Braving the Wild: SEND help!

Goal Setting for Parent Carers

January 10, 2024 Claire O'Hanlon Season 1 Episode 6
Goal Setting for Parent Carers
Braving the Wild: SEND help!
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Braving the Wild: SEND help!
Goal Setting for Parent Carers
Jan 10, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Claire O'Hanlon

Every Tom, Dick & Harry is yelling at you to set goals... easy for them to say when they don't have the unpredictability of caring for a child with complex or additional needs to contend with as well as work. 

So much of the goal setting stuff out there at this time of year is well meaning but mostly unrealistic for working parent carers who are already stretched to the limit. 

So, here's a podcast dedicated to goal setting specifically for parent carers that will help you to:

  • See that your goals can be unique to you - having a half day a week to yourself is every bit as worthy of the title 'big goal' as a mediterranean cruise!

  • Create flexibility in your goals so that you don't feel disappointed when life gets in the way.

  • See that little goals often are every bit as valid as big goals sparsely.

  • Choose and create your goal(s) for 2024 - yes it's fine if there's only 1!

I'd love to hear how you get on so do let me know ( and if you'd like to go further, why not sign up for my new Get, Set, Go Programme (4 weeks via Zoom) - just email for more info.

Much love,
Claire x

Show Notes

Every Tom, Dick & Harry is yelling at you to set goals... easy for them to say when they don't have the unpredictability of caring for a child with complex or additional needs to contend with as well as work. 

So much of the goal setting stuff out there at this time of year is well meaning but mostly unrealistic for working parent carers who are already stretched to the limit. 

So, here's a podcast dedicated to goal setting specifically for parent carers that will help you to:

  • See that your goals can be unique to you - having a half day a week to yourself is every bit as worthy of the title 'big goal' as a mediterranean cruise!

  • Create flexibility in your goals so that you don't feel disappointed when life gets in the way.

  • See that little goals often are every bit as valid as big goals sparsely.

  • Choose and create your goal(s) for 2024 - yes it's fine if there's only 1!

I'd love to hear how you get on so do let me know ( and if you'd like to go further, why not sign up for my new Get, Set, Go Programme (4 weeks via Zoom) - just email for more info.

Much love,
Claire x