Living Magically Podcast

Journeying Through the Virgo Full Moon and Pisces Season with Intention | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 8

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Embark with me, Michelle Orwick, on an astrological adventure under the radiance of the Virgo full moon, poised in the dreamy seas of Pisces season. This episode is a celestial treasure trove, promising not only to illuminate the art of intention setting during this rare retrograde-free period but also to guide you through the transformative dance of Chiron as it waltzes with the North Node in Aries. The universe has laid out a canvas for personal growth, and together we'll navigate these high-energy times with calming meditation techniques and breathwork. Whether you're steeped in spiritual practices or dipping your toes in for the first time, there’s a profound healing journey awaiting you—one that aligns our deepest dreams with the clarity of the moon's glow, fostering a collective spiritual awakening.

Amidst the cosmic currents, we'll explore the power of communal rituals to echo our desires into the universe, amplifying the potency of our collective consciousness. I’ll share how syncing our actions with the universe's clock can lead to magnificent manifestations, and we’ll tap into the elemental magic that surrounds us—from lighting candles to spiritual bathing. Let’s embrace the energy of this magical week, with heart-centered connections acting as our compass, leading to transformation not only within ourselves but rippling out to the very fabric of the world. So join me, and together let's harness the luminescent energy of the full moon and the intuitive tides of Pisces season, as we chart a course towards the shores of our most cherished aspirations.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I am your host, michelle Orwick, and this week we have a potent full moon in Virgo and a lot going on astrologically. In fact, you're probably feeling a lot of energy and you could be feeling extra emotional because we have now entered Pisces season and Pisces season is the energy of the dreamer, and I want to encourage you to lean into this dreaming feeling. I want you to lean into allowing yourself extra rest, allowing yourself extra time, allowing yourself to be in the inquiry, because we're finishing off that, that lunar New Year energy, and we have this most specific, fantastic area of our life where we have no planets in retrograde and you know, every year, anytime this happens, it's my favorite thing, it's like the most juicy, wonderful, fabulous thing when we have this opportunity for clear intention. So the first thing that happens, we enter this big energy of the year of the dragon and now, as we're getting all of these planets into Aquarius, all lined up in Aquarius, now we move into a little bit less intense but slightly more emotion driven energy of Pisces, pisces season, and what happens is we can now start the intuitive process about all the things we've been working toward. We can start seeing and visualizing ourselves as that future version of us, we can start connecting to our spiritual self and our guidance and the things that are coming true for us. So first we have this, this aspect where we're finishing the true North Node in Aries, where there's this conjunction of Chiron, the wounded healer, which is in an Aries energy, against the true North Node in Aries. So that is happening at the beginning of this week and that's healing your deepest wounds for the new Aquarian Age. I really do believe this transit only comes around like this in about a 50 year cycle, and I really believe that this is an opportunity for lifelong healing.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

What is the patterns you've been? You've been ready to reject change. Look at in a way you've never looked at it before. Maybe you're changing family patterns, maybe you're changing the DNA, maybe you're changing just bad habits. And it's just a lovely experience because Virgo, the full moon that's later this week on the 24th is starting to grow more potent than the sky right now. So as that potency happens, we're going to see that illumination of clearer insight. Now one of two things might happen this week you might either have more crazy dreams, more lucid dreaming, more visual dreaming, because Pisces is about that dream cycles and sometimes there's also illumination because of the full moon. It's called the snow moon and it's because there's this beautiful, bright moon on the snow in the northern seasonal locations. But think about it as the full moon shining illumination, this full moon giving clarity, this full moon giving potency to the work you're already doing, if you've set some new moon things in motion. This is going to generate clarity and generate momentum, especially with no planets in retrograde, but it also may generate the healing necessary to become the person you're looking to be, especially with this transit earlier in the week.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So we're going to see some major shifts this week and I think you're going to see internal shifts. We're really asking the universe and or whatever you want to call it, to be hitting that higher timeline. We're looking for that new earth energy. We're really getting that, that deep, profound feeling of I'm at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, and we've been talking about that for a long time. But now it really is feeling that way and what's going to start happening is the people who haven't been spiritually awake in just your normal Monday through Friday jobs your, your sleeping agents are going to start waking up. So maybe you're going to see your more normal people following astrology, buying crystals, looking at their spiritual life. You're going to start seeing that, over the next 20 years, be more and more prevalent. But literally, this is the week where you're going to start seeing people really putting some focus on their spiritual self, really putting focus on their spiritual being. And just remember you don't have to be quit your day job and be, leave, being whatever it is that you do, to be a healer or a counselor or a change. You might be actually asked to be making the changes within the structures, that's, the tearing down of old structures. They're going to see, with this over arching 20 year period that we're just at the ignition of.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So, as that happens, this week is about getting clarity. Maybe there's some steps you have to take. Maybe there's some things you have to let go of or release, and I was working with a client earlier today and I thought she made the most beautiful wording. She needed to break up with the things and the people that weren't working out for her and it wasn't romantically. She needed to break up with situations that weren't in alignment with her true north. So we're all feeling that true north. So that's here right now. What is that star? We talked about that a little bit last week and so if you want more about that, go back to last week's podcast.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

But this week you're really should be seeing that focus and healing the wounding, and it's a good time to reach out, get a healing, get an activation, do some work with someone. If you're here in Orlando, florida, I'll be doing a two to two activation on Thursday for this powerful portal at the center, a place for the heart. With Patrick, we'll be doing Egyptian oils and sound healing and doing community in the evening at this beautiful center. So it's a good time to share community, share your ideals and your dreams. But if you're feeling like you need to be supported, I am going to come live on my business page at two o'clock on 222 in the afternoon, eastern Standard Time, if you want to kind of watch and feel an activation. I am wanting to give that to everybody as a little activation for all that you do and all that has been coming through. We're definitely stopping into a portal of a deeper timeline in this exact moment. That is one of the power days of the entire year no planets in retrograde, the full moon rising and the North node in this space, so that two to two portal. Whether you watch it on my Facebook live or whether you come, I really would love to have some of you be able to come to our in person event that we're having that day. But I know a lot of you live in other places and so we're going to do our best to support you just by giving you a live activation at the actual portal time that day. So that's like our gift to you this week.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

In the meantime, deepening your practices through this entire weekend where you are seeing, journaling, meditating, being with yourself, there's a little bit of going inward happening right now with these higher vibrational transitions. You may feel like you aren't as ready to communicate your thoughts and feelings, and yet there is a healing going on of the throat chakra, as you can hear. I've even been stumbling a little bit today because we're feeling it in an upgrade and I think you're gonna see this as we're going into tourist season in late April and early May. There is a collective change in the throat chakra that's coming on board as we are ready to be more bold in our speech about what we believe in and that could be spiritually, that could be causes that could be when you're in these outdated relationships. Just saying I don't believe that and I think it's gonna be interesting because it is such a political year with the presidential campaigns. My prediction is that we're going to have a very vocal, very dramatic election year. So you're gonna see people that maybe have never spoke out, maybe they've never seen themselves as political ever before, really coming on to the world stage and speaking out.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And so think about what do you really believe in? This is the time to really see that. What is it you believe in? What is it you feel? What is it that you really need to tell the world from your voice, from your heart, and speak from your heart? Pisces season is all about that heart-mind connection. They are so in tune with their feelings Sometimes they can't express them, but they're in tune with them, and so this is that place where you're tuning in to what do you really feel and what do you really believe. That, to me, is the healing that's happening right now and there's a big potential. But if you need a healer, get a healer. If you need a session, get a session.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Over the next coming weeks we're prepping for the eclipses, and those eclipses are gonna start with the next moon cycle. So this is that last deep, clear full moon before we're in eclipse season, and you know that that's all about change. So this is that clarity that's happening before the change and, as we know, april's gonna have the big American solar eclipse in Aries and, with Chiron the Wounded Healer being in that energy, we have the North Node in Aries right now and then you have the eclipse hitting America. I think it's gonna be really interesting. So this is where you've gotta get right with you first. This is your time, this is your season, and I know it's hard to believe that February is almost over, or at least it's already this late in February. But time has sped up. That is part of new earth, where everything is moving in a rapider, more intense ratio, and that's not gonna slow down.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

What you're gonna need to do to if you're feeling like time is moving too fast, is to meditate. The number one thing you can be doing to calibrate to the rapid changes on the planet is to meditate, and I think people of that word meditate. They think they have to be sitting on a cliff in Tibet. You know, thinking about nothing. And really I'm going to give you the simplest technique I possibly can, for I had just had a connection issue, so I'm just going to say that I'm going to give you a simple wording for a reboot where all you do to connect is close your eyes, place your hand on your heart and breathe in and out for four seconds.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Breathe in for four seconds and six seconds out. Breathe in for four seconds like one, two, three, four out. Two, three, four, five, six, so you want the exhale to be longer than the inhale, so you're taking a big, deep breath and exhaling and focus on your counting or your breathing. And if you do this for two minutes and you can set an alarm clock if you need to, and it resets your entire nervous system. And I know that with Pisces we can we can get a little bit agitated by all of this emotion that we're getting connected with. So if you are getting these feelings and emotions and maybe you're not used to having intuition and lucid dreams and and clarity and insight and your third eye waking up, come back and just remember to get heart-centered, get connected to your breath, connected to yourself as a soul, and when that is over, you can remind yourself that you're safe.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

One of the things about meditation is to tell your body that it is safe. That resets your adrenals and your nervous system in a way that allows you to then have good digestion, clear mind, and it sends out safety endorphins through your entire body and it sets the endorphins for up to four or five hours if you don't have anything else that upsets your nervous system. So I like to do it after driving or anytime I've had something that I find out, a bad piece of bad news or anything that really throws me off my rhythm. The other thing that could be happening is that there were two things, and the other thing that could be happening is the complete opposite, where, because of this full moon, because of this heightened emotional state, you could be not sleeping, and that also comes with the solar flares that are happening right now. So some people are wide awake and living at high intensity.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Also really important to breathe and reset your nervous system so that you can just feel relaxed. The worst thing that happens when you're not sleeping is when you start counting down how many hours you have left till you have to wake up and instead go through your body and they've proven this Go through your body and actually squeeze and relax so you can actually start one body part by one body part, either at your feet or the top of your head, and squeeze and relax and do that systematically through your body. So you're not thinking about time, you're not thinking about what isn't happening. Instead, you're even better if you're giving it gratitude and unconditional love. You squeeze and release your body, and that's a form of bed sleep meditation that can help set your body back into sleep mode when you're hyper or intense or woke up by that wonderful, beautiful, powerful full moon. So I wanted to give you those two techniques that can really very, very simply reset waking hours a two-minute meditation and sleeping hours. If you're not sleeping, you can just walk through your body, giving it, each body part, attention and gratitude and a little squeeze and a relax, and a lot of people say they cannot get through the entire body before they fall in asleep.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Another thing you could do is get up and journal, write down what you're thinking about and let it go, and that's another big thing I do. With the full moon, this is a particularly good one to write out a list of what you're letting go of, who you're not going to be by the the end of 2024? Who who you maybe were in 2023 and earlier, what habits and patterns and things you're letting go of as you're becoming the change. And then Virgo is big on habits and systems, so it is a great full moon to pick one habit to either invoke or to let go of. So if you're trying to do something better, set the intention this week to start just doing it and creating that as a habit. And if it is something you are letting go of, this is also a good week to decide to just not do the thing. And I find that it's best for me to pick a habit, a mystical moment where I pick what I am letting go of and replace it with something I am pulling in. So it's a really magical, mystical week to do that. And so if you are a ritual person, this is your week for magic and rituals highly, highly prized, and you can do that really all week long.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We're in the energy now, but the 222 is a perfect day to really start working your magic with the 222 portal. It's a power day and what happens is, when you have these portals, it waves through the planet. So the first 222 off in the first time zone has their activation and the people are meditating with intention. And then the next time zone does it, and then the next time zone, and then the next, and it waves all the way off to the last time zone. And so, wherever you are, you're anchoring in positivity, usually from the beginning of the hour, so in our case, starting at 2 o'clock and ending at 222.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you put intentional focus on what you want for the planet, what you want for the collective consciousness, what you want for yourself as a member of that collective consciousness, it's a beautiful ritual. Whether you do that yourself, whether you do that in community, or even if you think about it at midnight, later that night, and go back to the time zone and the timing of it, the consciousness will change if there's enough of us sending these waves of light through the planet, into the earth, into the collective consciousness, into the change that we're here becoming. And so it is an honor to be able to give that to you as helping anchor the Eastern time zone at 222 on Thursday, but also gathering in community throughout the entire weekend. However, you see that, whether that's just a circle, whether that's something ritualistic, whether it's just getting together and burning away your old, and then the second thing you could do is write out your desires and your dreams and ignite that as a wish, or it's a great time for magical candles and spiritual bathing.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Pisces season loves a good water bath in any way, so if you're wanting to use water, it's a good time to cleanse, whether that's using essential oils or bath salts in the bath or even making potentially a special salt scrub. If you're in the shower, going to the ocean, going to a river or even magical snow, go out and make sacred geometry. If you have land that is covered in snow, you can go out and actually create a snow pattern Not just angels, but actually drawing your intentions into the snow. Or, if it's kind of a wet snow, you can bring and collect the rainwater or the snow. It's wonderful to use that then in your ritual, and so I leave it at that. This is a magical week, full of potency, full of potential, and I wish you a magical opportunity to connect with it through this portal and full moon. I love you and live magically.