The Sober Life

97% Success In Addiction Treatment: The Dr. Robb Kelly Recovery Group

January 05, 2024 Eli Thomas Season 1 Episode 4
97% Success In Addiction Treatment: The Dr. Robb Kelly Recovery Group
The Sober Life
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The Sober Life
97% Success In Addiction Treatment: The Dr. Robb Kelly Recovery Group
Jan 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Eli Thomas

Dr. Rob Kelly, founder and CEO of the Rob Kelly Recovery Group, shares his personal journey from addiction to sobriety and how he now helps others struggling with addiction. He discusses the role of spirituality and neuroscience in recovery and emphasizes the importance of changing limiting beliefs and helping others. Dr. Kelly also highlights the work of the Rob Kelly Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals in need. Overall, his story is a testament to the power of transformation and the potential for anyone to overcome addiction and live a fulfilling life. In this conversation, Dr. Rob Kelly discusses the power of changing self-perception, the impact of oxygen on the body and mind, and the importance of setting the tone for the day. He emphasizes the role of the mind in shaping our experiences and offers practical techniques for personal growth and well-being.

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Dr. Rob Kelly, founder and CEO of the Rob Kelly Recovery Group, shares his personal journey from addiction to sobriety and how he now helps others struggling with addiction. He discusses the role of spirituality and neuroscience in recovery and emphasizes the importance of changing limiting beliefs and helping others. Dr. Kelly also highlights the work of the Rob Kelly Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals in need. Overall, his story is a testament to the power of transformation and the potential for anyone to overcome addiction and live a fulfilling life. In this conversation, Dr. Rob Kelly discusses the power of changing self-perception, the impact of oxygen on the body and mind, and the importance of setting the tone for the day. He emphasizes the role of the mind in shaping our experiences and offers practical techniques for personal growth and well-being.

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the sober life podcast. We have an awesome show for you today. Our guest is, he's a published author, he's a public speaker. My gosh, went to Oxford University. I mean, just the guy. And now he spends all of his time helping addicts like us. That's his thing, that's his call. Helping addicts live their life to the fullest potential.

He's the founder and CEO of the Rob Kelly Recovery Group and is no other than Dr. Rob Kelly. Dr. Kelly, thank you. Thank you so much for joining us. How are you, sir? I'm amazing today. Eli, thank you for so much for having us on this show. Hey guys, hook, strap in. We're ready for a ride. You ready? You know what? It's like we're getting on a roller coaster. I already feel it in my stomach. I already feel it. Yay!

Uh, it was going to be great. Uh, Dr. Kelly, you know, and like any other interview, I mean, I hate to take you back, but, um, you know, I've just, I've read a few things. We've talked about a few things. Uh, you know, you have such an interesting story, such a story. And can you tell us a little bit about your background? Just kind of going back a little bit, growing up and becoming an adult and all that good stuff. Yeah, sure. I am obviously I'm born in East Dallas. I'm just joking.

I'm born in Manchester, United Kingdom, and a lower working class family. We live on the projects, council estates. We have government funded housing and my dad used to dig holes in the road for the gas company and my mom used to clean other people's houses. Not a lot of money around, but a lot of love in that house, obviously. I was a musician early on, my family's musicians.

My auntie and uncle were playing regularly every Friday, Saturday, Sunday night in nightclubs and bars. So when I was the age of nine, they asked me to go and play bass with them. It was just amazing. But that's when I took my first drink because of nerves, started a stage, a few hundred people there. And I remember one day Liverpool, a pub in a bar in Liverpool, UK. I took that first drink and the whole world changed for me right there. So.

From there, you know, I went from normal school. I always wanted to be a professional musician I want to be a rock star and I could play, you know, if I'm gonna do something I have the addictive personality as well So I'm gonna do something to my they're all in or a model. There's no half measures. I've never played basketball guys Come on, but no wife never played it done how to play it. Yeah, well you can learn No to offer that you have to do something or we don't and you'll see that pattern as we go through today's show You'll see the all-or-nothing mentality that most alcoholics not

have, it's just most of them is bad, but we can change that using neuroscience into that good, successful, whatever success looks like for you. But yeah, normal school, went to college. Nobody in my family went to college, but listen, I'm an alcoholic, okay? And I have the mind of an alcoholic and the alcoholic mind and brain are very, very clever. So I hung around the right guys in school. I met up with a guy whose dad was a Freemason.

So the early age I was playing organ in the Freemasons, which is very, very secretive in the UK. It's not like over here. So I got into orchestra because of that. I was used to playing bands most of my life. And then one day somebody said, hey, the Strawberry Studios, which is just outside Manchester, 10cc owned it at the time. They're looking for a session bass player. And I'm like, what's a session bass player? That you play the tracks that the bass player can't make. And I'm like...

Whoa, okay, I can do that. I can read music. So you have to remember, Eli, that we were packing in, back in the day, 300 pounds worth of equipment into a $100 car to drive two hours and maybe earn $10. And then get out at two o'clock in the morning. That's a musician's life, just the way it is. So I went for this audition and got it at Abbey Road, sorry, at Strobby Studios, and they paid me like 10 times the amount for an hour.

And I'm like, Whoa, I know where to go with this. So eventually end up at Abbey road, uh, bass player, played with queen out and John David Bowie, all them great guys and put myself through college. The drinking was always a problem. And eventually it killed me. People's go, Oh yeah, we'll get into our story later, but alcohol actually killed me. I was dead on the road for a minute. I'd seen. Oh my gosh. So, you know, and, and again, hanging out with the right guys and knowing the right people.

I mean, my goodness, hanging out with Bowie and those kind of fellas, uh, did you get into drugs and all that good stuff? I mean, that was kind of their thing in those days. Correct. Well, if you didn't, and this is honest guys, and when I grew up and in the studios, I hung around, if you didn't drink alcohol or take drugs, they didn't trust you. It's just the way our mentality was. And that was, you know, I was in gangs in Manchester. I was in one of the most notorious gangs called the quality street.

did some nasty things, did all that. But if I was to go up and say, hey, I don't drink or don't use drugs, then I wouldn't have been trusted in certain places. Well, obviously you finished school. What happened after that? What happened after you got out of school? Well, peer pressure from the Freemasons, most of them were police officers, high ranking police officers. So I got a job in the police force. I only lasted about six months, didn't even finish my probationary period of 12 months, and they fired me for being drunk on the job.

By this time, I'm almost drunk every day, you know, but not crazy drunk. Just I liked a few beers every single day in the morning. So I got fired from there. Uh, worked at this commission only, uh, like, uh, selling mass space and selling radio space and selling, you know, uh, tell it, well, back in the day, it was army and Navy sites with the big, big masks. We started selling those.

And again, going back to the mind and the brain of an alcoholic, an addict is very, very smart. So after about two or three months doing that, I decided to create my own company doing that. So I stole all of the contacts I had and I set up a company that was doing amazing. So that's what we did. But, you know, during that amazing million dollar company that I was running and created came the mask of my alcoholism. But because I was earning, driving the cars, living in the house on the hill.

you know, eventually got married to children. All it was matched by look at me, look at me, see what I can provide. And in that house, Eli, I got to tell you, it was absolutely mayhem. Things happen in the house that when I share about them, I still feel embarrassed. For instance, I'm coming downstairs at two, two thirty in the morning. And I know there's a drink in the house because I need a fricking drink. And that's just the way it goes. And it comes down my head banging and looking around the kitchen and I find half bottle of.

Nice, so I'll put it on the counter for a second. I'm not drinking out the bottle, not an alcoholic, so I turn around to get a crystal glass. So I got this Westford crystal glass, and as I turn around back to the bottle, the wife had followed me downstairs and she snatched the bottle up the side. And she said to me, Eli, I think you've had enough. I've been drinking for days, I have a board meeting in literally four hours time. I should have said, thank you, Mrs. Kelly, gone back to bed and slept.

What I did was took a kitchen knife out and stabbed her three times. Then I finished my bottle of vodka, went to the door where the phone was and called a taxi and then called an ambulance. And when I heard the ambulance in the background, I jumped in a taxi and I fled to Spain, so we'll get arrested. That's the kind of life I was leading. Wow. So, wow. That's, that's amazing.

Um, I'm guessing you and that particular wife might've broken up after that situation. Just, I mean, how did you guess? I was working on it. I don't know. I mean, I've done a lot of things to ladies in my life, but yeah, I've never stabbed one three times. Yeah. It was, uh, it was, I stayed there for three months in Spain until we finally, she decided not to press charges and I got a letter of an attorney saying so. So I came home. But when I came home, it's this beautiful house.

hoping to pick up as if nothing had happened. Just one trait of alcoholics and addicts. She had a suitcase packed and she said to me, "'Rob, I'll love you to the day I die, "'but you're not gonna kill our children.'" Because I'd fell down the stairs on them. I've left them in cinemas while daddy goes for a drink 20 miles away and at the age of one and three, you know, and she left and I was pissed. I still had that, do you know who I am kind of thing? I'm a tough guy.

I'm a bodybuilder and martial arts expert. I'm a bot, I've done everything, you know? It's one of my traits, how they do it or don't, like I said. So I got him to my attorney, who we do a lot of business with, and I said, get my kids back tomorrow. I don't care, otherwise we're done. If you bring them back tomorrow, I'll have a nice check for you. And sure enough, he was in the court first thing in the morning, and he got papers to bring my children back. So when I opened the door, there's my two kids, little tots, one and three. I gave him a check, I walked him into the...

The front room, I sat him down in front of the TV. Now I'm about two days sober now, Eli, because I know the kids are coming home. So I put the kids there, I walked into the kitchen and I said to myself, wouldn't it be great just to have one drink to celebrate the children coming home? Two days later, when they kicked the door down, the police and the authorities, dad was in a stupor on the floor. The children had not been changed, bathed or fed for two days. I'd been going to the liquor store and back, didn't even know anything about it.

They took my kids off me. They served me with unfit father papers. And as I staggered to my feet, I saw the child protection there, the child services, the police there, she's there, and mother-in-law's there. And they picked the little girl up. Grandma picked the little girl up and walked out. And my wife grabbed hold of Charlie, Charlie Charlotte, and walked her out the door. I stumbled to the door. I'm crying, they're crying. The police, one of the police officers crying was just still flying word.

And then what happened was this. As she's walking down the path and I staggered to the door, she turned around and says, daddy, please don't leave. And then she gets halfway down the path. She turned around again and says, daddy, please get better. And then she gets to the gate. They open this big iron gate of the house we lived at and she turned around one more time and she said, daddy, please stop drinking. And I couldn't do it. I could not. Wow.

Dr. Kelly, that's, that's amazing. And, and my heart goes out to that. And obviously you have pulled out of that situation. What, what is it? What is it that brought you out of, out of those kind of, kind of depths? Two things that happened to me that changed my whole life, 30 something years ago, two things that changed it completely. One was while being homeless one night in the backend of Manchester, where the factories and offices are no human beings around there, it's two o'clock in the morning.

I fell down to my hands and knees in the pouring rain and I started to cry like a baby. I wasn't crying because I'd lost my house, his wife, kids or anything like that. I was crying because the first time in my life, after 14 months on the streets, I realised I can't stop drinking. I looked up to the sky as an atheist as I'd been molested by my priest and I said to the sky, if there's a god up there, I can't do this on my own anymore. Thirty seconds-ish later, the guy walked around the corner. He had a little bible in his hand with Mrs.

Last bus home from Bible study and he came upon me. He says, do you want help? Are you okay? And I said, no, I'm dying. This is seven suicide attempts. Like I said on two occasions, I died and he brought me back to life again on the street. He took me back to his house and he said, Rob, you can stay up for as long as you want. You've got to come to these AA meetings with me. Well, I hated them meetings. I've been there before, but I went because I had a dry bed for the night. And I went to next night, we went to the A meeting. Showing off all the crap starts as it usually does.

Halfway around the circle, this guy said, my name's John, I'm a recovered alcoholic. I went, what, what did, Derek, what did he just say? He said, he's recovered. Can't be, but he talked from that book and he talked to me and he said things that were in that book, but everyone said, there's no way, they kept shaking their heads and he was in the book. So after the meeting, I walked over to him and I said, John, my name's Rob, I'm just sober, man. Will you sponsor me? And he said, no. He said, but what I will do is I'll be a spiritual advisor for 12 weeks.

I walked to that man's house every Wednesday night. I left Derek's at six, got there for seven, we stayed till eight and I walked home and got home at nine o'clock. I did that for 12 weeks. After the 12 weeks has finished, he said life would change and he did then very next day. I got a job from Derek's factory. Two with three, it's late, so I got my first pay packet, I went back, I bought John a little card and a little teddy bear from the gas station. It's all I could afford.

I wrote John, thank you for introducing me to God because he took the compulsion to drink away. And back to his house, he got there, the apartment, there was nobody there. I knocked on the door, nobody there. The right hand lady came out and she's kind of helping. I said, yeah, where's John? Moved to. He said, John. I said, yeah, John here, neighbor. I've only been here three months and has been doing that apartment for three months. So I let her close the door thinking she was drunk or silly. And I knocked on the left hand door and this big guy came and said, what do you want?

I said, can you tell me where John's relocated to, please? And he said, John, John who? I said, John, your fricking neighbor. What's wrong with you guys? And he went on to tell me that the door I was knocking at, the inside was derelict. There's no floor, drops down to the apartment below and you're not allowed to go in there, it's derelict. I thought they were both crazy, you know, and I walked back to the meeting the next day and I saw the guy who was sharing. He was saying, Rob, how you doing, man? I said, oh, thank God, you recognize me? Oh, Rob, good to see you.

I said, does John still come here? And he said, John who? I said, the guy who was over the cuff machine speaking to him. And he replied, Rob, you was over near the cuff machine speaking to yourself. We've never found that man, Eli. Ever since that day, our success rate of getting people well is 97%. Other people's treatment centers, 5%, AA, 3%. He taught me stuff.

And he told me that God had told him to tell me to guarantee that people recover. We're the only company in the world to offer a money back guarantee if you relapse. The only company in the world. But that's the journey, you know, I mean, I'm just, I feel, I feel as if I know what I'm doing. You know, I've got to just preempt to that, you know, by saying, this is not a few patients. This is over 8,000 patients with over 30 years of me being in this industry.

So we're the quiet boys. We never advertise people come word of mouth. We work with movie stars, footballers. 25% of our work is pro bono for the people like me. But yeah, we're very aggressive. We wanna say 100%, but there's one or two people actually dropped out, no fault of ours. Was John a figment of your imagination? Was John an angel? What was John? What do you equate John to being? Was he just part of your internal psyche talking to you?

Well, for many years, I would not talk about it. And for 20 years, I never told anybody. But looking back now, seeing the miracles I've seen, post with myself and other people I've worked with, seeing how my life has turned out, seeing that we teach stuff, nobody else is doing, including neuroscience and stuff like that, and the success rate. He was an angel. That's the idea I've come up with. Because guys, I talk about stuff no one's even

heard of.

I talk about stuff lately that the medical fraternity only three or four years ago found out to be true. And that was neuroplasticity. We were talking about this 28 years ago, you know, and it's just like everybody's getting well. But people come to you by crazy. It's not coincidence. Let me give you, for instance, man and wife in the car, wife's driving, man's drunk. He needs help, he refuses to get help. She puts a radio station on and with her country music on and he doesn't like it.

He stumbles towards the radio, misses the button and hips are fast forward that lands on a podcast that I'm doing. That's how people come to them. They never just see me and go, Hey, listen, it's the weirdest way. So I have this thing that I say is, you know, nobody sits in front of me by mistake. I wish I was this clever, but I'm not. This is all God's work, man. He's gotta be, it's gotta be. That's absolutely amazing. Uh, sounds like you found that higher power that we.

that we in the industry always talk about. And, and I harp on that a lot because you got so many people that are trying to, to get over this disease, be it drugs, be it alcohol, heck be it gambling, whatever the cause is, but we have to realize we can't do it by ourselves. There's gotta be something. Yeah. No human power can relieve my alcoholism, but God could have would now I had a problem with the God would obviously because

my stuff I did in the church. I was a choir boy and got molested several times from my priest and choir master. But I was the last person to come to that. I hated that word completely. Took my kids off me. How can there be a God? But what you see in being, I'm 62 years old, so I had a pretty good life looking back. What I found out is, like my 14 months on the streets where I hated everybody, cried every night because of my children.

that became a semester at Harvard University for me. You see the stuff that God popped me through, I was meant to go through. How can I sit in front of anybody today who's lost their kids, lost their divorce, made a mess of their lives, nearly killed somebody, stabbed their wives, all this crazy stuff. How many people can sit there and go, oh yeah, I did that as well. They go, what? Yeah, yeah, I did that, yeah. Because you see the big house and the cars and the watches and the lifestyle. I mean, God, yeah, why would you live this lifestyle? By the way,

If you want to talk about it later, anybody can do what I do. It's not rocket science, just to mind the brain and neuroscience, that's all it is. Why wouldn't you? But it's when you sit down with someone and they don't think you can relate, and they go, you never had to fight for food. Guy, listen to me, I spent 12 months on the streets after the first two months fighting, fist fighting, for a living to get money to buy food, or if I didn't buy alcohol, or if I didn't, I'd steal it.

But literally, I had all my teeth knocked out, I had my nose broken in two places, I got my back injured, my shoulder injured. Man, I was asleep one night on a bench while sharing with this guy. I woke up, he'd been stabbed to death for his sneakers. So when you get into that situation, it's like God's given me all these bases covered. There's nobody I sit next to and they say something and they go, oh my God, wow, no. I go, yeah, I've done that, yeah. It's crazy. So when you look at your past life, you realize, guys.

If you're on now guys and you're feeling the way I was, if you're in an apartment now with nothing, everyone's gone, left you alone, you never think you've got enough and you never think you're amount to anything, I wanna apologize to you guys because somebody has put that thought pattern there. Period. Don't ever think that you can't achieve your dream because they're lying to you, whoever told you that. Oh, don't be silly Billy, you can never be a footballer. That's a lie. That's a downright lie.

Oh, you can never go to college, Rob. Now, mom told me. How many times have I told you, Robert, you can't go to college like you're really too stupid? Really? Yes, sir. That's how I went to the best college in the world. No, you can't come to America and national team. You can't be on Oprah. You can't be under, really? Says who? And if you have that says who attitude, it's amazing what happens. Because every single person listening to this, you're not listening to this by mistake. You're listening to this because you have been picked today to be that leader that we're all screaming out to


Oh yeah, but not me, Dr Rob. Yes, you. What do you think you've gone through? Why do you think you sat there lonely? Do you think it's just for fun? No, you're being educated to go and help people, to inspire people. How can you educate someone? You're going, oh well, I've never had anything happen to my life, but I know what you're going through. I'm an alcoholic. Is what, really? You need life experience, life college, life teaching. I went to two colleges. I went to five, I got two, PhDs from two. Southampton, which was about eight years ago.

behavioral science and psychology. You know how much of that I use in my program? About 2%. A lot of it is brain spotting, psychology, sorry, a little bit of neuroplasticity, neuroscience, but a lot of the street-wise stuff that I use. You see, if you tell people off enough, you're a piece of shit, have a guess what? It's the Basel ganglia. They're gonna believe they're a piece of shit. If you keep telling people that they're gonna make it and they're amazing and fantastic, and you watch them make it and be amazing and fantastic, it becomes reality.

So what's the difference between the truth and reality? Aha. That's the subconscious brain and the conscious brain. If you can live from the conscious brain, you can do anything you want to do. If you live in the subconscious brain, all the past pulling you back, you're just about to sign that deal, date that girl, buy that house, and all of a sudden you get dad in the background going, Hey, told you how many times you're a waste of time. You're useless. You're too fat. You. And that guy will make that decision guys. Not this conscious brain. I mean, it just makes perfect sense.

Well, first of all, the medical potential tried to ruin me by saying I was lying, didn't know what I was doing, didn't go to college, not really English. They threw everything at me and we kept going. I will never go to a doctor for my general health ever again. Period. If I break my arm, I'm going to go to a doctor who's putting me in a path. My general health about what I do, what I eat, if I specify any addictions, I will never go to, because they don't know what they're talking about. I challenge any doctor to cure me.

or relieve me of an illness without using a pharmaceutical drug. Can't do it. The body has everything to heal itself. Everything. So they tried to disown me, they tried to shower. I now, because I kept going, because I knew we were onto something. I now write for Harvard University's psych hospital, McLean's Hospital. I now teach scores of doctors and surgeons about the disease of alcoholism addiction. I write for magazines. I speak at Yale and Oxford and stuff like that.

I'm the number one go-to doctor in the USA if you can't get well. We ask you to go to treatment centers. So the methods were once crazy, like most methods are, Eli, when you come out and you do something, but now they're being looked at. We've been offered to buy out from other people about three times, not selling, not done my work yet. I've only worked with 8,000 people, wanna work with 100,000 before I die, so I've got 30 more years, God, I'll be 103, maybe


I'll be able to sit down right now, there's work to do. So you can't just, I signed a lease in our Dallas office, I'm in San Antonio, a couple of years ago for a million dollars. People freaked out. My friends were like, oh my God, Dr. Wong, how do you sleep at night, man? How do you sleep at night? My answer is, what are they gonna do to me? That I haven't already done to myself? What are they gonna do to me? Take the office back? What are they gonna do? Cancel Christmas on me? There's nothing they can't do that I haven't already done to myself.

So I'm taking them chances, I'm opening my mouth, I'm the guy on stage speaking that everyone's thinking, oh God, I wish I had the courage to say that. Because what happens when you meet somebody like me is really got nothing to lose. You wanna set the millions of dollars I have? Take it, I don't care. Put me in a tent with my wife, my cat, and my two English bulldogs, and I'll live there for the rest of my lives. I got nothing to lose. People are ignorant about alcoholism and addiction. And I don't mean addiction drugs, I mean any cake, food, sex, doesn't make any difference. Alcohol, listen guys, real carefully.

Alcohol has 1% to do with alcoholism and the same with drugs and the same with cake and the same with porn. It's not the problem. It's just the symptom. What is the problem? So sticking someone away for 30 days in the treatment centre, and there are many that are amazing out there, but the ones I've seen are crap, you come out and you relapse, it's not going to keep you sober. Fear. One of your friends dying of overdoses, it's not going to keep you sober. If you're a real alcoholic and addict, that's what I'm talking about.

So there has to be a change of circuitry in the brain. That has to be a spiritual experience when, when the psychic change, uh, neuroplasticity, changing your pathways and the connection with uncle Jamie, God, whatever you want to call it. Your D N a changes. You are not the same person. So your treatment center, you're not that guy that, that drugs people up and drugs them into submission. How do you, how do you work your center?

You can't cure or anything, recover, treating a drug addiction with a drug. You know, you can't do it. So if you're coming off heroin and you use Suboxone as a taper for two, three weeks, a month at the most, I'm all over that. You can come in, we will treat you doing that as long as we watch the taper with you. If you're on Suboxone two years after you came off heroin, guess what? First of all, the brain doesn't know the difference between pharmaceutical drugs and street drugs. Don't fool yourself. You're not clean and sober.

Stop that shit, okay? That needs to stop straight away. You're not, okay? You've still got stuff inside your body that makes your brain, mind, and physique, and psyche change. So we don't like people on drugs. Here's the deal, Eli. This is what happens in the world. I feel depressed. And I say to my friend, I'm depressed, I'm a wife. And they go, hey, let's go to the doctor. He'll give you some pills for that. So I go to the doctor. Well, the doctor gives me, because my serotonin is low.

That's the definition in America, by the way, serotonin, low dopamine, Dola equals depression. That's the big picture. We explained that to us by sort like it gives me an SSRI, which means it's an inhibitor of my dopamine serotonin. Sorry, serotonin. And I take him for a summer life and I feel okay. Okay. Now I need that tablet pill to feel okay. Why isn't anybody asking in the first place?

Why the hell is my serotonin low? We don't do that. Why don't we do it? Because the pharmaceutical companies run this world. If somebody can't stick you in treatment for 60 grand a month or hook you on a pharmaceutical drug, whatever it is, they don't want to know. Well, you know, and you hear people talk about that all the time that, you know, the pharmaceutical companies run everything because that's the reason we haven't cured anything in years because there's no money in the cure, but the money's all in the, in the treatment.

Let's keep selling you selling you drugs. What's, you know, yes. Okay. I get it. You know, you're selling something you want to keep selling it, but man, what, what does that do to the human being, especially when we're talking about addicts that are, that are very vulnerable people, uh, there's several, anything. Yeah. I mean, the bottom line is that they don't care. Obviously. I mean, just look at the epidemics that's happening with pain meds.

You know, it's just crazy. Nobody cares all about the dollar. Nobody really cares about individual health. The amount of people that die for no reason and should never, on lack of information, is absolutely sickening when you find out what's going on. You really find out what's going on, like we researched it. It's crazy. So yeah, you've got all these, all these farmers who will come and is whacking out these pain drugs. That's, I mean, fentanyl now. Why do you come out of fentanyl? Oh, it's for cancer patients.

Well, 20, 30 years ago when my mom had cancer, you know, some sort of methadone or something was fine for her. Why do we need something a thousand times more stronger? I'll tell you why. Money. Don't tell me anything else. I mean, people who know, know. You know, Eli, I know. Millions of people out there know, but there's nothing we can do about it. Because when they say junk, we say our high. And that's what I mean when I say I'll never go to a doctor for my general health in future. You know, I will just never go.

I mean, here's one thing you hear all the time from medical doctors. Well, you've got arthritis, your family is passed down, your family, it's a family disease, impossible to pass heart disease, arthritis, any other illness or disease. It's an impossibility to pass that down generation to generation, only alcohol. Anything else? No. Well, I have a bad heart, my dad had a bad heart. No, it doesn't work like that. And people go, what? Google this, guys, Google it. What's happening with their family tree? His grandfather had heart problems, so.

that had heart problems and now you have heart problems. It's not the problem or disease that's being passed down. It's the food, what we're eating and the environment that we're in. You changed your diet, you changed something. My body, let's say I have bad heart, there's something my body doesn't methylize properly. When I'm eating something, it will have a reaction. So the reaction is generational to that, whatever that is, you know, to that source, that food, that's something I'm taking on a daily basis because it's in my diet, because it was in my staple.

family's diet for the rest of their life. We need to look at that. The second thing we need to look at is oxygen. The presence of oxygen equals the absence of disease. Period. And, oh, next thing. We only breathe 25% of our lung capacity.

human beings are supposed to breathe 100%. So what happens is every single illness, every cancer, every inflammation always grows in a hypoxic area of the body. By and large, that's just fact. You can look that up. When oxygen is present, illnesses cannot grow any further than the audio because oxygenation kills them from the diseases. So when I get up in the morning, I do 20 exaggerated breaths in an hour.

But get that oxygen in you, goes around to every cell of the body. You will go dizzy. Just like if you're giving raw oxygen, it goes dizzy for a bit. You will go dizzy by doing this every morning, but you get an oxygen to all parts of the brain, you'll think clearer, you'll act clearer, you'll perform better. All these things that happen by just breathing. So there's all sorts of these things that we're not doing, but the medical fraternity don't look at that. If you take this, then you can do this. Not true.

I'm sorry, but that's not true. And there's been years and years, myself, Gary Brecker, all these guys out there that are researching this and finding out the doctor is not always right. Question everything guys. Wow. That, that is unbelievable insight. Uh, one of those things that some people think, but they never want to ask. And you're filling us in, um, just to switch up a little bit. Well, I say switch up. We're already talking about, uh, the Rob Kelly recovery group.

Um, are you guys, are you guys dealing with adolescents, young people, older people, do you, do you have a demographic that you deal with, or is it just anybody that can pass the test that is willing? Yeah, there is now there is an assessment that we always do before we take anybody. But it's, I mean, 10% of our workload right now is non-alcoholic. It's just a child with trauma going through. They're not getting anywhere. They can't perform. They can't go any further in the career. All this stuff that happens to a child with trauma.

young, old, obviously under 16, parents, guidance, we do all that stuff, 80, 90, 100, whatever, and everything in between. So we treat most disorders, anxiety disorders, alcohol, drugs, depression. We treat most of them orders, but you do have to pass an assessment. And what that means is, I have to be convinced that I can work with you and you're ready to get well. No matter if it's depression or hardcore drug addiction, you have to be ready.

I'm the guy that turned Britney Spears down in Dallas, Texas, Camp Easy's restaurant for a million dollars. That's how much her dad Jamie offered me. She came in late, she was drunk, I walked out. I can't work with her. This has never been about the money for me, you know, I'm just about getting people wild. What you can't do and has happened thousands of times, is mommy and daddy bring a checkbook and put it in front of me and go, and they say, I don't do that. Why would I do that? God would strike me down dead.

You know, I have a gift. I can't do anything else alone. I choose two things, play guitar. Any musical instrument I can play and get people well. I can't fix my engine in the car. I can't paint the wall. I don't know how to do that. I know two things and I stick within them, two things that I'm good at. All or nothing, guys, again. It's the only two things I can do. So if I know I can get you well, I'm gonna 100% guarantee I'm gonna get you well to the place you need to be. And if I can't, then I'll pass on. We've passed on crazy things, Eli. Promises, also important people.

Parts of the government is not ready. Yeah, but yeah, but he's not ready right now. Well, I heard everything I needed to hear when you said you passed on Brittany Spears for a million bucks. That tells me a lot about you and your practice. Yeah. Yep. You know, it's a, we just, we just won't do it. We're onto something and I've been for years. Now we deal with high profile people at the moment. I can, oh, mega a list actors, footballers.

you know, musicians, that's kind of our bread and butter, but we always give back. Every person must carry a pro bono and the amount of money from every monthly intake that we take, 20% of that has to go back out to the community for helping people. So if you're a one parent family, it's trying to get your kid back. So if you're a dad just come out of treatment, you moved into a halfway house, you wanna start seeing your kids, but the judge said you can't right now. We'll pay for that attorney, we'll buy you that suit, we'll pay 12 months for your rent on that little apartment you want.

We'll get you ready to go. That's what we spend our money on. And that's my and my wife's money that's left over. The Rob Kelly Foundation was born to do million times that what we do. You know, because at the bottom of the day, I just wanna help people. I wanna see people do better than me. You see, if I hadn't seen such riches, Eli, I could live with being poor. I really could. But like God wants us to be prosperous. God wants us to, you know, whatever prosperous looks like. It doesn't always mean money, guys.

This is what I always thought and fell into this trap, that if I only got my first million, and if I only got the next two million, it's like, it was never good enough. I was never there.

I was never, never satisfied. I was driving to work in Dallas in a brand new 911 turbo, going to brand new offices in Highland Park, paying 10 grand a month. I was the miserable person in the world. Money does not buy you happiness. Now, I've been rich and I've been poor guys and I choose rich every time, don't get me wrong. What? It doesn't buy you happiness. What buys me happiness is seeing the parents call me and say, oh my God, you've saved my son's life.

Seeing the wife call and say, oh my God, what are you doing? My husband is a different person. That's my paid info. That's why I do it. I have staff, I have offices, I have bills. I don't get involved with that side. That's the other, I don't get involved with that stuff. I wanna save as many people as possible. That's the bottom line. Yeah, so I'm leaving the house, beautiful house. 9-11, $170,000. Offices that cost at least 10 grand a month. I've got the Rolex on, I've got the shoes on, the car. I'm looking pretty good. I'm the best of the best, man.

Coming from the projects and homelessness, I'm doing pretty good. As I'm driving to work, I'm the most saddest person in the world. I'm depressed, I just hate my life. So I know money does abide happiness. It's an inside job, you know? And nothing will make your heart and soul happier than helping another human being, and I do that today. Man, God blessed me with a lot of money and I give a lot of money away. I bless somebody monetary every time I leave my house. I don't care what it is. And if I don't have the money on me, I'll do something else to give of service to that person. I'll compliment three people.

I'll do these things that I do every single day. Cause you can make somebody's day. And people, you know, I feel like, ah, it's not that easy. Guys, try this. Next time you're in a built up area of people, sneakers are always best. Look at somebody passing you with good sneakers on. And go, hey man, nice sneakers. Forward, hey man, nice sneakers. He'll go, ah, thanks man. As he walks past you, turn around and watch it. He's gonna look down at his sneakers at least two times, maybe three times. Now you've changed his day. Now he goes home to the girlfriend or wife.

Because he's in a good mood. Now she's in a good mood. Then mother-in-law calls and it just goes on and on and on for what four words. Hey, man. Nice. And you make it sound so simple because it really is. It really is. It's just us getting out of our own way, getting out of our own head and doing it. I was telling somebody in fact, this morning that one of my favorite things to do is go buy one gift on Christmas Eve.

One gift now I've already got everything done, but I go buy one gift simply because there's something about swinging over to the mall and who cares that you got to park, you know, half a mile away, whatever, but when you get inside that shopping center, that mall, that, that target store, whatever, everybody is so happy, everybody's speaking to each other. They're saying Merry Christmas complete strangers. And this guy might be a knucklehead any other time of the year, but it's something about that.

And that just kind of does it for me. That's that's my own Christmas gift to myself, not to get off track here. Is there anything else that you want to share with us about the Rob Kelly recovery group? I mean, you guys sound like you're doing amazing work over there. You're doing, uh, you're doing leading work, you're new stuff. You're not getting into the status quo. Um,

No, I mean, we can't do it. It's all neuroscience, all new stuff, brain spotting, changing neuroplathways, NLP, psychology, we do everything. So no, man, the only thing I'd say on that is if you are struggling, and we don't want you as a patient, believe it, we've got enough money, you've got enough patients right now, but if you ever want help or anything, guys, just call us, we have a couple of ladies there who'll speak to moms and dads.

cost you anything man you could call every single day mom and dad we worry about your children you could call every single day and spend hours on the phone with our guys we don't care we're here to help we're a family business me my wife my sister my brother-in-law my niece and charlotte kelly who the last time i saw was three years old got in contact with me four years ago i messaged her we flew down there we hugged at a door she'd set me inside she handed me my three

16 months ago, she became my lead therapist in my Manchester office in the UK. So we are literally traditionally a family business trying to help. That's all that is. That is absolutely heartwarming, Dr. Kelly, absolutely heartwarming. And this is your granddaughter, correct?

Yes, my granddaughter will speak to most days and yeah, it's just it is. I remember that when that happened, he lied, you know, on this. I'm not seeing it for 28 years or something, but on the doorstep before we knocked on her door, I was so nervous. All the bad thoughts came back. What a bad father you are. Where was you? And she opened the door unexpectedly. And obviously we hoped we cried, we laughed and then she walked me in and she said, I've got something to show you. And I thought it was a painting or something.

And she hadn't even had three months of granddaughter. When she did that, I said to God quietly, if you wanna take me now, I'm fine with that. Because everything that I had worked for and helped people and struggled, I got my house in Dallas when I first moved there, 18 years ago, 16 years ago, it got foreclosed on. Because I was working people and nobody would give me, nobody would help me, I was working people for your child.

But right there and then I knew that I was doing something right. And I knew that I'd be blessed by God. Um, and it was more of a, yeah, you're doing great work. Carry on. There's more to come. And there was more to come. We've inspired me. Um, before we go, uh, tell us about your nonprofit that you have going on.

So we just go at about four to go ahead. Why don't we do a nonprofit? So we did, you know, we started nonprofit 501c3 and we've only started going about six weeks now. So we probably got about $400 in there, but we wanted to do something different because you get to charities, you don't know where it goes and mostly it's about management and blah, blah. So we come up with this. If you send us $25 and donate $25.

We get your information, we say a thank you, but what happens with that $25 that we might help somebody who needs something. Yeah, we need something for the child, might need diapers for the children. That person we donate, we ask them to contact you and tell you, thank you for the $25. I've just spent it on a little photo of the diapers. So you know where every single cent is going. You will always know when your money's, if you wanna do a million dollars, you'll get a photograph of the...

treatment center we're going to build. You know, we just want to pass it on to help. Nobody in the foundation gets paid. I know what a non-profit, nobody gets paid. Nobody gets paid, you can't take a dime. Now most people work in that four or five hours a day within our group, you don't get paid for that. This is done for you putting back. And if you keep putting back into the foundation with hours and love, you'll get repaid that 10 fold with money and we bonus people like crazy at the end of the year to say thank you for helping.

somebody else and that bonus comes out of my pocket, my wife's pocket. You see, I can't express enough about the money. It's about how many because you know something, Eli, when I get to heaven at the end of it, when it all finishes right, I get to heaven, the gates open, you know, and St. James is there or God's there, or whatever. I know one thing God isn't going to ask me. He's not going to ask me how big my car was or how much did my house cost. He's not going to going to ask me how big was that Rolex and what was that nice Louis Vuitton shirt you were wearing.

You know, it's going to ask me, Eli, how many people did you help? And I want an answer for that. I want an answer for that. And I'm prepared for an answer for that. Well, it sounds like that's all I want. It sounds like you're going to have a big answer for that. Says who? Boom. Yes, sir. All right, baby. Uh, Kelly.

Thank you so much for joining us. Uh, is there anything else that you want to share with us? I mean, you've shared so much of your heart and soul and where you've been, where you've come from. Uh, gosh, I'd say what I'd like to share with the, with the viewers and listening is this. You want to change your life from tomorrow guys, follow this. This will change your life from tomorrow. Uh, you know, a pathology of change, bad habits will go successful. Come, but it starts with this tomorrow morning when you get up. One of the reasons why no human being has ever woke up laughing from a sleep is lack of oxygen.

So between the hours on a normal circadian rhythm, sleep between the hours of two and five is when most people's body goes into the lowest. The breathing is low, the repair has started, the repair is going through the night. It's also, most people dive natural causes between them two hours, that's how low the body is. So when you get up in the morning, let's flood it with oxygen. Start with 10, exaggerated breaths in. As soon as you get up, stand up, hold onto the bed, because you will go dizzy, otherwise you're not doing it properly. Start with 10, let's get the oxygen


Once you've done that, I want you to walk into the bathroom. I want you to stand six foot away from the mirror. Because when we look at the mirror, we'll do this, don't we? Look in the mirror, see all the blemishes, especially women putting makeup on. This image of you in the mirror is what you think people see. So you think people see all your blemishes, they don't. How many times you go in the office and go, hey Jimmy, how you, you don't do that. So when you stand six foot away, all the blemishes go. It's an optical thing. And I want you to say, I love you 10 times.

Keep looking yourself in the eye. No affirmations that store that subconscious brain. When you've done that, if you brush your teeth with your right hand, do one week left, one week, right, one week left, one week, right, your life will change. Dr. Kelly, absolute amazing insight. And you know what, you know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow morning, right? I'm going to fill the airbags up. Yes. Yeah.

Yeah, it's a game changer. It really is a game changer. Oxygen, and I don't mean the, you know, let's breathe, let's, no, when you intake oxygen to that level, it changes our entire body, psyche, brain, mind, and everything. Remember the saying mind over matter? The mind, matter is the brain, the mind is energy. You can touch this, feel the brain, it's matter. You can't see, touch, feel the mind, but the mind


your day when you wake up. So if you make your mind up to have a great day, what happens if the mind releases the energy that the neural pathways pick up on certain parts of the brain, the basal ganglia, hypothalamus, and the amygdala, for instance, then you will have a great day. If you make your mind up first thing in the morning. So don't think this is your luck, guys. Don't think that when you wake up, this is as good as it gets. No, tell your mind, tell your mind what you want to do that day.

You know what, like I said, you've inspired me and I hope you've inspired our listeners. Um, again, Dr. Rob Kelly, Rob Kelly recovery group. Uh, you can also find them at Rob Kelly and that's our OB Rob is your website. Thanks again for joining us and, uh, look forward to seeing you again after the first of the year.

Introduction to Dr. Rob Kelly
Dr. Kelly's Background and Early Life
Drinking and Music Career
Drinking and Music Career
Influence of Drugs and Alcohol in the Music Industry
Career in the Police Force and Entrepreneurship
Consequences of Alcoholism in Dr. Kelly's Personal Life
Leaving the UK and Starting a New Life
Reconnecting with Family and Reflecting on Past Actions
Life-Changing Moments and Finding Sobriety
Dr. Kelly's Spiritual Awakening
The Rob Kelly Recovery Group and Unique Approach
The Role of God and Higher Power in Recovery
The Importance of Neuroplasticity and Neuroscience
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Achieving Success
Helping Others and Making a Difference
The Rob Kelly Foundation and Giving Back
The Demographic of the Rob Kelly Recovery Group
The Nonprofit Arm of the Rob Kelly Recovery Group
Dr. Kelly's Message and Legacy
Changing Self-Perception
The Power of Oxygen
Mind Over Matter
Setting the Tone for the Day