The Chop Shop Search Arb Podcast

012 - Why everyone in Search Arb is focusing on RSOC now (Affiliate World Dubai 2024)

March 10, 2024 Martin Andersson Episode 12
012 - Why everyone in Search Arb is focusing on RSOC now (Affiliate World Dubai 2024)
The Chop Shop Search Arb Podcast
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The Chop Shop Search Arb Podcast
012 - Why everyone in Search Arb is focusing on RSOC now (Affiliate World Dubai 2024)
Mar 10, 2024 Episode 12
Martin Andersson

Martin has a chat with Deniz Düzgün of DzO Media at Affiliate World Dubai 2024. Deniz is looking for talented Media Buyers, reach out to him here:   / deniz-düzgün-a407291a 

0:00 Intro
1:05 Deniz start in Search Arb
2:30 This is when Deniz started making 1k/day
3:30 Peak Search Arb
5:30 How is RSOC different to classic AFS
6:53 How much traffic Deniz is buying per day
7:50 The importance of focus
9:00 Deniz monetisation platform of choice
11:00 Want to work with Deniz?

Show Notes Transcript

Martin has a chat with Deniz Düzgün of DzO Media at Affiliate World Dubai 2024. Deniz is looking for talented Media Buyers, reach out to him here:   / deniz-düzgün-a407291a 

0:00 Intro
1:05 Deniz start in Search Arb
2:30 This is when Deniz started making 1k/day
3:30 Peak Search Arb
5:30 How is RSOC different to classic AFS
6:53 How much traffic Deniz is buying per day
7:50 The importance of focus
9:00 Deniz monetisation platform of choice
11:00 Want to work with Deniz?

affiliate world Dubai is in the books. And if I'm going to present you with only one key takeaway from the show, it's going to be this. Our SOC everybody's talking about it. Everybody's excited. Monetizes are racing to offer it to as many people as possible Coming up as an interview, straight from the show with Dennis. Media buyer buying five figures a day has been in the game for five, six years. He knows what he's talking about. And the highlight of this interview for me personally, is that we got the chance to specify exactly why so many people believe that our SOC will be the most disruptive force in search art for 2024. So let me take you back to Dubai and let's dive into the interview and joy.


we're here in Dubai. At the affiliate world conference. I'm sitting here with Dennis. Thank you for jumping on much appreciated. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much. You've been in search of for how long? I think about five to six years now. How did you get the impulse to begin?


I had I had a lot of people in the domaining industry. Yeah. And I met them through Stefan. That was the previous owner of Tonic. Yeah. And I know him pretty well and I started registering my own domains, so you were a domainer in the beginning. I wouldn't call it, but I was dabbling around. And and at some point. We just were looking for better, scalable ways of making revenue and profits. And then we come along with search art. Trite Native. That was the first approach.




Taboola. Taboola, yeah, exactly. That was the first approach. Then we left it again. Then we came back. Yeah. You know how


it is. How long did it take until you had your blessing moment that ARB is the thing for you? What was that moment? I


think at the end it was trying out so many things around this industry. That's always grey and black maybe sometimes. The consistency wasn't there. And it felt it's scalable. Everybody says so. So let's try. And it worked out. And it was pretty stable. We started on Facebook I don't know, in 2019, 2018 ish. And that, that worked out pretty nice. We were more or less, it felt like we were alone. We weren't, of course. Not totally. Not totally. But it was it was nice. Yeah, it was nice. You had an edge, you can access Facebook. Other people couldn't. And like this, that was the Facebook moment in search engine.


How long did it take for you to make a thousand bucks profit in one day?


Not that long. Actually, when we started Facebook, it was kicking in pretty, pretty fast. Yeah. But it's a good feeling. It was nice. Definitely. Yeah. It was nice. Yeah. It was it was a good thing. That was the moment where we're like, yeah, this is actually something, and then we got the account again, lost him and but at the beginning you have more account issues, right?


Yeah. You do.


Getting those accounts and all of this so it was more an infrastructure company. That's how it felt to me.


So we're in Dubai, we're at the final day. What do you say? How has this conference been so far?


It's been great, actually. I really enjoyed it. Good company. A lot of information outside of the conference, actually. So not really on the conference. And, Yeah, it's around search off. You hear a lot. You hear really a lot, but it's I think it's over its peak, to be honest. Yeah, that was like a year ago. The peak was there. Everybody was around. Everybody was a hype. Everybody provided feed. Mixing up product feeds with search feeds and this feed and my feed and your feed and One, one guy even ran around barefoot,


To market surcharge. To market his feet, right? At the end of the day. Okay, wow. It was it was crazy. But I'm happy that this hype is dying out. Because it attracted the wrong kind of attention. There was some super aggressive ads. like totally unsustainable ads. And in this mastermind, we had all these affiliate guys that were moaning and groaning when we said that we're in search of Oh, I got burned so badly. This is way too risky. Now I'm back to casino traffic again. Exactly. Exactly. That's good. That's


good. That's the tone. That's the tone. That's the tone. That's what I hear every day. Everybody's yeah, brother, it's too hard. It's so complicated. Yeah.


But what's your own gut feeling? Do you feel bullish about this upcoming year or? I'm


mixed, actually. I'm mixed, to be honest. It gets super competitive. Because the guys who stayed actually scaled really hard. And I think it's a lot of opportunity grew out of this TikTok. Groups that started TikTok. And made like huge profits out of it. And they built like big teams. And now they are really Building their software, they're building this, they're building that. They have like algorithms that they develop, and that's something that, It's a lot of talk also. It's a lot of talk, at least they're doing something, it's not just registering a domain and pointing it to a name server and starting a campaign anymore, it's a good thing, but it's also definitely showing up in the numbers in means of competition. And the EPC has been horrible the last few weeks. It's been a real crash. I've heard that across the industry. The last few weeks?


Okay. I think it is better than what it was a few months ago.


It's like


a roller coaster, right? It goes up and down all the time. That's the thing. Yeah,


we trust in


the system. a lot of attention is on RSOC right now. Yeah. That could potentially be the new honeymoon phase in in Arbitrage. What are your thoughts about


that? I actually don't have the RSOC yet, but I got hit up yesterday in the, in our meeting and party and yeah, I'm going to try it. I don't I wonder what's so different from a content page to a RSOC. Because it's like the same, it's like content and ads. It's one click




It's huge. One click less, but you have the ad and then you Yeah, you're right. It's one click less. Yeah, you're right. It's humongous. Yes. Now I get it.


Yes. Plus the Apparently the advertisers are better. Better. Yeah. Yeah. Cause you can opt out of being shown on park pages, but you can't opt out of our thought. I say you'll have a broader advertiser pool. That's the reason to feel bullish, quite bullish about it. One click less plus higher advertiser quality. So I hope you're feeling a bit more bullish now with this information.


Something I did not fully grasp at that moment, because I'm by nature, super skeptical person. You


exactly lived in Germany


for two hours. Yeah,


First off, let's be skeptical. Okay how much are you buying for right now?


We hitting five figures. That's


That's a big deal. Five


figures? Four figures. Four or five, it's going up and down. It's a, it's at the moment, it's a bit down, but we will be back. We had some, just mentioned some tech issues, but that's normal. And we what we also do is recently we stopped our TikTok operation


for good. It's been pretty bad lately.


Yeah. It shows me that at the end, focus is what counts, right? If you start in that, I can tell from my experience. If you think you have to do TikTok because there is something going on. Yeah, I can assure anybody. You haven't even touched Facebook. If you really want to go into it, that same thing counts for the TikTokers out there. If you're in TikTok, try to focus on your thing, really dig into it and scale it further. Yeah.


That's a really good tip we discussed before we started filming. Like what kind of, what's like a nugget of value that we want to contribute to the viewer. And Also this hype from last year, there's a lot of people that just want to hop onto what's the hottest right now and they hop from thing to thing, but the truth is you're going to have to work with whatever you want to become good at. It's not like that you jump onto Surgeharp and you're going to make 5k a day without, without the blood, sweat and tears that you have to. Yeah, sweat and a lot of tears. Yeah, that's an illusion that there is something where there's no competition and like crazy profits. That won't happen. I really love that input that specialize in something, become good instead of being a generalist trying to buy in


all channels. Same thing if you do pictures, stay to your pictures. Yeah, I've seen so many videos, they must be great. Let's do VSL. Yeah. Of course you can do that, but you will start from scratch. Yeah. You start from zero. You're gonna create the video. You're going to find some guys that are great in videos and you'd have to do all of that. And while that it's just noise, it's just noise. And the longer, the better, the more you focus, the better it is. And that we actually do with the feed providers. We work with CETO, right? We work with CETO forever. Yeah. We love them. And it's it gives us advantage because we just learn them better how to use them. Instead of jumping from System 1 to System 1 we're gonna do RSOC. Which is a few minutes late. Yeah.


But CDO also says that they're working on RSOC, so let's see.


A lot of people working on


something, right? people working on RSOC, but System 1 have it


already. Yeah, exactly. That's, that will count. Yeah. If you have it, Yeah.


Yeah. So are you 100 percent CDO?


We did tonic. It's just down Munich, right? I'm in Munich. Stefan, as I mentioned, Xtonic. We will probably integrate tonic once more, but I really don't like to jump from tree to tree. This is not what I want to do. But it could help actually diversify the risks, of having maybe instability, and things like that. And Tonic offers a lot of advantages too, you have the registry of the domain, you never run into issues with the registraw, or registry, I don't know really. That can all lop up. And that helps.


And we talked about the importance of having an edge. What's your edge in this Sarcharm game? That, I got


asked today. Actually I think it's for now it's experience. Yeah. For now it's still experience. I feel like you always have to fight for the edge and never miss one of these shows, actually. Always go out. Yeah, you should come. Yeah, you should come. If you really want to stay into the game, come to most of the shows at least twice a year. Yeah.


I think it's good. You always pick up an idea here and there and if you're in this game and you have some scale, that's all you need. One new input. Even a small input can move the dial.


Exactly. There's always a few things that come out of it. And that edge isn't staying. I was just mentioning it when we started, right? The Facebook, right? That was, Facebook was the edge. We were on Facebook. Some other people couldn't do it and that went away and it went away fast. Now it's knowledge.


You have a team? We have a team. That's awesome. There's a lot of one man shops out there, but you've successfully taken the step to have a team. We have a team


with four media buyers now. Four media buyers? Yeah, we're looking for more.


Yeah? What's the profile? Preferably


experience. Yeah. That's what we're looking for. Preferably. That would be great. Does the location matter? No, not at all. No? Not at all.


How do you incentivize your media buyers? We have profit shares. Yeah. Is it public what


you offer? A good one, let's say that, right? It's definitely incentivizing. So you will definitely make more money if you actually bring profits, which makes sense. Yeah. And I'm trying to compete with the highest out there. Because I know how valuable media buyers is. I think that actually the value comes from media buying. That's my opinion. I'm a media buyer by heart. That's why I try to or we try to value them, and yeah, trying to build a system for them that they actually can access, give them all kinds of tools, anything they want, just request anything for you to make money. Basically. That's my that's my go to my, that's what I say to my guys. You want something to sell,


I'll put your, if you want, I'll put your contact details in the description of the video. I will.


For BZO Media. Absolutely. Hit me up. We would be happy to talk.


Anything else you would like to add or ask or say? It's been a pleasure so far.


Yeah, right? It's great to meet you. Yeah, I think that anything you need, I'm in I'm here. Super good.


Hey, thanks for thanks for doing this. Much appreciated. Yeah, welcome,
