Disturbing Interests

Jumping the Shark (and a Box of Rattlesnakes and Two Mountain Lions)

Regina King & Lynn Rosskamp Season 2

Rev up your Skycycles and slip into your leather star spangled jumpsuits, daredevils, because it's time to go jump the Snake River Canyon with stunt riding legend Evel Knievel. Slightly less horrible, gory and weird than our usual fare, this one should still get your pulse racing and your bones crunching. Don't forget to put your helmet on before pressing play!

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Find us at www.disturbinginterests.com
Facebook The Disturbing Interests Podcast
Twitter @podcast_di, @EvileQueen, @RatsnHats
Email us at disturbinginterests@gmail.com
Instagram @NekoThePodcat, @DIPodcast, @LynnTheArtDork, @the_evile_queen
Music from Purple Planet Music

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