Living Magically Podcast

Embracing Equinox: A Sacred Journey of Reflection and Renewal | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

Magical Michelle Orwick Season 2 Episode 13

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As we stand on the cusp of the astrological New Year and welcome the rejuvenating energies of the Spring Equinox, I, Magical Michelle, invite you to join me in a sacred space of reflection and transformation. With the balance of day and night upon us, I reveal my intimate ritual involving black and white candles, symbolizing the harmonious dance of masculine and feminine energies within us. As Aries charges in with the promise of new beginnings, let's examine the areas in our lives craving a fresh start or a fine-tuning. We'll navigate the anticipation of the Libra Eclipse, which is set to cast a spotlight on love and harmony, and consider the north node's journey through Aries, urging us toward self-discovery and soulful evolution. With the year's first retrograde inching closer, now is the perfect time to harness the burgeoning daylight, propel our endeavors forward, and plant the seeds for personal and spiritual growth.

Looking to the horizon, I am overjoyed to share that our Magical Mondays will continue to sparkle and inspire, even as I prepare for a period of rejuvenation during my April sabbatical. Anticipate heartwarming interviews with extraordinary women who weave magic into their daily lives, providing a wellspring of inspiration for all of us seeking enchantment. Discover what beckons in the coming months, including the Basic ThetaHealing class and the Spiritual Life Coaching Program ( poised to begin in May. For those ready to immerse themselves in a profound healing odyssey, I unveil the Executive Healer Program ( —a comprehensive venture spanning 16 Theta Healing courses. If your spirit is stirred and you're considering embarking on this transformative journey with me, I extend a warm invitation for personal connection. Together, let's honor the equilibrium the Spring Equinox offers and step boldly onto the path of transformation that lies ahead.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. I'm your host, magical Michelle, and we are deep in the big, beautiful energy of transformation. What is happening right now is we are on the last, very last edge of Pisces as we leap into the astrological New Year and probably by the time you're watching this or listening to this, you probably are actually in the new Aries New Year energy. We have this wow, wow, spring equinox, and every time we have the spring equinox, it is really truly the beginning of spring. We have spring and it is this place of balance. So the spring equinox, no matter where you are if you're feeling it in the northern hemisphere, it's the beginning of spring. If you're feeling it in the southern hemisphere, it's the beginning of fall. And either way, I like to think of it as the black and the white, the yin and the yang, and I always have this candle holder that I've used for years to celebrate this particular timing. Whether it's fall or spring, I use a black candle in a white holder and a white holder, a white candle in a black holder, and it represents this moment of balance, and the balance is that of night and day being exactly the same. It is not above or below, it's not longer or shorter, and so the day and the night are exactly the same. And isn't that what we're looking for? The balance of the yin and the yang, the balance of the masculine and the feminine, the balance of the right and the left brain, the giving and the receiving. So anytime we have an equinox, both spring and fall, I really get clear and focused on this, this. Where in my life do I need to return to a place of balance? Where in my life do I need to restore something that has gone way overboard? Maybe I'm giving too much, maybe I'm receiving too much, and so this is a big time.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

For me, it's always a big time, and I, of course, love the spring equinox because it's a new beginning. When you hit airy season, it's the astrological first sign of the zodiac and it's a little early. This year, the spring equinox is actually on the 19th. Sometimes it's as late as the 22nd, so it can be anywhere in this particular timeframe, but we are going to meet this energy on the 19th and you'll feel it we're already feeling it if you're here on Monday night and you'll feel it all the way into Tuesday, wednesday, thursday, as we go through this place of equilibrium, this place of balance and reset and, of course, every time there's an ending there's a new beginning. So we are ending the old cycles and there's no better time to do that than right before an eclipse season. So we're in still the forward movement of the new moon that just happened last week moving forward. So we're in that halfway mark between the new moon and the full moon. But understand, this full moon that will come up next week will be an eclipse and I'll get much more into that next Tuesday. But just knowing that it's the Libra eclipse, I want you to remember that's Venus issues, and so Venus topics are going to be things like love and, of course, balance, because Libra is the one holding the scales. So we're getting this double energy of what must be finished, complete or done before the eclipse cycle, and I hope it's probably done by now.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And what are you claiming? Energizing and starting and planting and growing for high growth season? This is really what are you doing for the next six months and what are you doing for the next year? So we look at this in sort of like a 30 day cycle, a six month cycle, because we will have another set of eclipses in the fall and then, of course, because it's the start of the astrological year, what is happening for the whole year, and because it's a new eclipse cycle, what is happening for the next two and a half years is that's how long an astrological eclipse cycle really lasts, with it being the, the new polarity of aries and Libra, and to just throw, throw an extra little topper on here, we have the north node also in aries. So everything right now is that wounded healer and the new beginning and the, the.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

What is what is your true following? As you look at the cosmos, as you look at the stars, sometimes it looks a little overwhelming, but if you bring it down to the microcosm of I am, that I am, this is who you are, and bring it really down to who am I, where am I going, what am I doing, who am I connecting to, who am I being and who am I becoming? That's the aries, because aries is, is the, is the baby of the zodiac, it's the first sign, so it has a little bit of that first child or only child energy, of of I am and I'm maybe I don't want to think of it as selfish as much as self-aware, and so it's really about the, the single entity of self. We'll get into the energy of coupling next week with the eclipse and the and the energy of the Libra eclipse, full moon, but here it's still about the single soul, self and the souls evolution. So what are you doing to evolve self? What are you doing to follow that, that north star for yourself? What are you claiming owning? Starting? It's a great time to start something.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We we still have another week before we get into Mercury retrograde shadow and we have until the first of April before we get into our first retrograde. So no planets are are in retrograde right now. You have the forward motion of every day gets brighter in the sun. Every single day, for the next three months, all the way till the summer summer solstice, the sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky. So we honor the fact that every day is brighter. There's more sun, more growth, more, more, just more light in the world. Where is that? More light? In your own self.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

How do you become more heart-centered, how do you become more aligned with your, your purpose and your plan and your experience? That's what's happening right now Beautiful time for magic, with this being the year of the dragon. This is your, your, your portal season. We're, we're moving into it and we're we're leaning up to these big energies that are happening in April. So this is sort of that last, last week of the sweet spot before we get an eclipse. And then what happens in an eclipse? When we move into eclipse energy, there's transformation and change. We can't help it, especially with Taurus and Jupiter. All of that we're looking at. Change we aren't expecting. So you know, think about the fact that this isn't even a time that we can plan. We have to be when the world goes all over the place, up and down, round and round, twirls around. We have to be the center of our own circle. We have to be the calm in our own storm. So I go back to Aries.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Energy is about becoming self-fulfilled and we're in a soulful time. We're really, really digging deep here in what does our heart desire? Does that desire love? Libra, eclipse, venus ruled. So if you want love, get really clear on who you're calling in and note whether you're being that person. If you're looking for someone to be a certain way for you, are you being that way for you? It's also Venus energy.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So we're talking about money. Are you handling your money with integrity? Are you giving any energy to lack? We can't be in lack mentality right now. We have to be in the gratitude, even if you can't see what you're looking for. If you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. The waters are a little murky right now, and yet it's important and potent and powerful to get super duper focused, get really crystal clear, and one of the ways I do that is ask the universe. I go into a state where I get meditative and I literally ask what do I need to know right now? What am I working on? What's my next most important step today? And that's gonna bring you this opening, because Aries is passionate. We're gonna look at the next month. What is your passion? We're fire here, we're movement and we're creating and we're excited and we're doing something that we've never done before. And if that feels like a risk, do it anyway. There's definitely a risk taking energy about what's transpiring, and there's also an energy about being really clear about what you want.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

We have a couple of big trends that's coming, where Venus is gonna be in Pisces and Mars is gonna be in Pisces, just two days apart from each other. We're gonna have one happen the Venus is in Pisces and it's gonna conjunct the Saturn in Pisces on the 21st and then we have Mars entering Pisces and because these have contracting energies, we're gonna see about the 21st and 22nd we're gonna start seeing those polarities. That the good part of the equinox is on the 19th. That's where we're gonna feel balanced. We wanna use Tuesday and into Wednesday to feel and restore balance in our lives, return the light, feel the light, look at the shadow, look at that balancing act. And as you do that, there's these two days, the 19th and the 20th, where you can really get grounded and connected at the same time.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Centering in the heart. That's what I always see the equinox as its best use for. Let go of anything that's holding you back, claim anything that you're claiming, but really bring the energy of light and universal consciousness down into your heart. But also ground through your tailbone into the earth and bring that earth energy back up through your feet, through your legs, into your lower chakras and back up to your heart. Your heart is the altar to your soul and so we want to be really centered in our heart right now. We want to be really clear that this is our manifestation heart, centered heart, calibrated. Cleanse, clear release and let go of anyone, anything that isn't serving you. And we're seeing some surprise breakups, we're seeing people leaving jobs, we're seeing people moving, moving on. But so they can be blessed, so they can be refilled, so that they can have what they really want, so that they can feel really honored and valued and in creation mode.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And I realize there's a lot going on right now. You have solar flares and you have geomagnetic storms going on, so the Shuman residence is all over the place and you may feel all over the place. I recommend and encourage and can't say enough. Your biggest solution is to have the deepest self-care practices you have ever had in your entire life Drink more water, walk barefoot on the grass, take deep breaths, do guided meditation, do breath work, get a massage, create some art, do anything that's a new beginning, anything that makes you feel alive, grounded, creative, centered. Plant a garden, anything that's going to bring you joy and creativity and creation. And, you know, make a little love if that's right for you.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Beautiful time for connecting with people you care about, so that can be romantic connections, it can be friendship connections, it can be group activities, family activities. I know that if you are in Orlando, florida, I saw it as an opportunity, when I saw the astrology, to host an oils temple for Egyptian oils. So Patrick and I will be at the center street, a place for the heart, on Tuesday night at seven o'clock for our we were kind of trying to do it mostly monthly but for our beautiful oils temple and sound healing. So if we do have about five or six tickets left, if that's something you want to do, please come out and join us. It is also a good weekend, especially this weekend.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you're the kind of person that likes to do a bonfire or drum circles, you're going to feel that is a great thing to do. So you may want to join together with like-minded people to do ritual or celebration. And remember that when you're in an elevated state, like meditation or ecstatic dance or listening to music, like drumming you actually are raising your state, you're raising your gratitude and when you're doing that, you're creating that dragon fire energy that is able to help you fuel your own fire. And of course, I love fire. I love doing a release ceremony before a full moon or on a full moon where I'm releasing very Phoenix transformation, where I am burning away and releasing old beliefs, old habits, old magic and connecting in and grounding and writing and speaking out loud and burning my intentions into being.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

So I know that one of my personal intentions this weekend is a bit of a bonfire to do that creative energy of connecting to this really potent, beautiful time where we're letting go of the old in the cycle of the year and coming into spring, coming into high growth season. Where is it you feel in your body that you are ready to live your life in a new way, in a way that opens up your heart and brings peace into your body? What do you need to do to be in peace? Following that North Star, following that North Node, and finding center and balance. It's always what I'm going to say Equinoxes about balance. Let go of the old, killeen, the new. What are you growing? What are you planting? Now is the time and the time is now. So I wish you an absolute, wondrous spring equinox.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is, as always, one of my favorite ways to celebrate and, as you all know, I'm getting ready to go to Egypt or maybe you don't know. I'm getting ready to go to Egypt and if you want me to bring you something back, I have a fun offer where I do the shopping for you. So if you are interested in one of my mystery boxes, which are a favorite every time I do mystery boxes, people are just so overjoyed. You give me a little bit of information and I do the shopping for you and I bring you back beautiful gifts. We've got a link here for you to do that.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And just talking about what's happening, I will still be doing our magical Mondays. They just won't be live in April, but I have promised and I do have the recordings in advance for you to still get your astrological updates Every single week on Monday, though will still come out about the same time. We still will have the podcast. We will still do videos. They just won't be live in the month of April, but and this is what's super exciting for me I have interviewed beautiful women that inspire me to live magically, so you will be getting these interviews as a bonus content in April, so you'll start hearing some of my friends, some of my mentors, some of the people I work with that inspire me. You'll have an opportunity to see me have conversations about what it's like to live magically While I'm off, actually living magically. This is the first time I've ever taken a full sabbatical where I'm going to be off for the entire month of April. It's pretty exciting.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

However, if you are interested in the Spiritual Life Coaching Program, I won't be here to advertise it, so I'm just going to say now if you've been waiting for the Theta Healing classes that I teach that are so transformative, I start the first weekend of May with the next basic Theta Healing class, with the next Spiritual Life Coaching Program, and we are going to run with it. We're just all the way in doing this and, for the first time in a while, I'm going to run in the next 12 months and I love announcing it on something like the Spring Equinox. We are going to run the entire Executive Healer Program in a row. So that means 17 Theta Healing classes that I teach, and this means, if you are ready to really become the healer you were meant to be, if you were looking for a specific Theta Healing class that maybe you've missed in the round of classes that I've taught in the past, we are doing it. We are doing the Executive Healer at your request.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

It is time to do it now. So now is the time, the time is now, and that is a big commitment. So if you want to talk with me about it. If you want to know if it's right for you, send me a private message and we'll hop on a call and we'll discuss whether this is the right program for you and whether there's something you want specifically on my Theta Healing calendar when I return in May. So, with all of that said, have a beautiful Ostarra, which is the name that we call it, or Happy Spring Equinox, and go enjoy whatever this week brings up for you, because it is just a lovely energy full of balance and equilibrium. I love you and live magically.