Living Magically Podcast

Indulging in Taurus Season's Luxurious Essence for Grounded Transformation | Energy and Astrology Update | Magical Michelle Orwick

• Magical Michelle Orwick • Season 2 • Episode 17

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Feel the earth beneath your feet and the steady drum of Taurus energy pulsating through the air as you join me, Michelle Orwick, on a journey of sensual delights and grounding transformation. This episode is a celebration of the transition from the fiery spark of Aries into the nurturing embrace of Taurus season, a time to revel in the pleasures of life while maintaining the growth of your new moon intentions. We'll traverse the transformative landscape shaped by the Uranus Pluto conjunction and the lingering eclipse portal, seizing the moment to reshape both our personal worlds and the larger global canvas.

Step into a sacred space, both within and without, as I guide you through creating your own inner sanctuary and bringing the divine into everyday experiences. It's a week for indulging in the luxurious essence of Taurus, from the intimacy of a candlelit dinner to the tranquility of a sumptuous bubble bath. Together, we'll explore how to weave spirituality into the very fabric of our daily lives, turning our physical realm into a temple of connection and pleasure. So, ready your senses for an episode that celebrates the tangible beauty that surrounds us and the starry ties that bind us in the pursuit of earthly wonders.

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As Always, Live Magically!

Magical Michelle Orwick:

Welcome to Living Magically. This is your host, michelle Orwick, and this week we have a beautiful transition into Taurus. So we're moving out of the fiery, airy season and into a more grounded, earthy Taurus and starting to like, disseminate and relax, even though the moon is getting fuller in the sky. We're going to feel a little more grounded, a little more centered in Taurus and a little more sensual. It's ruled by the Lady Venus herself. So we're talking all your comfort. People maybe more likely to overeat and look for comfort and we do have those things that make us more luxurious. You might be looking for luxury. With the end of Mercury retrograde happening later in the week, happening later in the week, you may be wanting to get really into that like snuggly blankets, touch touchy blankets, good comfort food, grounding food. Be careful not to overindulge. We want to be. We want to be careful that that, what we started with that new moon, what we started with that new moon, maybe some good habits we don't shift out. Tauruses can be stubborn and lazy, but that's just a season and that's just an energy. What we would love you to do is continue the momentum from that new moon, but with a mindful self-care, self-love and possibly even just an I love you to everyone else and be a little more kind and a little bit more caring. And Uranus Pluto conjunction. So you're going to be seeing some shifts and changes in your inner and outer dialogue and probably on the world stage. And as we do that, what I'm going to ask you to do because you are still technically in that eclipse portal you're still going to feel that shift from the solar eclipse for 30,000 days for 90 days. The first full cycle, which is going to include the first full moon and all the way till the next new moon, is going to be the most potent for setting intention. So you're still in intention setting. You're still in growth season planting, growing, tending to your garden. Growth season planting, growing, tending to your garden, putting things in motion because the moon is getting bigger in the sky. There won't be an eclipse at this full moon. So it's a good time for that magic, crystal magic. It's a good time to receive a healing, get a sound bath or go to a massage therapist or work with your crystal healer, whatever it is that you need to do, and we're going to be really focusing on that.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

On May 7th at Center Street we have a beautiful oils temple. I'll be freshly back from Egypt, so I will have brand new Egyptian oils and we'll be setting some new intentions on that new moon. So you can get tickets now. We've been having a full house so I'm actually kind of thinking it may sell out because we only have 20 slots. So you're in Orlando, florida, and you want to set that new moon intention with us for the tourist new moon, please get your tickets. I invite you to do that now. And if you want to come to Egypt with me and Marissa as we lead a tour next year we're going over the fall equinox in September of 2025. We will, um, we will be collecting information. We're actually doing a little tour right now where we're going to know, when we come back, exactly where we're going, what we're doing and how much it's going to cost. But if you want to be on the mailing list for that, please let me know right away, because I do expect I've already taken deposits for it, so I do expect it to be a sold out tour of sacred sites of Egypt for 2025. So those are. So those are some of the things that are out there. If you're interested In the meantime, what I'm going to encourage you to do is take.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

This is like the perfect week to take a review and see what it is you want to be embodying. Taurus is about embodiment. It's an earth sign. It's a doing sign. It's a earth sign. It's a doing sign, it's a being sign. So how are you going to be in your body? How are you going to be in your relationships? How are you going to be in your environment? I mean, taurus loves luxury, so are you wanting fresh new sheets for your bed or some new throw pillows and cozy blankets? Or maybe you want to get outside and garden? It's perfect time for gardening and planting and putting in flowers and making things more beautiful and celebrating that energy of the fresh, new spring and the new beginnings.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

And what is it you are growing in your life, in your heart, in your home, in your magic.

Magical Michelle Orwick:

If you are looking to reignite your magic, this might not be exactly the igniting place. This is more of the embodying place. So this is more about how do you hold that in your structure and how do you, how do you make your body, your home, your life a sacred temple? Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and Taurus is all about that. It is about being the god or goddess within and being in your home, the temple, being in the nature. That is intended for us. If there's any doubt about the fact that there is some kind of energy that is bringing us all together, just look at the sky, just look at the stars, just look at the beauty. That is nature and that is what Taurus is all about. So this is a pleasure week, and I mean and I do mean pleasure. So if you're feeling like a romantic, you know, getaway, date night, big, beautiful, luxurious meal, maybe even making a meal by candlelight, big bubble bath, anything that is a little bit decadent this is your week. So go and live an absolutely magical life.