Daniel Principe, youth advocate and educator
Three Food Memories
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Three Food Memories
Daniel Principe, youth advocate and educator
Jun 11, 2024 Season 4 Episode 7
Daniel Principe

Daniel Principe is a youth advocate and consent educator. Daniel has spoken to more than 55,000 students at more than 250 schools around Australia about creating spaces to champion boys into becoming good men. 

The saying “boys will be boys”, can be traced back to ancient Roman times. Essentially society has been saying some form of this for at least 2,500 years. This dated idiom is working against us.

Yet, we still hear it. We hear it at the same time as we see the number of women being killed by a current or former intimate partner increase.

So how do we stop the violence? For Daniel, the answer is simple. Start young…take our boys on journies of self-discovery and show them the benefits of being decent, safe, respectful, courageous, empathetic, kind - to think of other than self. 

Daniel’s social cause is an end to the exploitation and abuse of children. 

He’s also an ambassador for Consent can’t wait

This conversation discusses domestic violence - if this triggers something for you or you need help please contact 1800 737 732 

To find out more about the project and Savva - head to threefoodmemories.com
Insta - @savvasavas
Email us at threefoodmemories@plated.com.au, we'd love to hear from you!

Episode Artwork Daniel Principe, youth advocate and educator 49:02 Episode Artwork Ken Done AM, artist and Australian icon 48:36 Episode Artwork Renae Bunster, entrepreneur & founder of Bunsters 48:22 Episode Artwork TFM LIVE with Tim Ross, comedian and architecture aficionado 1:00:52 Episode Artwork Stephanie Alexander AO, cook, restaurateur, & food educator 41:43 Episode Artwork Jo Malone CBE, perfumer 49:36 Episode Artwork Johann Hari, author and journalist 1:01:31 Episode Artwork TEASER: Johann Hari very funny very sweary very short story 1:12 Episode Artwork Season 4: Coming soon (well, April 30 to be exact!) 2:07 Episode Artwork Pia Miranda, actor and kindness ambassador 30:55 Episode Artwork Yumi Stynes, broadcaster, author, producer 47:13 Episode Artwork Jennifer Wong, comedian and food enthusiast 40:21 Episode Artwork Sean Szeps, DILF (the Dad I Love to Follow) 51:39 Episode Artwork BONUS EPISODE Sam Simmons interviews Savva 9:02 Episode Artwork Sam Simmons, comedian, actor, writer, clown 38:13 Episode Artwork Christine Manfield, chef, author and gastronomic traveller 36:22 Episode Artwork TFM LIVE with Nat's What I Reckon 57:55 Episode Artwork Benjamin Law, writer and journalist 47:15 Episode Artwork TFM LIVE with Michael Zavros 37:28 Episode Artwork TFM LIVE with Alice Zaslavsky 31:43 Episode Artwork Natalie Imbruglia, singer 1:09:49 Episode Artwork Dr Karl Kruszelnicki AM, science communicator and author 39:47 Episode Artwork Thanh Truong, Fruit Nerd 52:01 Episode Artwork Melanie Tait, playwright, journalist and Big Potato heiress 57:39 Episode Artwork Russell Torrance, presenter, ABC Classic 1:01:41