestors to debunking the myth that our practices are harmful, join us as we debunk misconceptions and share the genuine realities of being a witch.

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Ever wondered about the unique experiences that come with dating a witch? Buckle up, because our guests, Loyalty and Jasmine, join me, Toni, on this riveting episode of the Bougie Bayou Witches podcast, as we open

But it's not all smooth sailing. We navigate through the stormy seas of misconceptions and stereotypes, shedding light on the genuine essence of being a witch. We emphasize that being a witch empowers us to tap into our intuition, manifest our desires, and explore the vastness of our spiritual journey. We acknowledge the stigma we face, but we stand firm, highlighting the meaningful impact of our practices on relationships and the pivotal role of the younger generation in spreading awareness about spirituality. From honoring our ancestors to debunking the myth that our practices are harmful, join us as we debunk misconceptions and share the genuine realities of being a witch.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Tony. I'm the host of the Boo you Buy you Witches podcast, and today we're going to be talking about the pros and cons of dating a witch. Now, I don't know that if my guests consider themselves witches, but I do consider myself a witch. So you know, this is my guest. Hey, I'm Laurel T and this is my guest. I'm Jasmine and you consider yourself a witch? She said too long. Yeah, no comment. Okay, what about you? I'm like a baby witch. Can I be a baby like a baby witch? Yeah, you can be a baby like a baby witch, like a baby witch. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's fine. Okay, so we're going to be talking about the pros and cons of dating a witch. It's on this podcast, yay, so you know, I've been listening to some of my viewers and they want to talk a little bit more about some. You know, dating witches, pros and cons, the life of a witch Okay, got you. So I'm going to basically be talking a little bit about, you know, dating a witch and my pros and cons, as well as getting their opinions on their pros and cons. You know, as you know people dating them, being in spirituality, as well as you know being in spirituality and being, you know, a witch. So I'm going to go ahead and get started with you, ms Laurel T.

Speaker 1:

How do you feel about? You know, when you meet a guy and you've got to kind of like break it down and let them know eventually that you're in spirituality, how does that make you feel? It doesn't make me feel bad, okay. It absolutely lets me know if I'm able to proceed with that person or not. Okay, if they're not accepting of my work and what I do with my views, then we absolutely won't match and I'm okay with that, right, totally agree.

Speaker 1:

Now I know sometimes some people like to hide it and don't like to really talk about and discuss it because they might be a little shy or embarrassed or just don't feel like it's their. You know, time to know. But me personally, when I'm getting to know a person, I feel like the best thing to do is be honest and put it out there, because why waste my time and their time? And they're not interested in being with someone that does things that I do. So what about you, ms Jazz? How do you feel, you know, when you're dating someone and you know having to break it down and let them know that, hey, I'm a little witch. How do you feel about dating me?

Speaker 2:

Um, so I keep it. I'm going to keep it honest with them always and like, like Laurel T said, it's a, it's a deal breaker. Make a break. You don't necessarily have to do what I do, but you can't be against it. Um, and don't be afraid of me or anything like that, but even when I fiance now, when he sees my ultra lit, just don't go in my room.

Speaker 1:

It's very sacred to me.

Speaker 2:

But he'll just be like oh OK, you're doing your thing, all right, I'm going to head out. But it's convenient, because when he needs something, he's like so you're going to pray about this, like we going to get this. But yeah, if he wasn't accepting of it, we would not be together. My spirituality is everything right there with me being a black woman, like it's my spirituality.

Speaker 1:

That part and I would say for me personally, when I meet guys, I say within the first day or so, I let them know and either they're going to accept it, to be open to it, or they're not. And if they're not, and they're gifted.

Speaker 1:

then kudos Like if you're into church and it's an ad and you feel like, oh no, that's going to be a problem. Ok, I respect that and I move on Because, at the end of the day, my spirituality, that's basically almost the one to me in life that I'm not going to change to stop doing this, for nobody.

Speaker 2:

And that's that.

Speaker 1:

And so I just feel like it's important for us to discuss and talk about that when we are meeting into no guys or in relationships and stuff like that. Absolutely so, yeah, so what are some of the pros and disloyalty that you like about being a spirituality, since you're not a witch Well, I'm still learning, so but some of the pros I mean, I really feel like it's your perception and some of the pros of dating me. I absolutely pray and meditate all the time. I'm going to put a, I'm going to put, I'm going to make sure that you're protected.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm real big on energy, so I'm very protective of who comes around me, who comes around my family, what we do. I feel like that is pros too, because in today's world a lot of people practice things and don't know exactly what they're doing.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, that's true.

Speaker 1:

So I mean just being with me is a pro, but yeah, you are the pros, this is the pros. So it's like I mean besides me, it's like just I feel like it's a lot of pros. I don't feel like it's a lot of cons, but, like I said, just a prayer, the protection I use. Nature, everybody likes to go outside. I do everything that everybody else does. I don't really feel like necessarily I'm different. I'm just, I walk in my spirituality different Mm-hmm. I have certain stuff that others might not have Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Right, instead of necessarily. I mean I don't knock anyone for what they choose to do. I mean you go to a church and you talk to a pastor, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I believe in me, I believe that I'm powerful myself, I do believe you know. Like I say, that's just how I feel about it. I don't knock anyone. Yeah, always, yeah, that's me, I'm the pros. Ok, we've got you. Ms Jazz, how do? You know what some of your pros about being a baby witch. Baby witch.

Speaker 2:

I see things so where something could have maybe drastic or bad could have happened, I think I can prevent it in a lot of situations.

Speaker 1:

Like, as far as you a pro in dating?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like so if you have people around you that call themselves your friends. I'm probably going to tell you that you know they're not. I'll be able to pick up on that very quickly. I'm like Ashley, though. I can't have a lot of people in my space as well, so I pick up on things very, very quick. The pro would be I can help you get money because I know how to manifest money.

Speaker 2:

I know how to manifest the job you want. I know how to. I mean, you know like, I know how to go and pray and get the desires of my heart, which means I know how to pray and go get the desires of his heart too, as long as his desire ain't outside of me. So there's that. No, but like it's just like Ashley said, like loyalty said it's, I'm not any different from anybody else. I just know how to take what the universe gave us and use it to my benefit. And so no different than it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Really, to me, it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something. But the pro is I'm very open minded, I'm very. You know, if we need anything, let's go to, let's go to spirit and see what it is. Let's do I might, as my steps are ordered. I pray before everything, every decision, every. So when I'm coming to you, I'm not coming out of a space of not knowing, in a sense, if that makes any sense, you know. So when I, yeah, so I mean like, like, well, as you said too, I am the pro, like, but no, but it's mainly just having that extra. That extra, it's like when you get me, you don't just get me. You get the army of my angels behind me and we're gonna be protected and we're gonna be okay, we're going to be, we're going to walk in our destiny, we're going to live in our destiny and we are going to have all of the things that we desire, and some, and so that is definitely, in my opinion, the pro.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, some of my pros, I would say is you know, basically, you know God, get with me. The good thing is I can help heal them. I can also help them out with their finances. I can help out with protecting them as well, as you know, just helping out with their everyday life and just making sure things are good and letting them know and detecting if they got real true friends and if it's people that ain't for them, let them go and energy's all he's not for you. It's a user Like I can detect and see through people and thank goodness to the gifts that you know I was blessed with being a medium you know, I can't read and see into some people.

Speaker 1:

And just also just enjoying the gifts that help out with myself, my family. I definitely enjoy that. And also, if you think he's gonna be slick, ooh, I think that he's gonna step out and stuff like that. You know that I can see into that too. I'll play you like you know, I don't know what's going on, but then I'll politely chunk up the deuces.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that part, but yeah, just the pros. I feel like getting with wishes it's a lot of good things to it because at the end of the day, we're blessed with gifts and others have gifts. It's just whether or not they're gonna tap into it again.

Speaker 1:

But I talked to my niece, my niece and you know, since I was young, you know and saying, cause you know, I've been heavily not just using candles to do spells, but I also been doing them on my way to work. You know, look what I'm saying. So I just love, you know, the gifts and what it is I have and I feel like it's so gonna get with me. It definitely be a plus because I'm gonna make it to the work. You ain't just gonna be making a certain amount of money.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna be making some good money together. Absolutely, absolutely, and we're gonna be protected Absolutely, and that protection is something.

Speaker 1:

So yeah. So what are some of the cons? You feel like being a witch, let's keep it one-hornin'. I feel like some of the cons is or being a spirituality, not a witch, not a bad thing, no, no, no, I'm totally with you. Like that doesn't happen.

Speaker 2:

I guess the reason why when you said witch.

Speaker 1:

I was like oh, because people I don't feel like I like that term. They like to be called a practitioner. Why? And this and that cool teacher, everyone Call me a witch baby. You say witches podcast Okay Okay, Boom she buy you Boom, she buy you Witches.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, all right, I'll just make you show. I was on the right show.

Speaker 1:

I was like you know, I'm totally okay with being called a witch. I don't deny that. It's the fact that I'm a business owner and when some people hear that or they see, you, it is shunned. But why am I shunned? Because I use nature and the earth to make things happen for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm just like you.

Speaker 1:

What is different than me or you? So one of the cons is someone said oh, oh, she a witch. Oh, stay away. Don't eat no spaghetti. I agree, that is not us, I mean seriously learn what it is.

Speaker 2:

Learn what you do.

Speaker 1:

Then you'll have an understanding because I promise you, I'm no different than some of the people that you necessarily don't see them worship with that part, that part. And if you only knew how many probably came to Tony's horn, you don't know. That part, you would be amazed. So the con is to me how it is perceived in our world, do your research.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Read, as my mom used to always say. If all this fails, read the book.

Speaker 2:

The huh.

Speaker 1:

And understand what I do. I'm not here to hurt you, harm you Absolutely, but you absolutely not gonna play with me either.

Speaker 2:

That part.

Speaker 1:

That's true, that's one of the cons I feel. So what about you? What are some of your cons of being a baby with?

Speaker 2:

You're not gonna play on my face. There's that, yeah. No, you're not gonna play on my face. I don't really feel other than you're not gonna play on my face.

Speaker 1:

Y'all heard that Y'all not gonna play on my face Right, like there's really not a lot of cons, like if you are, I mean the con might be.

Speaker 2:

If you are trying to play on my, I'm gonna see it very quickly Now hear me out. Rather, there have been spirit's working with me. So there have been people that have played in my face and I knew it up off the jump. I am learning to trust me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, trust and intuition maybe yeah, and that's the part where sometimes, you know, I not question me like no, jasmine, is she just being a mean girl, or is spirit really telling her keep this person out of far? I can see other people clear as day when it's like somebody else's situation, but I kind of ignore my own. Yeah, so when I say you're not gonna play in my face, you probably have, and I knew about it from the beginning. I probably allowed it for a period, but then it's gonna. You know, everything will come crashing down, but I am learning how to take that first. Hi, my name is. Oh, you playing, you know, and I'm gonna just start rolling with my first. What spirit tells me off the jump. So that's gonna be a con for everybody around me because I may not have no friends.

Speaker 1:

I don't know If there's no friends on that, it's okay.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, but like other than that, I don't really feel like relationship wise. I do not feel like there is a con to being with a witch. I feel like it only goes up.

Speaker 2:

Like and like loyalty said it gets you know the term gets a bad rep. But that's how I'm you to do your homework and your research and you study, to show yourself approved Cause, like, what, like and like you said, we can heal, we can see, we can, and I just know, like, once I really fully tap in and I really trust myself and trust what I know I'm capable of doing, it only goes up.

Speaker 2:

It only goes up from not only me but from my relationship and for everybody that knows me and so, but it gets a bad rep. It does get a bad rep to be considered a witch, but we also live in a time where, you know, magic is so cool now.

Speaker 1:

So you know the younger generation, they coming out, they, mommas and daddies, bellies already.

Speaker 2:

They educating their mommas and daddies on spirituality. Right, but I don't mind any term. I have always considered myself to be spiritual, even, you know, even from forever. So I don't really, but I don't relationship. I don't feel like there's any cons other than I can see you. So if you're not genuine, then yeah, that's gonna it's definitely gonna come to me instantly.

Speaker 1:

Right. Okay, well, some of my cons is just getting that negative feedback from family members, friends, associates, acquaintances, people that come into my store just thinking, you know, like, oh my God, you're a witch, such a bad thing. Or say, for instance, if you're dating a guy and if his family find out, oh she's a witch, oh my God, you don't need to be with her. You know, just basically just that negative feedback that you get from the label and stuff like that, and then people thinking that we fly on bronze, we're gonna fly on bronze, which is like really human being people, right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that was just for the hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so just people falsely accusing you of putting work on them, yeah. But let me tell you something If I'm not rocking with you, I don't like you more than like that. I'm just gonna forget you but if I get to the point where you still keep contacting me and I don't wanna fool with you, I will banish you and I am notorious for banishing.

Speaker 1:

Banishing is nothing bad. It's just basically saying you stay on your side, I stay on my side. I don't have to see you anymore. You don't have to see me anymore. If you keep it moving, I'm not hurting you and I'll harm you. I'm just saying I don't want you to be a part of my life anymore. That's it. That's it. So, yes, I will banish you, but as far as putting the hex on you, you don't have to worry about that sugar Plum. I don't wanna waste my time on that because it takes a lot of energy.

Speaker 1:

My energy to make my candles in my oils for my store. It's not about my customers. They really need me, so them. You know those funny fake people thinking I'm putting work on them.

Speaker 2:

And then also that helps me too.

Speaker 1:

Thinking that I'm put just because they leave me and then they like go downhill, just thinking about it. When you were with me, it was a pro, because my team was probably protecting, watching over you, but now that you're not with me, you gotta be with your team and I don't know how good your team is with protecting my team, so, as the editor, that you might go downhill. It don't have nothing to do with me, it's just that my spirit team had a little bit of a we all have we all broke up with you.

Speaker 1:

We're not gonna protect you. So we're not saying it's my army Like hey, you know, did you put some in my oil? Did you just tell them to be no more? No sir, no sir, I didn't mention it, I did a cord cutting. I cut you off. I'm like, cut them so tight. And then another thing too is be careful with letting people tap into your energy by getting a lot of readings.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Do not let a lot of people tap into your energy because they can see things about you that you might not even know. That's there and they can see here and try to steal your energy. So be careful when getting readings and letting people tap into your energy and do spell work and stuff like that for you and also protect your crown, as always you wanna protect that.

Speaker 1:

You wanna keep your hair wrapped when you're going out in public and stuff like that, because you never know what kind of duties, entities, spirits that are on people and you don't want to go home and bring that back with you.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

And then also, just when you are a witch and you're dating folks and stuff, you need to worry about protecting yourself, because you never know who could be sitting evil eye, negative energy, and who could be calling yourself trying to do a hit, because it ain't even gonna work, because you just don't know who you're dealing with. So, with that being said, just always making sure that we do protect our stuff. Those are some kinds of things that you've got to do when you are a witch and making folks I agree with that and emphasis on don't let a lot of people read over you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, totally, totally, totally agree, but I mean overall it's not a bad thing dating women that are witches and women that's in spirituality period. It's really to me I'm gonna be honest with y'all it's a plus, because ever since I did get deeply, deeply into spirituality, my life has went up, my health, like I said, I can't stress and, it's sad enough. I used to have insomnia.

Speaker 1:

I could actually sleep at night Thanks to my sleep ball that I have, that I could use sometimes, but I'm gonna never have really have to because I'd be really tired so I'd be going to sleep. But just overall, things you will see go up and so just because, men, you are interested or you see a witch and it intrigues you, or you be questionable, don't be, they're not bad people, just like how we regulate human beings. Don't just see the regular topics that we have on my podcast. We're regular people. We're just a blessing and some gifts that we are able to use to help other people out and life as well as ourselves.

Speaker 2:

And I always ask people too, like what do you think our ancestors did?

Speaker 1:

Right, what do you think they did back in the day? Yeah, like they was trying to protect themselves and help themselves out and just like well, they're not welcome to say what they got out of it.

Speaker 2:

And they used the dirt and they used the like. Come on, we're not doing anything new. We're not when we all just-. Just communicating, and communicating what our ancestors and our spirit team and the different ditties that we probably work with.

Speaker 1:

it's not the wrong with that Taking care of them, thanking them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because they're protecting and taking care of us. They're protecting us.

Speaker 1:

Basically do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

We're not weird.

Speaker 1:

we are everyday people, Right.

Speaker 2:

We're not apart, no, we take care of families. Everyday hair styles More choir. Yeah, they're on twigs, dreads, hello.

Speaker 1:

You know, because I have a mini-dread head. But yeah, so we're not regular everyday people, we're not walking around here looking crazy and looking at the house with some cool, with green, black hair, whatever.

Speaker 2:

You can eat it at our house, you can eat it at our house.

Speaker 1:

You got this you got this.

Speaker 2:

You can eat it at our house.

Speaker 1:

You can eat it at our house, it's okay, we're not even no muddies for getting on our house stuff and nobody got time for all that. Like I don't All out, let's just say I don't want you to want me like that. No, let me tell y'all. So you know, like when all that folks know I'm from Louisiana, first thing they ask them uh-oh. Yeah, yeah, I gotta be careful to eat red sauce for me, you know I'm like bro, I'm not gonna put my blood in your-.

Speaker 2:

That part I don't even like spaghetti.

Speaker 1:

Let's just keep it one on it. That's the food that my mom and daddy cooked for us because they had five kids and it was a poor Uh-huh. A quick little popo meal that they could serve a lot of children.

Speaker 2:

I don't like spaghetti anyway.

Speaker 1:

So you don't even gotta worry about me putting no blood in spaghetti, because I don't even do that. I wouldn't want nobody to do me like that that part.

Speaker 2:

So I just feel like you're doing what others want You're doing evil and wrong.

Speaker 1:

That's why you think it like that because you're from any mountain. Hello. And all witches are not bad witches. We're not, no, we're not we might dibble and dabble in a little bit of darkness, but that don't mean that we're a bad person, just a little bit.

Speaker 2:

In my veins almost. I mean I want me to have some juice. That part Like that's just where we're at.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna give you my energy. That part, that part. Do you think you even worth my energy in time? No, not at all. No, that's not at all. That's not at all. No, but seriously, people really be feeling like you out here doing something to them, because they like start going down here. No, baby, I was protecting you.

Speaker 2:

No, that protection is. I just looked, I just thought you were a friend or a sociopath.

Speaker 1:

My spirit team again was watching out for you.

Speaker 2:

Now that we not rocking.

Speaker 1:

they like help you, so you know it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

It is what it is. So if you like to start, going down here.

Speaker 1:

don't think that, oh, it's my fault, I'm doing some work, because no, are you even worth my time and my energy?

Speaker 2:

No, that part. And, like you said, work takes my energy. I be tired for days I ain't got time. But I could all get ideas.

Speaker 1:

I got some time to help out the big carol. I ain't got time to be here with no energy drying in my stuff.

Speaker 2:

I can't be sleeping on 15 days because work on you. What?

Speaker 1:

You know what. And then you would say I can even handle like you might come with a little too much baggage, it's real. That part Like you might got a whole lot going on that now.

Speaker 2:

Beloved stay over there.

Speaker 1:

Just yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, like you said, just banished, like leave me alone, I leave you alone.

Speaker 1:

If anything, I'll see you on the way for me.

Speaker 2:

I'll fuck Kendall that part, because you want me to get you what I ain't even got that for you.

Speaker 1:

I don't OK. Well, child, you said, build a man. While we came to, we came build. I mean, I can help you. Like you said, the healing is real, but you got to want it. But other than that, all those projects.

Speaker 2:

So I guess the calm would be like the breakup Cuz. Then your spirit team leaves them.

Speaker 1:

That sucks, and I'm getting here angels or anything, and then that's when you feel like something is on you. But it was already on, but it was already.

Speaker 2:

I just yeah, I covered you because I had also covered me, so it's like a diamond.

Speaker 1:

I mean don't be mad because I sit back and watch you know, dating a witch. They go what? What they don't want. Can you do a money spell for me? Oh yeah, I'm trying to help get this job and you got a better raise. It's also clean. You do a spell for me.

Speaker 2:

You know that you want me to help you, but you're not even trying to be let me get to know you a little bit pot, and then we could talk about that down the road if we become serious, because if we don't, you're not gonna use me for me. To help get you or money in your life because I would hate for us to break up and you lose that job. I did not say that my spirit team leaves.

Speaker 1:

You don't, understand, don't be upset because I'm very in some of my spirits and they know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This is real life. Like you think, they're your friend and not my friend. You know, we said, you know we're, we're speaking and you know communicating meditation, talking to spirits and stuff like that We'd like. Can you protect my, my such and such? I know.

Speaker 2:

I'll be asking to protect you too, yeah, but oh yeah, because for what you?

Speaker 1:

ain't gotta protect them for. Hopefully they spiritual and they can protect them say Because, my spirit team.

Speaker 2:

Don't drop you. Like I don't what you need to do. Make a break up. Well, like I don't broke up with you. So whatever happened happened, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

That's all just Regular people we just like, but at the end of the day, you know, it's all laughing jokes. But, seriously, it's nothing wrong with dating. It's pros and cons to lift and call, of course, anything Dillumint. Relationships come with pros and cons, but it's not a bad thing. It's actually a good thing. You'll have fun because you see, we joke around, we play around. We love that fun. We'll just everyday people so, at the end of the day, if you want to be protected, anyone may show you know your health, stay up.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm just saying, if you, need that by your side, somebody.

Speaker 1:

That's the spirituality. Shout out to my spirituality practitioners shout out. And get to be a witch better. Just saying anybody that's doing what spirituality, I'll let them. But with that, all being said, y'all, we're gonna wrap this up. I enjoy giving our pointers, our point of views and our opinions on dating witches in hey. So with that being said, y'all know what to do. I always drop y'all feedback, y'all comments below Like, share, subscribe and until next episode, bye.

Dating a Witch
Dating Witches