Money Focused Podcast

The AI Advantage: Elevating Your Business Game with Brandan Payne

March 26, 2024 Moses The Mentor Episode 24
The AI Advantage: Elevating Your Business Game with Brandan Payne
Money Focused Podcast
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Money Focused Podcast
The AI Advantage: Elevating Your Business Game with Brandan Payne
Mar 26, 2024 Episode 24
Moses The Mentor

In this episode, I explore the AI advantage in business with Brandan Payne, an expert in AI and business optimization, discussing how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the entrepreneurial scene. Brandan shares his global experiences and the valuable insights gained from trading video services, emphasizing the growth potential in the e-learning sector. We examine the emerging role of AI in business, illustrating how it simplifies operations and improves decision-making. Brandan highlights the benefits of using tools like ChatGPT as a virtual advisory board and its impact on creating unique marketing content. We also consider AI's effect on social media strategies and the importance of strategic partnerships for leveraging AI in business expansion. Join us to learn how integrating AI can streamline business processes and open up exciting growth opportunities.

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In this episode, I explore the AI advantage in business with Brandan Payne, an expert in AI and business optimization, discussing how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the entrepreneurial scene. Brandan shares his global experiences and the valuable insights gained from trading video services, emphasizing the growth potential in the e-learning sector. We examine the emerging role of AI in business, illustrating how it simplifies operations and improves decision-making. Brandan highlights the benefits of using tools like ChatGPT as a virtual advisory board and its impact on creating unique marketing content. We also consider AI's effect on social media strategies and the importance of strategic partnerships for leveraging AI in business expansion. Join us to learn how integrating AI can streamline business processes and open up exciting growth opportunities.

📺 You can watch this episode on Moses The Mentor's YouTube page and don't forget to subscribe:

🎯Connect with Brandan Payne @brandan_payne on Instagram and visit his website

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Money Focus Podcast. I'm your host, moses the Mentor. In this episode, we're going to be diving into the world of artificial. Welcome to the Money Focus Podcast. Welcome to the Money Focus Podcast. I'm your host, moses the Mentor, and in this episode, we're going to be diving into the world of AI and video marketing with Brandon Payne. Brandon Payne is an AI business coach and also a trailblazer for using AI to revolutionize branding and marketing and, ultimately, sales. He's also a Forbes Council Speaker and his insights have illuminated paths for countless entrepreneurs. So let's uncover the strategies behind the success and how you can leverage AI in video in your business. Hey, brandon, I appreciate you joining the Money Focus podcast. As usual, I always ask my guests to start the show off with telling us about their career journey and, ultimately, how they started their business, so the floor is yours.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you, moses. I remember I started working two jobs because I wanted to stack up, and I wanted to. I heard about digital nomads, and that's people that make money from their laptop and they live overseas. I'm like Thailand, bali and, long story short. I saved up $10,000. I bought gimbals, I got cameras, I bought drones like the fancy travel book bag and after that I saved up $10,000.

Speaker 2:

I left in September 2018. And I went to South Korea for a month. I went to Bali for a month, I went to Philippines for a month and I lived in Thailand for two months. I was running around filming. I learned that you could barter, which is another system I still use to this day where they were giving me. I ended up staying either hostels or nice really luxury hotels for free accommodation with free liquor, free drinks, free food in exchange for shooting video, and I still apply some of those concepts today. I was like you can barter. There's certain things you want.

Speaker 2:

Came back in 2019. And then I paid for my first course. It's still now hard to grasp that industry is learning, but I paid $2,500 for a course on how to sell video at higher ticket prices and it took maybe five, six months, and then I finally started to buy the information. I sold my first, and then I sold another one at like forty seven hundred, and then from there it goes off. You learn to sell at fifteen thousand, thirty thousand, eighty thousand dollar packages, and your confidence grows through that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I appreciate you, you know breaking that down and walking us through your journey. I think the thing that jumped out to me is that you know you're not afraid to go for yours, which is, which is huge, and also you were willing to move. You know you were able to, you know, bounce around Like you know. That's what I'm picking up from it, but are those two things that you feel that helped propel you in your career or in your entrepreneurial journey?

Speaker 2:

I think, ultimately, it comes down to being able to be willing to bend on yourself. We live in a world now where, fortunately, the having to move is not as much as a necessity as people make it. Two parts of that. One betting on yourself is first because that and you're going to see that grow. Just for context, e-learning industry is a $300 billion industry as of 2022. That's set to go to $840 billion by 2030. E-learning is courses, paying for information that's going to collapse timeframes. So when you bet on yourself whether it's $27 you spend for a course or whether it's $3,000 that you spend to learn how to build a power washing company, to learn to build that strawberry business, to learn to build that credit repair when you pay for the information, that's betting on yourself.

Speaker 2:

And that's one of the scariest feelings if you've never paid for information, and that can change everything. You can literally go and pay $2,000 to learn how to build a chocolate-making strawberry business, and that can change the trajectory of your life, and you can do that from where you are Now. Travel that does add another layer, but that's not as much as a necessity. If I wanted to be the number one actor, yes, could it help by me going to LA or Atlanta? Yes, but we also live in a world where, if I could pay for a course on how to do viral videos and become an actor, I could almost blow up right where I am, if I've paid for the right information, and now I'm not restricted by where I'm at. The thing about travel is it gives you other perspective. So now, when I go and see these other places, I view the world different. I view people different. It allows me to think different. Those are the benefits.

Speaker 1:

What would you say, like throughout that timeline, like what was that? What was the pivotal moment for you, though? Like what was that moment that you say, ok, well, I can do this, I can be, you know, a full time entrepreneur. I can, you know, no more limiting beliefs. I can reach all my goals. What was that moment? Talk to us about that.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's a moment. I think it's. It's something that you build over time. It's like resilience there's not always going to be consistency.

Speaker 2:

I think it's and this is what I really try to hone on to people and I'm pushing that narrative more and more. It's literally learning to build that muscle and enjoy the journey. When you can decide, it's hard to say, hey, you know what, I'm going to enjoy this journey. Bad things are going to happen, good things are going to happen, but I'm going to enjoy the journey the whole way through and everything that I go through is a lesson. Maybe it's not for me, but that's a lesson that I can tell somebody else and from that perspective. So I don't think it's one moment, it's a must you're always working on, even now, and through that you learn so much more. I allow myself not to be consistent. I allow myself to take that 30 minutes or three hours of the day off and go watch Netflix because I'm like, at the end of the day, I'm enjoying the journey.

Speaker 2:

Did I do the work when I was supposed to do the work? Was I disciplined? It's not about having consistent discipline. I think a lot of people make it appear one way, but you can when you start to understand strategy and knowing that you did take the time to work hard. It's just like the gym. I don't. I never wanted to always go to the gym. I still don't always fear about going to the gym, but there are periods where I'll get in and I go hard. But when I'm in there, when I'm doing it, I will go hard and be strategic about it and then your body always kicks back in because I know that time I put in the work, gotcha, that's in every aspect of your life.

Speaker 2:

It's like set yourself up to where you know that if things don't go the way you want, either you did what you were supposed to do or you didn't. So this whole time I'm enjoying the journey that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

So, with you having you know your background with videography and photography, is that really what kind of you know spearheaded your desire to focus on branding, marketing and things of that nature with your business? Was it like a natural transition for you?

Speaker 2:

You only figure out your purpose by doing different things, go, try different things, and then there's not. I don't believe that there's just one purpose. It can change. But, it's just like back to enjoying that journey. It's your purpose can continue to be different. It can continue to evolve. You should be growing as a person all the time and all that time you're just building that muscle. You're building more confidence. You're building more confidence. You're building more skill sets. It can lead into anything else.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I agree with you, you can. Your goals and your, the different milestones and things that you're looking for definitely can evolve. You know I. You know it could be the salary you want, it could be the lifestyle you want. So just be open. You know you said enjoy the journey.

Speaker 1:

I always anybody that knows me personally I always say embrace the journey. You know, I look forward to being like a older dude and being able to say, hey, I did this and did that, and the only way you're going to do that is through experiences and yeah and um. You know I'm happy to say I've worked in many different industries. I'm happy to say I've started multiple businesses. I'm happy to say that not all of them make money right now, because now I can adjust my strategy so I can be better. I'm happy to say I have successful rental business, but it didn't start that way. I can talk through my experience and how to help others. So those are the things people do have to embrace the journey, enjoy the journey. It's important. Just be open to change, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's it, I like that Be open to change and embrace the journey.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about, if you don't mind, let's talk about AI. You mentioned that you have a company, that you have a company, you're the AI business coach and I have a true fascination my wife is addicted to it as well as far as AI, because doing the busy work is not as exciting. Like me, I want to be able to do stuff like this the human component and building my business with strategy. I'm so interested in hearing more about how AI can actually evolve a business. So how do you actually help people understand AI? To begin with?

Speaker 2:

So the best way, I guess, to kind of encapsulate that is really I always say there's three parts to it when you think about AI. So you have the one side where some people stand over here and they're so nerded out about AI that they can't explain it to the average person, like, oh yeah. And then there's deep learning, machine learning, or it's like when someone tries to explain web development to someone and they're like well, there's Ruby on Rails for front end or Python, and someone's like wait, ux, ui design, like what are you talking about? It's too much jargon and they're so nerdy about it that the average person doesn't get it. Then there's the complete other side where people are like I don't know, ai is a little bit scary, I don't trust it, I don't know what y'all are talking about.

Speaker 1:

I kind of want to know about it, but it just seems like a lot going on.

Speaker 2:

I like to sit right in the middle, where there's a lot of very simple to use AI tools that help your life, whether you want to, whether it's in business or personal, whether you want to cook dinner tonight and you have no idea what to cook, I have these five items in my refrigerator. What can I cook? Or there's very simple business tools where it's like look, I don't have a whole team of people to do things. How can I get my marketing better? What can I write for my advertisement? How can I use different others' audio tools? And then, within that very simple to use AI tool, when you use strategy, that's a game changer. And most people in business aren't using strategy at all, they're just using tactics. And one of my favorite quotes I always say is amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk strategy. And most people in business aren't using strategy at all, they're just using tactics. And one of my favorite quotes I always say is amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk strategy. So one example I'll give you as like a practicality, say, because there's and you talked about a lot of real estate, but we'll say agents from perspective, there's a lot of agents where, if I was an agent, one thing I would do to stand out and do very simple, to use the tools.

Speaker 2:

Like there's a website called Storybookapp and you can go on Storybookapp. You can create like a little kid's storybook. You can choose the different animation style you want. You can say you want it to be about Susie and maybe about a kangaroo, and talk about how Susie's moving to this new neighborhood in Houston, texas, and she's scared to move because she's relocating to a new school. But you know it's going to be OK, susie, because your parents made the best decision and found an amazing home for you, whatever it is. So imagine now taking that book as an agent and giving that to your client's kid. Or there was a hiccup in the movement and there was like no problems with inspection and the roof was leaking, and then you write a whole little story about how Johnny the Eagle, you know, came through and fixed the roof leak and we ended up closing the home. And now you have that. You get that storybook you printed out and then you leave that on like the coffee table for that client, like they're going to show that to everybody that comes over.

Speaker 1:

That's one of the most memorable things.

Speaker 2:

It's a storybook that took you 30 seconds to maybe two minutes to write by using a simple AI tool that you would have never done. That's memorable. That's different, obviously more on the common side, you have like ChatGPT. I usually show a lot about that one, but a lot of people only offer 1% of what ChatGP can do.

Speaker 1:

So when you hear ChatGP, you can see a lot of people are doing things.

Speaker 2:

But even perspective. For those of you that don't know what ChatGP is, I always say think of it like this If you were able to walk into a boardroom of 1,000 experts, of no matter what it is you wanted to do, say you wanted to create new sticky notes with different colors and you just didn't know how. You just had an idea. You wanted sticky notes with motivational quotes on them.

Speaker 2:

Imagine walking into a boardroom of 1,000 people that have already created that Same product and they can tell you exactly what to do, from A to Z. That's a way to think about chat GPT Walking into a boardroom with 1 a thousand experts or whatever you want. Then you have more common things that people know. They know if you're in the chat GPT space, you know personas. Maybe you love people like Myron Golden or Russell Brunson or Tony Robbins. Instead of you trying to write your own ad, say, rewrite this Facebook ad for me in the style of Myron Golden, in the style of Russell Brunson, and now you're taking some of that language and it's starting to make that better. Then you can go deeper and you could be like temperature dash zero comma, temperature dash one, and that'll make it more conversational. You hear a lot of people say this doesn't sound conversational, Cool.

Speaker 1:

What was that last part I?

Speaker 2:

haven't heard that one. I'm trying not to go down. I know I'm trying whoa say that again. Um, so there's different things like you can put in spartan mode or you can do like temperature dash zero, comma, temperature dash one and or temperature dash four. You can play around with the numbers and it'll make it more conversational.

Speaker 1:

That's within the prompt.

Speaker 2:

That's within the prompt, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow I mean there's.

Speaker 2:

I'm very careful when I go down there because there's rabbles. Have you done anything with plugins yet, or anything?

Speaker 1:

When you say plugins, like within ChatGPT, they have like where you can do the video and the pictures that so even there you can add plugins, and some people play in that space a lot.

Speaker 2:

Where there was one it's I think it's taken off now, but there's like redfin.

Speaker 1:

So I could go and add redfin on there just keeping it kind of real estate.

Speaker 2:

Later and I used to do this and teach people a lot I could go add reds and and if I would say, hey, I want you to find me a property that's over 4 000 square feet in in Brevard County that has a mother-in-law suite and a swimming pool, that's likely to rent on Airbnb or VRBO with the $1,500 profit margin. It would bring up the properties along with the images and the links to those properties, and then so, without doing that, I would go further and I would say, okay, I know I want to reach out to Dr Jones that lives in Jacksonville, florida, because I know he's looking to invest and I want to write an email. So write an email to Dr Jones in Jacksonville, florida telling him that properties number two and number four are great options for investment. But I want you to create these are big words FOMO, fear of missing out, create a sense of urgency so that they're on it, and then this is back to strategy. You don't just send that. You go to Dr Jones' Facebook page and say Dr Jones, like I said, he lives in Jacksonville. But I do a quick scroll and he has a dog named Lulu and I see that Dr Jones loves the Jacksonville Jaguars. By the way, dr Jones loves Jacksonville Jaguars and has a dog named Lulu, so now the subject line may say from one Jacks fan to another for you and Lulu's eyes, only that's a catchy subject line. He's going to open it now and then, hey, dr Jones, time is short, I don't want to rush you. I know you're busy, but I don't want you to miss out on these two amazing properties that are great for you. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That is gold, and that's still minimal.

Speaker 2:

There's so much other stuff. There's like a Chrome extension I always teach so there's one called Humanic, h-u-m-a-n-t-i-c. Humanicai, and what? This is mind blowing. I always say search yourself first if you go, do this, but you can bring up anybody's LinkedIn profile or their Twitter profile and it will literally analyze their profile, tell you how accurate it thinks it is, and it will give you a bunch of things. It will tell you how to build a winning connection with that person and it will give you a bunch of things. It will tell you how to build a winning connection with that person. So it tells you does that person care about return on investment or do they care more about relationships first. What does that person care about? Does that person want you to just give them the facts or do they want to kind of be informal first and then go into the talk? It tells you how that person likes to receive emails. Do they want a catchy subject line or a personal subject line or informal? Do they want long form or do they prefer bullet points? Do they like salutations or no?

Speaker 2:

It also tells you their DISC personality profile, a DISC personality profile D-I-S-C. Disc stands for like dominant, driven, determined. I is like influential, innovative. C is like calculative, type person, very analytical, and S is like steady. So some people are like a big I, little I, or big D, little I.

Speaker 1:

However, whatever the personality, I love, I love this. Yeah, I highly recommend this. I was an I. I was an I the last time I did it, but it could change. You know I did that. You know free entrepreneur days. I'm probably more of a D.

Speaker 2:

And you took the test right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did.

Speaker 2:

Now imagine not having to take the test and it literally brings up your profile and you can see what yours is, and it brings up anybody else's.

Speaker 1:

No, that's huge. That's huge. I think you know you brought up some great use cases, for sure you know. So my question to you is, like, when you work with clients, what's like their top need? Is it typically productivity, like getting some time back? You know they don't have enough time in the day. Are they looking to increase sales? Like, what are some of the top things that they look for?

Speaker 2:

So you have pain point media and then you have the AI business coach. So pain point media mainly. I work with medical tech and construction and I'll create whether it's frequently asked question videos to save them time. We'll film customer testimonial videos because that's their social proof. We'll go out to their customers and get a and tell the whole story of how they help them. Some people they need training videos because their staff isn't retaining information. So it could be for a construction site or it could be for a medical company. We'll create different training videos, create like what I call a video business card. So it's who you are, why do you do what you do, what makes you different, call to action, and that has a lot of sales psychology in it, and I have them put that in their email signature post at the top of their website, pin to each of their socials. So there's a lot of different video assets. I like to say that we can create Whether it's saving time, building relationships, brand awareness, social media, like there's a whole thing, but everything's strategized, tailored towards our goal With with the ai business coach, that's more of the coaching, consulting.

Speaker 2:

So some people come in. They're like yo, I need help with my messaging. A lot of people need help with their messaging. When your words are clear and you can convey clearly what you do, that helps you sell and get things done faster. So I hope a lot of people with that I'll show, introduce them in the chat GPT, I'll help them with their messaging. Along that way.

Speaker 2:

I'll help them saying hey, you might not be able to pay for these high-end videos right now, but I'm going to show you what to create from your cell phone. I'm going to show you how to script videos. So we're going to use chat, gpt or other things to script videos and maybe use the AI tool to do the voiceovers for it, or maybe you're going to talk to it. I'm going to show you, you know, using different frameworks of how to do that and different strategies. And then I have, under the AI business code, I have a thing called marketing mastery made easy. So that's where people they pay $50 a month and I essentially I just help them optimize their business.

Speaker 2:

So we do like one to two masterclasses. I show them these different AI tools that they can implement. I show them how to optimize their LinkedIn bio, how to optimize their Instagram bio, how to optimize what video needs to be pinned on your Instagram. We have three things that you can pin. That's prime real estate. But instead of them trying to figure it out me saying just go pin three posts, I'm showing them simple AI tools that they can use to speed up the process, make it faster, figure out the language.

Speaker 1:

So, to answer your question, it's really business. Optimization is what I'm helping people with. How did you learn about AI? I don't think I caught that part of your journey, just curious I just use.

Speaker 2:

I guess one of my biggest strengths is learning. So ai is not new. It's been around for a very, very, very long time. Only thing now is it's democratized. So between me just learning, taking the skill sets that I've already had, and just diving deeper in the last pretty much little like over two years now. Just diving, nothing, crazy, it's just. You know, when you have a learner, they go.

Speaker 1:

I'm a rabbit yeah, no, I, I admire that. You know, um, because ai it's again. It could sound so scary to some people and I, you know the fact that you're at it's, even though you're not at the forefront, like you just mentioned, has been around for a while. You still have such a leg up on most people. You know, I think even someone started right now they're still at the starting point because so many people are just so unsure. I brought up chat GPT to a few of my friends one time and I described like how the prompts work and this is when I first started and all they could keep saying was oh, it sounds like Google, sounds like a Google search, and they couldn't be. It's so wrong to look at it in that way.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you showed a friend and they love cooking. I'm going to show you how to make four meals right now. What do you plan on cooking tonight? Once you show them that now, what do you plan on cooking tonight? Once you show them that now their mind is open to more.

Speaker 1:

So what are some of the pitfalls that you're seeing with some of the businesses and clients that you work with when they first start to try to implement AI Like how does that look?

Speaker 2:

I think there's two parts. There's one where you have a lot of people, everybody mother's mother keeps like they've been hurt. So like when people get introduced in the chat box and and this and that and the fifth, and it's like no, you didn't even need that. Somebody's selling you on the chat bot or saying, oh, I'm building, everybody's building the new chat bot. However, I didn't tell you that. So there's kind of like there's things, there are a lot, some people are trusting people with that stuff. So it's kind of bringing them back to square one as one thing, kind of reframing the mindset on hey, let's start simple, that's the big part. Let's start simple with everything.

Speaker 2:

As far as pitfalls really a lot of it is, I think, with a lot of businesses just the coaching aspect. It's accountability, it's it's having them be consistent, having them comfortable, and really a lot of it's the mindset. And what I do with the Marketing Mastery for Accountability is I'll and that's why I haven't rushed to grow it really fast but I want to see how people are applying the tools or not applying the tools. A lot of people won't apply the information. So that accountability is me sending weekly text messages one to three times a week, whether it's motivational, whether it's hey, you got to be willing to get uncomfortable, did you? Did you ask for a testimonial this weekend? Did you reach out saying this, did you apply what we learned last week? So accountability is really a huge, huge part that's forgotten. When it comes to this AI and just business in general, accountability is a big, big, big component Makes sense, definitely makes sense.

Speaker 1:

I mean it may be, you know, monetary investment and also the time investment. You know you got to follow through, so that accountability is definitely huge.

Speaker 2:

Even bringing it back down to like 101,. One of the first things I'll teach is like and the same you. Like you, because you sound like you've done probably use chat a lot, but how many times do you still, to this day, get caught up ornamental block and you don't automatically go use the chat?

Speaker 1:

In the beginning. For sure that was a problem and my wife was great because she was just such. She's a PhD, so you know she's a person that's constantly likes to research. But what helped me when I finally got my flow going with CHPT is that I opened my mind, to be honest with you, like I didn't assume it couldn't accomplish it, like it would have to tell me explicitly oh, that is out of scope, oh, that's not something I can do, I would ask. I'm sure it probably was tied to me because I was asking it to do this, this, that and flip and all that.

Speaker 1:

But when I got it right, what I've done is just I saved my prompts. I have a folder, so anytime I want to, you know, like, for example, like when reached out to you, you know and got you on the show. You know my outlines. I'm able to do that quickly because I know how to formulate my prompts and take information from prospective guests and create an outline for an episode. That's a time saver for me. Sending emails and setting up different you know productivity tasks those are things that I've used chat GPT for, but I'm sure I'm not reaching this full potential. I'm sure I'm not.

Speaker 2:

So you have to have it locked in to go use it for everything. So that's, that's the gap, and when you, the quicker that I get people to when you then they ask me a question, did you go research it first? Because now it becomes a habit and when you have that habit, everything else, you can relate that to everything else. It's the same habit that you're building for content. It's like people are like what do I create, what do I post? I teach them to build that habit. Everything is content. This is content.

Speaker 2:

Be hitting the camera and putting it in 0.5 mode, giving it the perspective, and be like doing an amazing podcast right now with my boy Moses. Let's go Check him out. That's content. And when they have that and they know, oh, this is content, this is content, it's the same thing. Now they know how to use these two tools, chatgpt, and they have how to create content wherever. And this stacks because now you have this tool, this tool, this tool, this tool, this tool, this tool, this tool, this tool, this tool. And that's the dangerous part.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to ask you if you can explain a little bit about, you know, just social media strategy on connecting with people with messaging and you know you can explain it better than me but just really having a good presence on social media by using some automation AI tools.

Speaker 2:

So if you can give us some breakdown of that, so one thing I kind of mentioned before we get started here was I use a software where I actually interact on my Instagram. Started here was I use a software where I actually interact on my Instagram. So I'll go and take competitors pages and it can like and comment and like their stories, their posts, interact with their reels on the back end, or people that like certain hashtags or follow certain meme pages. It'll go and interact with them. For me.

Speaker 2:

So it's always doing that, even while I'm asleep, and then when it interacts, people end up going back to my page. They'll end up looking, scrolling. If they like the content, they'll usually end up following or they'll send a message and then when they follow and have it triggered so that it doesn't send it right away, it'll have a delayed message and send like one of two messages of your choice. Mine are like uh, how's business going? Or the other one's like what are your goals for this year, 2024 business goals. And then from there that starts a conversation and then I just carry out the conversation from.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now, if I wanted to, I could set more AI up on the backend to carry out the conversation, but I don't think everything is there yet for that, so I'd rather just carry out the conversation or eventually hire a DM setter to carry out the conversation and that's led I mean, I'll lead and has led to deals closed, that is, and people that I would never reach out to are taking the time opportunities, cause there's remember, there's an abundance of people that you can talk to on these different platforms. So imagine that you have something working in the back for you bringing those conversations to the table.

Speaker 1:

Are you able to share what's the name of that tool? I'm interested for sure to learn more about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my boy actually built it. So it's actually coming out and back to just either hit me up or let me know.

Speaker 1:

But back to the way I even met him was because of a course.

Speaker 2:

that I paid for was because of a course that I paid for. So if I wasn't in the back end of that mastermind course, I'm not saying I would never have met him, but there's opportunities that come from that, like these kind of backdoor networks.

Speaker 2:

Like, I would have never known, because the person does Amazon FBA type stuff but that's just another business that he does on the side where he built the software. So I would have never known, I would have never found out. I was skeptical at first because I heard of things that will go and like your post, but I've never seen anything that interacts with stories and polls and that was consistent like that. So that's what shocked me.

Speaker 1:

I've never heard of it as well, and I mean because that's a time commitment for sure. A lot of people are not. A lot of people are not social media people. You know they're very casual, but social media, when done right, can skyrocket your business, you know. But it's time, it's a lot of time, so I get it. We talked a lot about AI. What do you feel like? You know how is this going to evolve in the future?

Speaker 2:

You can see a lot of bigger companies starting to use it and you see a lot of the small business owners starting to use it. So there's definitely going to be more and more and more and more integration and, like the famous quote kind of goes, it's like it's not AI that will put business owners out of business. It's business owners that use AI that will put business owners out of business.

Speaker 1:

It's business owners that use AI that will put business owners out of business, or however you want to look at it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I've heard that. I've heard that in 100 percent agree. People need to understand that it's a lot of fear around AI and it's something that just needs to be embraced at this point. The one thing I wanted to ask you really quick, as far as like, when I use ChatGPT, for example, for like inspiration for a description or a title, I find myself having to wordsmith it a little bit more than I used to. I'm just curious if there's any best practices to get around that. So, are there any ways to get around that?

Speaker 2:

to say, hey, you know, let's, let's have something that's not as generic, or is that just out of the question right now? No, you can, definitely it's. It's going back to understanding what you're saying, like a lot of it too is one of the fastest things that you can do to really change. That is start to use other people's play around with other people's tonality One the secrets like I do a lot is I'll go find these big influencers on tiktok in different industries. Uh, one I had never heard of. Some people may know of her or not, but like tat ladano, tat tatiana ladano is her name I used.

Speaker 2:

I think I'll use her as like rewrite this in the style of tat ladano, just because on tiktok she's like fun. She's like fun, she's talking about real estate, but it's different. So when I write scripts for people, I may say write this in the style of Tat Ladano. Or there's people that'll surprise you. Sometimes, depending on the person's tonality, I'll say, write this in the style of Cardi B, and you'll be surprised that it's still kind of it's off, but it actually. If the initial structure I have is good for the script, it actually feeds in very well because I can have her talking about credit or taxes. It's just in her style, but it's it puts a little bit of edge on it, and you know she's not going to stay unlocked or anything like that, so it cuts all that out so what about?

Speaker 2:

hey, so that and you start to know there's so many, so many influences, that people with different tonalities out there that we just don't even grasp. You don't even grasp somebody out there with 5k or 10k or whatever on tiktok. That is just killing the game with personality and you, using that one kind of tonality alone can change everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's a great best practice and I'm going to definitely implement that, because I haven't been doing that. I'll ask for what I want and then again wordsmith it Like yeah, I don't like that, I've used that too much or whatever, but trying someone that tonality for someone who's already successful in that space just makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah because other people are already gravitating to them. There's so many. All of these are 10x benefits. When you think about it, you're like well yeah, oh, I get it Cool, cool.

Speaker 1:

So what final piece of advice can you offer the audience? And also, before you go, just make sure to shout out your businesses and your ways to contact you, and I'll definitely include it in the show notes. So, uh, the floor is yours, man, I really appreciate you too yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, thank you, man, appreciate you having me for one. Definitely glad you have this platform, you're growing it and, uh, look forward to seeing you know where things continue to move. Good, putting in the work, thank you. Continue getting after it, continue to stay locked in, like you said, really enjoy the journey and just start trying to be more intentional and strategic.

Speaker 2:

One thing that I teach a lot, and I say the words of this year for 2024, two words this year is all about execution. So it's one thing to have ideas Everyone has ideas, they have thoughts, they have what-ifs dreams everyone to look, but execution is what it comes down to. When you execute, that's where you win. So execution is the name of the game. The second part that's going to help you really win this year is strategic partnerships. That's everything. So having strategic partnerships not always trying to do it alone, seeing where you can work and have joint ventures, that's going to change the game for you. So execution, strategic partnerships, is the goal and the game and the way for 2024. And then, yeah, to tap in, always tweaking things, but the game changer, really the goal where I give everything away is the AI business coachcom, like, if you want to, no matter what it is. You want to optimize your business, you want to get better at knowing what the post I, I pour everything.

Speaker 2:

That's my baby. I pour everything into them, everything into that group as it grows. You have the facebook community, one or two master classes a month, text message throughout the week, like I pour everything the hooks and people are shocked and the only reason I do it for 50 is because it's one of those gaps, even though that's I charge, and do charge thousand dollars for some of the information I teach in there. It gives a gap to where I'm or where I was, and it opens the door for so many others. So it's like your excuses are literally gone If you're in there, cause I give you all everything, everything. So yeah, it yeah it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

So the AIbusinesscoachcom and social media.

Speaker 2:

Instagram at Brandon B-R-A-N-D-A-N underscore Payne P-Y-N-E. And that's B-R-A-N-D-A-N underscore Payne P-Y-N-E on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

So, again, it'll be in the show notes and you can reach out to Brandon for all your AI business needs and, just like you said, business optimization needs, so he can be able to help you out. So appreciate you joining the show and we're out.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

Again, thank you, brandon, for sharing your insights and strategies with us on how we can leverage AI. You know your success story is a powerful reminder of where ambition and the right tools can take a business. So thank you for sharing your stories and to everyone listening. Please make sure to visit the AI business coachcom for more information. You could tap into Brandon firsthand. You got a game-changing approach, so don't miss out. Also, before you go, make sure to check out mosesthementorcom and subscribe to Moses the Mentor on YouTube for more episodes and more great information. So until next time, keep pushing the envelope forward and transforming your business with the latest in AI and video. Peace.

Business Journey and Entrepreneurial Insight
Navigating AI Tools for Business Success
Chat GPT and Social Media Strategy
Strategic Partnerships and AI in Business