Latinas In Leadership

012. Latinas Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Part 3

February 13, 2024 Alejandra Thompson
012. Latinas Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Part 3
Latinas In Leadership
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Latinas In Leadership
012. Latinas Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Part 3
Feb 13, 2024
Alejandra Thompson

In this episode, we wrap up our 3-part series on overcoming imposter syndrome. I'm sharing with you a 5-step action plan to break into the next level of your career. 

Ready to get promoted into Leadership and increase your salary by 10k-30k?
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Intro Song: Cumbia No Frills Faster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, we wrap up our 3-part series on overcoming imposter syndrome. I'm sharing with you a 5-step action plan to break into the next level of your career. 

Ready to get promoted into Leadership and increase your salary by 10k-30k?
Book a sales call with Alejandra: 

Wants to connect with Alejandra?
Join Alejandra’s LinkedIn Community:

Intro Song: Cumbia No Frills Faster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Hello. Welcome. You are listening to the Latinas in Leadership podcast, where we empower Latinas with the guidance, knowledge they need to get promoted into leadership, increase their salary, and step into their purpose. I'm your host, Alejandra Thompson, leadership coach and first gen Latina on the mission to see more Latinas in leadership. Inside of my one on one coaching program, the confident Latina leader. I've helped Latinas increase their salary by 17, and even 40, 000. I've helped them get promoted into director level positions, quit toxic jobs, and change careers without taking a pay cut. In this podcast, you can count on me to share strategies, tools, and knowledge to help you break into the next level of your career. Let's go.

Shure MV7 & Lumina Camera - Raw-1:

Hey friends. Welcome back to the podcast. We are wrapping up this three step framework that I have been going through with you all over the past few weeks on overcoming imposter syndrome. Like I said, this is a topic that I talk about extensively have dealt with extensively and help my clients through IX. Extensively. So I hope that the first two steps have been really helpful for you. And today we're going to wrap it up. So I'll give you a little bit of an overview. And somewhat of a recap of everything once we kind of get to the end. And I hope you get to really apply to those because that's where all the magic is going to happen is in the application. I hope you had a great weekend. You're a super bowl. Sunday was great. I don't know if you are a super bowl watcher. Or it not. I remember for me, the first time I ever heard even about the Superbowl was when I was 14. I started dating this guy who was my boyfriend, my high school, my first high school boyfriend. And he was like, what are you doing for the Superbowl? And I was like, what's that, I had no idea what the Superbowl was. It's not something we watched in my house. The Superbowl was not a thing. You know, I knew about like the world cup, that was like a really big thing in my house, but not the super bowl. And so now of course, as an adult, it's something that I love watching with friends. And so I went over to my dear friend's house. We had, we made some pizza, we made some homemade ice cream. We just had so much food, chicken wings. It was so good. Everything was delicious. I ate way too much, but it was all great. And I had a good time and I was rooting for the 49ers mainly because I love an underdog story. I feel like people generally do love an underdog story and I was totally rooting for that 23 year old. I think he is BRAC. Purdy to win the game. And I was just like, it's so cool. He was the last to get chosen and now he's in the super bowl and I was just totally rooting for him, but it didn't end up working out that way. And the chiefs took the win and I was still happy because Patrick Holmes gave all glory to God where they were interviewing him. And I was like, Hey men. So I, I loved it. It was a great game. I had a good time. And I hope you enjoyed it too. I hope you had a great time. You got to hang out with some friends and if you're like, girl, I don't even watch that. Then I just hope you had a beautiful weekend. And that's all. So let's jump on in here. Let's talk about overcoming imposter syndrome. A little bit about what we've chatted about over the past few weeks. So in part one of this three part series, I went over one tool for you identifying your limiting beliefs. And those are remember beliefs that simply limit you and hinder you from being and doing the very things that you desire to do. And that keep you stuck in imposter syndrome. So I went over that in part one and part two, I went over how you can change those limiting beliefs and foster a growth mindset, so that you not only have awareness that you have these crappy thoughts about yourself, that, you know, you know, that you have an inner critic that, you know, you can be really hard about on yourself, but that you can actually change those things. And so I went over that in part two. Now in part three, today, we are going through all things. Action, orient. Oriented now it's really time. For me to support you with a strategy that you were going to have to help you take this and actually apply it in your life and overcome imposter syndrome and whatever that one area is that you decided back in week one. Now a lot of times I find that people want to jump to the taking action part to this part where it's like, I just need a plan. Just tell me what to do and I'm going to do it. And I think that's all great. We all need action. We need to take action. Nothing's going to happen. Unless we take action in it even God's will for our life is going to require that we take action, that we work hard, that we do our part, we do our part and God does his part. And so action is really important. However it is. So critical that when you go into taking action that you do not skip the first two steps that we went through, that you are actually building self-awareness on what's going on, because if you're taking action without the awareness, you're going to wind up going in a circle where you find yourself. Looping back into the very same inner critic thoughts that are keeping you stuck. And you're going to be like, I don't know why keep going in this loop. And it's because you're not actually fostering self-awareness on the very things that are keeping your stock, and you're not addressing those nasty thoughts that you have about yourself. And so even though you take action, you are banking on motivation. You're banking on when you feel good to take action. And then when things get hard, you go right back into the very things you've been doing, which is being really hard about yourself, believing all of your lies that are telling you that you're not good enough and that you don't have what it takes. And then you quit on yourself. And that's how people wind up in jobs that they know are misaligned for years. Or they wind up as a manager for 15, 20 years, never breaking into the director level role, even though they were trying to over the past seven years, because they've keep going in this cycle where they're trying to go straight. It into taking action without actually building that self-awareness and reframing their thoughts, building out that growth mindset, making sure you're shifting those beliefs about yourself and you're really shaking those things so that you can move forward into the next step of your career. So it's critical. It's really critical that as you go into this action plan that you really don't neglect the work that can seem more fluffy. I get it. That can seem a little bit more just intangible. Like building self-awareness is so much more intangible than give me a strategy about like X, Y, and Z, that I can check off on my to-do list. So I get it. And it's critical. So I encourage you to always make sure you are fostering that self-awareness and that you're working on how to reframe. The thoughts that you're having about yourself that are limiting you. Okay. And so I went over some of the things as well about the things that challenge us in this process of overcoming imposter syndrome. We can be aware about an issue, but not take action to change it. That was one of the things that I shared. And so that's when we fall into, like, this is just the way I am. Number two, we can take action to change it, but then the next problem is that we're not consistent. And so that's what today is going to be all about. It's I'm going to lay out your five step action plan to overcoming imposter syndrome because once we do have that self-awareness and we do start to reframe our negative beliefs about ourselves that keep. Us stuck. Then the next problem is we do not remain consistent in working on this. And so we give up because it's hard to change beliefs about ourselves that we've had for a very long time. It's possible. And it's also a challenge. It's simple, but it doesn't make it easy. That is today's whole process that I'm going to share with you is how you can take this thing home and really make sure that you're working on it consistently. Because when we bank on our motivation to change a limiting belief, to change a belief that we have about ourselves, It's in order to overcome imposter syndrome. We will. Ultimately fail because the moment we experienced rejection, the moment we experienced something that triggers our imposter syndrome, we slide right back and we quit. And that is why we cannot bank on motivation. We cannot be like, okay, I I'm just going to believe in myself. We have to have a plan. That's going to help us keep that. Consistency, even when we don't feel great, even when we experienced rejection or even when we experience. Something that is going to trigger that imposter syndrome again. And so remember what I told you about our brain's natural inclination to conserve energy and avoid risks. While the brain is highly adaptable and capable of changing. How we think about ourselves. It also has mechanisms that promote a preference for the status quo. It promotes the preference for the familiar, for the comfortable. And so it's going to require you more effort and more labor to keep shifting this belief that you are not good enough shifting this belief that you don't have, what it takes shifting this belief that you're going to fail. It's going to take you more labor and effort to do that. Then to continue to believe what you've always believed about yourself. And that is why you have to know what you're signing up for here. Know that it's going to require your effort. And that it's 100% worth it. Every single time. So let's jump into your five step action plan. I want you to have an imposter syndrome journal. Okay. Before you're like Allah, the sound super fluff. Like what are you talking about? Just hear me out. Okay. I want you to have a journal that is dedicated to you processing and working through your imposter syndrome. So that tangibly, you can see how you are progressing. And you can look at what obstacles you're coming up against and work through those things. One of the biggest issues is when we are trying to overcome something or we have a goal is we're not actually reflecting back on what's working and what isn't working. And so we're making the same mistakes. This happens in the workplace as well, by the way, when people continue to have meeting after meeting, after meeting, or they finish a project and things went wrong, but they weren't actually debriefed on you're making the same mistakes the next time around when the project comes through. So you're not learning from previous mistakes. And so what I want. To help you is be able to expedite how you can overcome your imposter syndrome in this particular situation, by having a journal and tracking what's going on. Okay, I'm going to walk you through the five steps, the five step action plan. And I'm going to give you an example from my own life of when I struggled with imposter syndrome, starting this very podcast, the one you are listening to right now. So I'm going to walk you through how I applied this in my life. And then you can think about how you can apply it for yourself and make sure that you are using your imposter syndrome journal. To always reference back and notice where you are getting stuck, where you have made progress and celebrate yourself as well. All right. Step number one in this five step action plan is in your journal. You want to write out what is the limiting belief and what is the reframe? That was step one and step two, part one. And part two, if you missed those episodes, you can always go back and listen to them. And I highly encourage you. If you didn't listen to them to go back and listen to part one and part two. You want to list out your limiting beliefs and your reframe? For me when I was going to start this podcast, first of all, I was saying I was gonna start this podcast for like eight months. I was like, oh yeah, I'm going to start a podcast. I want to start a podcast. I was just talking about this podcast over and over again. But I wasn't actually doing anything to start the podcast. And the reason why is because I was struggling with imposter syndrome, my limiting beliefs, the li the beliefs that I had about myself that were limiting me that were hindering me from launching my podcast was I don't have clear and concise ideas to share. And that was really coming from, I'm not credible and I'm not good enough. Those were my limiting beliefs. I was struggling with believing that I was good enough that I was smart enough that I was credible, that I actually had something that was going to be clear and concise and help people. And so the reframe that I created for myself when it came to the podcast is on the reframe on this is the interpretation versus fact, if you are you're up to date, my interpretation was I'm not good enough. I'm not credible. My facts is where I listed very. Factual things that I have helped my clients do. So I wrote down let's set, increased her salary by 17 K Angie got promoted to senior associate. Polari increased her salary by 22 K Liliana increased her salary by 44 K Michelle, Michelle quit her toxic job and changed her careers without taking a pay cut. Maria got promoted and boosted her confidence. Like I wrote all of these things down. I wrote down, I have the knowledge that others don't have, and that I wish someone would have shared with me when I was an employee. Like I wish someone would have told me some of the things that. I'm sharing with you. When I was 23 when I was 24, when I was 28 and I was working as an employee. And the last thing I put is there are people out there that are looking for help and I can help them. These are all things that I wrote down in my reframe. And I really went heavy on the reframe because like I said, I was sitting on this for eight months and I was like, girl, you got it. You got to do something, cause this is not. This is not working. And so these were all the things that I wrote down for me in order to support me in overcoming this. This was step one. So for you, I want you to think about what's your limiting belief and what is the reframe that you have. You want to have very specific factual things. Some tips that I gave you is stick to. Things that, you know, Our facts. So not interpretations, but things that are true and that are facts. You want to have that on the reframe, you can always use scripture as well in here to help you out if you want to use scripture, but use things in here that are going to help you to reorient your brain from the limiting belief that you have been believing for X amount of years to the thing that is true and that you can hold on to. That is not up for debate. It is not up for debate that my client Liz said increased her salary by$17,000. I was coaching her and I saw it happen. I was there. She was there. We both agreed to happen because. Because it happened. So these are things that I had to write down here that I know are factual so that when my brain gave me the, but you're not credible, you don't have enough. Like what do you, what are you going to talk about? You don't even have good ideas when I would go down that I'd be like, look, these are the things that I have done factually. They have happened. I'm going to choose to believe these things at this moment and not you because you are not helpful. You're keeping me stuck in imposter syndrome. You're keeping me stuck and not launching this podcast. So think about what you're struggling with, list out that limiting belief and then list out the reframe and make sure that you have those really rooted in facts so that you don't have to spend your energy fighting with yourself about whether or not that's actually true. They are true. They are facts. That's step one. Step to set a desirable vision. I said a desirable vision. So think about this for yourself. Is it getting promoted? Is it increasing your salary by$12,000,$20,000,$50,000? What is your desirable vision? Is it being able to have a fully remote roles so that you can have the flexibility to work from anywhere? What is your desirable vision? You need something that motivates you and creates an exciting anticipation for your life. I will never forget when I saw this scene in the hunger games. So if I was a huge hunger games fan, if you were not, I'm sorry for you. And I will just explain a little bit about the scene that I, that I will share with you here. If you are then. Oh my gosh. I read all the books. Just loved it. Loved the movies. But the books are always better than the movie. So is what it is. There's a scene in the hunger games, the first hunger games where president snow. He is talking to Seneca, the head game maker of that the first movie, and this is after Katniss. And Peter had threatened to eat the poisonous berries and leave them with no winner. And right when they were about to eat the berries and it goes like, no, stop it. Like he let both of them be the winners. And this created kind of some drama because president saw snow was like, I don't want people to think they can just start doing stuff like that in order to get out of dying. In the games. And so the president's know is talking to Seneca and he says this one, quote, that's imprinted in my mind. He said hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. And that stuck with me so much because in this film, president snow is the bad guy and he is a dictator who is oppressing people and forcing children into a game where they then go and slaughter themselves until one person is left as the winner. And he sees hope. Is stronger than fear and a little bit of hope. Is effective, but you don't want people to have a lot of hope because that's dangerous. Cause then that way, if people have a lot of hope, they might actually get bold. They might actually do some things that. As a dictator, as someone who's oppressing you, I don't want you to have that level of hope. Cause I don't want you to start being rebellious. I don't want you to start doing things. I want you to stay oppressed. I want you to stay small. And so I always think about that because that quote. Is speaking into the power of hope. And I think that's very much tied to a desirable and clear, like a very clear and desirable vision for your life, because what it creates is, is hope. It creates. An anticipation and creates a driving force within you. That's going to support you in making things happen, even when you don't necessarily feel like making things happen. So for me, when I thought about the podcast, my desirable vision was being able to help more people. I was envisioning literally a Latina listening to this podcast, like going into the podcast. App. And searching leadership and then finding this podcast and then listening to this episode on how to overcome imposter syndrome and then taking that information and going and getting promoted. I had to begin to visualize that that was my desirable vision. I was imagining you right now, listening to this podcast. I had to sit down and imagine that you were sitting in your car or at work or at home or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. I had to sit and envision you listening to this podcast because that was my desirable vision. Not that just because you're listening to me, but because you are getting the information that you need, that you desire in order to be able to create the results that you want in order to be able to get into that next level of your career. But you're just missing some information. And so getting this information is that part of the process that's going to help you. I had to envision that because that was my desirable vision. So I had to imagine people taking this information. Building more, a sense of a community with people. I have a, you know, a community of almost 6,000 people on LinkedIn. And I'm always talking about Latinas and leadership and the type of leadership development tools that are going to help more Latinas break into leadership and get promoted, increased her salary and talk about the issues that we face as first gen Latinas. I was thinking about how this podcast will be a vehicle by which more Latinas will be able to connect with me on there and be a part of a community where they can see that they are being recognized that their issues, that they are not alone in their issues. All of that. All of that. And I hope you hear it in my voice because that's what I want you to be able to hearing your own voice. That's what I want you to be able to hear in your voice when you're sharing your vision with someone else is I want you to have a clear one and something that drives you something that's desirable. So I had to really work on that with my podcast because I was all in my and my, and my drama and my lies. And so you have to set a desirable vision that is stepped to think about what your desirable vision is and get clear and get specific about it and just dream. Dream on. Remember you're still journaling, right? So go, you're going to be in your journal, go through all of these different things. What are the things that you're going to gain? Who do you, who do you, what type of mindset are you going to have? Are you going to be at peace? Are you going to be more joyous? Like what are the things that will be in your life and having your life when you are. Being who you are designed to be who God designed you to be. Okay. So that's step two. Now step three, step three is you want to set smart goals. I'm not going to deep dive into smart goals at this moment. I will give you an overview. I do. I have it on my list to do a whole podcast on smart goals, because I do think they're incredibly helpful when it comes to goals. Because right now it's February 12th of 20, 24. And I think. Statistically, maybe 64% of people have already quit on their new year's resolution. So goals and achieving goals is quite a challenge for us as humans. And I think setting smart goals is one way that can support you in actually achieving your goals. Now, smart is an acronym and it stands for as a specific M is measurable. A is achievable, R is relevant and T is time bound. And so what this looks like for you is let's say that your. Goal is to get promoted. And let's say you've been seeing that, like, I really want to get the director level position. I really want to get the director level position, but you've been saying that for years, The point is for you to get out of the vagueness of just saying, I want to get the director level position and more into something specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. So it can be something like, I am going to get promoted into a director level position by. December of 2024. And you can have that listed out very clearly. And so now you have not only that goal, but if you have that goal, then what are the goals that need to lead up to that goal? So if your goal is to get promoted into a director level position by December of 2024, what are the things that you need to do in order to help you with that? There may be skills. And if by the way, if you haven't listened to my podcast series on how to get promoted, then you want to go back and listen to that. If that's your goal, because I walk you through all the things you need to do, and you can go into what are the goals that are going to lead. Lead you to that. So you want to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound goals. So for me, it was no longer I'm going to drop a podcast soon because that's what I was saying for eight months, I'm going to drop a podcast soon. I kept pushing it off. And for you, you might continue to push off. I'm going to quit my job soon, or I'm going to start my own business, or I'm going to get promoted, or I'm going to ask for a salary raise. You might be putting off these things. I was putting off my podcast. What are you putting off right now? I want you to think about that. What's the thing you've been putting off. You need to create smart goals on that thing. Instead of a vague goal. I put it in the smart framework. And so this is what it looks like in the smart framework for me. Before I was just saying, I'm gonna drop a podcast soon. The S and specific is I am going to release a podcast. So that is part one. The M when it says measurable, how are you measuring that goal? How do you know that that goal has been achieved? For me measurable was my podcast will be published. I will know that my podcast has been released because it will literally be in the podcast app. I can open up apple podcasts. I can open up Spotify. I can type in Latinas in leadership. And there I will be. So that is how I measure it. I know that that has happened. I know that it's been completed. If your goal, for examples, around weight loss, this is the part where you would put down, how many pounds did you lose or how many inches did you shed off of either your waist or maybe your arms or your thighs or whatever it may be. How much of your body fat percentage did you go down in or did you go up in, so you want to really begin to measure, put something measurable? That's what the M is. How do you know that it happened? How do you know that it's been accomplished? So for me, my podcast will be published on apple podcasts, Spotify. So that's how I knew it was going to be measurable. Now a achievable, I Def this is all about, do you have the things that you need in order to achieve this goal? Or is it something that's not going to be? You're not going to be achievable. So something that might seem a little bit ridiculous. Maybe if I'm just going to be hyperbolic is let's say you just became a manager yesterday and you're like, okay, I'm going to be a director tomorrow. That's not achievable for most parts for, unless, you know, I'm going to say there's nuances for the most part. If you've never been a manager before, and you just went from individual individual contributor to manager, you're not going to be a director tomorrow. You can be a director and you can lay out what that plan is. However achievable is all about. Is this actually realistic? Is it achievable? Do you have what you need in order to do it within the timeframe that you're going to put, which is for the T time-bound? So for me, I had to think about, do I have the materials that I need to get? Are we being done? Do I have the knowledge that I need to get everything done by the launch date. So if I said, for example, I'm going to drop my podcast today. And this was back when I set this goal. It wouldn't have been achievable because I realized that I didn't have the mic. I realized also that I didn't have the software that I needed in order to post the podcast. Um, Um, I also realized that I D I actually didn't know that when you publish a podcast, it takes sometimes up to maybe 48 or 72 hours for it to even like upload for the first time onto the platform. So that would have been an issue. These were all things that I learned as I started to do the whole thing. And so when you think about achievable is you, I want you to think about what are the things you need in order to make sure to achieve this and make sure it's realistic. Is it achievable now? There are. This is the part where I was thinking about relevant. That's what the R stands for relevant. And that's all about how is this relevant to your life? So I've talked about in other episodes that let's say, even that you want to increase your salary, right? I want you to think about why is that relevant to your life and put it into a more meaningful context? Is it because you want to buy a home? Is it because you want to have a baby? Is it because you want to be able to support your family more back in your, in your parents' home country? You know, what are the reasons, what are the meaningful things behind what that money is going to do for you and align that with your values? And that's going to be how relevant works for some of you think about how is this relevant to my life, or let's say you have something. A little bit more strategic, like, okay, I am going to go to three networking events per month over the next six months. Let's say, that's your smart goal. How is that relevant? Well, let's say that your goal is to be able to increase, be able to get promoted and be able to expand on your network. How is it relevant to you? Is community important to you? Is it important to you to be able to have a network where not only they can support you, but you can support them, like, think about how is this relevant to your career and to your life. And you can align that with your values. For me dropping a podcast was definitely in line with my values. And it's also in line with the goals of my business. My business is created in order to help Latinos break into leadership. So it makes perfect sense. Now T is time bound, and this is the kind of. Final thing that you always must, you must put a time. On your goal. Put a time on your goal. Edit. For me, I put, I will launch my podcast on November 14th. So I put a time on it. It was no longer like I'm dropping it soon. No, I draw, I put a time limit on it. I also, so this is smart by the way. S M a R T. This is you putting your goals into smart, and you want to go ahead and do that in your journal. You want to put down what are your goals? And you might not just have one goal. I would be very shocked if you just did only have one. For example, my goal was okay, drop the podcast by November 14th. That's when I was releasing the podcast. However, there were many other things that went under that. And so I created a task list of all the things that needed to get done. And I had a time by when they needed to get done by, and I. I had a timeline. These are just like a project, you know, I need to get these things done by this day. And this thing done by this day. And if I don't get this thing done by this day, then that's going to impact this. So I had to lay all of that stuff out. And so you want to make sure that you're not just laying out the goal itself, but that you're looking into what are all the things that need to go into that. Okay. Now, Step four is be willing to feel like crap. Most people won't become who God called them to be because they are unwilling and unable to feel like crap. If you're not willing to feel uncomfortable for being bad at something, because it's the first time you're doing it. Or if you're not willing to feel embarrassed because you made a mistake and people noticed, or if you're not willing to feel vulnerable because you are going after the job of your dreams. If you're not willing to feel those things, you will never achieve your wildest dreams, you will never achieve. God's given purpose for you. That purpose is going to require us to feel like crap sometimes to feel achy, to feel uncomfortable, to feel. A little bit scared it's going to happen. It's a natural part of the process. The first example that comes to my mind is some people fear dating because they don't want to feel vulnerable again. They don't want to get hurt again. And so there are too afraid to open themselves up to love again, and they want, they rather stay alone, even though deep in their heart, they actually want partnership, but they rather stay alone because of the fear of feeling that feeling again. Of possibly ever feeling heartbreak again. And some people have that when it comes to going after their dream job. They have that that's. It's that vulnerable feeling of like, what if I go after and I don't get it and I'll be crushed. But we have to be willing and learn how to be willing and able because it's two different, those are two different things, by the way. Their willingness is one thing. And the ability is another thing. And that's all about emotional intelligence. And I'm going to talk a lot about emotional intelligence in the coming weeks, because that is so important for leadership. I'm I believe that a huge reason why we have such toxic workplaces. In America is because we have a lot of people in leadership positions that don't actually have the leadership qualities. One of them, most importantly, in my opinion, is emotional intelligence. So we have to be able and willing to feel like crap. It's okay. If you're uncomfortable, it's okay. If you are feeling scared, it's okay. If you get that tape like that. Oh my gosh. That was embarrassing type of feeling. Process them, go through them. You are able to do it. God did not promise that we will always be happy. We can always find joy in the Lord, but he did not promise that we will always be happy and everything's going to be fine. We can always find strength in the Lord. But happiness that comes in goals. And get God to not promise that we would always be comfortable. And this is I, and I say this. A bit passionately because I struggle with this. I wish that I could just be chillin and happy and on a hammock on a sunny day, 75 degrees. No, when. I just want that for me. And I know that it's not the truth and sometimes it's really hard for me to accept. It's really hard for me to accept that. I have to be willing to put myself out there that I have to be. Willing to feel that discomfort of like, oh, what if people think that my content is dumb? Or what if the, what if this episode's not good? Or what if. People don't like what I'm saying. I have to deal with that. Discomfort that comes up for me. So just be willing and be able to feel like crap because that any, anything that you, anything great that you want achieve anyone great that you admire anyone at all? Anyone. Carol G bad bunny. Rihanna Beyonce. Anyone Oprah. Anyone just point to anyone. That you admire? I promise you. They've had to feel like crap, a lot to get to where they are. So be willing to feel like crap. And then step number five is checking on your goals. Check in on your goals. So you're, you've been journaling as you're going through this process. You're journaling through it. Even for example, be willing to feel like crap. You want to write that down and you want to write down what are the emotions that I ignore or avoid the most? Is it. Feeling like embarrassed because people might say something dumb that I'm dumb. People might say something about me. If I raise my hand in a meeting and I say something and people think it's dumb. I am so scared to feel that I'm so scared to feel that vulnerability I'm so scared to feel that embarrassment. I'm so scared to feel that shame. What are the, what are the emotions that you tend to avoid the most? You want to be journaling on these things to bring more awareness and remind yourself, okay, this is part of the process. And when you're checking in with your goals, you want to go back into this journal and you want to do check-ins. I would recommend that you start off with weekly, but I would recommend that you don't do anything further away from biweekly, so weekly or biweekly, just make sure you have a cadence and you're committed to it. All right. And check in on your goals. You want to check in on your smart goals. Are you in line? Are you falling behind? Are you on time? Where are you in your goals? You want to check in with what obstacles you're coming across, what's getting in the way heart. Did you find that you're not even pursuing your goals? You want to make sure that you are. Really checking in on these and journaling on what is going on. Okay. If you do come across obstacles, how can you overcome them? What are the things you need? Do you need to hire a coach? Do you need to go talk to a mentor? Do you need to go to a Facebook page? Do you need to go on LinkedIn? Like what do you need to do in order to overcome the obstacle that you have? Do you need to go have a spa day? Like, what do you need her? Like, what do you need in order to overcome your obstacles? Versus when we are in an imposter syndrome, psych, when we're not doing this five step action plan, what happens is months go by sometimes even years go by and you realize. You never did it. You never, you never went through with your goal. It just stayed in your head. You never followed up. You never kept herself accountable. You never did the very things to help you stay accountable. So that's what I'm trying to prevent you from doing is. I have spent a lot of my life adult life and I laugh because it's like I have to laugh or I'll cry. Like I've spent a lot of my adult life. Fighting myself, fighting myself, not believing in myself, struggling with imposter syndrome. So that's why I feel so strongly about this, because I know that there is a way through this. I know that there's a way for you to get the job that you desire. Get the salary you desire have the type of workplace that isn't burning you out. That is in treating you poorly, where you can believe in yourself. I know that that's available to you. And for you follow this plan. Commit to it. And be willing to check in on these over and over again. That is step five. Okay. These are all the steps like offer you. We went over. Number one, the limiting belief in reframe number two, set a clear and desirable vision. Number three, set smart goals. Number four, be willing to feel like crap. Number five, check in on your goals. You have a journal. You're going to be following up on this. You want to have that journal handy, even write on it. Make sure it's your imposter syndrome journal. And you're going to look back six months from now and you're going to be like, oh my gosh. I can't believe that's where I was. That's where I was six months ago. And now I have this new job and now I make 20 K more. And now I fill in the blank. It's going to be possible for you. And I can't wait to hear your stories. So. Let me know how this goes for you. Let me know, send me a message. You can connect with me on LinkedIn. I would love to be able to hear from you hear your story and how you're overcoming this. And if you know, you want a little bit extra support, if you know that you want to be able to have someone to help you guide you in this journey I am taking on one-on-one clients. You can book a sales call with me. The link is in the podcast notes where you can book a sales call. You can also go to my LinkedIn. And connect with me there. That's also in the podcast notes. You can reach out and book a free call with me a free call where we can talk for an hour and I can see if you're a good fit for my program. You can ask me all the questions you want. See if I'm even a real person, or if I'm a robot, you can just chat with me and see if I could be a good fit for you and your journey for your career. Okay. I would love to help you either way. I hope you take this information. And just run with it, run with it, girl. Alright. I will see you next week. Bye.

If you are ready to get promoted into leadership and get the salary you deserve, I invite you to book a sales call with me. This is a one hour call where I will assess your career, your obstacles, your goals. I will tell you exactly the way that I can help you. And we can talk about whether the confident Latina leader program is the best fit for you. The link to book your sales call is in the show notes. Talk to you soon. Ciao.