2 Pizza Marketing

Uncovering New Audiences as You Grow with Jesse Friedman (Tremendous)

February 11, 2024 2 Pizza Marketers Season 3 Episode 17
Uncovering New Audiences as You Grow with Jesse Friedman (Tremendous)
2 Pizza Marketing
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2 Pizza Marketing
Uncovering New Audiences as You Grow with Jesse Friedman (Tremendous)
Feb 11, 2024 Season 3 Episode 17
2 Pizza Marketers

Listen in as two ex-Googlers, Jesse Friedman and host Melissa Moody, chat about marketing at Jesse's fast-growing tech brand called Tremendous.  His team is already at the top of the 2 Pizza limit, but he's seen many of the same challenges and shares what he's learned about: 

- Reporting directly to founders (both COO and CEO)

- Growing into a bigger team and how to hire to get there

- Product v sbrand marketing across lines of business

- Uncovering new audiences as you grow 

- Creating brand awareness for a product that people know they need, but don't know exists

Special shout-outs to:

- Jesse's company Tremendous:  https://www.tremendous.com/ 

Krisp.ai : the tool that Jesse shared he loves using

Learn more about Nut Tree: https://nuttr.ee/

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Show Notes

Listen in as two ex-Googlers, Jesse Friedman and host Melissa Moody, chat about marketing at Jesse's fast-growing tech brand called Tremendous.  His team is already at the top of the 2 Pizza limit, but he's seen many of the same challenges and shares what he's learned about: 

- Reporting directly to founders (both COO and CEO)

- Growing into a bigger team and how to hire to get there

- Product v sbrand marketing across lines of business

- Uncovering new audiences as you grow 

- Creating brand awareness for a product that people know they need, but don't know exists

Special shout-outs to:

- Jesse's company Tremendous:  https://www.tremendous.com/ 

Krisp.ai : the tool that Jesse shared he loves using

Learn more about Nut Tree: https://nuttr.ee/

Support the Show.