TECH Talk by IHeartDomains

Digital Landlords: Building Wealth with Freename in the Web3 Domain Market


Unlock the door to a world where digital real estate is the new gold rush, and where you're only a click away from becoming a landowner in the Web3 domain trading frontier. We navigate the ins and outs of this vibrant landscape, providing you with the tools and insights to confidently stake your claim. Our conversation is sprinkled with anecdotes and a memorable encounter with a local business owner that brings to life the generational impact and the boundless potential that Web3 domains hold for entrepreneurs of all stripes.

As we unravel the enticing possibilities within Web3 domain investing, you'll gain an appreciation for the pioneering spirit of Freename's multi-chain domain registry. We examine how these decentralized beacons of the internet empower you with the independence to create, brand, and thrive financially. Our exchange isn't just informative—it's a clarion call to action for those ready to transition from passive participants to proactive shapers of their online destiny. Learn how to craft referral links, establish traditional websites, and harness the revolutionary shift from centralized income sources to a decentralized wealth flow.

The episode crescendos with a deep dive into the cutting-edge versatility of multi-chain domains, where your autonomy is the star of the show. We cover the spectrum of minting options and the seamless integration of no-code solutions that put you in the driver's seat of your Web3 journey. You'll hear about how support for additional blockchains is rapidly expanding your digital toolkit. By the end of our chat, you'll not just understand the exhilarating world of Web3 domain trading—you'll be ready to lead the charge and make your mark in this dynamic digital ecosystem.

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My name is Marcus Andrews aka” WenAirDrop”, founder of IHeartDomains LLC, and since 2022 we have been a leading resource for News, Innovations, Education, Alpha and Business Development in the Web3 Domain & Digital Identity space.

If you're interested in Web3 domain insights, development, and news, don't miss our upcoming TECH Talk episodes featuring industry builders. Join our live discussions on Twitter/X spaces and engage with our community on platforms like Warpcast and Link3 for real-time updates and valuable ALPHA. Your journey into the future of digital identity begins with us!


Speaker 1:

rizal Too ese.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello everyone. We will get started in just a moment. Thank you, guys all for coming into the space. If you could, please do me a favor, as always, don't need to be a bug, but please like and retweet as you come in. Get as many people in here as possible. This is going to be a very bullish and very educational and hopefully very empowering. Yeah, yeah, I invited the soundbites, didn't I? And hopefully for a lot of you, very empowering. So, yeah, definitely looking forward to it and thank you. Hey, how are you doing today, davide?

Speaker 4:

Hello, hello, very good, I'm very happy to be here talking about how easy it's to make your way into the web trade industry.

Speaker 2:

And people are going to be really surprised at how easy you guys have made it, and I'm a long time overdue, but I think it is prime time for this conversation. Definitely look forward to getting it to it. Thank you, as always, for giving me your time. I don't think people really realize how blessed they are again for us to have access to the free name team, especially to the CEO of Free Name. So, yeah, again, this is a gem. And also, hey, how are you doing today, collector?

Speaker 5:

Yes, what's good guys, what's good GM, happy Friday. It's an iHeartDomains free name takeover. Damn, it's a lot going on. I'm in a restaurant right now. I'm actually like in one of those. You know those like local spots that you go and you keep going for like years and years, and like these guys have the best like salt beef sandwiches in like the whole of London. I actually want you guys to say the quick hello to the owner quickly as well. So, yeah, take the mic.

Speaker 3:

Hi guys. This is the owner of it. I hope you're well and investing sensibly and enjoy an enjoying life like we are. Have fun, enjoy yourselves in a villa once salt beef. We're in Edgeware and we're in the West End under Tongan, brisbane. Thank you, yeah, you can see us on the internet and everything. All over the world. We've had books written about us. Please God, by you guys as well. You can have books written about you how you made millions. Please God.

Speaker 2:

Now I gotta ask you a question.

Speaker 3:

You can ask me anything you want.

Speaker 2:

As a successful business owner with the brand that you're building, have you been introduced to the prospect of having your own TLD yet?

Speaker 3:

No, not as yet, because I'm at the end, not the beginning, and I'm one of these people that, thank God are stable, my kids are stable and I just want to enjoy life and it's great.

Speaker 2:

I definitely understand that Go there. You got some education for the generation that's coming after. Let's go ahead and get into this space.

Speaker 3:

I will get the details from your colleague because I'm not one of these people that does it, but my kids are really interested. They've dabbled here, there and everywhere, bought the little bitcoins, invested £4,000, as we call it. They've lost three or four, but they're probably on about 200% increase in profit. So, yeah, it'd be great for them to catch up with you guys. I have to say bye because I've got customers that need me to feed their face with what you would call corned beef.

Speaker 5:

If anything, I need to pay for this.

Speaker 2:

Well, all right, you guys have a great day.

Speaker 3:

And to you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please make sure you tune into our spaces later.

Speaker 3:

We will do.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Thank you as well. So, yeah, awesome, awesome. Thank you very much. I'll see. You're enjoying yourself out there, collector, and appreciate you tapping into the space, considering that you're super busy. Yeah, it was a pleasure to meet him as well and yeah, without further ado, I'm going to go ahead and jump into it, because we do have quite a bit to cover. So, with that being said, and as always.

Speaker 2:

If anybody wants to come up and has anything to ask and I'm going to actually make a special invitation here shortly but please do not be shy. Request a speaker roll, I will go ahead and add you up. But yeah, welcome to I Heart Demains in our Tech Talk AMA, where we highlight and deep dive with builders, entrepreneurs, visionaries and protocols in the Web 3 Digital Identity, blockchain tech and domain name space. Who are we? Well, we are your one stop platform to discover, learn, grow, build and even trade your Web 3 Demains and Digital Identity, with a focus on education and business development. We are here for the long haul and you should be too. It's a reminder for those who are unable to attend or who want to listen back later.

Speaker 2:

Our Tech Talks are recorded so you can view our entire content archive, not only on here, if you can get back to them, but also on our website at iheartdemainscom. We actually embed these spaces into the Web site so you can listen back to them right there as well as see a kind of a blog recap of the spaces, or you can listen to them in podcasts form on every major podcast player, including Apple and Spotify. You can get to that pretty easy at TechTalkhost. Once again, if you're just now coming into the space, please do us a favor, like and retweet. If you have any questions, then you can feel free to come up with a question speaker, or you can simply ask those questions in the chat bubble and we will try to get to them.

Speaker 2:

And then, lastly, I was going to give my disclaimer. I always encourage anyone. If you're interested or if you need more information, please join the community directly. It's very easy to find the links, but join the community directly, ask questions, as always. Do your own research. Our AMAs are not financial advice and, yeah, without further ado, we already got kind of a small introduction to Dive Day, but I am going to come back around and get you to give a formal introduction. As you guys can see at the top of the space, our AMA is with free name, and free name makes it easy to become a registrar, a Web3 domain registrar, yeah, and we are blessed to have the CEO of Free Name here with us today. So if you could do us a favor, if you could please reintroduce yourself and get everybody acclimated with you, sir, absolutely, and thanks for you for organizing this.

Speaker 4:

I want to recognize one second the huge work you're doing. I see your podcast everywhere in X, but also in your website, there is a very, very good overview and repository of all the talks you had. I encourage everyone to just check some. They're very interesting. Thank you for this. So very short overview. Web3 domains until this.

Speaker 4:

We started last year actually a bit longer than that and you, I see familiar faces that are with us since long, long time. But why did we start at? What makes us different? Two things we want people and myself too, you yourself and others to become the wrong Oded, to become the wrong registrars. Why we should pay a domain to somebody else and we get no income from that, I don't see the point. Secondly, to make life easy, and, as you saw, we launched our DNS. I can go on my Web3 domain from my Safari on my mobile. Can you do that with DNS or stop all domains? No, we want to make life easy. So I think we will discover many good topics, many good reasons, challenging, challenging technologies over this call. I'm very happy to be asked, to be challenged. So when ask me anything you want.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm gonna make it easy for you because, as you know, I'm extremely bullish on the platform itself. We've definitely, over the course of relationship and that's the thing too, as well, as you guys will learn, you know, free rein is an extremely transparent platform, especially with its community members. It almost feels like we've had a hand in shaping the direction that has grown. So, yeah, this is an easy and bullish conversation to have and this is, you know, kind of getting into the intro of this conversation. A lot of spaces that I'm in, you know, that are centered around with 3ID, are usually centered around trading right, that's the, and the assets that are most being frequently traded are the SLD, tld combo, and I'm usually the guy that's chiming in and saying, well, there's another way to make money. And we often, you know, we dive into it a little bit, but I don't think we've ever really taken the opportunity especially, you know, not directly with, you know, the platform that provides that opportunity to really look at what that looks like and introduce it. You know there's some of those people who are sitting on bags of names and don't have a positive cash flow coming in are wondering, you know, you know how to make a profit from this business, showing them the other side of it. So, yeah, so, like I was saying, you know the business of the main itself, especially a Web3, you know it's created opportunities that don't exist for a lot of investors in Web2, which is extremely attractive.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of us have been blinded to it, if you're not already involved in this community.

Speaker 2:

For us at iHeartDomains, the TLDs you know defiWalletxshamedjn, as I posted up at the top, and a few more you know represent how we've been able to capitalize on that opportunity and these are lucrative, income generating assets, depending on you know how you promote them, how you choose to build with them. So, yeah, I definitely you know I'm glad to be here. I wanted to host this AMA with WD and FreeName to truly dive into the turnkey opportunity that they provide so that you could become your own Web3 domain registrar, as we said, how easy it is to do this out of the box. And also, you know some tips on how we can each maximize our TLDs profitability. That special invitation that I was gonna come back to. I do wanna extend the invite to any of you know the whales, or OGs, in the FreeName community, if you do want to request a speaker roll to come up, share how you're building with your TLD, you know, towards the end of the space, because one day this will be a starting point for someone else.

Speaker 2:

So many whales. Yeah, there's a lot of whales.

Speaker 5:

There's so many whales here, so I'll, I'll, and they're being shown on the DC page.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll call you, collector, you can go ahead and add them up.

Speaker 5:

And then, yeah, it was good guys, happy Friday, sorry.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I was a little bit distracted earlier, but yeah, I'm here. When great space is always, you're always like doing like these spaces with like different communities and then bridge them into yours and like it's always like a neutral ground as well and like, obviously, that we've both been around the FreeName journey for like over a year and a half now I think pages as well and like we've seen all the developments. We've seen like the pivots based on community requests. We've seen, like even just this week, like guys, noto Mubarak everyone's celebrating Noto you can now bridge your web two to web three, web three to web two. Like you can do a whole bunch of stuff now Definitely something to look at.

Speaker 5:

And yeah, davide has been leading like a great team, like very, very bullish and stuff. And again we are early. Like okay, cool. Like bitcoins are at an all time high right now and meme coins are popping off. All times are starting to catch some steam Domain still haven't got there yet. So all of this hype that you're seeing on like other elements of the blockchain, imagine like once people actually get bullish on owning their branding and their assets and that kind of stuff on chain as well. So if you're in these spaces, if you're listening to these recordings, you're definitely researching in the right corners of web three. Do your own extensive research. Look at the tools that free name are building that are very like, interoperable for the other, like players in the web three, like domain ecosystem as well and, as I said, we're very, very early Now. The trend seems to be like multi-chain wormhole. There's zero, all this kind of stuff. So yeah, there's a lot of room to grow, you agree.

Speaker 4:

You are correct. You are correct correctors. And before when was talking about how easy and how efficient is to make your revenue with your TLD, with your domain. I want to ask you back how easy is to withdraw for you when that revenue? It is complicated stuff or it's easy.

Speaker 2:

So withdraw is like one click and it gets there super quick.

Speaker 4:

How beautiful is that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's also extremely convenient as well, and actually I'll dive into that kind of getting into because there'll be a point in this conversation where I'll ask a little bit further or deeper into that. But yeah, that process is extremely easy. It is on the blockchain as well. So for those of you who'd like to receive your currency where you can immediately interact with it on the blockchain, that's where you're getting it and that's extremely convenient for me because I repurpose my royalties most of the time back into advertising or giving back to the community. So it has been a sustainable source of value for my community, especially the way that it's set up, and definitely look forward to getting into that.

Speaker 5:

So are you hinting that you're such a whale that anything you earn from free name, you don't even put it in your pocket? You just use it for, like, more giveaways and maybe more domains and all that kind of stuff?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, actually pretty much. Yes, sir.

Speaker 4:

That's really nice.

Speaker 2:

It's like right now, like when profits, when take profits, like and there's a method behind my madness, and everybody will approach whatever they're doing in the space differently. But a word that you're gonna hear me continuously use throughout this conversation and subsequent conversations forever, is the word opportunity. And that's an important word to digest because it means exactly that. But for some people, if you've got a pocket full of clovers, anything that you touch turns to gold. I guess you can just buy things, price will go up and sell them and that's your life.

Speaker 2:

But for a lot of us it's gonna take a little bit of building, some work. It takes understanding the asset, building a narrative around it and creating a community, and that's opportunity. And so the way I choose to go about the opportunity obviously is through these educational spaces and business development, but also through rewarding my community for being active and engaging and learning. And so, yeah, everybody will approach it differently, but, like I said, thankfully the way my system is set up, my rewards pay for themselves. So a good little little little typical system. And so, yeah, to get all of us on the same page and you already kind of gave us a brief introduction in the simplest terms, give us an overview of what free name is. For those that may be listening from the ENS community or the unstoppable community or space ID community and are hearing us for the first time, and if they're, they're just coming over here to get another dot something. What is free name?

Speaker 4:

Yes, free name is a registry and registrar web three. What does it mean? We allow you to buy your right side of the dot, left side of the dot Multi chain. You can mint on different chain. We don't want you to be bounded, we want you to be enabled, meaning, if you build on BSC, if you build on Poly, if you build on other chain, you should choose Most of all, most of all, if you buy your own web three, tld, it is an investment right Because you can make money. It's not something that you need, it's not a lease object that you need to renew every time that you give money to somebody else, and it's yours for lifetime. So isn't this beautiful? You can brand yourself, you can brand your community as when it's doing right and you can use the revenue to do to empower your business, to empower your users to invest right, and all of these.

Speaker 5:

Also sorry, Davide, I was just gonna say that you missed the fact that you actually don't need to sell your asset to generate a revenue. You could either like just share, like an affiliate link, and you don't even need to hold any free name domains or TLDs, and then, if you actually have like some TLDs, you can activate the royalties and then anytime someone purchases a domain on your TLD, you'll also get a revenue share as well. Like you don't actually need to sell it like an NFT or something to like generate a revenue or make your money back or something.

Speaker 4:

Correct, correct. These are very good practices. You brand your TLD, you have your referral links, you can advertise on X, on your socials. You can build web three or web two websites on your TLD. Thanks to our DNS, the Reads also web two websites. So you don't need IPFS, you just need WordPress, for example. So, yes, Sam, yes, collectors, this is the right point. And we did this because you know I personally spend a lot of money in web two domains because I love it. But why VeliSign, which is the dot com operator, should be worth 20 billion? Thanks to me that I like the names. They should thank me like it's the opposite, and this principle should be applied to web three. We are on a decentralized environment. We should decentralized revenue stream as well, but it seems that even in the centralized world, revenue stream are centralized. And so why you have the opportunity to brand yourself right and left side of the dot, to make your community brand with your TLDs, to empower your earnings and be your own registrar.

Speaker 2:

Very nice. This is the last foundational question I'm gonna ask and then we're gonna get into more of the business development in the turnkey program, but I do wanna set the proper foundation so that people do understand what we're talking about. So, going back to the simple explanation, can you explain in simple enough terms what a web three TLD is, and I'm meaning specifically the kind that we develop here on the blockchain, how it compares to an ICANN TLD and emphasis more on the technological difference so that people can differentiate? Like I said that we're talking about two different things and the reason why I'm doing that is the term domains in our space can be confusing. So just wanna set the proper understanding, because a lot of you get what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely so. Is this the same term? Tld top level domain right side of the top? But web two and web three TLDs are not the same. Web two TLDs are regulated, centralized and governed by a institution worldwide known as ICANN. You know last round of TLD issuance what ICANN was? In 2013,. So 11 years ago. Since 11 years, there is no new TLDs. And to own a web two TLD, you should be licensed, you should spend millions. What is the difference here? Web three, fully decentralized, same use cases plus blockchain use cases. But hey, you can get your TLD in a matter of five minutes, three clicks, as low as $79, and choose the chain you want to operate your TLDs. So your top level domain right side of the dot and on top, build your community, build your branding, build your domains, build your websites, use it as a wallet, use it as a web tree image.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and a lot of ways and you know we have that market to compare ourselves to, which we do on a constant basis, and it seems like we're comparing ourselves to a much bigger brother. But in a lot of ways, and especially the ways that you just highlighted, there's an opportunity, you know, to perhaps surpass that market, because there is a lot more value in these names if you truly understand the utility. And as the utility continues to build, you know, depending on the type of adoption that we get, we have a larger audience and market. So very much looking forward to that as well. Just wanted to make one more invitation. I see you've got OG's, like page in the audience. If you do want to come up, please feel free to request a speaker role. But yeah, as you mentioned, so Web 2. Oh, yeah, you are already up. Yeah, go ahead and say hi to everybody. You hit the nail on the head and quite a few things that we're going to dig into that highlight that. One thing I do just want to point out I don't think, david, they can hear you, but yeah, page was basically laying out the entire opportunity as he's capitalizing on it, especially from the perspective that he comes from being a demater from so long and the opportunity in the Web 2 space. And so again, huge opportunity here from the TLB, from the free name perspective and from their turnkey perspective, looking forward to digging into these exact mechanics.

Speaker 2:

As both David Day and as Paige mentioned, one of the biggest factors here and the biggest differentiator here, which is what brings us all here, is blockchain, blockchain, web 3, the cryptocurrency, its accessibility, affordability and its development capabilities has opened the door for us to be able to build businesses and become a registrar In this space. You're only limited by tech. In the Web 2 space, unfortunately, you're limited by finances and you're limited by politics and bureaucracy. So we're building a new world. This is a new asset that is in this world.

Speaker 2:

The tech is where free name really truly stands out, and it stands out not only from a technical perspective, from the fact that they developed these, but they also stand out for how easy they've made it for you to interact with it, even if you are not tech savvy, and that's the important part that I want to emphasize here. When I see turnkey program, I'm talking about something that you don't got to be a genius or astrophysicist to figure out and can turn around and start using to generate revenue today. So I want to go through again some of the mechanics of the TLB ownership program and the first thing that I want to start with is the pricing for TLB. So if someone right now is deciding that they want to go through the process of acquiring a TLB, they want to try it out. Where do they go and what can they expect when they get to that search bar?

Speaker 4:

Absolutely so. To search your TLB, it's pretty easy, freedomio. You have in front of your eyes a big search bar or some recommendation input, whatever you want. How the pricing is made, it start as low as $79. So very accessible three clicks, you can pay Fiat or crypto. You're not bounded to anything. You are free to do free name.

Speaker 4:

So pricing is an algorithm that check the few things. To be honest, we check how these domains are priced in Web 2 on the primary and on the secondary market. We check those words, how common they are, via many vocabulary. We have APIs that says these words is used these many times, these words is not used at all, and so we combine a lot of data to then give an estimated price which can represent an investment. And I must tell you we have few TLB owners actually not few, but some TLB owners that have more than 3,000, 5,000 domains on their TLB. They choose the right TLB, they made an investment, they advertised it and now they're making revenues.

Speaker 4:

Imagine 5,000 TLB Even if it's low as $2 each, it's really 10,000. Even if it's low as $5 each, can you imagine this? And so all of these it's included in the price. Of course, the shorter term, like in normal domains, the more premium price. But again, guys, you're not paying a price every year, you're paying it once and it unlocks you to be your own godet, to be your own ENS. You're not giving money to us, you're making an investment that you can make money on top.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, here's my observation of that as well, and thank you for breaking down the pricing and to rewind that back for everybody. Just to be clear, the price that you pay for a free name asset, whether it be a TLD or SLD, is a one-time charge, so there is no recurring fees each year you own that asset. It's such a year while it is truly what it is. So that's, first and foremost, a super important thing to differentiate that. Another thing that I wanted to talk about as well hold on just a second, I actually literally lost my train of thought real quick. In addition well, that's now going back to it One of the things I was saying an observation from the outside, looking in and thinking about it One of the big things that people are anticipating is going to be an issue is dilution, basically their names, whether it be the TLD, sld combo that they're getting from other registrars or even in the SLD space. Dilution as far as the value of their name, and I think market pricing is a big way to combat that Because, as you said, with value names of value, shorter names, premium names, having a larger cost, it establishes a market value for that TLD off of top and it allows you to market it as premium, as opposed to once we start getting to excessive registrations what might be a flood of things that aren't quote unquote as market attractive as others. So that is, I think, a big thing. That is a value as well. You know that you're not just having a bunch of people flooding into the free name namespace and acquired domains. You have to be serious about this. It's going to cost you some money if you want to acquire premium, grow assets, and so that's one of the things.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, from observing from here the custodians that end up with these particular names, these whales are very successful people in their regular lives, very good custodians of these names, which is a very big thing for the market moving forward, because there are some namespaces where there are very abusive people. Inside of those namespaces, there are people who acquired and are squatting names and will probably hinder adoption rather than encourage it. So just wanted to point that out. Also. Just getting back into the mechanics of the pricing, so you've got the dynamic pricing based on the market value of the name on the TLD side, on registration, one other component that gets added or can be added, and it's turkey. Now this is the part where you enter into the business of the meeting. So, from an identity perspective, anyone can come in and buy a TLD for the market price. If they want to then turn this into a business, there is one other fee that they may need to pay. Can you explain what that is?

Speaker 4:

Yes, it's a one-time fee of as small as $50 to activate the royalties on your TLD and this help us to cover for all of the minting fees, since we pay all of your minting fees in every chain that we unlock. If you want your clients to buy domains on your TLDs and mint it for free, you just pay once for lifetime $50. And that's it. You're allowed to make your revenue.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and anyone who's used to the or who understands the concept of the Web3 TLD namespace and is participating in any of the other ecosystems, this would be equivalent to what they would call like your staking fee, et cetera. I know that a main base has theirs. It's a few thousand H&S or whatever it was to stake on their platform. But yeah, these small, very small fee. But what this does is this unlocks the business center of your domains and it activates the revenue share. And I can do some of the explaining kind of of the platform, but then kind of one of the reference most of you.

Speaker 2:

But once somebody does purchase a TLD, they pay the $50 with it to activate the royalties on the TLD. They are now entitled to a revenue share of the domains that are sold on the TLD and that revenue share is 50%. So for every domain name that is sold, you receive instantly in your account 50% of the revenue of that that is generated from that domain and then you're able to claim that to your wallet. One of the things that you were also mentioning that I wanted to go back through as well is that when someone does purchase a domain and they choose to met and this is. Another big feature is that these are truly multi-chain domains, so you're able to mint the TLD after you purchase it onto several chains that you guys support at the moment, but not only that the person who purchases a TLD off of your SLD is able to mint it to a completely different chain. Can you kind of explain what those options are, how that works and what options may exist in the future for minting options on the domains?

Speaker 4:

Sure, and you said correctly. So if you buy a TLD, let's say, on Binance, on BSC or on Polygon, your client, your domain users on your TLD are not bounded by your choice. This is singular choice, because you can build something on Polygon, but your client can build something on BSC or Solana, whatever. So this is very, very important. Again, we, as our names, we want to leave freedom of choice. Can you still hear me, guys?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can hear you perfectly and just kind of touching on that, that freedom of flexibility, moving down the line again where I keep saying and I've been saying it for a year and we'll probably be saying this for the next couple of years we are very much at the beginning of this. People are developing new applications for what we can do with these domain names or how we can integrate these domain names every single day. That freedom of choice again, your platform very much appeals to those who aren't tech savvy. But for those who are tech savvy, if someone does have to register a domain name off of your TLD and is building an application on a completely different blockchain, they don't now have to pass over your namespace in order to still align with your community and still purchase that domain name. And that's something that a lot of people are facing right now. And I just not to interrupt you, but I wanted to point that out.

Speaker 4:

No, no, correct and thank you for reminding me because I'm thinking a lot of stuff to tell you and there is a lot to tell you. So you're completely right. We give you the power of having your own reseller page web tool. Also, we give you the web to widget to insert in your websites. That you do. We have resellers API, we have refitling, so you're not bounded to us. You can brand your own and just, we are not bound, we are a service provided to you. This is very important. We don't want all of the distress of you referring and then me going to a platform here and there, but you can make your own brand. You are the owner of your TLD and this is very important. As Verisign is the operator ofcom and is worth 20 billion, you should have the chance in the web tree, decentralized world.

Speaker 2:

Yes sir.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I want to talk about, kind of. Next is the experience that happens for a TLD owner once they purchase and once they've minted, Because, as I keep saying, the opportunity is turnkey. And for those who don't understand kind of what the definition of turnkey means, it means that it takes very little work, or no work at all, technically, even from a design perspective, to be set up and ready to go and able to generate revenue from the asset that you purchased. A lot of us use the term no code. You could apply that to this. You know the assisted setup you could apply that to this. And templates you could apply that to this. The big takeaway from this is how easy it is to get involved and get up and running, and we're going to talk about a lot of those tools that you guys have integrated into it. So you come in, you search for your TLD, you pay the pricing, you add the royalties to it. That activates your revenue share you?

Speaker 2:

mint it onto the blockchain of your choice and those blockchains. Just to remind everybody which blockchains are available currently. Right now for minting yes.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I pushed too many times the unmute button. We have polygon, we have BSC, we have Aurora, we have Chronos, we are issuing Solana. We are keeping Ethereum away as of the fees are very high at the moment and other four are coming with the next month, and these are not EVMs. So EVMs it's a good starting point, but you guys are doing many stuff also outside EVMs, right.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to say hopefully you can slide just one more EVM in there and look at base, because base is building.

Speaker 4:

Yes, we are talking to linear and to base. Base is building a lot. Yes, Awesome, awesome.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so now the experience once you have your NFT domain name, once you have your NFT TLD in your wallet. This is where that turnkey experience really turns on. So the first thing that you mentioned was, or something that you mentioned a little earlier was about the custom reseller pages. So the first question that a lot of people or the first, I guess, hurdle a lot of people run into is what interface can I use for other people to register my domain names? Do I now have to go buy a web to you know domain name to host a site on? Do I need to go find someone who could build a website for me and code in you know the ability for people to register this, or is it just a couple clicks on free name?

Speaker 4:

Guys, it's just a couple of clicks. You go to your TLD, you click generate my landing page and you have your web to link. The results are TLD, the results domains on your TLD, as fast as when you tell me how fast it is. Other way I am doing marketing how fast for you was to have your reseller page.

Speaker 2:

As fast as you can type and click. That's it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, and this is just the beginning. So if you then want a reseller page more complicated or in your style, then you're free to do it and add the reselling feature to your page. This is completely fine, and there is a widget. You just put it in and your website can resell. And this is for the most advanced users. But to whoever wants a reseller page by TLD, activate the reseller page. The platform gives you the link. It's live, any browsers, any device. Start selling, start make money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the UI that you use with free name is extremely attractive Because, like I said, it really feels like you're dealing with an asset. I love the way that you're able to manage several different features of the TLD itself Like I said, one of those features and you're able to turn this off and on as well. That's one of the things that I want to highlight. Once you get this asset, this is your asset you can choose whether or not you want it public for people to be able to mint off of, or private, so that it is just yours, so that you own the only names off of it because it's yours. And so at the point that you choose to make it public, then you have the option again to turn on that reseller page and, as David said, you can edit it to match. You know, you can put up your logo and edit it and just to match your theme Another thing that you can do as well. Oh, sorry, were you about to say something?

Speaker 4:

Yes, something cool that is coming among many other things, by the way is that we will make those reseller pages customizable. So now you can change the logo, you can change a bit, and this is very cool. But we are making this fully customizable, like a mini WordPress that you can put the image, you can put the background, you can change, you can type in, so you're free to do and create in very few clicks, even more, even more, even more, and your client won't leave your reseller page to go to Freedom to Cart. They can do it directly in your reseller page.

Speaker 2:

And so just to simplify this and I just started this now and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to say but this is like the Shopify for Web 3 domain TLDs. If you're used to how easy it is to interact with that, you go click, drag, drop and now you've got a store you can go share with people. This is as easy it is to set up a reseller page to now sell SLDs off of the TLD that you just invested into. Now there's also several tools, marketing tools that you guys have integrated not only in your platform in general, but you've also applied these tools for us to use kind of individually.

Speaker 2:

So for any of you who have already, you know, entered into or seen the free name ecosystem, you know you probably scoped out or been on the hunt and waited for the perfect coupon before you, you know, decided to hop in and get your feet wet. Well, you offer that same, that same, I guess you say, marketing tool to those who own TLDs as well. So we're not just we're not held back by not being able to market or compete with marketing. Can you kind of explain how the custom promo codes and coupons works out? And also one more thing to point out, because this is also important if you're like me and you're like, ain't nobody getting nothing off my TLD for free, you actually can also opt out of any of them. I guess platform wide promotions as well and keep your TLD exclusives. But yeah, going back to the question, yes, absolutely correct.

Speaker 4:

So the same principle you should be empowered of your own assets. If you want to do promotion, you can create coupon codes and name coupon codes as you wish for your TLD or TLDs Right. You can create your own campaigns. You can set your own pricing for different TLD, for different length, for different numbers of domains, so on and so forth. So, yes, also from this way, in the marketing tools that we give you, consider us as a service, in platform and when thank you for saying that the Shopify for your web. Three domains Use us to amplify your reach, use us to create your own marketing campaign, use us to create revenue out of your TLDs in every way possible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, amazing. And another thing I wanted to point out, to a big help as well. Again, going back to that turd key thing, another big thing that a lot of us are challenged, that a lot of us face especially, you know, if we're not coming from the traditional debating space is we may not know how to price our domains, and just as there is a dynamic market based pricing on TLDs, dynamic market based pricing is also applied to domains that are sold, or SLDs that are sold off of TLDs, and this is extremely helpful, I think, for people who don't know how to price things or maybe in a position where they accidentally give something away you know the devaluing your asset. That's one big thing but also for those who do want a little bit more control. You guys also allow people to control their pricing as well in the back end. Correct, yes, correct.

Speaker 4:

You can choose whether to lower domains for a particular reason. You want to lower the price of the most expensive ones. You can lower the price of the most cheap ones. So, more than six characters. You want to hire the price of the one character, the two character, the three emoji, the one emoji, the one letter, the one numbers. You can do, you can do. It's your TLD, it's your tools, it's your choice. We just furnish you the tools to create everything to manage pricing, creating campaigns, making revenues as easy as, I think, the most difficult price Process that you can have. It's four clicks.

Speaker 2:

And again, I'm, I'm, I'm really highlighting how easy this is, or I'm making this sound super easy because it really really is. So again, going back to the TLD management managing your asset, you can either opt into dynamic pricing or you can adjust to manage the pricing yourself that you can use them. You know what? It's funny because anytime somebody like that's outside the space mentions free name, they always assume that the names are free. But it's the better references. Like you said, you're free to manage your domain. You're free to manage your asset, to build and grow with it.

Speaker 4:

No, no, it's just fun because at the end, yes, we do sell web three domains, but it's your TLD. You choose if they're free or not. It's not our TLD, like ENS, that we choose the price for every of you. It's not like a dot com. That dot com says $790. It's you to choose. You are the dot com in this situation. So, whatever price you see, even of SLDs free or not free it's you guys to decide that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, yes, sir. One last thing that I wanted to point out about the asset itself. So, once you purchase the asset, you're able to make that asset to whichever blockchain is currently supported. You're able to set up an instant reseller page. You're able to assign or block promo codes. And then another big thing that you're able to do, which is also for those who have, you know, brands, who have logos, who want to market and really customize their TLD so that it stands out when people see it on OpenSea is you're also able to change the artwork on the TLD itself, so you're able to upload your own avatar. That could be really anything.

Speaker 2:

Right now, if you look on OpenSea and you see a big old red heart, you know that that's a TLD that is owned by our platform. So, yeah, that wrapping up the asset that you get itself, that that kind of wraps up that and what you're able to do with it. Now I want to get people bullish on the platform itself. So that's kind of and we're kind of getting to maybe a wine and got a little bit. But let's get into what to expect once someone now has a free name TLD, kind of currently in the future, and I think that you guys have been heavily developing integrations, innovations, all kinds of Asians in the space since you've been in it, and you kind of give an overview of some of the integrations that already exist for free name TLDs. Maybe hit it some to come, and then if you could talk about the larger free name ecosystem and development kind of some of the things you've been doing with ICANN, all that good stuff.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely, absolutely. So I'll make it short and I do have to excuse myself in 10 minutes I need to bounce. However, right now you can use your domains and TLBs to do multiple things to build a WebTree website. To use it as a WebTree email. To pay, also UD, ens, freename domains. We just have a nice payment function. Every chain who cares use it.

Speaker 4:

You can also use FreeName to search who owns a domain, who owns a FreeName domain, who owns an unstoppable domain, who owns a ENS domain, to see how many domains a wallet has. And this is called WebTree who Is For all the domainers. You know what is the who Is. Now we have a WebTree Global. Who Is On top of that?

Speaker 4:

It's very intuitive because right now we just issued our DNS. You can just, with one click, enable all of your device mobile router, computer to read WebTree names. What does it mean? You can serve WebTree domains in Google Chrome, safari, firefox, no boundaries, no IPFS. You can build on WordPress, you can build on type form, you can build on normal website build and this allows your communities that buys domains on your TLD, or yourself as a TLD owner, to just have the same experience that you have with acom when you do a website, but it's cool enough that you will see the URL, which is the full WebTree. You don't see anycom. I see David Gaming, I see DavidShade and I can serve this at peace. Just go in the Apple Store if you have Apple Mac Store or if you have Windows on the Windows App Store and download our DNS. Your device will read automatically WebTree and WebTree names.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a very, probably one of the most important parts of the ecosystem and I definitely encourage everyone to dive into the community to learn more about all of the integrations. Because the important thing to point out here and I think that's another misconception is I think a lot of people think that there's only one namespace that has utility. I'm not going to point it out, and they're a great namespace, but FreeName has a substantial amount of utility, a lot of integrations. For my ENS peeps out there that love to build with WebHash, you guys are also integrated with WebHash as well. So for those of you who are already used to using that interface, shout out to Hadiath and if you're wanting to experiment with your own TLD, even personally, you can build out your WebHash site on it. Like I said, you can use messaging. We're using it for all sorts of things and kind of going into the future, oh go for it.

Speaker 4:

No, no, I was just agreeing and I have something to add, but please go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I was going to say in the future. And this is probably what I'm most excited about. If you follow FreeName's speed of development from the time that they started up until now, I mean, I don't know of another platform which developed that fast and meaningful and who has spread their tentacles in so many real areas of the space. You guys aren't DGENs, You're building a real platform that's empowering not only the Web3 space but also the Web2 space as well. So, as we continue to grow, I'm excited for the integrations that you guys continue to build. Seriously, when you look at an asset and when you look at how to value an asset both presently and in the future, you look at the development opportunity, where you get what I'm saying, and you guys check all of the boxes Before I get to the end of what I consider probably the most valuable part of this turnkey opportunity. Go for it. Where are we going to add?

Speaker 4:

Yes. So the base concept is we want not to close clients to use the domains within us, but we want to furnish the tools for TLD owners and domain owner out of not ours TLD but your TLD, because we have 10 TLD out of 20,000 TLD, so we want to furnish you the tools to use this elsewhere, elsewhere on the blockchain and for. I find it difficult to tell you what is coming, since there is all the industry here and I'm very proud of it, but we are integrating different wallets, reputable fireblocks for multi-train custody so you can manage all of your web tree assets. We are integrating different things for you to continue expanding this experience to yourself and to your clients.

Speaker 2:

That is amazing. Oh yeah, go for it, sir, thank you, yes, sir, yes, sir, I don't think Davide can hear you, but hopefully he listens back and hears that. But, as Paige was saying, yeah, he was saying he appreciates you and a lot of other stuff, so please listen back to that. One of the things I also wanted to wrap this up with and, as we've all said, it's probably the best part of this turnkey opportunity If some of you are like me, you could put all of this information in the easiest to find place in the world. You could put big green arrows to it, you can create videos with tutorials, and there's still going to be certain things that I'm just not going to get or be able to figure out. We all have things that are going on. We all have our own skill sets. Again, the structure itself at the surface. After you've been interacted with it, you step back and look at it, you'll understand that it's extremely simple and easy to use. Again, simple point and click stuff. But for those of you who, like I said, just need a little push, getting forward, probably the biggest asset that this community gives you or gives you to support your asset is the community itself. There are several ways to interact with the community and it's not just a regular old community where you've got one chat. You've got a regular community chat where all things domains and domain spec lateness discussed. But for those who are really taking this opportunity seriously, who are digging into the business, who really need help understanding it, there's also a VIP group. We really discuss the nuts and bolts of the manning in there. All the whales are in there. The business development is happening in there.

Speaker 2:

This is a great place for you to ask questions because you're not alone and people are happy to help you. Because we know we're helping build an ecosystem together. Not only that, but our monthly calls being able to interact with the team. We don't just hear from the team every now and in chat and then don't hear from it. We speak to the team every single day. They are active. I've met most of the team in person on several different occasions. This is something that makes you feel good about owning an asset. But you can ask questions not only in a chat whenever you're available or on the VIP call, but they even show up when they're showing up to events. They're showing up to build, they're showing up to network to truly create a better ecosystem, so that not only your assets but the assets of others are worth more and see the bigger picture. I wanted to wrap it up with what I think is the biggest part of this turnkey solution. Wonder if I can give you a chance to get some final words. I know you've got to go, davide.

Speaker 4:

Thank you very much for this. As you see, yesterday until 2 am, we were active, always active, in the chat. Thank you, anne, for that. Eight days a week, 28 hours a day this is very fun because we built this together. I always said that you guys know I also am very, very happy to be challenged, to be advised what feature you require the most because, again, we are furnishing the tools for you to be your own Godet, to be your own WebTree registrars. One very, very big thanks to you for this space and to all the people here. I enjoy a lot your space and your enthusiasm as well, as I recognize all of you guys.

Speaker 4:

For the one who wants to get in contact with us to understand more before they're making a purchase, to understand more the chain, the TLD, the utilities, write to us on Telegram, on Twitter. We are everywhere. Just search for your name in your social and you will find us Again. We reply every day to a bunch of questions and we are very happy of all questions that you might throw at us. Thank you very much. Make the right choice Buy a TLD brand yourself and start making revenues.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, I appreciate you. Many thanks, as always. Can't thank you enough for always being available to give you time to show your expertise on the spaces. With that being said as well, if any of you guys again want more information, please do yourself a favor and join the community. As David said, the entire team is extremely accessible. Everyone in the community is also very happy to answer questions. We are not aggressive people. It's a very different community than some other name communities Again, not to knock those, but I have to give flowers where flowers are due.

Speaker 2:

It's very welcoming. We know that we are all here to build a business. Also, again, oftentimes when we hear about an opportunity and I'm this way as well sometimes I hear about a token or something that I want to invest in, but it's too late and we think that the opportunity is already closed. I do also want to reassure you that it is not Two ways. That I want to reassure you. That A is that there is space for everything. First, just as a general piece of advice, have a reason why you're entering the space and buying a TLV and, as long as that, why is solid. You can make any one of them work. There are plenty of them that are still out there and again very accessible as far as pricing. But if you do need a second opportunity or want to get one of those Grail TLVs and do want an opportunity or second opportunity to get a chance at them, I believe one is going to be coming up very soon by way of auction and hopefully I didn't leak that or anything. But yeah, I do want you guys to stay tuned for that. So if any of you are listening back to this or ready to ask more questions, take the plunge, want to get into the space, but you've got a particular TLV that you want to jump into space with that might just come up in the auction. So please stay tuned for that. We are definitely going to share that when that is live. So, again, very much. Thank you to Divey Day. I know he's got to go and yeah, with that being said, I am going to go ahead and close this out again.

Speaker 2:

Freenameo is the website to go to, very easy to get to the socials, extremely active on Telegram. Also, if you guys want to follow my community, you can also do so and I answer any question that you have on Telegram and I'm on Warpcast. Please get over to Warpcast. Warpcast is where it is happening and I'm going to keep saying that until I pass out. Absolutely, go for it, sir. Oh yeah, I was just about to touch on that. Everything, a bunch of electronic pin wandering, such as underground exercise. Yes, sir, thank you as well. This space, it's weird. It shows you as a listener. I don't know if the update is weird or not, but anyway, yes, thank you as well for that.

Speaker 2:

So in regards to that 50% off 2, that also takes 50% off of your royalty activation, so that $50 if you choose to. That's the other thing too about the royalty activation I wanted to mention and I don't think we touched on you do not have to add that at checkout. So if you are using a promo code and do add it at checkout, it takes your 50% off or whatever. The promo code percentage is off of that, so you get that benefit. But if you're short on cash or if you just use some credit and you want to get something super quick, you can always add the royalty activation at another time.

Speaker 2:

There are names that I have bought just to protect my own personal IP for the business that I never have an intention of selling domains on and I don't need a royalty activation. The royalties aren't, so I just check out with that, adding that. So I wanted to point that as well. With that 50% off, yeah, and that's. I'm glad you pointed that out as well, because that might be another question that people have.

Speaker 2:

I mentioned a lot of the marketing tools that that exists or that help. You know you sell domains, ie credits, you are. The revenue share does apply to that as well, and I know that some other ecosystems you know, if there is like a credit or a coupon or something like that, they kind of just bank it to themselves and that's. That's not something that happens here, which is also awesome. So, yeah, as you, as you mentioned, if someone is using credits to purchase an SLD off of your TLD and that's something you can also opt in and out of as well If someone does use credits, you get to share the revenue and the credits and then those credits become spendable for you as well. I think I also mentioned in several spaces I don't think I've paid like actual money with a debit card or my bank account for a domain name and quite some time from from a lot of platforms to those credits really do come in handy. They sit there and accumulate and when you're sitting at the desk or you know you're listening to a space and the idea pops up for domain, it's very convenient to be able to just log into your platforms, to your credits there using to buy something and keep it moving. So yeah, thank you, page, for pointing that out.

Speaker 2:

I want to once again thank you for the time he's given one of. Once again, we remind everybody, or repoint out to everybody, how lucky we are to have, you know, access to people like him in this space, access to people like page, you know, a 20 year plus domain professional. We have tons to learn, tons to build. We are extremely early. We are earlier than early. It's going to be a while before, not early. So please take advantage of the opportunities that we are sharing with you.

Speaker 2:

If you want any more information, we do invite you to join either of our communities that either free name or the heart domains community. We do these spaces every single week to educate you guys on the platforms and utility of went through the main, so that you don't just have a sitting in your wallet. You can actually put them in use, whether it's as your digital identity or as an income generating asset. Well, I will putting up the link for our next tech talk for next week, probably sometime this weekend, so make sure you guys are as VP for that and, with that being said, hope you guys have a great weekend.

Speaker 2:

Thank you Once again, paige. I see you're able to come back up again. Twitter's acting like really wonky. The market's awesome. Any of you guys want to farm air drops and those opportunities? Also, join our community, not just an educator, but also a little DGN at heart. We do own, as you see at the top, the dot DGN extension. So go mention domain on free name. Join our community will help you farm during this crypto bull run. And yeah, with that being said, thank you for attending another tech talk. Ama, you just learned how easy it is to become a web three debate registrar with free name. Have a good weekend and join yourselves.

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