Writing Naked


January 22, 2024 worlds.workingtitle.us Season 1 Episode 13
Writing Naked
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Writing Naked
Jan 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13

Community is key for writers to develop their full potential. Whether bouncing ideas off another writer, finding people that understand the peculiar writer's mind, or just commiserating with other people that grok the word mines, we write best when we have a community. In this episode, Cody and Andrew talk about what makes good and bad community, navigating critique groups, and what to do about finding a place you fit as a writer.

Subscribe to Cody and Andrew's Free Fiction newsletter.

Here are the rules we use for our FourXFours:

Four writers each write one story per week for four weeks, totaling 16 stories. Every week one of the writers gives a writing prompt and all the writers write a story to that prompt for the next week. We typically turn in stories by midnight on Thursday and meet on Sunday to go over the stories. We provide only verbal feedback.

Critque 3 minute monologue per critiquing author followed by 10 minute table discussion
total of ~25 minutes/story

Critique Format 

  • Reflection - what did I feel in the story  that resonated
  • Highlights - interesting points, characterization, world, turn of phrase, etc. Best line. Alternative First Line, etc.
  • Lasting impressions -what did you take home from the story.

    If you do a FourXFour, let us know!

 Drop us a line a contact@workingtitle.us or check us out at worlds.workingtitle.us

Thanks for listening!

Show Notes

Community is key for writers to develop their full potential. Whether bouncing ideas off another writer, finding people that understand the peculiar writer's mind, or just commiserating with other people that grok the word mines, we write best when we have a community. In this episode, Cody and Andrew talk about what makes good and bad community, navigating critique groups, and what to do about finding a place you fit as a writer.

Subscribe to Cody and Andrew's Free Fiction newsletter.

Here are the rules we use for our FourXFours:

Four writers each write one story per week for four weeks, totaling 16 stories. Every week one of the writers gives a writing prompt and all the writers write a story to that prompt for the next week. We typically turn in stories by midnight on Thursday and meet on Sunday to go over the stories. We provide only verbal feedback.

Critque 3 minute monologue per critiquing author followed by 10 minute table discussion
total of ~25 minutes/story

Critique Format 

  • Reflection - what did I feel in the story  that resonated
  • Highlights - interesting points, characterization, world, turn of phrase, etc. Best line. Alternative First Line, etc.
  • Lasting impressions -what did you take home from the story.

    If you do a FourXFour, let us know!

 Drop us a line a contact@workingtitle.us or check us out at worlds.workingtitle.us

Thanks for listening!