Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast

"New Year Goals & Vision Boards"

December 29, 2023 Toni H. Season 1 Episode 15
"New Year Goals & Vision Boards"
Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
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Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
"New Year Goals & Vision Boards"
Dec 29, 2023 Season 1 Episode 15
Toni H.

As we say goodbye to one year and welcome another, Jasmine and I invite you into a candid space where dreams take shape and aspirations ignite. Picture this: a board brimming with visions of wealth, love, and spiritual growth, a beacon of what's to come. We're baring our own ambitions—from my millionaire milestones to Jasmine's wedding bells and business blueprints—and we’re not shy about the strategies we're banking on to turn these visions into realities. Think of it as a peek behind the curtain of success, where vision boards aren't just a collage, they're a catalyst for change.

Let's talk about the art of goal setting, a dance that can be as structured or as free-form as you like. Whether you're a planner who dots every 'i' weeks in advance or someone who thrives on the thrill of spontaneous intention-setting, we've got insights to share. Learn how we've woven vision boards into the fabric of our family lives, celebrating each triumph with those we love. And for those who walk hand-in-hand with spirituality, we're opening up about how Tarot readings and ancestral wisdom have been our companions on this journey. It's about harnessing the personal and the mystical to craft a life you're excited to lead.

As the curtain closes on our first chapter together, a heartfelt thanks goes out to you for being the essence of our community. We're bubbling with anticipation for what's ahead, with a fresh season two launch date set and the promise of new voices, perhaps even familiar stars, to light up our conversations. So, as you stand on the threshold of 2024, join us in raising a toast to progress, to empowerment, and to a vision board that serves as both your map and your muse. And remember, we're all in this together, turning the dreams we dare to pin up into the life we lead.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As we say goodbye to one year and welcome another, Jasmine and I invite you into a candid space where dreams take shape and aspirations ignite. Picture this: a board brimming with visions of wealth, love, and spiritual growth, a beacon of what's to come. We're baring our own ambitions—from my millionaire milestones to Jasmine's wedding bells and business blueprints—and we’re not shy about the strategies we're banking on to turn these visions into realities. Think of it as a peek behind the curtain of success, where vision boards aren't just a collage, they're a catalyst for change.

Let's talk about the art of goal setting, a dance that can be as structured or as free-form as you like. Whether you're a planner who dots every 'i' weeks in advance or someone who thrives on the thrill of spontaneous intention-setting, we've got insights to share. Learn how we've woven vision boards into the fabric of our family lives, celebrating each triumph with those we love. And for those who walk hand-in-hand with spirituality, we're opening up about how Tarot readings and ancestral wisdom have been our companions on this journey. It's about harnessing the personal and the mystical to craft a life you're excited to lead.

As the curtain closes on our first chapter together, a heartfelt thanks goes out to you for being the essence of our community. We're bubbling with anticipation for what's ahead, with a fresh season two launch date set and the promise of new voices, perhaps even familiar stars, to light up our conversations. So, as you stand on the threshold of 2024, join us in raising a toast to progress, to empowerment, and to a vision board that serves as both your map and your muse. And remember, we're all in this together, turning the dreams we dare to pin up into the life we lead.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Tony and this is bougie by you witches podcast. I'm the host and, of course, y'all already know who.

Speaker 2:

I got.

Speaker 3:

It's Jasmine.

Speaker 1:

So today we're gonna be talking about let me tell y'all this is the end of the year and I really enjoyed 2023. So of course, we're gonna be talking about some new year goals and also a little bit about vision boards, because I know some people they're not really familiar and don't even know what's a vision board. So when we're talking about the importance of you know, creating a vision board for this upcoming year, 2024, as we wrap up 2023, so let's get started with what's something on new year by 2025, because we done with 2023.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna so win. So I'm still on the road to being my millionaire. There you go. Um, I am switching career fields so I can bring in more revenue and come, um, making sure that my health stays on track. Okay, so I'm gonna have to go to the gym. Yeah, I see me in the gym.

Speaker 1:

She didn't say she's going to be at statics and I don't place right down. You just settle in the natural water.

Speaker 2:

No no, no, we can't. Um, and just overall, leveling up. I want my business to succeed even more, be more prosperous and, just overall, generally have a happy, healthy life. Okay, and learning more about my spirit, spirit out that part I was.

Speaker 3:

A lot of things. I'll continue. I will continue on my spiritual journey. Um, I want to dibble and dabble in a new adventure, uh, business wise. So I believe 2024 is going to be the year for that. Um, I want to travel more, can travel my babies more. Um, I'm having a wedding next year 11, 11, 2024, thank you, thank you, um, so that'll be something cool to celebrate. Um, and then, yeah, just really Like, like Lilty said, level up, like I've really in my spirit field, 2024 is going to bring about a whole new um Change right for the better, for the better. So there's a lot of work done in 2023 that's going to manifest itself and I'm I can't wait to see it all Play out?

Speaker 1:

Yes, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Well, I would say some of my goals for um 2024 is definitely waking up more people in spirituality and just starting to just really get deeper into my spirituality and take it to the next level.

Speaker 1:

And also I want to continue to grow and learn, and spirituality as well, and I want to continue to hit my goals for my businesses that I have until this time for me to let one of those businesses go, and you know we'll book the ladder with the other current business I have and also just continue to be a blessing, you know, helping other people and just continue to let the world know about spirituality and continue to run bougie by you with this podcast. So yeah, so those are just some of my goals for 2024. And, as she said, I'm not even worried about that word. I know I am already headed there. No, basically there. So yeah, it's been a minute being a millionaire, so yeah. So with that, I'll be in said what are some of your goals that you're going to be working on in 2024? You can drop some below. I'll be definitely making sure that I do read and comment and post on them.

Speaker 1:

And so vision boards. I'm really big on creating vision boards because I feel like whatever it is that you write down and whatever it is that you put like little pictures or however you want to do your vision board and stuff like that you will manifest that into reality. Another reason I say that is because I've been creating vision boards for the last couple of years and when I go back and look at them I'll be like, hey, you hit them goals.

Speaker 2:

You made you that you mastered that.

Speaker 1:

You did that. So I know people don't not all, but I will say some people don't probably believe in vision boards, but they're really good to have because you gotta think about it. We're sitting here and we're writing down the goals that we want to sit here and master for 2024. And if you believe and you constantly keep having a positive mindset, you will master that. It's just all about your mindset and your belief. You gotta think positive. You gotta speak positive and positive ahead. You know what I'm saying. I would never be where I'm at if I sat here and never believed in this and saw the negative naysayers and this and saw the haters and listen to all the people that want to see me fail. You know what I mean. I know you gotta push them out the way, move out the way, get out the way, dust them off your shoulder and do what you gotta do.

Speaker 1:

So, that way you can make it to the next level. So it's always good to do vision boards. You can just go get you a regular poster board from Walmart. I ain't never like what 60 cents. Who knows, now it might be a dollar and 60 cents, but you know you can get you a poster board from Walmart. You can go to Michaels, just any little arts and crafts store, and get your poster board. And you can get you some of them. Little magazines you know, I know your mom got them home and garden magazines and things Like you know they got the what's it.

Speaker 1:

Bet essence magazine, magazines.

Speaker 2:

People right, right, right.

Speaker 1:

And you know, cut out some people and cut out some little things that you want to manifest and just glue them on the little board. Or you know, you can get that like Elmer's the glue little tag thing, just rub it on the back of it and just paste it on there, or you can just staple it on there, Just however you want to do it tape it on there and put you some money like real money.

Speaker 1:

You know you can go get some of that little fake ancestor money I'll play at here. So my theater comes spiritually.

Speaker 1:

You can get that and you can put that on there and that way you can just draw out and write down and set your goals and I will post in here a little sample video of a vision board so that way you can kind of have ideas. And you can always go Google what is a vision board of O on YouTube and just what is a vision board, and they'll break it down, they'll show you and, trust me, you'll understand, you know what a vision board is. For the ones who don't know Cause I know it's not always going to be people that are watching that are knowledgeable it knows and it's nothing wrong with that. That's what we're here to do. We're here to teach you and not to understand, but it's nothing wrong with setting goals and that's what we want to do. We want to always continue to set goals. You don't have to just set a goal for the whole year. You can set goals for the week. You can set goals bi-weekly, you can set goals monthly. You can set goals for the season.

Speaker 1:

It's up to you, but just always try to set you some goals and try your best to hit them. Can't accomplish them cause I'm a big goal oriented person. Whoever I get with, they gotta set goals, they gotta have goals and they gotta be goal oriented. I can't even rock with you, cause I'm all about trying to set goals and accomplish them.

Speaker 2:

How about?

Speaker 1:

you, are you goal oriented?

Speaker 2:

Very. We have to set goals. We have to accomplish them. What are we working towards?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We just out here working like no, I'm very big on vision boards because then I can see it, and when you see it, you manifest even more. So I'm absolutely with it. I typically make a new one in January every year and I'm like you I go back and I look at them like man I did this, I did that. You know you do a lot and sometimes it takes for us to be able to see what we've done to understand it, so I'm totally with you on the vision board.

Speaker 2:

I go to half price books and buy the little cheap magazines.

Speaker 1:

People have turned in and men and my girls.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like I said, glue stick. Look, dilaturi, and men and my girls, we sit there, we make a day of it in the morning time and we do our vision boards at the beginning of the year.

Speaker 1:

I go live. I do mine like a week or two till the beginning of the year. Oh, that's good too, though, but I like to do that and have it, and didn't take pictures and show my little. Look how I'm doing this morning. I'm so excited Cause I also like to do. I'm not a reader, but I do pull my own cards for the year, so I'll have my cards my Oracle cards and my Terracards basically just saying how my year will be.

Speaker 1:

And so I pull those and I make me a vision board, basically explaining right how my year is gonna be and I go back and I look at them and I be like damn, I hit it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So my spirit team helped me out with, you know, pulling Terracards, and what I do is I'll make a copy of that Terracard and I'll cut it out and I'll glue it onto that board. What about you, jazz?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so my vision board sits in my office. This year what I did was I went on Amazon and if you just type in vision boards, they have books for black women, black people, and you can cut it out, make your vision board. This year I've been. It's been hustle, hustle, hustle. So it actually took my son to say, oh, we did that, we did that. Oh, you did that, you did.

Speaker 3:

And when I say the joy that I felt from my child being able to see my vision for my 2023. And he said, oh, mom, we did that and that and that and that, that brought me a sense of accomplishment, a sense of peace and happiness. From a child I've always been instilled. You write it down. How else you gonna accomplish it? If you can't see it, it ain't happening. So you always write it down, make it plain. But you keep your vision board. For me, I keep my vision board in a place where I can see it. I believe you're subconscious. If you can see it every day, put your eyes on it. Your subconscious is gonna make sure that you do the work. Your ancestors is gonna guide you.

Speaker 3:

I'm big on vision boards. I'm huge on vision boards. I'm huge. And then, with my vision board. I have my vision board in my office, but then I even still. Things can change. But bust out my notebook and write something new down. Just, you know, I'm still my hand has to be writing. I have to write it down, I have to see it. I have to imagine myself there. 2024 will be no different. That vision board will be up front and center when you walk in my house. Can you see my vision board?

Speaker 1:

Yes, ma'am, you can Right here, like I was trying to have mine off the hook. No, I don't know. But it's campus as well, because, look, my money goes Right right, yeah, no, my money goes.

Speaker 3:

I keep that a little private.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just yeah, that's a smaller bowl, yeah right.

Speaker 3:

But you know, the base, the foundation, the baseline. I have that loud and proud because it's mainly for, like I said, so my kids can see how we started, how we come in Right. You know I make everybody do vision boards. I want to hear from my babies what's our goal for next year. What are we going to do to make ourselves different? You know, every day we need to be learning something, growing something, building something. I don't care what you do, but it's got to be different than yesterday. So I'm a firm, I'm a huge advocate for vision boards. They work, they work, they work they do.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to tell you that makes wind with your spirit of Lee, candle and oil.

Speaker 2:

You heard Okay, it's going to fall in two pairs Like.

Speaker 1:

But you know, like me, when it comes to like setting up my goals for the new year, I do try to start manifesting them at least by November slash December. I don't wait until the new year to do it, which I do. Still do more work there.

Speaker 1:

But, I try to at least start a month, two months in advance and start manifesting and setting my goals and stuff, because you want to start doing that work, you want to start putting that mindset out there and saying, okay, I'm going to do this, I'm going to make that, and it can trust me, it can be done. You just got to have faith in yourself.

Speaker 1:

You got to believe in yourself and you got to change that mindset to where it's positive, because if you continue to be negative, negative will come. If you continue to be positive, positive will come. It doesn't matter how long it take, it's going to come.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, you got to be patient. Absolutely, absolutely. You know it will come.

Speaker 1:

So I'm a big, big, big, big firm believer in working, yeah, and my kind of work I'm talking about is just talking about life with my oils on and then also just writing them down and then also just buying a couple candles and stuff like that, you know and just saying it and put it out there to the universe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, verbally, you know, I would say the burn candles.

Speaker 3:

You can, you know, say it verbally and put it out there, and that's what I do. Yeah, I agree with that Absolutely Wholeheartedly, every day.

Speaker 2:

Every week.

Speaker 3:

That's good, that's the routine, but yeah and definitely keep us, like you said, keep a positive mindset, Because if you don't see it happen, you know in the next hour, don't mean it's not working, but that mindset is everything, because whether you believe you will win or fail, no matter what you say to yourself, you write Like you know, you are, you are that. That mindset your words have so much power.

Speaker 1:

And just be patient, don't feel like just because you say okay, I want this and that to manifest and it doesn't still stay positive and still be patient because maybe the universe feels like, oh, it's not time for it to happen. Maybe they feel like you'll be in a better position if it happens a couple more months later or maybe a year later. So never just give up and feel like, just because you wrote down some goals and stuff and it didn't happen.

Speaker 1:

That it's not. You just got to stay positive. Because if I had that same mindset when I started setting goals and they didn't always, you know, happen then guess what I wouldn't even be where I'm in now. I believed and I kept saying, and I kept speaking into existence, and guess what it might have happened a year or two years later. But it happened because I stayed positive and I believed, and it happened so. I'm just saying that, just because you know you do speak something or write something down, don't get discouraged if it don't happen.

Speaker 3:

It will.

Speaker 1:

You just got to sometimes stay positive, because it might not be your time right now. Absolutely Just got to stay positive and it'll happen when it's your time.

Speaker 3:

When it's your time?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so do you in your Mate share y'all goals? Y'all sit there and kind of like discuss and share like the goals that y'all said.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, absolutely absolutely. Because, look, if we ain't on the same wavelength and if our foundation any, what are we doing? And like no, because and that's important because you want to make sure that with your partner, you're not working on one thing and he working on something totally different, and then y'all wonder what else? Because you know y'all got to be on the same page Page of the same foundation and we bounce ideas off of each other too. Maybe I have an idea, maybe he has an idea. We've run it by each other.

Speaker 3:

Now we, saying it out loud, I don't sound like now, I don't want that on my vision board, like you know. Maybe it doesn't sound like a good idea when you say it out loud, um, or, or he'll. You know we and we're notorious for that oh babe, what do you think about that? Hmm, I like it, but let me tweak it a little bit, or let me do and. So by the time it gets to the vision board We've talked about it, we own the same page, um, and that goal is gonna be set, which means it's gonna come to pass, you know, and and and, like I said earlier, we might need to tweak some things come March or April, because maybe we learned something, maybe spirits revealed something, and that's okay.

Speaker 3:

I think that that's where we kind of get in our own head where. But I put my vision board in it and it's not exactly that's okay. Put something else on there I have. I have literally created my vision board, and I have tax around it because the vision board I put, the car I want, I decided, come April, I want that car, I want this one, you know, and and that's okay, it's okay to change, yeah, your board. As you're getting revelation, as you're living life, as you're talking with your partner, as you, you know, checking with the kids, it's okay to make changes. The most important part, though, is that your foundation is set.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally free. So what about you doing your daughters and you know you get one Cause you coming in 2025?

Speaker 3:

Right, I know you're not a person in a relationship Right right, right right, I will be in one in 2020.

Speaker 1:

Me too, I stand in agreement with that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but I absolutely do, because if I can't Run plays with you or talk to you that's what I call it discuss, so we can't have family meetings and meetings. And business means we're not on the same frequency. Yeah, and you gotta be on my frequency to get my vibe.

Speaker 2:

I need my frequency needed to be much bigger and we absolutely have to be Prosperous together and, like she said, I don't want to go in two different ways. Okay, we're not manifesting the same thing, right? So, yes, my girls I even talked to my girls, my babies hey, I'm looking at this house, I like this, and my big one, she's like hey, take me to it, let me see it. My little one, let's walk around it, let's look at it. What do y'all thinking? How do y'all feel? Maybe mama wants to rebrand the name of her company? Hey, what do y'all think about?

Speaker 2:

this Very family oriented, very big on that. But yes, ma'am, our vision boards, our manifestations, because that's like the road map, yes, we gotta know where we're. You know for Naglin, to where we're trying to go. What is our, what is our goal? What are we doing this for? Yeah, yeah, I have to say that, and you know, when I see it, I'm going down the street. I see the car. I won't. That's for me. Yeah, that's mine. Yeah, I don't have it right now, don't worry, it's coming.

Speaker 2:

It's in the works, but just know she gonna be here and when I get it, smile or not, because it absolutely works.

Speaker 3:

And to like the vision board helps it on days where you like, like I. I told the kids your vision board is your reason why. What is getting you out the bed every morning? What is your reason why? And so, for me, every morning, even on the days I don't work, I go and I say my thank you to your ancestors for getting me up, get my coffee, going my office and even if I just sit there, five to me I just have to. Okay, look at my vision. Oh, now we, and now we said I go the rest of my day and go on. But you got to put it in your mind. That's your reason why. Reason why.

Speaker 3:

So I definitely think your vision board needs to be a family affair. You ain't got to tell everybody every little nitty gritty about you know. You know, maybe you got some personal goals you want, or maybe you know some spiritual things. That's just between you and spirit, that's, that's good. But the foundation needs to be shared with every living person in your household. I believe because everybody got to be on the same page, right, like everybody in this ask for me in my house we're gonna be under the same page, like y'all, cuz I don't need y'all going against the grant.

Speaker 3:

And like an example, like my fiance, he's more I'm more big, huge personality and I want the big, huge house and I'm, you know, and he's more simple. So, in his mind, are you know, our four bedroom house is just fine. I had to, but I had to elevate his mind, have him think different. Oh, cuz this, this mansion on our vision board, is what we need. He, you know, that's what we need, that's what I want, that's what hold on. Are we on the same?

Speaker 1:

page. That's what you want, but you don't need it.

Speaker 3:

Hello. Well, I don't know. I think I know to me who gonna tell me different. It's a Fiancé, like in a different headspace like you know, like we know, we need more money. We think, because there's nothing I want more, and it's not just all about materialistic things, but it's just there's this life, that is there's we were meant to have exceedingly abundantly. That's right, and so I don't want to be you know, I want things to pass down for generations and generations. But right, and these are exactly and these are Other things that you have and y'all get on the same page.

Speaker 3:

And now he like We'll get, we gonna live behind. Yeah, that's right. That's what, that's right. What gate are we gonna?

Speaker 1:

And I think so, like with the way the economy Me has been shown in front of our faces in 2023, I just feel like I hope and pray that it's teaching more people to start saving.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And yes because, baby, these prices is going up. Hello we don't know what 2020 is looking like so just honestly, just start learning, just to save, just for hardship, hard times or just Things that might just pop up. You never know. You might have situations, of things that can pop up, so I feel like saving. That's definitely a big thing that I'm gonna be working on in 2025.

Speaker 3:

Save it and spend it less, absolutely, yeah, no. And it's funny you say that, though, because even like even the little things put on your vision board, because I have a little literally on my vision board Say save, save you know like even put your weaknesses on there, because I like. I like to spend.

Speaker 2:

I like to shop.

Speaker 3:

I like to spend money but say Self-discipline myself exactly and like the little thing, like it's. Right, but like, no, no matter, like we think, vision boards and it doesn't just have to be the big houses and the fancy cars and it can literally be save my money, yeah, keep my job, you know stay in my career field, whatever. Whatever speaks to you for you for the next year.

Speaker 2:

So right, yeah, you can have more than one vision board to oh, of course, oh of course that people see.

Speaker 3:

But then I have yeah yeah, yeah, one of the closet. Yeah, yeah, uh-huh.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sorry. Being able to see and visualize. I was cuz 24. Yes.

Speaker 3:

It is definitely my year. Yes, all of our years, yours, yours, yours, yours everybody that's out there watching.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely listening. You don't believe it? Just get your camera from spiritually. Listen.

Speaker 3:

We will do a vision for a party, honey.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll be doing that in the next day. It's gonna be new years in a couple days, but um so, um, ladies, let's keep it 100. So when you do go back and you look at your vision board and you see, okay, I didn't accomplish that, I didn't accomplish this, what do it teach you?

Speaker 2:

You know, when it's some things that you did, when I come to that you did in a company vision board, it's not time, okay, um, delayed, not denied, and it's probably for my protection why I didn't work for me, Okay, what about you, miss Jess.

Speaker 3:

Um, for me it's more. So, put in more work too, okay, um, I, everything on my vision board I have absolutely worked towards so, even the things that I didn't accomplish. Again, it's the timing. So I'm not don't be, I'm not beating myself up over it. It will come. I like delayed, not denied 2024, absolutely, you know, and if not, 2025, like there we go, it's okay.

Speaker 3:

But yeah just staying like you, like we've talked about staying in that positive mind frame. Yeah, I know, if I know that I put in the work Mm-hmm and I'm not, and I that's still my goal and I'm not stopping, then it's just if that's not the time and it's just not time right, totally great.

Speaker 1:

and me personally, like um say, for instance, if it's just something that I was trying to work on For the air and it didn't manifest, I happen. I know that you know what? Maybe next year. Yeah definitely It'll be next year, yeah, you know. So I don't give up and be like oh man, I can't stand right now I just know it wasn't a time right. So you know, you just always gotta Stay positive and know that when that's time Happen absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, keep trying, keep pushing, yes, yes, yes, sometimes maybe you're dreaming too small.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you need to set bigger goals.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, elevation yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree with that.

Speaker 3:

I manifested a job and went through the interview processes 2-21, went through the interview process and they called me back to offer me the job but she said, oh, no, no, no, I'm not giving you this job, I'm gonna give you. And took me up to, basically, to promotions, up. So what I wanted, what I wanted, spirit said, uh-huh, you deserve more. That's right, you know, and that absolutely that was my real first aha moment with. Oh, I did dream too small and sometimes we dream too small to be scared of the rejection.

Speaker 3:

I think you know you're scared of the oh, we don't feel like we're worthy enough to Set this as a goal exactly, but you never know, never know, never know.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, right, yeah, exactly, exactly. So yeah, you hit that on the head when you said that.

Speaker 2:

And I was crazy to say, you know, some people could have went through, which it was a good year for me.

Speaker 1:

It was a lot of learning. Yeah, yeah, I went through but I feel like 2024, it's gonna be a lot of things that I learned about this year in 2023 that I'm not taken into 2024 absolutely in my circles gonna stay small. Yeah and it's gonna continue to be like that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

See, that's, that's the problem being.

Speaker 1:

You know, they say which come on those vanishing spells and just go ahead and end it out with certain people. Yeah, good on me, do that court cutting and you know you're gonna cut in those soul ties, sex ties, all that stuff, you know, give it all that family ties, you know, just cut it.

Speaker 2:

I am a huge fan of reset.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

A lot of people don't understand. But, baby, I will hit, reset and reset and no players in the game. We're not collecting 200 we don't start all of yeah, reset.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I say control off the lead.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, I know.

Speaker 3:

But every time I burn Tony better shit. Yeah, I ain't got a friend's love. But I like it like that they will see.

Speaker 1:

And I say, and I say and that's it, and that is it Hello. That are not meant for us. Let them go. You up until you, girl, let me tell you spirit, I will punish you.

Speaker 2:

I tell you Spiriting care.

Speaker 3:

What kind of a ship it was relationship sister ship, mother ship.

Speaker 1:

So, I don't think.

Speaker 2:

I need to remove To, and then we go light it Dancing, it's dancing, singing to us Girl. It was really nice and, as my sister says, she says you know you're being really, every time we hear the peace and pleasant. I.

Speaker 3:

Even if you in the year by yourself.

Speaker 1:

If you ain't got a man.

Speaker 3:

Do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're here. It's gonna be amazing.

Speaker 3:

Just trust me trust us.

Speaker 1:

Just literally came to come, was going to the next level.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I didn't even think that and that's that.

Speaker 1:

But that being said, thank you all. Thank y'all for joining this season. This is actually Louis on wraps up season one. So this has wrapped up season one. So we will be starting season two on January the fifth. I said January the fifth two thousand twenty-four.

Speaker 1:

We'll be wrapping up this season one and we'll be starting out with season two, and so season two is definitely gonna be flour. So be some totally different, be a different setting it's gonna be up to. My goal is and I said it, almost said again I'm gonna start working on trying to get some celebrities on my show, and I said it. So, with that all being said, thank you all for joining in. I appreciate all my followers, all my viewers that have supported me throughout this whole season and, with that being said, drop your feedback, like, share, subscribe and you have a happy new year. Happy new year, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

New Year Goals and Vision Boards
Goal Setting and Vision Boards
The Power of Vision Boards
Season Two on the Horizon