Kino Lefter

69 - Exiting The Javits Center: Hillary on Hulu with Mav Adecer [Part One of Two]

Abdul Malik, Laura Kruse, and Evan MacDonald Episode 69

It's November 8th, 2016. You and your friends await your feminist hero Hillary Rodham Clinton to speak on-stage at the Javits Center to tell you that this election had been a bad dream, and that Cheeto Man won't be President. Instead, John Podesta tells you that the nightmare is just beginning.

What do we do in the face of political crisis? Build worker power? Elect socialists? No. We watch television until the show gets better.

Local comedian and returning guest Mav Adecer joins Team Kino to watch Hillary, a new docu-series on Hulu from director Nanette Burstein. In this free episode, we cover the first two installments, detailing her youth and eventual role as First Lady of Arkansas and the United States.

In Part Two, we cover the last two episodes, which heavily cover the 2016 presidential election, and give our final thoughts. To hear Part Two, consider becoming a $3/month Patron to gain access to this and our entire catalog of bonus content. 

Mav: Playing distance D&D over Discord or Skype
Evan: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Laura: [1] Hypernormalisation (2016) [2] Bitter Lake (2015) [3] The Century of Self (2002)

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