Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast

"Day In A Witch Life"

January 04, 2024 Toni H. Season 1 Episode 16
"Day In A Witch Life"
Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
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Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
"Day In A Witch Life"
Jan 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 16
Toni H.

Have you ever wondered about the daily spellwork of a modern-day witch? Kamona and I open up our grimoires to reveal the sacred rituals that start our mornings, sharing the profound ways we connect with our ancestors and the celestial energies around us. Our special guest, a seasoned practitioner, joins us to unravel the reality behind our spiritual practices, from the cherished act of lighting candles under the moon to the thoughtful preparation of ancestral altars, all while navigating the demands of contemporary life.

Venturing deeper into the realm of the unseen, we uncover the essential shields and sigils that safeguard our journey. We converse about the art of manifestation, the potency of a positive mind, and the crucial healing work that mends our inner children and shadows. If you've ever felt the weight of inexplicable forces or faced spiritual roadblocks, our guest's unique perspective on overcoming these challenges with the support of our ancestors and the broader spiritual community will guide you toward the light.

Finally, we confront the misconceptions that have shrouded witchcraft in mystery and misunderstanding. Exploring our personal stories of cultural and religious acceptance, we aim to bridge the gap between ancient beliefs and modern witchhood, offering insights into the diverse expressions and positive impacts of this path. With a call to honor our progress and maintain self-care amidst negativity, we close the circle, inviting you to join the conversation and become part of the magic that fuels this thriving, enlightened community.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever wondered about the daily spellwork of a modern-day witch? Kamona and I open up our grimoires to reveal the sacred rituals that start our mornings, sharing the profound ways we connect with our ancestors and the celestial energies around us. Our special guest, a seasoned practitioner, joins us to unravel the reality behind our spiritual practices, from the cherished act of lighting candles under the moon to the thoughtful preparation of ancestral altars, all while navigating the demands of contemporary life.

Venturing deeper into the realm of the unseen, we uncover the essential shields and sigils that safeguard our journey. We converse about the art of manifestation, the potency of a positive mind, and the crucial healing work that mends our inner children and shadows. If you've ever felt the weight of inexplicable forces or faced spiritual roadblocks, our guest's unique perspective on overcoming these challenges with the support of our ancestors and the broader spiritual community will guide you toward the light.

Finally, we confront the misconceptions that have shrouded witchcraft in mystery and misunderstanding. Exploring our personal stories of cultural and religious acceptance, we aim to bridge the gap between ancient beliefs and modern witchhood, offering insights into the diverse expressions and positive impacts of this path. With a call to honor our progress and maintain self-care amidst negativity, we close the circle, inviting you to join the conversation and become part of the magic that fuels this thriving, enlightened community.

Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Tony with bougie buy you witches podcast, and today I have my co-host, kamona, and my the guest, my, all right. So today we're gonna be talking about a day in a witch's life. We want you to know that we're just like normal people too. We don't sit up here and do spells and all that craziness and crazy stuff, people putting your head all day long. We live just like natural, human people too. So I'm going ahead and pass it over to Kamona and she's gonna explain to you and let you know what's a day like in her life being a witch.

Speaker 2:

So, for me, I don't consider myself to be a witch. I'm more of a practitioner, and that means I, you know, know how to manifest. I'm a great manifestor. I know how to, you know, call my energy back. I know how to manifest abundance in my life. I know how to Just create magic. I'm magical.

Speaker 2:

A day in my life I wake up early. You know. I like to meditate before work. I Love to pray. I'm very, you know, prayful. I pray all the time. Also, I, you know, go to my altar. I'll say a prayer, my altar make sure the candles are lit and make sure my ancestors have the things that they need for that day. And I work my nine to five or two, because I got two jobs. I work my nine to five and in between, you know, I'll go out and, you know, kind of take a walk and prayer and meditate. But I usually do a lot of my magic and power under the full moon or the new moon. I love to do candle magic, where I write my manifestations on the candle and I burn them. Some other things I do. I write down the things that I'm trying to manifest. So what are your, what's your? They like?

Speaker 1:

My bag.

Speaker 2:

And that's just some of it.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna go ahead and start off with kind of like what they consider a witch, as From this little meaning that I looked up, it was just basically saying a witch is a gender neutral person, if you prefer, in Channer and Chantress is someone who uses his or her will in order to bend, bend reality. And I kind of feel like Me personally. I just feel like a witch is someone who has a gift and they use their, their gifts, to kind of like kind of help people He'll and kind of bend the rules and get folks to do what they want them to do, and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Kind of like the energy.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes. So basically my day is being a witch, I would say. I get up in the morning. I try to make it my best I don't do it every day, I'm gonna lie but to go to my ancestors altar and just speak and talk to them and just thank them for waking me up this morning and just make sure that they watch over me and my children and my Businesses, and just you know other stuff like that. And then after that I basically I'll get ready for work.

Speaker 1:

If I do go to work is only do work a couple of days a week, and your business how many days and what day when I'm there, but I do work a couple days a week, so I will do that in the morning. Or if I'm not working, I'll just basically do it from my bed, you know, because my altar is in my Personal space, where I'm, you know I'm able to talk to them, and so I'll do that. And then, once I get done with that, I'll go ahead and get you know my day started. If I have some candles or oils or bath salts I need to make, I'll go ahead, get started on making that and Just kind of like not today out and before I go to bed.

Speaker 1:

You know, of course I'll. You know, say goodnight to them and you know, speak to them and thank them for the day and If I have anything else going on I'll do what I need to do. But it's just like a normal, regular day that other people probably have and I know extra craziness me sitting here, like if I have some spell work to do For customers that need me to do it, I'll do that as well, and I do like to do that During the witching hours. So really that's it. I just have a really plain Jane day.

Speaker 2:

So do you incorporate prayer and meditation throughout your day? So are you. I really like to call it prayer.

Speaker 1:

I know, to each his own. Some people call it prayer and stuff, because I know the folks that go to church. They call it prayer and the hope when this is, and on and on, all the different religions. But I'm more like just go talk to them. You know, meditate, talk.

Speaker 2:

So you just, basically you meditate to talk to your ancestors, right? Do you meditate and talk to God, or are you more?

Speaker 1:

goddess, I feel like God is within us. God is within us, I know men are the gods and the women are the goddesses.

Speaker 2:

So I feel like I would say more like the universe of it like who I would, you know and I know because every you know everybody have their own different perspective when it comes to spirituality. You know I get asked that question all the time.

Speaker 1:

Well, do you believe?

Speaker 2:

in God. Of course I'm like God is there. I believe very much in God. You know I pray to God, I thank God. I, you know, honor God's. You know I show my gratitude for God. You know I also believe in the universe, the things that are around us.

Speaker 1:

And you know.

Speaker 2:

That's the reason why I said I don't consider I'm more of a healer versus you know I wasn't not born a witch. You know I don't do Spell work. You know for other people are not yet. But I'm more practice on myself. I can call them. I have manifested, you know, a lot of abundance for myself, for my kids. So I know that I have that magic and I have that power to call things and we all do.

Speaker 1:

It's just that people don't believe it's happening. Not everybody, everybody. Everybody don't believe in tapping in, because everybody has their own power and magic. It's all about if you're going to tap in and use it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, exactly. So you know I just choose to. You know express my magic freely and you know call in my abundance and you know, just continue to make my life successful.

Speaker 1:

Totally agree. So what about you, myo? What's a day in your life you know which?

Speaker 3:

My day is a little different. I do things a little different because I do work with quantum healing. So I do, and I do this every day, throughout the day and at night right before I go to sleep. A lot of people don't know what quantum healing is.

Speaker 3:

I know I was going to ask you about that, but thank you for bringing it up so quantum healing, for me, is something that you can do in the present, right now, but you can do it within your head and whenever you are vibrating so high. You don't need the tools, such as candles, pendulums, all these things for you to be able to do those things. You're able to just, yeah, you're able to just do it just with your thoughts, and so I wake up and I. Something that I really want to focus on, that people don't do, is the first thing, of course, say that you're grateful and thankful to whomever you want to. And second, protect yourself. Put up your walls. However, it is the walls that you put up, look like for me and I do it differently every single day, because I don't want anyone to ever and that's just being a witch, because we do get attacked from different ways. When everybody, when somebody knows that you are a witch and that you are a powerful individual, they will try to attack you.

Speaker 2:

So I always switch it up.

Speaker 3:

It's never the same thing, like one day it could be this, this, this and that, and I always include myself, my husband and my dog.

Speaker 1:

And they're always on. Okay, so I got a question for you. So I know that you said you know everybody might not do this, but as far as protecting, I asked my ancestors, the universe and, you know, my spirit team to protect me. So that's how I do my protection. I know some people might put oils on, burn candles and stuff but that's additional ways of doing it, but I do do mine. I just asked them to protect me and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

So what I do, it it's on my head. I picture myself, I kind of, how I want to do my protection, what needs to be placed where and how and for what reason this person, this deity needs to be here, this DIA needs to be here for that reason and then other reasons, and then I just create in my imagination how I would feel most protected throughout the day and then, at nighttime, whenever I go to sleep, because we do astral travel.

Speaker 3:

You never know your body, you know your soul has left. I call my soul back and call my husband soul back and call my pets soul back, and then I redo it again and I adjust it to how I want it to be. It's kind of like like a little matrix, little thing and just making it work.

Speaker 2:

And I do agree with you there, because it's really the oils, the candles, all of that is made to kind of make the spells and your the rituals more powerful. It really is all in your mind, it's all because I have manifested, you know, just by writing several times the 369 method, just by writing. I didn't burn no candle, I didn't, you wear no oils, even though the oils and the candles does help more. I noticed that the my manifestation kind of happens faster with you.

Speaker 2:

But it's all the mindset, you know, I wrote down, you know, several times. So I will make six figures, I will make six figures, I will make six figures and I manifested that. So it's really, it's all about your mindset. I mean, yes, the candles, like you say, everything starts in your mind and I think that is very powerful because our mind, you know, we could tell our mind what to manifest.

Speaker 3:

That's so true, you just have to be in the correct space, and if you're not in the correct space, you have to.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it kind of delays. Yeah, it delays you.

Speaker 3:

I'm just thinking negative.

Speaker 2:

Guess what Negative's going to happen Exactly you think it's positive, that positive will happen. You have to believe have faith. You know, have some delay manifestations because of my negative mindset. I'm not always in a positive mindset.

Speaker 3:

And I think that's a human Right. I mean, we are, besides being practitioners, which is whatever you want to be called we still live in a world where, it's you know, we still have to work, be with regular not regular, because what is regular, but just people that are not like us. You know, my husband is not like me, so I have to still. You know, hey, how's your day going? It's not just about manifestation all the time, right?

Speaker 1:

Like you could do it for us. We're not talking about magic and what all the time, because my husband will be like stop, stop, right there. I just don't want to hear it anymore.

Speaker 3:

He does get to those points where he's like I don't want to hear it.

Speaker 2:

So what are some things that you would tell the world, people that's watching us, to help kind of bring them or set them into their own powers? How to, you know, unlock the magic? Because a lot of people don't understand. The magic is within us. You don't have to go pay somebody for $500 for a spell. It means each is own. If you want to pay somebody, that go ahead by any means, but it's within us.

Speaker 1:

It's all about their mindset. A lot of people, the reason they do come to which is practitioners or whatever you want to call is because they don't have that mindset, that positive mindset, to help themselves do it, or they scared they fearful that they scared that fearful, because I used to be that way too.

Speaker 2:

I used to be fearful.

Speaker 1:

But they might not be as powerful as the next person and they wanted to really happen and manifest, so they have to go to them. Not everybody can do their own work. Sometimes you do have to go to somebody and ask for help, because you can try to sit here and remove a hex off of somebody or move a curse or try to, you know, open up some roads, and it don't work. You can do it yourself and it won't work. So that's why sometimes they have to go to somebody else to get it or you'll be sitting up there miserable the rest of your life.

Speaker 3:

One thing that I want to say on that in order for you to be able to you know, like you said unlock certain things about yourself like gifts that you might have, right, it has to you first and I cannot talk about it enough you have to do. People call it shadow work. I want to say that you have to do, you have to heal the inner child of yourself, the teenager, all the phases of yourself, because that's where all your subconscious, it's in your subconscious. You want to bring it to your consciousness, and when you bring it to your consciousness and you heal it, it's like you automatically feel like this, like, oh, I feel so much lighter, so much better. And then, from there on, if you keep going and keep going and keep going, yes, it's not going to be a pretty, you know process that you're going to go through.

Speaker 2:

You're going to cry, it's going to be things that are going to be revealed to you alone.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, but in order to be, if you want to be that, this is, this is episode that I want to touch base on, because it's a day in the life of a witch. If you're seeing this, it's because you're attracted to it. You want to maybe be, you know, a witch, want to learn how to do things that we do. That's one of the things that I suggest Start from the bottom. Start from whenever you were a little girl, a little boy. What hurt you? What did you want to hear? Heal from that, and that itself will bring you so much power.

Speaker 2:

I did that for two years Before I ever did any type of ritual or spell for myself. I had to heal and it actually it was about two and a half years process before I got the clearance to start doing magic.

Speaker 3:

And that's an important thing. I'm sorry, connie. Oh, go ahead, go ahead. Clearance People don't get okay, so you don't. When you're a practicing, a practitioner or a witch, you have to listen to your spirit guide your ancestors to your team. Whoever you have created, whoever you have brought upon a board, you have to listen to them, like if they say don't do that.

Speaker 1:

and you still do it. What do?

Speaker 3:

you think is going to happen, or am I doing this right? Stop second guessing yourself. The moment you start second guessing yourself is the moment you have already failed, because you already put it in your mind that that's not going to work.

Speaker 2:

And I didn't get the okay right away to just, oh, you don't like the candle and write my name. No, my guys told me no, you got to go through this healing process. You got to be by yourself. You have to, you know, heal your inner child. You have to forgive the people that truly hurt you. You have to go through this process. And I was laying in bed one night and I was, I heard it clearly it's okay for you to do your spells, it's okay for you to do your rituals. We are with you. So I was just like, okay, that's the clearance, that's the okay, that I got.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I was about to touch based on is you got to learn how to forgive yourself. You got to learn how to go all the way back to your inner childhood and forgive yourself, cause let me tell you something, if you do not forgive yourself, while the past trauma, the stuff that you went through, in life.

Speaker 2:

Carry it over and you're going to drive yourself crazy, You're going to be miserable.

Speaker 1:

You have to learn how to and I'm going to tell you, I feel so good right now because I don't learn how to forgive all the craziness, the evil people, the all the crazy evil stuff that ever happened to me. I learned how to forgive them and move on. You don't have to forget what they did, but long as you forgive them and move on with your life, you'll feel so lighter and you'll feel so much better.

Speaker 2:

You won't be so triggered.

Speaker 2:

I still have true, I still have more work because healing is a forever process, but it's a forever process, so I still go through my triggers, you know, with, you know from certain people, but, you know, after I get triggered, I was just like this is a test, you know. I quickly learned that this is a test, you know. So this is something you still need to work on. You still need to work on. But as I heal more, I get more clearance to do more things. I get more. It's like I um rewarded more power, more gifts.

Speaker 3:

So also do a lot of research. I feel like a lot of people don't do the research because it's not going into kitchen and putting herbs in a candle and stuff like that, it's not.

Speaker 1:

no, it's not that. Do your research. You can still ask questions, but please do your research. Like, what am I saying?

Speaker 3:

And who are you getting the research, like the information, from you know? Make sure that there's somebody that asks your ancestors, your spirit guys, that's how.

Speaker 1:

I learned If you don't, know, that if they don't communicate or talk to you, just ask them to show you some signs. Trust me, pay attention and you will see those signs.

Speaker 2:

And that's how I learned, cause I, you know, for a while I was just like, hmm, I am a witch, I'm a witch, and I was just like I was sitting one night with myself up like you're not a witch, you know you're a practitioner.

Speaker 1:

Don't tell you what you are. Ask them and they'll tell you your faiths.

Speaker 2:

And I was just like no okay that that makes sense, you know. So no-transcript. Did you get the? Did you get the? Did you hear clearly that you were a witch, or were you born into that?

Speaker 3:

I was born.

Speaker 2:

I was born into that. I was cause, I was and also I was watching a lady on YouTube. She was like you know. Most witches are born into it.

Speaker 1:

I was born into it.

Speaker 2:

I forgot her name.

Speaker 1:

I was just like I was born into this.

Speaker 2:

But I just, you know, started kinda, you know, practicing and doing stuff on my own.

Speaker 1:

I was young, I knew I was different. Gotcha, I would go to the Kingdom Hall cause you know, of course, my parents were druggled witnesses and I couldn't stand being in there. I would just sit there and be in there.

Speaker 2:

When I used to go with you, I'm like where did Tony got me going, but I used to always like I want to go with them to the Kingdom Hall cause it was something different. And we'd get up like Tony, they not gonna see we're the choir We'll have none of that.

Speaker 1:

We just put them song books at him. It just hung all the time and then when I went to the conventional with you.

Speaker 2:

I think I went two or three, oh no, he went with. Oh, I went with you before.

Speaker 1:

I was just like where did this girl? That's your bad friend. That was like all day Eight hours.

Speaker 2:

Eight hours Cause I remember the last one we went to as kids. We ended up going into the parking lot, so we went outside.

Speaker 1:

We didn't even we was just bad, we was bad Look if I bring my boy with me, I would have snuck him and playing with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know. Yeah, we went out into the parking lot and started doing other stuff, but I just wanted to go to kind of experience other religions cause I was just like you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've been to the churches. In the churches that's all they do at a sea it's 24 seven. I was like oh, they too loud in here, they too loud I wasn't used to it.

Speaker 3:

They go to the Catholic church. They won't be loud Girl.

Speaker 2:

It would be like Catholic is just like it's. I've been to a. I actually I have been to a Pentecostal church, catholic Jehovah.

Speaker 1:

Kingdom Hall, Baptist, non-denominational. That's it in just Kingdom Hall.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever been to a full gospel holy temple where they just shout the whole?

Speaker 1:

entire service. Oh no, cause I've probably been to a brand cause I'll be scared.

Speaker 2:

I mean they literally shout the whole.

Speaker 1:

I mean enabling.

Speaker 2:

it's just like spiritual. The Holy Spirit I mean there and full gospel, holy temple is the Holy Spirit. When spirit comes, they just shout, run up and down the aisle. I mean it's the same thing, it's just. It's really the same thing, just different wording.

Speaker 3:

I wanted to say something on like being born in which I know I'm Hispanic, obviously Mexican, and I was raised as a Catholic, but being a Catholic and being my mom so devoted to her religion she would, so that's something that I never understood until later on in life. You go to curanderas, which are witches, but you're still believing in the religion.

Speaker 1:

I didn't understand it either.

Speaker 3:

And since I was a little girl that's how I knew I was born a witch they would suppress all my gifts that I was supposed to have. They would take me to curanderas to make me not be, you know, aware of who I was. So for my whole entire life, since I was a child, probably like four or five years old, I've been around so many witches, so many witches. I've done so many things to me and I'm just like I would never understand it. My mom would just say just believe in it. Believe in it, my mom, believe in it. It's gonna help you, it's for the best of you. It's because they didn't want me to be who I'm supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

Who I am now.

Speaker 3:

They don't agree with who I am. Now they still tell me to this day, like just leave that stuff alone, like don't believe in it. I'm like mom, but that's who I am.

Speaker 2:

But do you think it was because out of fear, they didn't want you to be exposed to certain things? Why do you feel like they was trying to kind of suppress those gifts?

Speaker 3:

I think that there are a fear of what I would become, the person that I would become, if I would become a good person, a good witch or a bad witch. And let's talk.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad you brought that up. Let's talk about you, know, because when you hear the word witch and like I said, I don't refer to myself- as a witch.

Speaker 1:

I said, yeah, people get terrified by that word. They paint a bad picture Catrified, yes.

Speaker 2:

And why do you think? It's because you know people think that because you're a witch, you get Because from the past, the way they've always made witches a sounder look.

Speaker 1:

and you see, witches just look like us, but they just made it seem like you know they're such a bad people, are they?

Speaker 2:

gonna be searching or and we gonna fly on the broom and stuff like that. Yes, we got black cats. You don't do have cats Because you know cats are spiritual animals.

Speaker 1:

But no, we all don't have cats and we all don't fly on broomsticks. We don't have the long pointy noses and stuff like that. We're just regular human beings.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think when you refer to the word witch, I think it's just the power. They think I'm a bad witch, it's just the magical.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm a fast dad, you know one thing about me I'm not gonna jump on the bandwagon. That's just not me. I don't care about what people think of on a term of a word, it's just the word. It's just the word Do your research and you'll learn.

Speaker 3:

I mean, if we wanna think about it in that way and put labels on things, it's all in the label. And speaking again on Catholic, what you're doing when you're drinking quote unquote the blood of Jesus? Isn't that like a ritual? Whenever?

Speaker 2:

you are eating the body of the.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Exactly, isn't that a ritual? It's a ritual, like everything is a ritual, it's just the word.

Speaker 3:

So differently, we're just putting it in different categories to go ahead and say this is a good way to go, but this way, if you go this way, that's the bad way.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, that's cool.

Speaker 3:

American. That's the good way.

Speaker 2:

Spiritual is the same as all other religions. Like I said, it's just different terminology. Yes, as far as even in Baptist Church they like candles and after church they use the holy oil and put there with your third eye. So it's just, you know it's spiritual. We just use oil, blessed oil. We just it's blessed oil. You know it's being blessed by you know somebody. That's spiritual. It's all. The religions are just the same. But, like you said, it's people are taught. You know what they're basically for, what they grew, the way they grew up.

Speaker 1:

Now I also wanted to touch base on this. Now which you know which is a practitioner. I just thought you should know that a witch is a practitioner of witchcraft. So even though you can call yourself a witch or a practice, all the same.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't a reason why I said that. You know I'm very careful with that term because I don't want to label myself as something that I know I was not born into.

Speaker 1:

You know I wasn't, yeah, I was it.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't born into being a witch. I that's. I consider myself, I always refer to myself more of the shaman bloodline and the healer bloodline because I got the clearance and the power to heal people through, you know, words, through my hands, through Reiki. So that's the reason why I just said, you know, I wasn't bored, like you know, even though I know my grandmother and my great-grandmother, you know they all had the power within them but they never unlocked it because they thought that it was such a bad thing. And you know a lot of my ancestors, whatever I never met, but just communicating with them. They had all the power within them but they just never practiced that.

Speaker 3:

So what if they had the ability? They were supposed to be witches and they never unlocked it. But maybe you're supposed to unlock it.

Speaker 1:

You were the one that came up next to unlock it.

Speaker 2:

When I get that, okay then you know, I'll be open to it.

Speaker 2:

But you know, like I said, I know that I do have power because I have manifested a lot of beautiful things in my life, not just money, but just you know the lifestyle that I have, the success that I have, the. You know the heart that I have. So you know just me being a better person and healing. So I know I have that power but I'm still, as I grow and heal more. It's like I'm getting more gifts. So the more I heal, the better person that I'm becoming.

Speaker 3:

That's another episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And then also it says, like you know, which is a practitioner of witchcraft? Traditionally, witchcraft means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others. So, like I said, you know, just being classified or called a witch isn't a bad thing. I know a lot of people. They're scared of it because of what they were raised up hearing about it.

Speaker 2:

They think all witches are dark, but it's not. Yeah, they think all witches are dark.

Speaker 1:

You have some witches that do light work, that do dark work. You have some to do both. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it Because, trust me, all of it comes in hand to hand.

Speaker 3:

And there'll be a lot of those people, the non-believers, that come and they're like, hey, can you go ahead and do this for me?

Speaker 1:

I get that all the time I don't want the organization to know Can you do a spell?

Speaker 2:

Can you do this or can you? I'm like I at this point in my life I don't do spells for nobody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, that's it. I don't do spells for nobody until I become yeah until I become, you know, more powerful in my likings.

Speaker 2:

But you're right, it's a lot of the Christian people, it's a lot of the Catholic people, it's a lot of people. Oh, can you do my reading? Can you do a spell?

Speaker 1:

No, I can refer you to people, but I still believe it. Yeah, what was that number one time? But I still believe in Jesus. That's the last thing that they say. Did nobody even say that we did that you didn't believe in Jesus I'm like what do you want me to? Do? I don't get it.

Speaker 3:

I don't get it, I don't need to hear that you believe in Jesus. No, I don't need to hear that you think. But that's what a lot of people think that when you say witches that we don't believe in God.

Speaker 2:

You know that we don't believe in Jesus. That's what I mean. Like I said to each and all, I know everybody have their preference, but they just assume. They just automatically assume that we believe in a devil and stuff like that. Yeah, that we believe that we worship the devil and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

I just said something like this I might not believe in the devil. I do.

Speaker 2:

I'm like the devil is real, the devil is very real and in any religion devil worshipers, all of us now?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, by no means, I know. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I do the same thing. I pray the devil away, cause he's real. You know, he attacks from every angle. The devil is very real. Do I worship the devil? But again.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't he an angel, if we want to talk in those terms.

Speaker 2:

The devil started as an angel. That's how the devil is able to predict a lot of stuff in our life. They know what area. The devil knows what area to attack. This where we most vulnerable.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, how do we know it's a devil and not the God? If God created sins, created everything like that, how do we know it's the devil that is doing that, but not God? What if it's God and the devil is the one that's trying to save us?

Speaker 2:

That's a good question, that's a real good question and that's something to really Watch out get deeper into spirituality and start looking into that.

Speaker 1:

Trust me, you'll start seeing what we're coming from. It's not about research, because that's research on all the sides. I'm learning them type. I'm very intriguing and interesting, want to know about things.

Speaker 3:

So what about? A lot of people know what they are not familiar with some more Deities or Orishas, everything like that. What's your input on that? I know that you work a few.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for not announcing, but yeah, I work with Deities.

Speaker 3:

I will never, never, never say that.

Speaker 1:

I will say, yeah, that's fine, there's your special, I feel like this first stop you got to start with working with your ancestors because, first and foremost, you got to thank the ones who made it possible for you to be here. And then, of course, you can move on and start working with different deities. With the clearance they'll go out there and just start working with Ask, ask, ask, just because you got to make sure.

Speaker 2:

You got to ask or that you'll be led to it Like.

Speaker 1:

I just got the clearance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just got the okay to work with minds, but it's not.

Speaker 1:

Don't go out there and just oh, I'm going to work with this one. Oh, I feel that call. Let me work with them. Okay, go ahead and work with them If you want to or stuff start happening.

Speaker 2:

You just be like what is going on, why my life is falling apart because you didn't get the okay. But now it don't matter what spiritual work you do, whether you work with your Orishas or you know, just get the okay. You got to get the okay because you just can't start going to the kitchen and put cinnamon with basil and say, oh, I'm a witch.

Speaker 3:

No, there's a lot more to that. It's a lot more.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to tell you but that's the one a lot of people really think that's the stuff that we got through back then.

Speaker 3:

That's what I want people to open up Like you can't just go and say I'm going to go work with this deity or this Orishas, and then you do absolutely no work, you ask nobody for permission. And then you're like why is everything going?

Speaker 2:

exactly, exactly why is there so many blockages in my life, right yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I just wanted to make that known to people because I know I do work for her. So a lot of people you know bring those questions. I'm like well, have you started from the very beginning? Have you asked if you could even work with somebody? Are you even there yet mentally? Like they're spiritually as well, but mentally it's not easy to take like be a part or work with the deity, and then you don't understand how they work and then they do you do something wrong and you're like, oh my God, like have you even done the research? Are you mentally ready to be there? Have you healed your inner child? Have you healed all parts of you? Have you forgiven the people? Have you been so you could be at the level to be like, okay, I can handle this amount of power, and that power will not overtake my mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it can't it will. I was there because I have been there, I just kind of dive off into some stuff and I was just like I was overwhelmed.

Speaker 1:

It overwhelmed me because yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was. It was kind of my fault because I was trying to do too much, but I wanted to see what level you know what all I could do and I was just like you know, wow, yeah, it sat me down for a few days, but that's a good thing, though, that you were like I'm going to sit down because what I'm going through is not okay.

Speaker 3:

I need to go ahead and think about it, change a couple of things. Some people will still continue.

Speaker 2:

No, you have to make sure you get the okay from your ancestors, from your spirits, whatever you, you know, believe in or follow.

Speaker 1:

Make sure, if you can't like hear them talk to you and stuff, pay attention to the signs as well. Yeah, because everybody can hear them Definitely will give you the signs.

Speaker 2:

They definitely will give you the signs. But no, it's being being called a witch or a practitioner. Whatever you may be, it's not always a bad thing. It's not not at all.

Speaker 1:

Because I thought it was a bad thing too back in the days, until I started doing my research and I learned it's not.

Speaker 2:

I met the most beautiful witch ever, like she's on YouTube. I'm not going to call her name, but her spirit, just her spirit, her soul is just so healing and I'm just like. She's a very beautiful person. But when you, if you refer to about being a witch, you would say, oh, you know you'll think, oh, she's mean and you know she does this dark magic. Now she's a very beautiful soul.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So not all witches are bad witches.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you do have some out there that are dark, that will. That could put a spell on you so bad to her. Have your whole life crumbling apart.

Speaker 3:

So you got to be careful, and we, as witches, are not excluded from that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I want everybody to know that that's a very, because we go through trials and tribulations, probably more we can get curses and we are working so hard on something, on a project, and sometimes we become very overwhelmed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if, if your vibration starts to go a little lower and lower and lower, that's whenever another witch, if they don't like you, can go ahead and attack you.

Speaker 1:

So just because we are that, doesn't mean that we don't get attacked, because we probably get an attack more than just a normal regular person, because of jealousy, envy and just people just being jealous of me. You know, we got to protect ourselves too, just like you got to protect yourself.

Speaker 2:

Just people, you know you don't necessarily have to be jealous, but just people sending you that just evil. It's like, yeah, just I don't want her to be. There probably would don't like you and jealousy you so yeah, but then a lot of times they can just don't like you too that was that.

Speaker 1:

That's the main thing.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy how you can say I don't like you and you don't even know that person, but it's real. It's real.

Speaker 3:

It's life, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I, I know we're not stupid.

Speaker 1:

That's being witches. Cause you know um it's a wish to be on medium, so please know anybody that be into energy and try to send the way versus and hit it.

Speaker 2:

I know, my baby, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

And we know you can cloak yourself or you won't, we know.

Speaker 2:

Trust me, you can try to cover it up. We pay attention to the signs and they'll let us know, and so we know so.

Speaker 1:

I just but me when I know me personally.

Speaker 2:

When I know that somebody fully don't like me or you know it's not of my best interest, I just you know, I back away.

Speaker 1:

Like, just because someone don't like, you don't mean that's in here. Like, okay, I'm going to get this person back because I don't, because there's a lot of people that I don't care for, but I'm not even going to waste my time and energy and do nothing to them.

Speaker 2:

By no means, but like what I got to waste my energy to manifest.

Speaker 1:

You know they did me wrong and I just leave it at that. I'm not going to sit here and waste my time and put you in no hedge jar and do no heads is in a no, You're not wasting, You're not working my time.

Speaker 1:

If you ever thought you would work my time, please, you're not, and that's how I know it by breaking on a higher level, because I know to you know, ignore and just move forward. Because the old Tony a couple months ago, yeah, but now I'm past that, I don't even pour energy into it, I'm just like. But you don't like me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thank you, I appreciate you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but I'm going to go ahead and wrap this episode up of the days and the which life. If y'all have any questions or you want to drop any feedback, just leave it below and, like always, like, share and subscribe. And until next episode, bye.

Witches and Practitioners' Daily Life
Protection, Manifestation, and Inner Healing
Exploring Personal Spiritual Journey and Witchcraft
Exploring the Misconceptions of Witchcraft
Understanding Witchcraft and Spirituality
Dealing With Negativity and Moving Forward