Piano Ninja Tricks

Resisting the Tempo Police: Claiming Your Musical Freedom

October 30, 2023 Lisa Spector Season 1 Episode 4
Resisting the Tempo Police: Claiming Your Musical Freedom
Piano Ninja Tricks
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Piano Ninja Tricks
Resisting the Tempo Police: Claiming Your Musical Freedom
Oct 30, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4
Lisa Spector

I'm sharing a story close to my heart about my ongoing battle with the Tempo Police. You know, those invisible critics that sometimes haunt us as we play, telling us we're too fast or too slow. They can be real joy-killers!

But guess what? I've learned to take charge of my tempo and kick those Tempo Police to the curb. I've found that the most beautiful music happens when I allow myself to play at the tempo that feels just right for me. No more conforming to external judgments or rigid metronome rules.

I'll take you on a journey through my own struggles with tempo, and I'll share the liberating secrets I've discovered along the way. We'll explore why it's essential to set your own tempo, be it fast, slow, or somewhere in between. I'll reveal how this change in mindset has not only improved my playing but also enriched my musical experience.

So, if you've ever felt pressured to conform to someone else's tempo or beat yourself up for not playing at the "right" speed, this episode is for you. Let's break free from the Tempo Police together and rediscover the joy of playing music on our own terms.

Tune in and let's embrace the freedom to express ourselves through our unique tempi. It's a musical journey worth taking!

Can't wait to share this transformative experience with you.

Happy listening and happy playing!



The Piano Ninja Tricksters Club is welcoming new members through Friday,, 11/3.

Are you an adult pianist, intermediate to advanced level, who wants to double your proficiency in half the time with little known tricks I learned after breaking my right hand and being told I'd never play piano again.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to practice more to improve! You need to learn how to practice smart. Piano Ninja Tricks helps you do that so you can focus on what's really important, making music with joy and ease.

More info and enroll here. 

Music opening and closing played by Lisa Spector
Opening: End of Chopin Etude Op. 10 No. 12 "Revolutionary"
Closing: Beginning of Chopin Etude Op. 25 No. 2 in F minor
IG Broadcast Channel
Best Free Piano Ninja Fingering Tricks
Piano Ninja Tricksters Club

Podcast Art by Cindy Wyckoff at Design It Digital

Show Notes

I'm sharing a story close to my heart about my ongoing battle with the Tempo Police. You know, those invisible critics that sometimes haunt us as we play, telling us we're too fast or too slow. They can be real joy-killers!

But guess what? I've learned to take charge of my tempo and kick those Tempo Police to the curb. I've found that the most beautiful music happens when I allow myself to play at the tempo that feels just right for me. No more conforming to external judgments or rigid metronome rules.

I'll take you on a journey through my own struggles with tempo, and I'll share the liberating secrets I've discovered along the way. We'll explore why it's essential to set your own tempo, be it fast, slow, or somewhere in between. I'll reveal how this change in mindset has not only improved my playing but also enriched my musical experience.

So, if you've ever felt pressured to conform to someone else's tempo or beat yourself up for not playing at the "right" speed, this episode is for you. Let's break free from the Tempo Police together and rediscover the joy of playing music on our own terms.

Tune in and let's embrace the freedom to express ourselves through our unique tempi. It's a musical journey worth taking!

Can't wait to share this transformative experience with you.

Happy listening and happy playing!



The Piano Ninja Tricksters Club is welcoming new members through Friday,, 11/3.

Are you an adult pianist, intermediate to advanced level, who wants to double your proficiency in half the time with little known tricks I learned after breaking my right hand and being told I'd never play piano again.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to practice more to improve! You need to learn how to practice smart. Piano Ninja Tricks helps you do that so you can focus on what's really important, making music with joy and ease.

More info and enroll here. 

Music opening and closing played by Lisa Spector
Opening: End of Chopin Etude Op. 10 No. 12 "Revolutionary"
Closing: Beginning of Chopin Etude Op. 25 No. 2 in F minor
IG Broadcast Channel
Best Free Piano Ninja Fingering Tricks
Piano Ninja Tricksters Club

Podcast Art by Cindy Wyckoff at Design It Digital