Unapologetic Swingers

Unapologetic Swingers: Bonus Episode 1 - Hot Tub Shenanigans

December 18, 2023 Unapologetic Swingers Season 2 Episode 1
Unapologetic Swingers: Bonus Episode 1 - Hot Tub Shenanigans
Unapologetic Swingers
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Unapologetic Swingers
Unapologetic Swingers: Bonus Episode 1 - Hot Tub Shenanigans
Dec 18, 2023 Season 2 Episode 1
Unapologetic Swingers

We're Back! Join us for some fresh stories from our recent trip to Desire. We're going to temporarily pause our evolution into the lifestyle with some juicy sexiness that you won't want to miss. The original title was "Champagne, Squirting, and Massive Cocks - Oh My!"

Show Notes Transcript

We're Back! Join us for some fresh stories from our recent trip to Desire. We're going to temporarily pause our evolution into the lifestyle with some juicy sexiness that you won't want to miss. The original title was "Champagne, Squirting, and Massive Cocks - Oh My!"


Welcome back to unapologetic swingers. I'm lady and I'm


the tramp. And I am really excited about this episode. We realized that it's been a little bit and we've had a couple circumstances that kind of delayed our recording, but we promise you it's going to be worth it.


Oh gosh, yes.


What we're going to do for the next couple episodes is kind Just because we had such an amazing trip to desire, and there's a lot to unpack while it's really fresh in the minds and we figured that you guys would like to


hear that. Yeah. So we're going to do some bonus episodes and this is desire 2023 part one.


So we went down with some of our close friends, three other couples, there were eight of us all in all. And really, this is a group we've found here at home that we're just like, in a lot of ways, we're just like family, we know that these couples will be there for us.


Yeah, they're great couples that we can just call up and hang out with have dinner. We have so many parties. We go to the ranch together or, you know, we'll call up each other and say, let's go have dinner and, and let's play.


Absolutely. So this trip is the eight of us and the first couple of days were kind of low key. We spend a lot of the time just socializing amongst us. And what was cool is when you put out the good energy and people sense that you attract people that way. Agree. So we had people all around the pool, they knew us. As that fun group, we were always laughing and just carrying on and having a good time.


Yeah, it's just a, a really fun group and we've gone on vacation with them before to Mexico, to a takeover. So we kind of knew what to expect with traveling with this group and they're just so fun, so laid back, so easy to. You know, talk to you and, and just laugh and, and have fun with, right.


And through that good energy, we met a a new couple from the


Southeast. We met a couple of


couples. Well, we did, but this is really focusing on this couple. They're going to go by Carlos and Susie. And actually they're coming out our way. We can't wait. And gonna see them here in a couple weeks, or I guess about a month, actually. That'll be fun. How would you describe this couple, babe? You don't have to get too in the too in the weeds, but


Well, I think they're, you know, somebody that you noticed right away when they're walking across the pool and, and getting situated in their chairs. Carlos is very fit and Susie is, dark skin, long black hair, just super pretty, sexy. Yeah. It's a couple that you just notice right away.


When he came up to me and introduced himself he has the aura that it's somebody that's very respectful, but you do not want to be on his bad side.




Yes. And, and Susie was just so sweet. And as we got to know them a little more, just through general conversation, we learned that it was their first time as a couple. Yes, together at desire. I do believe that she had been in the lifestyle previously, but this was his very first exposure.


Correct? Yep. And you know, just try to get to know their story and how they got there was pretty interesting. But yeah, it's always fun to get to know new people. But when you meet new people. A couple where, you know, one or both have never been to desire before. And I think one of the first things he said to me was, we just want to talk to you guys later on and ask you questions. Yeah. And you can tell, you know, they were browsing the pool most of the day, just talking to other couples and asking them questions. And I'm sure just like we did You know, I would absolutely agree with that. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, just a very, very nice couple.


What I found was really cool was they were very, I guess, forthcoming with not expectations, but what they were looking for. He said that Susie was really interested in, exploring. The by side and he was very gingerly, I guess, tiptoeing his way into the pool. Yeah. And what he was comfortable with and what he was not comfortable with. And, and that was cool. I can respect that when, when a couple comes right out and says, Hey, you know, we, we want to get to know you guys, but. This is us and this is kind of what we're comfortable with at this time. And, and it, it sets those early boundaries.


Yeah. It's that communication. And,


and at that point you can determine if you want to continue talking to them or not. Right. This couple was well worth talking to.


Yeah. I think a lot of people were interested in their story and, and who they were. You could tell.


And so this encounter now, per the usual I had been imbibing quite a bit that day.


Yes, you were. You had fun though. It was, it was your day to have fun.


But as you guys will see through this episode and the episode right after this one is. In a lot of ways, it's, it's a blur to me. I know what happened and in what order it happened, but some of the minor details. Right.




and I'm going to cut you off just real quick. And I'm really excited because part of my excitement is while lady and I gave each other the thumbs up and just like, that was awesome. We have not truly unpacked.


No, and, and normally after a night out and, you know, having playtime and those encounters, we usually sit together the next day and talk through it and we really


haven't. No. Other than we're, we know that everything is good. It was an absolute blast. Yeah.


We had so much fun. I think there were a little bumps in the beginning. But


there were, but those are my gosh, those are par for the course. And it's all about how you recover from them.


I had a blast. I know I smiled and laughed and danced and you were just sexy. Yeah. It was so much


fun. So what I, how I want to enter this is we had met Carlos and Susie and since Susie already had experience in the lifestyle, I think she was really interested in watching him. Kind of like I like to watch you. It was almost the reverse. And so we're all hanging out, not all the troublemakers, a couple of us and Carlos and Susie, we had migrated up to the hot tub in the later afternoon. And then I'm going to kind of let Lady take it from there because I want her to kind of set the scene and from her point of view. See how everything progressed.


Yeah. And you know, we normally go up to the hot tub around four o'clock in the afternoon. And this is when everything at the pool is kind of dying down and it's, you know, time to go up to the hot tub or go take a nap, whatever, whatever your heart desires. But we all went up to the hot tub and. It was all the troublemakers minus one couple. Yes. And we're, in the hot tub and we're drinking and laughing, having so much fun. And one of our good friends is just sitting on the side of the hot tub. She doesn't get into the water ever. So she's sitting up there. And one of the other couples that we had met from Canada. You know, the girl was like, I'm really interested in her and I want to, I want to play with her. And her husband was like, well, you know, that's, that's up to her and, and she's like, well, yeah, go ahead. And, you know, I think it was her night too, to just let loose and have fun and loose. Oh gosh. She definitely cut loose. BuT yeah, they, we're kind of just playing on the side of the hot tub and just kind of getting it going and just having so much fun. And you can see people just looking over like, what is going on over there? They're just, you know, having a blast and I'm looking over and I'm like, all right, it's time to take this up a notch. So, you know, one thing that one of our friends introduced us to was. hAving champagne, but you know, we would line up the guys and they wouldn't have any pants on. It's like, all right, put your, put your cock in the champagne and we're just gonna, we're going to suck on you for a little bit. So I thought I'd bring that to the hot tub cause I've never seen that done at desire before. And usually, you know, it's, it's all about the women, which is. It's totally fine, but I was like, let's turn this around a little bit. So I asked you guys to go get champagne, which you did. And I said, all right, guys, stand on the ledge in. Dip your cock in and got all the women and I was like, all right, this is what we're doing. And they're like, oh my gosh, I'm, I'm totally into this.


Yeah. As I recall, there was quite the line.


There was, there was women who we didn't even know. And they're just walking up like, can I try? I was like, I don't know who you are, but sure. Go for it. You know, and we're just. know, we're, we're having so much fun doing this. And I just remember the champagne was a little cold and the guys were like, Oh my gosh, that's so cold, but


it'll take your breath away just a little


bit. Oh, that was so funny. But yeah, that's kind of like started everything. So we were just having fun with all the men and I am trying to remember which came first and that's either me on the ledge or the other part.


I think it was you on the ledge. So we went through the conga line of cocks. Yes.


Which is so much fun. You have to try it. If you haven't tried


it, I enjoyed being on the receiving end. I'll tell you that much. The


men absolutely love it just because you're, giving them the attention for a little bit and the women, you know, normally get on their knees and dipping their cocks in the champagne. In the glass of champagne and after


a minute the, the angle becomes rather difficult though. Yeah. It


does. It's Yes. I remember some of the women, they're like, oh my gosh, hold on. And they're trying to like, you know, turn, maneuver. Yeah. Maneuver. And it's like, oh, the, the champagne spilling. But I'm trying to get them in and Yeah. It becomes very fun.


I do believe after that bit of fun that you found yourself on the edge of the hot tub.


I did. And I don't know what it was that got me up there. But I kind of sat on the ledge and One of the troublemakers just, she was indulging that day and, and having fun and just kind of came up to me and started playing with my clit.


Out of all of our close friends, she's probably the most forward female.


Yes. And I love it. Like, I just, I, I love that.


I love her confidence, she just, in a lot of ways, she just doesn't give a fuck. And she's like, Oh, I have no problem qualms, respectfully, of course, touching and kissing and pulling hair.


I like that.


So she set you up on the edge and started playing.


Yeah. And oh my gosh, it was just feeling so good. And Susie was standing literally right by her almost behind her, but not quite. And she had a front row seat. Yeah. And she had sunglasses on still. And so as she's playing with me, it just, it's feeling so good. And all of a sudden I just start squirting. And mind you, it's just. It's going rather far.


Well, I do believe that she had actually sunk down and she was right there too. I don't know if she was touching you or not as well. I'm pretty sure you had multiple


hands on you. I'm pretty sure I did too. But,


you know. So Susie, you'll have to let us know if your recollection is right. When we see you


guys. I think it went over our friend's head and, you know, it just, yeah, it was like hitting Susie and right in the sunglasses, right in the sunglasses. That's what I remember. And she like takes the sunglasses off and dips them in the water to clean them. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, that


was a lot of fun to watch. I think I was standing to the side just enjoying the show.


Yeah, that was that was so much fun. I truly enjoyed it.


And it was just, what was cool about it, it was just low pressure. It's like, we're just having fun and, nothing else was, I guess, expected or anticipated. You know, it's like, oh, that was, wow.


Yeah. That was unexpected and, and just hot. Mm hmm. Oh, it was very hot. And, you know, after that happens, I just kind of am gathering myself together because I'm like, Whoa, that was Oh, you came pretty hard. That was great. And, you know, I just kind of turn and the same friend is sucking on Carlos. And I was like Oh, actually, no, before she did that, she was actually kissing Susie and fingering her. I


must, I completely missed


that. Yeah, and so I turn around and she's, you know, kissing her and fingering her and I, I'm pretty sure she made her come too. I don't know, she has like these magic fingers, I think. But then she turns around afterwards and she's like, can I suck on his cock? She's like, yeah, sure. Go ahead. Yeah, this,


this is Carlos.


Yeah, we're talking about. Right. And you know, we're all looking cause yeah, he's. He looks pretty good. He's,


he is in phenomenal shape. And like I said before, he's the type of guy you would not want to meet in a dark alley. Right. His presence is imposing.


Yes, very, but you know, she's having fun and everybody's just looking around and they're like, Oh my gosh, this is happening. And, I look at Susie and she's like, he's never. Had anybody else do this, like, especially in front of me, and she was enjoying it. She's like, this is, this is awesome.


Like this great. Like I said, great. She's a lot like me in, in the sense that yeah, she really likes to watch as well. Yeah.


And I was like, oh, can I, can I do, can I partake She's like, sure, go ahead. I'm like, move over Let me have some too.


Yeah, you guys went to work and not only is he physically imposing, but he's physically imposing.


Oh yeah, definitely. Oh my gosh.


It was funny. We went out with the same couple from the troublemakers and, and they knew we hadn't unpacked this yet. And we asked, you know let's, let's not talk about it even though we all want to until we can do this. But the one thing she said was like, he was so big, I couldn't fit my mouth on it.


I think I did a pretty good job,


but then she went on to say, I, I don't think, you know, if, if it got to that point, I don't think I could take that. And then I remember you saying, I would like to try.


Oh yeah, definitely. My mind has not changed on that. So they, they are an amazing couple though. They truly are. Oh my gosh. So sweet. But yeah, all that was, you know, happening in the hot tub. And I think there were, some side stuff going on that I, I don't. recollect because I was pretty busy myself. Pretty


focused. Yeah. Well, you, at least I tend to get a little bit of tunnel vision. I look at what's going on right in front of me, particularly if I'm involved or have a direct connection to it. Right. But we did have multiple people come up to us, I believe the next day. It


was like the next day and. The day after just, it was like at dinner or going to dinner, you're dressed in a nice dress and you're dressed nicely. And these couples come up to you and they're like. Oh my gosh. We saw you in the hot tub squirting. That was amazing. one couple was like, my wife, the first time she squirted was here and it was so hot to see you doing that. And I was like, Oh my gosh.


And I think when you are able to do that, you have to be just in the right mindset. Really relaxed and in


your moment. Yeah. Cause you don't see anyone else. I mean, there was that hot tub was pretty full. I mean, it was filled with people. And I think if your focus is, Oh my gosh, there's people looking at me. Yeah,


it's not going to work. You have to be fully involved just in the moment.


Yes. And I always try to do that.


I enjoy when you do that, but yes, we cannot wait to have a follow up with these two and we'll see what happens.


Yes, I, we can't wait for them to come to Denver and hang out with our friends and introduce them to other people that we know here. And hopefully, they create some new friendships as well.


That would be awesome. I guess in the lifestyle if you are a social swinger, if you do like to make friends and have ongoing friendships yeah, you want the people to be quality people.


I would, I would kind of take that up a notch and say genuine, not high quality but


genuine people. I can agree with that. Okay, so we are going to launch into a AMA segment here from the very sexy Ivy and Trey. They are a couple that will be featured on a future episode here. But they're also great friends of ours and they submitted a couple questions.


Hi guys


So they say are you open with close friends or family about swinging No,


I Would agree. Oh, I'm sorry. There's probably one


or two One or two, but they're lifestyle adjacent. Yeah. I guess you, sometimes you pick up the energy of other people. Yeah. Agree. You get a sense. So I know exactly who you're talking about there.


Yeah. But others normally, you know, no. No.


Not, not personally, not professionally. I think. Some people they may know something is going on, but can't quite put their finger on


it. Yeah, I don't, I don't know if they do. You know, even my close friends, my crew is what I call them. They're very vanilla, but they Could definitely not be vanilla because they're just a crazy bunch. And I think if I told them, I don't think they would care. They'd probably be more intrigued and be like, Oh my gosh, can we go with you? A million questions. I want to do that. But you know, it's just kind of like our little secret. Sexy


secret. Yeah. Okay. And then the second one, separate play and group play. If we allow it, and are the rules different? If so, why?


We haven't done separate play. gRoup play. Absolutely.


I would say group play is honestly one of my favorite things. Mine


too, actually. I love group play. So


what would you consider that? Would that be more than five, six people? So three couples or even more?


I mean, I would say three to, five couples. Yeah, if not more, and we've been in both of those situations where there was a lot of couples, you know, where there's some on the bed and some out on the patio and just kind of taking up a lot of space, but kind of switching


off. I think I enjoy it because it gives us a little bit of, I guess, a disconnect, even though I always keep my eye on you. Whenever we're in a, a two couple situation, Part of my attention is always on you, but in those situations I can kind of immerse myself a little more because I'm confident that you are just having an absolute blast.


Right. So does that allow you to just focus on what you want to do? Yeah. Is that what you're saying? Maybe? Yeah. And not worry so much or I


get worry's. Not a good term. But you've mentioned recently as I've gotten more comfortable that when we play couple on couple there's been a little bit of a disconnect between the two of us. Mm-Hmm. And maybe that's what it is with me getting more comfortable. I don't have to be concerned that you're having a good time because I think that was the concern right out of the gate was, how's lady doing? Is she having fun? Is, just trying to keep temperature and I'm not saying I don't keep my pulse on your temperature, but yeah, I can relax and enjoy myself as well. That's interesting. Even though I love watching you, I don't know if the same is true for you, if you necessarily enjoy watching me.


Sometimes. I think it just depends on the situation, the people, what we're doing, how I'm feeling that day. So, it just depends. I would say most of the time, no. Okay, well


that's valid.


But I think when I'm involved more, you know, when I get to Touch who you're with or, or just like be close enough to where I can see what's going on. I think that I enjoy, but if I'm like a little bit farther away, like on


a separate bed


or yeah, then I'm like, I don't know if I want to watch. I don't know. I don't know why or what that is,


but maybe that's something that we should work on. Yeah,


we definitely can. But I don't know if we'll try a separate play. I mean, we might. Who knows? We,


we might. I've told Lady that if say we're at a house party or whatever, you know, a play situation, and if it's someone that I trust, like someone from the Troublemakers. Mm hmm. And you came to me and said, Hey babe, can I go play with Mr. X? I'd be like, yeah, go, go have a blast, babe. Just, I want to know all about it on the backside. I want to a play by play. Cause that's, that's something that I would really enjoy. Right.


But then you can get to the extent where we were talking to a couple who, she'll go on trips. With other men and like You know, have that separate, separate play because they're located in an area where they can't meet a lot of people and they can't go out and they can't do all the things that we get to do. So, he'll go out on a weekend and. Meet up with somebody and stay at a hotel room and have fun for the weekend and, she'll go do her thing. So I think there's just different levels of separate play and everybody's just, in a different space. So there's no right or wrong.


I would agree with that. There's, it's all about what you're comfortable with. And the beautiful thing is. Boundaries change. Yes. You know, we talk and we say, Hey, what, we approach each other with hypotheticals. What would you think about this or that? Is that something you'd be comfortable with? Or is it an absolute no go? Is it, is it a hell yeah or a fuck no.


And there's instances where things just happen that you have not talked about. And it's like, I don't know if I liked that. Did I like that? Yes. I like that. No, I didn't like it. So yeah.


Well guys, we're gonna go ahead and wrap this one up. We have gotten a couple emails reaching out since we have kind of been MIA for a little bit. So thank you, just checking in, making sure everything is okay. So, thank you everyone who has reached out to us. But yeah, please just continue to listen, send us emails, and send us questions. We make sure we answer each and every email that comes in.


Well, I think the tramp does a really good job of that.


I do too, but if you would like to email us, it is unapologetic swingers at gmail. com. And the next episode is going to be a continuation of this same afternoon that happens. A couple minutes later after we left off, that was very unexpected. We


had a busy day that day. We


did. We did. This will be the second of three bonus episodes. And what should we call this one? Oh my




The next one? Yes. Oh. Brazilians part


two. I was going to say Brazilians 2. 0.


Okay. I like it.


Well, until next time I'm lady and I'm the tramp. Be sexy. Be confident. Be unapologetic.