Hillside North OC

hug Church Episode #72: Ready - Part 6

May 27, 2020 Hug Church Season 1 Episode 72

Hey Everyone we’re on episode #72! Wow! We’re 10 weeks into this quarantine and I feel like my days are definitely getting blended all together. The only thing that is giving me a sense of normalcy is… SUNDAY SERVICES at 11am! But really, without a weekly routine, I would probably lose track of my days… Everyday just seems like groundhog day, work, kids, sleep, work, kids sleep. 

Well this Sunday we are going to have our service auction for our Chromebook Campaign! If you haven’t already, follow us on Instagram for all the latest news. We’re trying to give chromebooks to students and we are using the service auction to raise funds to donate! Students all around our city, county, nations, world are doing virtual classes, but some of these students don’t have access to a computer. Schools have rented all their computers out and there’s nothing left. These students that have been struggling. So our community here at hug our donating their services, goods...like doing your 2021 taxes, baking cookies, cheesecakes, zoom workouts, babysitting, yardwork, carwash, and 20 other things! So please big, please be generous for the kids so we can get at least 10 chromebooks and 20 hotspots so these kids can do their homework, school work in this pandemic. Invite your friends and share!

Well this past week, Anthony has an amazing message, a message that will hope to inspire, a message that will motivate us to be like Christ, to be Christ and love our community! Here’s Anthony!

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