Disturbing Interests

Eating a Baby General Hospital & The Return of The Don't Put That in Your Mouth Cast

Regina King & Lynn Rosskamp Season 1 Episode 21

Oh we've got the grossest episode in the history of our little show's run so far for you in this one sweet listeners.  Regina decided to get too excited when she heard that there was a story out there of a man, by the name of Tarrare, in 1700's France that allegedly ate a baby.  As she did her homework there may have been many self questions asked regarding her present state of self mental health and why in God's name she would not only do this to herself, but also to all of us.
Lynn was determined to figure out how the ever loving Zeus she could follow up her podners claim of, "Hey, I wanna do a story about a guy who might have eaten a baby!" So she is bringing us the of\h so informative, and very disgusting science portion of why a person might put things that they should not into their cake holes.  
That's right sweet listeners, it's a return of the Don't Put That In Your Mouth Cast, as we tell you about Polyphagia, Pica, and Prader Willi syndrome, as well as about the life of one very very unfortunate sole in France.

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