Money Focused Podcast

Breaking Free: Building a New Legacy in Real Estate with Davielier "Dab" Turner

March 13, 2024 Moses The Mentor Episode 20
Breaking Free: Building a New Legacy in Real Estate with Davielier "Dab" Turner
Money Focused Podcast
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Money Focused Podcast
Breaking Free: Building a New Legacy in Real Estate with Davielier "Dab" Turner
Mar 13, 2024 Episode 20
Moses The Mentor

In this episode, we delve into Davielier Turner's compelling story of transformation and triumph. Despite facing significant challenges, including years of incarceration, Davielier didn't allow his past to define his future. Instead, he overcame these obstacles to become a successful agent, broker, educator, and writer, sharing strategies that led to his financial freedom. His journey is a powerful testament to the possibility of redefining one's life and helping others achieve their dreams. We explore the gritty realities of real estate investing, from the hard work behind house flipping and property management to the critical role of a dependable team. Davielier and I also discuss the nuances of partnerships, the impact of project delays, and the skills needed for real estate investing.  Davielier's story illustrates the incredible potential for success and personal growth, even when starting from difficult circumstances, making this episode a powerful source of inspiration for those ready to embark on their real estate journey or seeking motivation to persevere.

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In this episode, we delve into Davielier Turner's compelling story of transformation and triumph. Despite facing significant challenges, including years of incarceration, Davielier didn't allow his past to define his future. Instead, he overcame these obstacles to become a successful agent, broker, educator, and writer, sharing strategies that led to his financial freedom. His journey is a powerful testament to the possibility of redefining one's life and helping others achieve their dreams. We explore the gritty realities of real estate investing, from the hard work behind house flipping and property management to the critical role of a dependable team. Davielier and I also discuss the nuances of partnerships, the impact of project delays, and the skills needed for real estate investing.  Davielier's story illustrates the incredible potential for success and personal growth, even when starting from difficult circumstances, making this episode a powerful source of inspiration for those ready to embark on their real estate journey or seeking motivation to persevere.

📺 You can watch this episode on Moses The Mentor's YouTube page and don't forget to subscribe:

🎯Connect with Davielier Turner @dabturner_realestate_coach on Instagram and visit his website

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Money Focus podcast. I'm your host, Moses the Mentor, and in this episode I have the pleasure of welcoming Davila Turner, a seasoned real estate agent and broker consultant. Instructor and author, Davila has made significant contributions to the real estate world with his insightful books and expert consultancy. He's here to share his wealth of knowledge and experiences in real estate. So let's get started. Thank you for joining the Money Focus podcast. Appreciate your time. The first thing I always do when my guest join the show is to give them the floor and let them talk a little bit about their career journey and, in your case, ultimately how you started your career in real estate. So the floor is yours.

Speaker 2:

How you doing everybody. My name is Davila Turner, from New Jersey. I'm a licensed real estate broker, licensed real estate instructor. I'm an investor, property flipper, author. I do a lot of things, but I come from a place where I didn't know that these things were possible at one point in my life, because at one time in my life I was into a life of crime and doing stuff and ended up incarcerated at 19 and was released at 25 for doing stuff that I should have. But at the same time, going through those things for me was a different type of learning experience and it was part of my path. That became part of my purpose to be who I am today. So with those things, I wouldn't sit here and act like I was. I regret them. They're not good. I'm not going to say I wouldn't regret them, but it was a path that I had to take to become who I am today. So it was part of my learning cycle and my growth.

Speaker 1:

And I appreciate your transparency with that and talk to us a little bit on how you actually got into real estate though.

Speaker 2:

I got into real estate because when I was incarcerated I came up with a plan that I'm not going back. So what I did was I came home when I went to school because I was living in North New Jersey they paid for me to go to school. I went through word processing school and I became a Microsoft certified systems engineer as well. And I'm going to be honest, I actually hated it. But that was the wave, that everything was going. You're talking about 98, the computer wave was big. So and what happened?

Speaker 2:

I did that for about six, seven months and then the process of doing that, I got married and then I had my friends that were all doing mortgages. So I'm always talking to them. I used to do a little promotion. When I came home party promotion they was like dad, you know a lot of people won't you do this and we'll feed you clients. And you know what happened was they started feeding me clients and a position opened at TD Waterhouse, three positions actually, and for the day shift, because I was a newly wed working third shift. And it was real hard. You know, become married, you want to lay home with your woman at night. And three positions open and they was like they had changed me, they had moved me, but they never moved me.

Speaker 2:

So then after that, like the first six months of real estate, I made about 42, 46,000 somewhere between there give or take, and I was like you know what it's over for me. I can do this. This was it. It's time to go. I made my year salary and I was grateful I'm not going to act like I wasn't because I was an ex-con coming from jail, went to school. They hired me, knowing I had a record. So I was very grateful for the opportunity. But when I made the same amount of money in six months that I was getting paid for the year and I couldn't be home with my newly wed wife at the time, it was time for me to get out of there and I realized real estate was for me and I can do this.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned that you're an author as well, so tell us about some of the books that you wrote.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I commonly have three books on Amazon as of right now. The fourth one comes out June 20th, on my birthday. I have one book called you have Real Estate in you and it gives you the whole aspect of what real estate is investing, flipping, home ownership and everything like that. I have another one called Grab my Hand as I Walk you to the Homeowner Process and that's the first time home buyers, I'm really walking through every stage that you'll deal with and you'll go through in the process of purchasing your home. All the questions that they need asked is being answered in this book and it's a simple read. I just want to.

Speaker 2:

Everybody used to ask me the same question, so I've decided to put it in book form so that way I can make it simpler. Also, I have a book. This is what I have a shirt on. This is one of my books. You have a successful mindset in you and then what it is is just getting people to the mindset to let them know that you could change and do things and if you put yourself to it, it can really be done. The next book I have coming out in June. It's a book about effective decision making and it's called you Can't Serve Two Masters and it just goes into showing people and helping people get to the point of making the correct decisions in their life.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha. The one that stands out to me the most is the one about mindset, because I'm really keen on that. With you having a background criminal record right, you could have easily just packed it in, but you had the mindset of, hey, I'm going to overcome these challenges and learn from it and teach other people, because I'm sure you felt some barriers of entry because of your past and you had to overcome a lot of things. So, you know, I just really think that's a good message and a good book for people to really, you know, soak up. You know, because it's really key. You got to have a growth mindset, a positive mindset to do anything really.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, and that's very important because you know, if the mindset is not right, you break down and fall into a depression state or only feel like that's all you can do. But when you have that mindset and let that shift change, you understand that this is not what I'm going to put here to do. And I had to have that shift change with my mindset to understand that this is not all I was here to do with. Sitting in jail and being a convict. That wasn't cool with me, you know, it wasn't good at all. And one of the biggest things I took pride in, also with the mindset, is educating myself to understand how to adapt to speak in different rooms, because that comes with your mindset as well. And that's why, even though I had to overcome some things, even when I got my real estate license, they made me sit I'm wondering if you people they made sit in front of the real estate commission.

Speaker 2:

I had to really go there and I guess they wanted to judge me for my character and see who I was. And by me sitting there they gave me my license and I spoke to them. We had a conversation. I went through the same thing with the one who came to my broker's license, they didn't give me a problem anymore. But you know, it was just the process and even when my instructors at the point of getting my instructor license, it was like I don't even worry about him, it's the turn of you, okay, because you've been doing this. April will be 24 years, you know so they was. I guess they like he's been doing good, no infractions, no, nothing in his license and everything, and even this week. I just want to share this because I had a great feeling, because I understand when your mindset is locked in and that shift hit and you loaded and determined to do something can happen, because this week they just expunged my record and I didn't think about a couple months back I spoke to the attorney.

Speaker 2:

New Jersey has a clean slate program. I spoke to the attorney and he jumped right on it and my record is officially expunged. So even though I didn't, it didn't hold to me from from growing up the ladder in real estate is just a peaceful blessing to know that it is over with at this point, you know yeah, yeah, no, that's great.

Speaker 1:

Congrats to you and thanks for like really walking us through that, because I'm assuming a lot of people would think that just because you have a record, you couldn't even get a real estate license. So can you shine a little bit on that process, like it do you have to, you know, get a sponsor, like, or what's the process for someone with the record to go in and try to get a license?

Speaker 2:

Well, the first if you have a record, you can't have been have been in any trouble in five years before you apply for your license. You have to be five years free and clear. Also, you can have any theft, the fraud on your jacket, because you're dealing with people with security information and stuff like that, so anything with theft they will deny you getting your real estate license, no matter what. And then also, once you pass the state exam, you just let the agency know that you're going to listen. I had this. We are you willing to hide me with this? You know, and, like I said, when I first got my out of friend work doing mortgages at a company we review mortgage and Darvthi owned the real estate company. So she was like, Okay, no problem, you know, and it was just made in a lot easier with my friend of mine pulling me in and the lady was doing more than she taught me mortgages back then too. So we had a good relationship, you know, and it worked out.

Speaker 2:

But whatever it is, don't let nothing deter you. You already on know you can only game by going after what you want. And if you sit on the sidelines and listen to the world saying, oh, you got a conviction, a record you can't do this. That's all. You will be on the sidelines. So go after your, your dreams, and manifest what it is that you really want to let none deter you Cool.

Speaker 1:

So let's let's talk a little bit about your real estate investment. You know background, so what do you think is some key qualities for someone who wants to invest in real estate?

Speaker 2:

One of the key qualities I think is very important now is learn how to be hands on, because everybody want to add, even as friends. You have friends. I want to give you this money to invest with me. I want you to do. You know. No, learn it. If I show you some, take the initiative to come with me and learn how to make your own money, because I'm not going to make money for anybody, I'm not working for you. But my thing is, if I'm going to give you the knowledge, take the time to explain everything. Come with me. Let me walk you on how to become an entrepreneur for yourself in this business.

Speaker 2:

If you want to go here and every day go check on the workers, go check, see the progress that has been done, make sure they own point, then I'm willing to accept. You know we could be partners in something, but I need you to do the work too. I'm not working for you because I don't need a partner actually in that type of business. I know if I buy a property, I know what I plan to do with it, I know what to expect from it and I know what type of profit I want to make. But I don't need somebody just handing me money. Now I'm working for you. You know you haven't learned anything. You just think it's a quick flip. Everybody swears a quick flip. It's pros and cons with real estate, extra courses that we don't include in the beginning. But incurring the end and a lot of people don't understand it breaks down the profit and so you have to physically do it to really understand it.

Speaker 1:

What are some of those? You know, barriers or some challenges that a new investor may not understand when it comes to flipping the house.

Speaker 2:

A new investor may not understand profit margin, because you have to know and understand what it is that you really want to make from a property. You have to have your bottom line is this property worth me dealing with it because I have to make this amount of money from it? And once you start putting in time and everything, you will understand that you have to make money One of the first things I did, the first property I ever did.

Speaker 2:

I bought a property and I'm just paying everybody. Man, everybody bought me. I'm sitting there paying everybody and the plumber gets 7500. The heating guy you're 15,000. When I was done with the property, I probably made about 13,000 myself. Everybody made more money than me. So that's why it's really important to know your numbers, find your solid team and learn it as you go.

Speaker 1:

You know, as far as like building a team, I mean you hear that a lot, especially like flipping like I'm not a flipper. So when it comes to you know getting a team, do you is it really referral based or is it really, you know, trial and error? You know you throw somebody a little job and if they do that well, you give them a bigger job. Like what's your best practice to really solidify a team?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I done dealt with them all, man, with federal based trial and everything you know. And now I just have deaf a bunch of different teams in place because if I'm doing a couple of projects I want them done all at the same time. You know, even though it get tight, you know, get tight financially sometimes, but you want everything done on a schedule and time because time is money. But I've had stuff through trial and error. I've had people that referred people to me that he was good to them but wasn't good to me. You know, go ahead and hurt those. You know, and I've had and I've accumulated my own teams over the years that when I could call them and just say, listen, you get it done. How much is the price? Okay, I'm cool with the price. Here's my car. Go to Home Depot, do whatever you need to do.

Speaker 1:

So when you, when you have a good team, you got somebody that you can trust in and out the house, the property. I me personally, I don't really I don't have go too much with the price and I don't know if you do that or you know, but because I feel like, if this your price, I want you to stop what you doing to come and take in my property. I don't want to be known, as you know, to do that. Every time they say a price they got to, you know, go back and forth. This is the price. I've worked that into my numbers. It just, it's just a course of doing business. I want to be efficient. You know they do good work. Like that's your price, let's keep it moving. Now, if I find over time that they just outright blatantly, you know, overcharge me, that's why it's good to have multiple teams. You know people you can tap into. But I never argue with anybody over the price. I'm just curious if you do that.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'd never argue over anybody at price. Because you're saving me time, yeah, because I can't do what you do. If the numbers work for me and it's in the scope of my budget that, I'm okay with it. But I will argue with you about price. When you give me a deadline to do, when I give you a deadline to do a project, then then here come you doing eight, nine projects and keep pushing mine off Because now you cost incur me different holding course monthly because you couldn't do the job. But then it's 30 days because and a lot of I'm I'm really seeing it with a lot of contractors because they're spreading they self thin, because they don't want to let no money go. Now they take eight, nine jobs and can't complete the job and the set amount of time. That's the only time I will go back and say listen, you cost me money, we have to work this out. Other than that, whatever you tell me, we agree to disagree. I'm okay with it.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever put any like kickers for, like you know, completing the job faster? You know I've heard some people do that like, hey, you know it's a six week job, but doing it five, you know something like that. I mean anything, any type of incentive for them to work on the project a whole lot faster.

Speaker 2:

I don't tell them that I'm going to give them incentive. I just deal with the price. But some of my contractors I have gave incentives when they did finish the job quicker. I don't tell them because I don't want you to rush it, you know, but I want you to. But when you are done I want you to know that you are appreciated and I appreciate the fact that you did get it done in that time because it saved me some money.

Speaker 1:

Right now, you know it's 2024. It's February 2024. I know people can be listening to this at different times. We still in an elevated, you know interest rate environment, at least compared to what it has been in the last few years. So, from a real estate agent broker perspective, what do you see the future of real estate right now, like, where do you see it heading in the next, let's just say, six to 18 months?

Speaker 2:

Well, honestly, it still looked like. It's a funny market actually, because I look at the MLS every day, because I'm still active, I'm still working, I'm still showing houses, you know so, and sometimes the prices look like they coming down. Then two days later they go right back up. But I'm just seeing the market is pretty pretty much holding steady right now because people are still buying and especially where I'm located at right next to New York and New Jersey, because everybody's moving from New York to Jersey. So therefore our market is very busy and they predicted it to stay a little bit busy for now and even though it might come down a little bit. But I know one thing until the election come, we're probably going to stay busy. I know that for a fact, because they're not going to let this market fall in an election. Yeah, because that don't get you reelected, you know so.

Speaker 1:

So it's probably going to be busy, you know. So people are buying, and I get that, you know. I guess the cost of living is a whole lot cheaper in Jersey and they can still commute to New York. But are people, are your clients, buying in hopes to secure the house and they refinance later? Is that pretty much the gist of their, you know, purchasing right now or what like? Or they just tired of waiting?

Speaker 2:

Well, a lot of people are tired of waiting to, and I'm, and I tell them you could always refinance later. You know, so long as you have the house, the interest rates change. You could always refinance it to a lower rate, but you have to have the house because of differences. Once the rates go down, more buyers come out as well. Now you fighting for even less inventory that's out here because we are in the inventory shortage error, you know so. My friend of mine always say marry the house and date the rate. You know so you can always refinance it into better.

Speaker 1:

So buy your house now, you can always refinance later, especially since, I mean, it's rates don't seem to be Going up sharp, sharply, if anything, to probably come back now, you know. So I guess I do make sense. So I know that you're a certified instructor and you love to teach, right, you love the teaching and Mentor people in the real estate industry. Talk to us about that passion and where it comes from and how you actually help motivate people that's starting their career in real estate.

Speaker 2:

It was funny is I started teaching in jail and and I just tried, I guess it just kept flowing because and when I was incarcerated I did teach the GED class and our class. So I wanted to help people at first, after I got the foolishness out myself. Then I wanted to help people, you know. Then I want to help people understand that we have to utilize the time right and even with the Agents and whoever I meant so I want them to understand that if you're gonna do real estate, you have to maximize every opportunity and use your time correctly to learn what you need to learn, because Sometimes with people, you only have this much space to make a mistake and you want to know what you're talking about and if you don't know it, you want to know how to bring them to wait for you to get the correct answer for you, for them, so they won't feel a certain type of way. So, and you know like I want all about everybody to win, man, you know like it's so much business out here, everybody needs to win my agents I want them not to just win as agents. I try to teach them to become investors, because I've been through crash markets when I was scratching with no nails and had to get a Backup part-time job because I put all my eggs in a few baskets in 08 and it hurt me. So you know, I try to teach them from my mistakes, to understand. Listen.

Speaker 2:

Real estate Just not selling real estate to people. Real estate is holding some of the deals for yourself, creating Well for yourself, creating residual rental income for yourself. And once you start understanding that it's just not about selling people houses, you will be a great realtor, because now you don't have to change professions. And if you, I don't know how long you've been doing real estate, but if you ever watch when the cycles change in the markets crash, realtor's are changing professions Because they haven't created a nest egg that's gonna bring them income during the trying and struggling time. So my thing is to teach them how to make income during the struggling times of real estate, because it's not all peaches and cream and we're gonna go through another recession sooner or later, and it's just happened. It's just a natural thing. Everything goes up, must come down, and I want them to be prepared so that way, their families are well taken care of and that'd be okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's great advice. And when you look at like in my experience working with realtors, when I tap into a realtor for an Investment property, you can always tell who has experience with it. You know you have to something only deal with sell retail houses. But then when I, you know, come across and I'm trying to get some details about the property and if it's a good rental area, you know they pretty much lost and I've always felt like of an agent can serve Multiple client types. You know that would helps stabilize their income because investors like to come in when the market is is Not hot. We like to come in with them when all the retail buyers are gone so we can get better deals.

Speaker 1:

So if I'm able to tap into a dab and say, hey, you know what you got out there, that will work. Boom, boom, boom. This is my number, this is the return I'm trying to get. We can talk that language. That was gonna always be able to get deals. You know You're gonna be able to get a referral fee or something like that to keep them in In the mix. And another thing I wanted to point out when you know the market was we're not the market the interest rates were so low Every minute I was seeing, you know, people who I worked with previously. Now they're real estate agents and they had to close in table. They hold it up the key with their clients. I haven't seen none of that the last year.

Speaker 2:

So they go back to work, man.

Speaker 1:

They got to work. All those people will jump then and really just got the quick buck. You know, you know it wasn't sustainable and I think that's really gonna hurt them if they ever want to go back. Because you want, I would imagine. Being a real estate agent is all about relationships. It's all about relationships. So these people are in and out. They're not really real estate professionals. I'll just come in to get easy sales, you know. So that makes sense. That's great advice that you're giving your people when people go into real estate, though, how long does it take to establish some relationships though? Like, do you as a broker, do you throw them a bone here and there to kind of get them started, or is it kind of like, hey, it's up to you to really establish and build your clientele and start selling homes? Like how does that work?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm going to throw all my agents a bone because I want them all to make money. I don't want them to get depressed because the law without an agent don't make money, they start going back to work and that's what happens. So I want them to get motivated because I get a lot of clients, a lot of business come across my desk and I don't have time to deal with all of myself anyway. But I just do it to even some of them. I'll put them in with a deal with me just to get some money in a pocket going to show them listen, this money I ain't made, you just got to come out with me and come get it. And some of them that do motivate them. You just got to help get them motivated.

Speaker 2:

And on the other side of that, everybody's just not meant to be an agent. Sometimes Some people, sometimes the people are just not personable enough to be an agent and some people think money just supposed to come to them and it don't work like that. And the biggest thing being an agent is having patients too. Just because I might like the house domain, the buyer likes the house, so I can't get upset because they don't buy it. I don't show them five nice houses. They're not agents though. Show them five nice houses. They didn't like nothing, yeah, but it's their money. It's the biggest purchase of their life and you got to respect them on what they want to spend, because when they see what they like, they're going to buy it.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't got to the point now where, when I meet new clients, I don't have to take them out to see 50 houses. I'll go out one day with them, fill them out, see what they like, see what they dislike. Now, when they pop up, I send it to them. They love it. Now I could just go to the sales some of the times. You know, because I don't fill you out and really understood what it is that you are looking for, that I don't have to take you out every week just to be looking, and when I see what you like, I'm going to let you know. Here it is, let's go see it. You know so and it's about and that's how you become, you know, really personal with your clients, because you want to not waste their time or your time either, because some agents just want to go out every week because a person want to go out to see houses nor this stuff they don't like. You got to be able to show something that you know comparable to what they're really looking for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that home that's showing the house part would probably get old with me too. Like, do you guys ever do, do you ever that utilize technology to get around that? Like you know the virtual tours, does that really help when people want to you know, vet houses or a video walkthrough or do people always want to be at the property walking around before they make a decision?

Speaker 2:

When COVID first started it was probably a little earlier with the video thing, but most of the clients I deal with personally and I know they want to see the property. You know they want to see the property, see how it feels, see how it feels with them walking in the door, see, and you know and I'm laughing because you know you get the clients that always want to come back with the parents and I tell them from the gate bring them on with you one time because it might not be tomorrow. You know we all compete at the house together because you know you just got to feel right to some clients when they walk in. You know, and I understand that. You know I really I bought my house in Georgia in November because a friend of mine that's a realtor, she did the virtual thing for me but she beat me. Being in the business 24 years, I can look and know what I want. You know it's not really that hard. Just tell me the room sizes and I'm okay with it. You know I'll take it from there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a lot of times, though, like I'm particular about, like the drive to the house. You know what I'm saying, because it's one thing, like you know, the walkthrough you could see the house, the pictures, you could see the house. But I also, you know, like, if you're in a subdivision, where are you located in the subdivision? Do I got to go through a million turns left, right, left down, this. You know those are the type of things you can't really pick up, you know, unless you actually drive there. So you know that's pretty cool, but I mean it's interesting though, you know, because, being a real estate agent, all the people that I know that's been a real estate agent 10 plus years, they always won't. You know it doesn't matter if the market is up or down, they're doing good because they have a firm grip of how sick the cooler market can get. And they got a good pipeline of clients, you know, first time homebuyers, senior clients that's trying to downsize investor clients, and then some of it's happened to commercial, you know. So it's like they never stop working.

Speaker 1:

I've seen people use their real estate license to help investors to get data. You know I can tap into you and say, hey, can you pull these comps. Can you do this? Can you do that? So in so many ways you can utilize your license, but just don't be like some of the people. I seen where they were going trips. They was balling and I had seen them post no closing in probably a year or plus, so don't be like those folks.

Speaker 2:

They probably not gonna post a closer either. It's over, it's over, yeah, yeah, but this is definitely. It has a perks man. That's a good thing. Real estate and the more you learn, the more you study your craft, the more you get knowledgeable about your areas of expertise. And it really helps because even if you can't get a deal today, if you give information out to someone today, you might be able to get a deal tomorrow. And that really is important.

Speaker 2:

Just to answer simple questions for people, because I have people that's real, that have family members that's real to us, and they still come to me because they just say I'm so informative. So you know, it's very important to know your craft and when you believe in it and live this craft every day, like I do, and I'm always learning, I'm always studying, I don't say I have this amount of years, I don't have to study. No, something changed in the market within the last day, so I need to know, have an idea what's going on with it. I need to know why, in the jar fighting Zillow, I need to know this. That now you know. And it's very important for me to know those things because if my agents ask me, I need to know. But if someone else asks me, I want to know. And I just need to know for my own purpose of expertise.

Speaker 1:

I got one more question before we close it out, because a lot of times people here real estate agent and real estate broker. Can you, can you give the audience a breakdown of what the difference is between the two?

Speaker 2:

Okay, a real estate agent is an agent that works for a broker. You have to go under a broker if you're an agent, and you cannot become a broker unless you have. I think New Jersey went down to three years of full-time experience to become a broker. Now, a real estate broker, you have two options. As a broker, you have either a broker owner or a real estate sales broker, whereas though, a broker owner is the one that owns the company and you, as an agent, you can be a broker a real estate broker too because you have the option to, at any given moment, open your own company or, if something happens to the broker at your company, you can take over and run the company, because you cannot run the company unless you do have a broker's license. So they're definitely something different with all of them, but an agent, you work for the broker, so that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

And is that typically what most people do? They start out as the agent and transition to a broker, or just depends on your career goals.

Speaker 2:

Well, most people start out as an agent. A lot stay as an agent because a lot of times it don't make sense. This is just my opinion. This is not law or anything. A lot of times it don't make sense. To people like titles Right, let me just say this Some people like titles, some people just like the word sandhom and broker.

Speaker 2:

And my thing is if you're not going to open up your own company or utilize it for some, all you're doing is getting more fees because with that title comes more fees.

Speaker 2:

So if you're going to do the same thing, I just felt like you know why get more fees? Like before, I never wanted to become a broker, but when my partners offered me a partnership in the company and both of them were brokers I had to go get my license because I want to be on the same playing field in case anything ever happened. You know so, if something ever happened wrong and you never plan for anything wrong to happen but I don't want to be a sales agent and y'all both brokers and I'm a partner. No, I want to be an equal partner with equal credentials. So if anything ever did go wrong, I could just go open my own company, you know. But I mean, I don't plan on doing that because we have a great relationship with my company and we all work together as a team and that was very important with me coming there, knowing them personally and dealing with them for years and understanding that we could work and make the company better as well as help the agents.

Speaker 1:

That sounds good. And so what final thoughts or, you know, a piece of advice would you like to give the audience and then also let everyone know how they can actually reach you, whether it be your website, social media. So, you know, let us know, Close us up.

Speaker 2:

The thought I want to give people with real estate is this get into it. It is very important to get into it because a lot of our parents didn't know it, a lot of our parents didn't teach us it. So therefore we come up with a blind eye to a lot of things, and even back in the days, a lot of parents that knew it didn't even teach their siblings it. So it was a selfish thing to an extent, you know. But right now we all have the opportunity to get into it, become something, grow from it and let's all capitalize on it, because in America we're lagging in black home ownership and the sad it's not a sad part, but the sad part is this the Hispanics is about to outpace us too, because they understand the concept of becoming staying family, getting together, purchasing in order for the bigger picture, and they're not being selfish. They get together by one house. Then once they make more money, they buy another house. Then once they make more money, they get another house for the other family member. So let's get back to the concepts of family, the bad things, the build things, so we won't stay behind in America. That's very important to me. Black home ownership I'm sorry, I'm a black man, so black home ownership is very important. I don't want to cause no trouble on the show, but it's just important for me to teach my people that because that's where I come from and I didn't know. I taught myself and now everybody around me, whether you want to hear it or not, you're going to learn about this black home ownership and this real estate because I'm very I'm not passionate about it, because I believe our people have to do it in order to sustain this day and time. But get with home ownership. Trust me, you will not regret it. Don't listen to people's stories. Find out for yourself, because people have bad stories, because some people didn't do their own work. Some people are bad bill payers. People don't tell you why they have a bad story, they just tell you the bad story. Sometimes, a lot of people are not accountable for their own self. So therefore, just get into home ownership.

Speaker 2:

You can find me on Instagram Dab Turner, the real estate coach. Facebook Davali Turner. Tiktok Dab Turner, real estate coach. My website is davaliaternacom. That's where I'm at. My books are on Amazon Three of them now, june. I have the fourth one on. You can just google my name Davali Turner, you'll see. Even if you're going to Google, you'll find me. So I'm all over. So I, like I said, I haven't been doing this for years and I'm around.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to put all that information in the video description or in the show notes. So, yeah, definitely check that out. Really appreciate you jumping on the show we had some technical issues on the first one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you know, Dab was definitely a trooper. He just came on and joined me again, so I appreciate it and we out Peace and.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you having me, moses, thank you.

Speaker 1:

So thanks again for sharing your story and, ultimately, how real estate changed your life, and I wish you the best personally and professionally, and I see you at the top To my listeners. Before you go, don't forget to visit mosestementorcom for more resources and insights, and also please subscribe to mosestementor on YouTube to stay updated on the latest episodes and get the greatest information when it happens. So keep pushing your financial boundaries and, until next time, stay focused and motivated in your real estate journey. Peace.

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