Kino Lefter

84 - First Cow: The Pasteurization of the Western Male

Kelly Reichardt and A24's latest frontier drama centres on two friends who take a risk stealing from the wealthiest man in Oregon Territory to start a business and experience some hardship along the way.

It's a critical darling that we have some good and bad things to say about, its use of genre and film-making techniques, and its thematic exploration of capitalism, masculinity, and the frontier. And of course Armond White has his say, and by the end we reveal a new character to the show: Antiracist Baby.

Laura: [1] Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini (1975) [2] Crash, dir. David Cronenberg (1996)
Abdul: Diaspora Boy: Comics and Crisis in America and Israel by Eli Valley
Evan: [1] Manhunter, dir. Michael Mann (1986) [2] Harbinger Wars by Joshua Dysart and Duane Swierczynski