Kino Lefter

The Winds That Scatter: A Conversation with Filmmaker Christopher Bell

Abdul Malik, Laura Kruse, and Evan MacDonald

Hey folks! Our Patrons had exclusive access to this interview for two weeks now we're happy to share it with everyone.

The Winds That Scatter (2015) is now available to stream on MEANS TV, and we had the chance to sit down with director Christopher Bell to discuss his latest film, his shorts, and his film-making ethos. For those of you interested in film production, this is an episode for you. 

Ahmad is an immigrant from Syria, holding wishes of starting his own taxi service. When he loses his menial employment at a gas station, he attempts to navigate through the current American economy with optimism and faith. Soon, reality begins to set in as consistent work is scarce. It slowly begins to take a toll on his relationships, faith, and sense of self, with his dream slipping quickly from his grasp.

Watch the film here.