Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast

Let's Talk about "Tarot or Intuitive Readers"

April 04, 2024 Toni H. Season 2 Episode 8
Let's Talk about "Tarot or Intuitive Readers"
Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
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Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
Let's Talk about "Tarot or Intuitive Readers"
Apr 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 8
Toni H.

Ever wondered if the cards hold your destiny, or if it's the whisper of intuition guiding your path? Join me, Toni, and my insightful guests—Shantar, Nisha, and Mai—as we navigate the realms of tarot and intuitive readings. We're stripping back the layers of mystique to reveal how these practices work in tandem, and why respecting the spiritual energies we engage with is paramount. From the role of intuition in translating messages from the spirit team to the necessary energy protection techniques like crown covering, we're sharing stories, insights, and a hefty dose of reality about the spiritual world that so many are curious about but few truly understand.

Creating content that resonates can be as elusive as catching whispers in the wind, but we're discussing the secret sauce that links a reader's energy to their audience. Whether it's a question of niche expertise or the broader canvas of content diversity, we, alongside our guests, reveal personal journeys through the spiritual guidance realm, and the often-overlooked importance of heeding the advice given. The road to becoming an intuitive or tarot reader is one less travelled, sprinkled with challenges, but lined with profound fulfillment—join us as we shed light on what this path entails.

Finally, we're opening the treasure chest of self-awareness and sharing glittering jewels of advice for those looking to enhance their intuitive abilities. From fashioning your wardrobe to reflect your mood to cocooning yourself in uplifting melodies, we're giving you the practical magic to elevate your personal vibrations. As we conclude this episode, we're not just inviting you to listen; we're urging you to stay true to your passion and journey, for authenticity and sincerity are the compasses that will guide you through life's wild, unpredictable frontiers.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered if the cards hold your destiny, or if it's the whisper of intuition guiding your path? Join me, Toni, and my insightful guests—Shantar, Nisha, and Mai—as we navigate the realms of tarot and intuitive readings. We're stripping back the layers of mystique to reveal how these practices work in tandem, and why respecting the spiritual energies we engage with is paramount. From the role of intuition in translating messages from the spirit team to the necessary energy protection techniques like crown covering, we're sharing stories, insights, and a hefty dose of reality about the spiritual world that so many are curious about but few truly understand.

Creating content that resonates can be as elusive as catching whispers in the wind, but we're discussing the secret sauce that links a reader's energy to their audience. Whether it's a question of niche expertise or the broader canvas of content diversity, we, alongside our guests, reveal personal journeys through the spiritual guidance realm, and the often-overlooked importance of heeding the advice given. The road to becoming an intuitive or tarot reader is one less travelled, sprinkled with challenges, but lined with profound fulfillment—join us as we shed light on what this path entails.

Finally, we're opening the treasure chest of self-awareness and sharing glittering jewels of advice for those looking to enhance their intuitive abilities. From fashioning your wardrobe to reflect your mood to cocooning yourself in uplifting melodies, we're giving you the practical magic to elevate your personal vibrations. As we conclude this episode, we're not just inviting you to listen; we're urging you to stay true to your passion and journey, for authenticity and sincerity are the compasses that will guide you through life's wild, unpredictable frontiers.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Toni. I'm the host of the Bougie Bayou Witches podcast and I have some guests with me, and this is Shantar, nisha and Mai Alright. So this is going to be episode 8 and we're going to be talking about let's talk about tarot or intuitive readers, and I know people really love this. This is a great topic to talk about. So, first of all, I'm going to go ahead and get started with what type of reader do you consider yourself, shantel?

Speaker 2:

To be honest with you, I'm both. I could go either way the cards or intuitive. I think the cards are more so for the stubborn people that I got to see what's going on. Flip the cards, I agree with you, but I can do it either way. The stubborn people.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Anisha, do you read cards? That would be my next step. I'm more of a. I can feel people's emotions.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right. What about you, ma Intuitive?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

That's what I'm talking about. I don't know how to do tarot cards.

Speaker 4:

You tell me what to do.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I just no, well, I'm going to be honest with y'all. So I'm like, okay, but I do like to use cards only when I have questions about certain things. I will, um, get with my spirit team and have them to. You know, help me out with pulling some cards and stuff like that. But like, do I do it for people? No, do I have the patience to do people? No, but I can honestly say I don't mind doing it for myself when I need to know questions about certain situations and things, sometimes that I'm going through if I'm not in the mood of using my pendulum or bothering my spirit team. So, yes, but can you explain what intuition is and how it plays a role in?

Speaker 2:

tarot card reading. That's a great question and I'm so glad that you brought that up, because I've been paying attention to a lot of the readers on tiktok and for myself, when it comes time for me to pull the card. I can get the same card for many different people, but the messages are going to be different. So for me personally, I realized just today that I get my messages. Even though it may be the same card, the message is coming directly from that person's spirit team, so it ain't no way that these people on this tiktok is getting the same messages for everybody. Like it's a disconnect. You know something different, right? But, um, yes, you got to use your intuition. When you flip them cards, it's supposed to be a group of people, or that person's ancestor or your team talking to you, telling you the message for that particular card.

Speaker 4:

I totally agree yeah, you gotta watch out for those tiktokers so it's like this is for the collective, yeah, and you'll be like, huh, I don't even relate to that. But then they say, but it's not for everybody.

Speaker 1:

It's only for certain people. If it's not for you, then you need to leave your rising, or your this and your that.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry y'all, y'all know we watch a lot of reviews for me. I'll watch the ones um on tiktok, that um, I even test a few. I'm the one of them. I'm curious. I'm curious to see what they can read for me and for me. If you don't cover your crown, then you're not to me, I don't think you're a real considerate reader because I know a few that actually do cover their crown.

Speaker 3:

They are very gifted and at the same time, some of them they're so excited to be on that platform that they forget that. You know all the energy that's out there. People can just look at you and get a picture of you and then that'll block everything. And then you're always saying, oh, it's not for everybody, of course, it's not for everybody, because everybody's not having that type of issue that day. So for me it will be more. I'm drawn to the crown, people that actually cover their self. Yes, and also I see a lot of people on TikTok. They always want to play in the graveyard. That is not a place where you play in. It's more like you only do those things when you're actually doing work, and not only for yourself, but if you're working for someone, and so it's all about what you're drawn to, and I think sometimes they just do that for money. And then I actually had a person inbox me and said, oh, you're having a bad day, or your family is this, or you're overwhelmed.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not overwhelmed, I trust them. Folks at the beginning of your inboxes Okay y'all they get in mind. I start asking them questions and they shut up Me too. Them questions they shut up exactly, do not come for me and don't play with me I am, not these other folks. It's gullible. You're not gonna play and fool me. I'm not gonna sit here and fall for your okie dokie because you need a couple of quick dollars in your pocket and you're trying to come for me, or you know?

Speaker 3:

people don't know me or I have a message for you. What kind of message you got for me that I ain't?

Speaker 1:

got for myself my spirit team to give me messages.

Speaker 4:

I don't need you to give it to me.

Speaker 1:

What was the question?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

No problem, Sure, it's um. Can you explain what intuition is?

Speaker 4:

and how it plays a role in tarot card reading. Hmm, I don't do tarot card reading. I have no idea and I don't watch them. So I don't do tarot cards.

Speaker 1:

I have no idea and I don't watch them, so I don't know how to answer that, but being like an intuitive reader and stuff, okay, I can answer that. Yeah, how do you?

Speaker 4:

feel like it plays a role in it. Intuition, oh, it's like the most important thing, like if you don't trust your intuition, how are you going to know what your true answers are? You need to connect with your whole entire team, that we're all one and that's how we work. And they say move left, you move left. If you say they say move right, you move right. And so to me, that's more of my thing, it's more here yeah here and here.

Speaker 4:

I don't use the tarot cards, I just I can't. It's not. I'm not saying anything about it, I just right right, I can't connect with them.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. And you know what I prefer when people just come to me and be intuitive and just tell me messages and things from the spirit team, because I can know what my spirit team communicating and talking to you, because I do pull cards and read myself anyway and I'll be knowing things. So when you come in with the cards you say, oh yeah, you're gonna be wealthy, oh yeah, you're gonna be this, you're gonna be there. Okay, how do I know it's for me?

Speaker 1:

and then you're just not pulling into saying that you know so I like it when people are intuitive readers versus the tarot readers. It's just my opinion, don't come for me. So it's my opinion I like it when you're intuitive, because then let me know that you don't need no cards to read me. You're that gifted that you can read me without the cards.

Speaker 4:

I have asked several of my clients, though. I'm like how do you, or like what is your experience from the session that we had, like tarot versus intuitive, and they explained it to me, which I thought it was pretty cool. It's like tarot gives it out as like a form of a story, and to me, mine is not a story. It's like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Okay, and then what?

Speaker 3:

like I don't have a story to tell over here it's just straight up answers that are coming out of my mouth. I do have a question for you, um, tony, what do you think about some of them that actually do terror? But it's for, like, how can I say I follow this one lady that she's always speaking sexual and she used sexual terror cards to say, oh, he's thinking about you or he's missing you, or he wants to do these things with you yeah oh yeah, I think you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I don't know really, because I haven't been watching that many tarot readers anymore like I have in the past. I just kind of stick to I'll be honest with y'all my two intuitive tarot readers is right here, y'all my Shantaro, that's it. I know my spirit team connects with them and tell them because maybe they be on point with what they say and they don't tell me stuff that I already knew. They tell me stuff that I don't know, that I know my team probably have told them. You know, because I did two separate readings with them and they told me the similar stuff and I said ain't no way in the world, because this person didn't know that this person told me this.

Speaker 4:

So that's how I know my team, so that's the type of readers.

Speaker 1:

I like them and two of the readers with my team let the guards down and go and tell them what they need to relate to me, because I've had a lot of readers read me I'm sorry. And they I just was like okay, that's it, you know. Like after it was like y'all can't even read me. My team didn't even go to y'all, I already knew it. They they kept them guards up and you was trying to read around with them saying instead, instead of saying I can't read you, you should have just said you couldn't read me, and I would have accepted that because I know my team is very protective over me. But, nisha, what was the question that you was asking me? I don't got all on top and I still have something to piggyback on from your time.

Speaker 3:

No, it's just that I follow. I actually. I actually like this young lady that I follow on TikTok Okay, but everything she talks about is just sexual. I actually like this young lady that I follow on TikTok Okay, but everything she talks about is just sexual. Everything is he thinks about you or she thinks about you and he misses you and I'm thinking do you have anything else to talk about?

Speaker 1:

Maybe that's just what she likes to talk about, Because you know how certain people have certain things that they like to yeah, so her niche is the sexual, versus just talking about money that a lot of people want to always hear about.

Speaker 1:

She want to talk about sexual things and stuff like that. So that's probably, like she said, her niche and so that's why she always talk about. So what you need to do is tune into her when you in that moment and you want to know about him. Or then you might need to tune into another reader when you want to know about other things, because a lot of readers they do have their own little niche and different things they like to specialize in and talk about can I just add something?

Speaker 2:

real sure, um, coming from a reader that used to do it live on tv, it's mostly the energy of the people that's tapping in or watching that the reader usually picks up on, so a lot of the times and that's what made me step away period from doing it live, because it was like I was repeating myself over and over again, because the same energies keep wanting the same question, so it's usually the energy of the watchers that's getting, that's feeding into the reader.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and that's true. I agree, like with you when you said oh, a lot of people can't read me and they just try to like, yeah, cut corners, like what could she possibly want this, this, and that. I'm straight up. If I can't read you, I'm like you have something on you and that is the reason why I can't read you. I'm gonna gonna tell you straight up, are you?

Speaker 1:

that team is blocking them to what they don't want you to read them. It's not to be honest. I'm honest, I can't read you I don't want your money.

Speaker 3:

I can't read you, I'm sorry, but you have this, this, this and this and this and this on you and or when you tell you make no damn sense, excuse my life, we don't make no sense, but yeah, go ahead. Oh, when the reader is telling you something, I think too. Well, I know for sure. When a reader is telling you giving you advice and suggest, follow what that reader is telling you to do. If they're telling you, do x, y and z, don't go back and do the opposite of what they're telling you, because it's wasting your time.

Speaker 3:

So listen the first time when they tell you, because when they come back you come back in and see that reader. Oh, this happened to me again. That reader might not want to do those things for you again because you didn't listen the first time.

Speaker 1:

You're being hard. That's all the agreement. I do have some youtube readers that I do really like, and then I did have this lady. It was a cuban lady. She did a reading for me. Now I ain't gonna lie, she was good she. She said some things that was true, I ain't gonna lie then she was good, she good, was she good? She was good, okay, she was good, okay, I like her. She was good too. So yeah, but what were you saying?

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, I don't know no, I'm just saying like some. We have some clients that come in and get their readings and then they're they're like okay, well, such and such is doing such and such. Okay, well, I'm giving you a solution and advice to to stop and cut cords with this person. And then you, few weeks later, you come back and you have the same problem. That reader, or whoever spiritual person is working with you, did all this work, yeah, and you're being hard-headed. And then you come back again and tell my, I really need your help. Oh, it didn't work. What?

Speaker 1:

you said right, I love you, I'm like, so why did you? Do what exactly I told you to do, even though I know the answer, I'm just gonna test to see if you're gonna keep it real with me.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, I did everything exactly how you told me. I don't know why it didn't work like that, so you stayed in this path, that I told you to stay in that path so you wouldn't steer off. They're like, yeah, I did, and I'm like, no, you didn't.

Speaker 1:

No, you didn't, and I said it just like that they're like, I can't lie to you like you sure can't get out of here with her. Let me ask y'all what inspired you to become an intuitive or tarot reader?

Speaker 2:

I don't think we can aspire for this.

Speaker 4:

We didn't choose this Did you go? Like me, it was not an option.

Speaker 2:

It was just one of the gifts that God blessed us with, and as a messenger. You know we don't have a choice or an option. You know it seems like some people do, but I feel like the chosen ones we don't have an option so rather, you go through hell or whatever it is that you go through.

Speaker 2:

you try to not use your gift. It still happens, or your life gets thrown into a blender on high and you just spent the round until you get on your path. So it's not a choice to be quite honest with you, because if I had to choose, I promise to God I wouldn't choose this.

Speaker 1:

Some of those. This is the path that we were supposed to go down.

Speaker 4:

It's not something you want to go to sleep with, thinking I'm like.

Speaker 3:

I'm worried. Or, if you, for me past experience. Years ago I was 11, 12 years old. I can think about this house. My mom bought this house and I had this one room. It was like a diagonal rectangle square room and it was green. She put me a little bed in there. It had a bookshelf and a straw uh desk. It was a straw chair with a desk and I think for me, when I kept seeing this this man and his overalls and his straw hat lord and it was like why are you messing with me? It was. I wasn't terrified, but I'm like, mom, there's a man in here. And then she's like well, what are you talking about? I don't see no man in your room and I'm like he's bothering me. But he's keeping me company and it was like you will hang out and I'm like, okay, well, since you're here, can you do my homework?

Speaker 3:

You know when you're 12, 13 years old, you don't know what's going on. So it was like well, why you chose for me to see you and nobody else can see you.

Speaker 3:

And then it's like okay, well, since we gotta live in this house together, I guess we might as well get along together and then you go back as an as you become an adult and years later you know your family members, you start seeing them and you're like I haven't seen you since such and such. And it's like, okay, well, it's a calming spirit, um, or you might say something that when another child is born you're like such and such is having a child. You know, just be careful. Blah, blah, blah. And then they laugh at you. And then next thing you know, you get that phone call weeks later and said, hey, such and such had a baby On what day, did you say? And then when you say the date, they think something is wrong.

Speaker 4:

It's like well, I didn't choose to say this to scare you.

Speaker 3:

It's just that, it's. It's there, it's. There's. Nothing I can do, just next time when I tell you something, listen what about you, ma um.

Speaker 4:

What was the question again? What no, I'm sorry, you know, my mind is somewhere else, it's always somewhere else?

Speaker 1:

what inspired you to become intuitive or tarot card reader, which we know you're intuitive reader?

Speaker 4:

what inspired me? Um, like she said, it was just something that you just have. It just come natural. It just comes natural. Um, when I was a child, I think I saw a lot, a lot of things, okay, that would scare me, and they were like in the dark and it's scary and stuff like that and I would always want to sleep with my mom and dad and I couldn't understand it. And then I got older, then I started, you know, kind of figuring out who I was and I'm like, oh, okay, I was seeing things and like messages people were coming to me, I was getting scared.

Speaker 4:

I'm like there's somebody in the house like how she said, and I would get freaked out. I was like five or six years old but and then I was born into a very strict catholic household, so that was like that's the devil what did you do? Yeah, they say it in spanish I'm like, oh my god, I was scared. I was like what do you mean? So they're like, myra, you just need to pray and keep praying, and keep praying what's that gonna do?

Speaker 1:

call upon jehovah and it's gonna be okay. She didn't even understand. Spirits was coming to me when I was a teenager. I would go to sleep, I would see them, but I didn't understand until. I got older and everything started making sense to me when I was young. I didn't understand why I always was seeing these different ditties and spirits and stuff in my dreams. I didn't know why they was coming for me.

Speaker 2:

I didn't understand that.

Speaker 1:

But when I got older everything made sense. I had some encounters at my grandmother's house with eight balls moving and disappearing to other rooms and then of course I didn't make no better playing on the Ouija board. But you know like, hey, I was a little follower. Sometimes when I was young I'd sing Bone Thugs-N-Harmony talking about it. So I got a little curious because I was a curious kid. You know, he talking about Ouija, you with me. I'm like hold on, wait a minute, now let me go get my friends y'all ready to come play. Let's go play. So you know we start asking questions about you know different things. But you know, when you're young you're gonna do things like I was always into horoscopes and stuff like that like every time my mama got her woman day magazines and just get different magazines, period. What was it? Um, jet ebony.

Speaker 3:

I turned right to the back to read what my horoscope was nobody told me about that look that's the newspaper.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that newspaper you open that newspaper and you're gonna read what the horoscope, because I wanted to know what was projected for me.

Speaker 3:

What was gonna happen for me? It was the obituaries. I need to see who passed away oh, my god, and I always want to go to the state cell, and I shouldn't say that.

Speaker 1:

but that was me.

Speaker 3:

Y'all see the paper today Earl passed away. What's wrong with this child, wow?

Speaker 2:

You saw that on the dark side. Like I wasn't worried about the obituaries, I tried to keep my promise, going Well for some of us, that was the first gift that opened up, because when I was three, it was the deaf spirit that came and started working with me first. Oh, wow, and that's what scared me to hell, because what is this? How do I know somebody you know getting ready to pass. Sometimes that's the first gift that we work with so when you was three years old?

Speaker 1:

Wow, don't ask me to ask. I just know when I was old enough to recognize and realize it was when I was a teenager.

Speaker 4:

What about?

Speaker 1:

you Ma.

Speaker 4:

Huh. I didn't tell you how long no.

Speaker 1:

I have to tell you something later.

Speaker 3:

I know You're not even thinking about that house, huh.

Speaker 4:

Because it's green. No, no, it's something else. No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

But like I swear and I said, tony, I hope I don't do that this time around and this I just can't help it.

Speaker 4:

I'll zone out I did have a question overall uh for like intuitive readers okay do you? I guess I'm having like a hard time finding our group of people because there's not a lot of like intuitive readers. There's more tarot than intuitive. So my question is or they'll?

Speaker 1:

call themselves intuitive tarot readers, because I've seen some of them say that.

Speaker 4:

Do you think for you, is it just more intuitive reader, or do you do more?

Speaker 2:

I just do intuitive reader, or do you do more? I just do intuitive. But to go back to what you said about our kind, we very far and few between. It's not everybody that has the gift that we have it's a lot of imitations, but they're not I was looking forward to meeting you.

Speaker 4:

Like one of my people, I've been searching for her or him whoever it was.

Speaker 2:

I understand, but I honestly feel in my spirit, I know in my soul, that it is that way for a reason because it's not a lot of people that can do what we can do, so it has to be a lot of fake people out there to keep us hidden and close. You know, things in plain sight. That's how my spirit's helped me so don't worry.

Speaker 3:

Or for you, when you asked me, uh, a week or so or two ago, um, I'm around a lot of uh, foolishness, a lot of, and so they don't know that I have a certain gift. And then when I say to myself, it's like you, you look weird, but you're not weird. Just the fact that they don't know, because you, I like to call them demons that's what I call them at work, so you know. And then so, with you.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you're an empath, but I'm an empath so like, when you get around a lot of people and they don't know anything about cleansing themselves right, and all the different energies, demons and spirits and entities that they can have on them, you can feel them. You can so like because, like for instance, yesterday, my no, I was in, I was in a nail salon. I said, oh my god, they got these loud people in here and they really like, irritate me and they need to go cleanse themselves. Cause I feel that energy and it's so off, like I need to find me a mobile tape that can come to my house, cause I just don't always like being out in public and it's not saying that I want to forever be an introvert and just be to myself in my house, but this is a lot of times I noticed when I do go out in public, I just run across some folks that I just don't want to be around. I just want to leave because I feel their energy.

Speaker 3:

I understand they're being loud, or it's like you have some that just feel like one I know for sure has childhood trauma issues, and it's like you got to hear yourself from 745 to whenever you go home, do you ever take a break? Like, do you ever take a break? I know you ever shut that trap, right. That's why you got to have that. You know that certain thing to mellow it out, right, okay, ladies.

Speaker 1:

Can y'all share a memorable experience when your intuition or tarot cards provided a valuable guidance or insight to a client?

Speaker 3:

Okay, say that question, because I'm not about to mess this one up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, okay All right, I got you here, I come. Can you share a memorable experience where your intuition Because we got no tear readers on here, so your intuition provided a valuable guidance or insight to a client?

Speaker 2:

Yes, my absolute favorite client, hey Ashley hey. This is my favorite client because her journey I ain't your favorite client.

Speaker 1:

You are but this one right here her journey is spectacular.

Speaker 2:

She started working with me when she was working at Walmart and when I started doing her readings for her, I told her everything as far as her getting ready to move and she was going to be isolated. This girl followed my instructions and every time I talk about her I'd be ready to cry, because to witness her journey is amazing. She followed the instructions to the team okay, okay, and she left Texas because she was doing piloting uh, for a while. That's when you escort the 18 wheelers to drop loads all over the United States. And one day she was driving and she caught me. She was like bitch.

Speaker 2:

My GPS just re-rided itself to Colorado because I told her she was getting ready to locate to Colorado, but it was months before it happened. She said I don't know what's going on. I said so what you going to do? She said I'm going to go to Colorado. So she drove to Colorado from Washington because she was doing a load from Washington and she drove there. She was living out of her car, she had just the minimum stuff. That girl called me. She said I made it, I'm supposed to go check into this hotel, and I was on the phone with her the whole entire time and I said how you feel. She was like I'm a little nervous, but I'm following my spirit. She checked into that hotel and that man behind that counter said are you by any chance looking for a job now?

Speaker 2:

mind you, she just quit her job and she went to colorado on a whim, with no family or nothing, and she, like I say, she followed everything to the t. She went from working at the hotel, living at the hotel, to getting her own apartment, working from um, working for leasing agencies and things like that. Like her life just progressed all the way up and now she's a business owner getting ready to go to the next step. And that's my favorite one of all time the ones that actually listen, because we don't do this for us, right? We do this for y'all, and when y'all listen, we know what can happen to your life because we already see it. Y'all just gotta follow the instructions and do what we tell you to do and everybody can be on the path that they supposed to be on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hear that because she's speaking numbers straight up like real talk um, it's true for me, it was a a good friend of mine.

Speaker 3:

um, we worked together back in georgia and she didn't like her job. She didn't like her job at all. She was like okay, um, I'm having a hard time, I'm gonna just quit. And I just told her if you decided to quit, quit because you need to find something else and that you don't have so much stress on your back. And the day I knew she was going to quit, she called me and she was like tomorrow I'm going to come in and do my two week notice. I said you don't have to give people two week notice anymore. You know that, right, that's just so traditional, Right. But if you know you have a backup plan and it's safe which I knew it was then go for it. So she did her thing. She put in a two-week notice. She worked maybe three days out of that two-week notice.

Speaker 3:

Fast forward, maybe five, six years later she called me one day out of the blue and was like hey, ma, thank you so much, Cause if I didn't listen to you, I wouldn't have got married, I wouldn't change careers. And she said I'm excited. And she said I heard that you left that job. And I was like I left them a year ago and I'm on my way to move and she was like that was a toxic environment. I was like it was very toxic.

Speaker 1:

I said but, I, knew what I was doing when I left, but don't let nobody tell you what you can't do.

Speaker 4:

But in two weeks that man is gonna call you and ask you want your job back? You tell him no, family member. Okay, he um, which to me I think it's very rewarding to myself, to him and everyone else that's involved right, it was basically more of a generational. So he was in the state of depression, slash, had suicidal thoughts, okay. So he didn't know where he wanted to go in life and he's like why does everything keep going wrong in my life? And but I knew he was a chosen, he's a chosen one and he has a purpose here and he cannot leave this earth now, this where we are at right now. He can't leave right now. So then I said okay, I started talking to him in different kinds of way and he ended up quitting his job because he wasn't happy there. And then we got together and we're working now together to break generational curses within our family as part of generational curses, because we are from the same.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I got chills right now. We are both connected by my father's side, that's my father, the son of my father's brother, and you know what that means to me. Yes, so we're working now on, like how can we break this generational curse? Yes, okay, we broke that. How can we break the next one? Because there's several people don't know that, like you think you only have one generational curse. No, it could be generational curse for love, generational curse for money, generational curse for bad health, generational curse for just, I mean anything that you can think of so to me I don't see him as a client, it's a family.

Speaker 4:

But to me that was the most. It is the most beautiful story that I can have because it touches me and we're making a difference with my family that is.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing. Well, I mine won't really be considered with, I guess you can say, reading. I do, when I do my magic and my work, I do pull cards and let people know their outcome. But I think the one that really like, I guess, somewhat touched me was this gentleman that I was helping and he, kind of, you know, did give me the heads up on things that was going on. But the cards that came out for him it was so amazing because it, in other words, it was basically saying what type of stubborn person he was. But he, it was a money spender. He wanted some money and he wanted to help out with the roadblocks that he had going on. So I helped him out with that and I guess he's making his money because I ain't heard back from them. They ain't get to make what they want. They, it's like they go you don't hear from until they start having problems again right sometimes, or they'll financially bless you out the blue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, part two but yes, but I was just like, okay, I was just happy to be a blessing to help them out, and you know it wasn't me being a reader, but I do pull cards when I do my candle imagine work, because that's how I can tell what the outcome of their spell would be. So, yeah, well, that's amazing y'all. I got one more question for y'all, ladies, let me wrap this up. But what misconceptions do people have about tarot readers or intuitive abilities? What do y'all feel like the misconception that it is about them?

Speaker 2:

Because I know a lot, but I'm just saying um, I must say that everybody is the same only because of the climate that spirituality is in now. You know, at first, when nobody really checking for what we're doing. But once they start getting privy to the, the effects of our magic and the things that we can do, they started to commercialize it and capitalize off of it. So everything is starting to look the same, it's starting to look washed down. So I think that the misconception is that we're just like them, but we're something totally different right.

Speaker 1:

I totally agree, we get put into like.

Speaker 4:

Should we believe her?

Speaker 1:

is she really real?

Speaker 4:

yeah because we've been put in that you know, like we're intuitive readers and they're like I. I got a lady yesterday and how accurate are you. I'm like I don't know You're here for a reason.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah, we did get commercialized and that's not good for us I think it's more than to me, the downfall to some of this, this it will be the new age, because they just get out there and just experiment, not knowing that what you're bringing in right could actually hurt you but actually hurt your family. To come and then you making um debts with what we call they, some, some church people call demons. You're making debts with other other spirits and their deities that you don't know what's going on. And then it comes back for the ones that actually know what's going on as the chosen ones that feel like, okay, why would you do that?

Speaker 3:

and then when you would try to say, hey, I don't think that was a good idea for you to do that, but since you're doing it, you know, good luck, because that's gonna be something that's going to be hard to get out. Good luck. You don't know what you're doing, but I think it's more of a to me. I think it's a good thing that we do know and that we are, for sure, confident about what we do. And then other people you know they don't believe or they don't consider it, but in deep down I know that they believe. They just don't know how to go about it because once they're in a different religion, they were taught one way versus what we have going on. And then you'll see them scooch over to our side and be like, hey, can you help?

Speaker 1:

me or they still be in that side, but they still want to be in that side.

Speaker 3:

They don't know where and always tell them you know the pulpit offering is the same thing as this offering.

Speaker 1:

It just it has something else on it. But figure out which side you want to be on.

Speaker 4:

Please stick to that side, but yeah, at least as of age, you should just stick to one side if you're like I am this and I'm not this. Don't flip flop back around, because I mean right, you're gonna. I'm sorry, but you're gonna end up getting like in trouble and being some real serious spiritual debt let's just go ahead and do that all right.

Speaker 1:

well, can y'all share any tips or techniques for the listeners who want to enhance their intuition or even learn more about being intuitive or a tarot reader, heal?

Speaker 2:

yourself. You cannot do anything until you dissect who you are first. So once you get your ego, your emotions, your trauma and your pain completely out of you, you're not going to be able to do anything, because you're going to always have an emotional response when you are triggered by something that you are holding on.

Speaker 4:

So heal yourself, is my answer, or you can get a blockage because you haven triggered by something that you are holding on. So heal yourself, is my answer, yeah, or you can get a blockage Because if you haven't healed something and somebody's coming to you with the same thing that you haven't healed, you'll get blocked. That's happened to me. Before your bliss is blocked, I'm like I have to get unblocked. I have to do that and you have to heal, like she said, your trauma from the from like back, like your childhood trauma you're. You know like there's different stages.

Speaker 4:

I know I keep talking about it in every session, but in every recording but it's important to do that, to know who you are as a person from. I mean, if, if you could think about it, meditate, if you could, since you were a child. I mean, anybody can do that, literally anybody. Can you just have to be open to do it and accept that some of the stuff that you might think or you might see, it's not, it's going to be hurtful and it's going to be painful and it's going to be like why, why did I have to go through that? Because our memory, our subconscious mind, you know it's not aware of it. So then, when you become aware of it, you're like that really happens to me. That's really sad.

Speaker 3:

So you have to heal yourself and then not only that, um, I like to dress, um, your mood is how you dress. So, for me, I always like to be isolated, like I said, walk in silence, stay alone for a while. Um, I fast. So on certain days of the week or the weekend, I like to fast and just drink water and don't do nothing that day and just meditate. And then, if I feel I'm in a good mood which I try to be in a good mood all the time, it always happens, but I like to wear bright colors blue, yellow, whatever I'm in the mood for and go for those walks. So there's, there's to piggyback everything that everyone said. Do all those things and practice self-care that's very important and play music, uplifting music important um you gotta raise your vibration right don't lower it, right, you gotta raise it up.

Speaker 1:

Bring it up. Yeah, I guess the tips that I would share with folks is if this is something that you want to do and that you're serious about wanting to do it, just make sure that you're not doing it because you see any and everybody else doing. This is something in your heart, this is your path. This is something that you're serious about doing because, honestly, a lot of people like to piggyback. A lot of people like to jump on the bandwagon and copy and do things that they see a lot of other folks do and not really be sincere and serious and have their heart in it. They're just thinking about the money that they can get out of it.

Speaker 1:

And this is not a joke. This is something serious and this is what you want to do and that you feel in your heart. This is what you were called to do and this is your path and you're one of the chosen ones to do it. But just don't be out here doing it just because you see how these other folks doing and they making a quick dollar. So I'm like don't, don't do that because you're going to block your blessings. Ain't nothing gonna come with you doing something that you know deep down inside your heart and mind and soul. It's not into it. So, with that all being said, ladies, do you have anything else y'all want to share to the viewers.

Speaker 3:

You are what you attract. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Alright, what about you? You say I'm just gonna. I don't say enough.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just gonna leave everybody with trust yourself. Trust yourself, because it's about to get like the wild, wild west out here.

Speaker 3:

Y'all heard me the portals open up on the eclipse right. It's about to be fun our wayside here. Y'all heard me? Oh yeah, the portal's opening up on the eclipse right.

Speaker 4:

Man, it's about to be fun yes.

Speaker 1:

Hey like I said, just make sure this is what you want to do, do it, do your research and don't be playing no games. Don't play around, okay, and with that all being said, like always, like.

Intuitive Reader vs Tarot Cards
Navigating Intuitive Readings and Energies
Intuitive Abilities and Childhood Experiences
Intuition and Tarot Card Guidance
Enhancing Intuition and Self-Healing
Stay True to Your Path