Disturbing Interests

Social Distancing Announcement (I need you so much farther!)

Regina King & Lynn Rosskamp Season 2

Don't panic, we don't have the Cove, but social distancing has made us need to step up our technology game and figure out a new way to meet and chat remotely, so our next proper episode is going to be a little late, but out in a few days and worth the wait, we promise!

Find us at www.disturbinginterests.com
Facebook The Disturbing Interests Podcast
Twitter @podcast_di, @EvileQueen, @RatsnHats
Email us at disturbinginterests@gmail.com
Instagram @NekoThePodcat, @DIPodcast, @LynnTheArtDork 

Support the show (http://patreon.com/disturbinginterests)

Support the show

Support us at: patreon.com/disturbinginterests

Find us at www.disturbinginterests.com
Facebook The Disturbing Interests Podcast
Twitter @podcast_di, @EvileQueen, @RatsnHats
Email us at disturbinginterests@gmail.com
Instagram @NekoThePodcat, @DIPodcast, @LynnTheArtDork, @the_evile_queen
Music from Purple Planet Music

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