Kino Lefter

107a - Evan MacDonald's Justice League Part One: Solving the Anti-Life Equation

March 25, 2021

On October 21, 2020 the host of this program tweeted "The Kino Lefter episode on the Snyder Cut will be longer than the movie and that's a promise." This is that promise fulfilled.

Joining me on this journey of uncovering the hidden beauty of Zack Snyder's Justice League  are Andrew Neville, Mattie Washburn of Watchtower Database, Karen Mills, the Drum Circle Jerk Crew, Bob and Mike of From Justin to Kane, Olav Rokne, Jeremy Appel of Big Shiny Takes,  Andre Goulet of Harbinger Media, and @TompOfficial.

On the Patreon this week, you'll find the epilogue of this episode between myself and my wonderful partner Linh Lu