Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,

The Healing Power of Conversation: A Therapist's Story of Survival and Service

December 04, 2023 Dietrich L Horsey
The Healing Power of Conversation: A Therapist's Story of Survival and Service
Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,
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Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,
The Healing Power of Conversation: A Therapist's Story of Survival and Service
Dec 04, 2023
Dietrich L Horsey

Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and discovery with our remarkable guest, Laura Fisher? Laura, a medical massage therapist, is a beacon of hope for those seeking to resolve chronic pain and enhance their health. This episode unfurls Laura's compelling journey, sharing how she combats chronic Lyme disease while maintaining a fervor for helping others through her unique healing methods. Laura's uncanny ability to detect and mend past injuries in her clients highlights the profound depth of holistic health and the role of energy in the process.

As we move through the episode, we also delve into vital health and wellness advice for those over 40, presenting a detailed insight into chronic Lyme disease and the ripple effect it has on overall health. With Laura's transformative journey from being a patient to a fitness trainer as the backdrop, we emphasize the importance of exploring various health avenues and investing in oneself. We touch upon daily habits that can lead to long-term structural issues and share insights on vaccines and the power of a positive mindset. Wrapping up this empowering episode, we stress the healing power of conversation and creating safe spaces to share and heal from past traumas. As we approach the holiday season, let's remember to prioritize self-care and offer our support to one another. Keep tuning in to Your Fit Methods for more health and wellness enlightenment.

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Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and discovery with our remarkable guest, Laura Fisher? Laura, a medical massage therapist, is a beacon of hope for those seeking to resolve chronic pain and enhance their health. This episode unfurls Laura's compelling journey, sharing how she combats chronic Lyme disease while maintaining a fervor for helping others through her unique healing methods. Laura's uncanny ability to detect and mend past injuries in her clients highlights the profound depth of holistic health and the role of energy in the process.

As we move through the episode, we also delve into vital health and wellness advice for those over 40, presenting a detailed insight into chronic Lyme disease and the ripple effect it has on overall health. With Laura's transformative journey from being a patient to a fitness trainer as the backdrop, we emphasize the importance of exploring various health avenues and investing in oneself. We touch upon daily habits that can lead to long-term structural issues and share insights on vaccines and the power of a positive mindset. Wrapping up this empowering episode, we stress the healing power of conversation and creating safe spaces to share and heal from past traumas. As we approach the holiday season, let's remember to prioritize self-care and offer our support to one another. Keep tuning in to Your Fit Methods for more health and wellness enlightenment.

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our website / fit fast quiz  Professional Fitness Coaching | Evanston, IL (

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Speaker 1:

Good day everyone. This is Detrick. We get fit methods to fit like Blueprint. We have Laura Fisher. Laura, you can tell us basically what you do and how you get started.

Speaker 2:

I'm a medical massage therapist. I got started because I wanted to help other people. Because I have chronic Lyme disease. I really needed to change careers too as well. So I thought that would be a perfect thing to do or try. So I went into it and it's been a journey. I mean, it's really hard to get into the profession by yourself anyway, but there's just so many different things. I worked for mobile places for a little while and then I said I can't do this. I don't want to do that. That's not what I'm meant to do. So I said I'm going to open my own office and I'll give it five years. If I don't make it, then I'm going to do something else. So I made it past the five year mark.

Speaker 2:

The turning point when I knew I should be here was when somebody came in to me and they had like a foot that looked like elephantitis. It was so big and huge and swollen. I was like internally I was thinking, what am I going to do? I was just like flabbergasted. So I told him do you have to come every week and we're going to have to try everything possible I can think of to get the swelling down. He said well, I can't afford to come every week. I said, well, he works for a bottling company once a week and they give him a free bottle of whiskey. And I said, well, one week and pay me one week and give me a bottle of whiskey. So that's what I did and I had a lot of whiskey on myself by the time it was over with. But we tried everything, we tried cupping, we tried just everything. Because he had back surgery and they hit his spinal cord and it was leaking. Then it caused pain down his leg and numbness. Then his whole foot was numb so nobody could do anything for him after that. So I just did everything I possibly could and finally, after probably a year and a half, he has a real foot again. So he'll come back to me like every month, once a month. So that was one of the success stories.

Speaker 2:

So that's basically the kind of people that come to me, the ones that aren't going to give up, that everybody's given up on, and I won't give up on them. So that's why I know I need to be here. And then in school I started feeling everybody's pain that I would work on and I didn't think that was normal. So I asked the teacher what it was and I didn't know if I could finish because of that, and she said, oh, you're one of them, I'm like one of who? She goes, you have a gift. And I'm like, how's that a gift? You know pain? And she said I don't know, I'm not one of you, you have to figure out how to get rid of it.

Speaker 2:

So it's just been getting stronger and stronger over the years and I've been able to help people with their pain by just using my energy and their energy. People that believe in it. Not everybody believes in it or they think it's weird, but it's getting really strong and I'll suggest they put like superfood stuff in their salad or on their food because they go well, we eat really clean, but that doesn't mean anything. You know you have to have all these other things in there and doesn't mean your stomachs like absorbing the food you're eating. So I try to get them to stretch and all that stuff and then, when they get better, then they can do more exercising, you know, but a lot of them are 50 and over, you know Right. So explain to me.

Speaker 1:

What is the like, the? I mean, it's a name for what you do. And then what is the methodology behind what you do?

Speaker 2:

A lot of time they call it. You know they do Reiki, but it's not the same as what I do. I mean it's energy. They do points on your body, but I just can go and feel, scan people's body and I can feel where they've had past injuries or where they're having trouble or something's kind of wrong. But the problem is, when you feel something that's kind of wrong, you don't know what's wrong, especially if they tell you they don't feel anything bad there. You know.

Speaker 2:

I had a lady come in and I felt something like on her rib and she said it felt fine. I felt something on her ankle and she said that felt fine and she was recovering from endometrial cancer and she was like in her 70s. And then she called me the next week and said I can't come in, I'm going to the hospital. I have blood clots in my legs and my lungs. Oh my gosh, you know so it's hard when you don't know what it is. You know.

Speaker 1:

Right, right.

Speaker 2:

And I felt like I was around before all this happened and it was family that lived near us and were really good friends, and I kept feeling like something like gray around him all the time, or I was around him, just gray, and I told my husband something was wrong with him or something's not right, or you know, I didn't know if he was a weirdo or what you know, because this is when I start first started feeling different things here. He had cancer and he died within a month.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so yeah, now this is more of a hands-on kind of approach, or can you just basically look at him and tell, or no, I can't really look at him unless, like, I feel something.

Speaker 2:

But I try not to be an empath anymore, because I try to shut that part off, because you know you feel a lot of stuff when people are unhappy or angry and you don't really know what that is, so I shut that off, hopefully.

Speaker 2:

But no, I have to be more hands-on. I don't really touch them, just you know where our energy meets. I'll say I have my hands scanning it, you know. And my daughter she can touch. She only does hers with touching people, which you could feel it that way too. But and my other daughter I only want to do animals because she don't want to deal with people.

Speaker 1:

Well, I understand that. I understand that aspect of it for sure.

Speaker 2:

But it's gotten stronger and stronger the more I've had this office and it's morphed into different things. But it's all trying to help people, you know, and trying to, and I try to get them to do exercises, but little exercises for their hips and stuff, if they've had hip surgery. I had one guy come to me and he couldn't even sit down on the commode. I mean it's just awful, and he had had knee surgery, but that was like eight months ago. You know I'm like okay. So he just didn't do anything and let his legs get atrophied. So I said, okay, if you want me to help you, you have to commit to this because I'm going to hurt myself and I'm going to hurt you.

Speaker 2:

So he's been coming over a year now and he's doing pretty good. They told him he would never be able to, like, kneel down on one knee. Well, he can kneel down on both knees now, but he can't lean back. So I still have to work all the muscles really hard, you know, on up on each side. So he's getting there. It's just like a process of getting through all that tissue. You know, when people let it go.

Speaker 1:

What would you say? The mindset is around what you have to do in order for them to get better.

Speaker 2:

My mindset.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like you know, I'm sure I take some like a certain kind of focus for you to basically to kind of heal them Right.

Speaker 2:

You have to try different things, yeah, and I'll never give anybody the same massage, ever. I just like feel your body and feel what I have where it needs to go. You know where my hands need to go. Most of the time it's always different, different combinations and everything. I don't do protocol like everybody else does.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then these people nobody will take anymore because there are too much work, I guess, for people you know, and then you know it's just I don't know. I've had a rough life so I figure I should help people.

Speaker 1:

Okay, All right, I mean it's fair, fair enough. So as far as, like any of your, you have like favorite books or podcasts, you recommend that folks can you know kind of find out more about how this works or even how to contact you to get more information? You haven't had that. I guess my idea is for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they could contact me, I guess, on my email or probably, or my phone, but probably my email would be best.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and what's your email?

Speaker 2:

It's LLFisherFISHER2009 at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

Cool, now you have any recommendations as far as like books or podcasts.

Speaker 2:

It's like the woman's name was trying to figure out what her name was. Let me think about it. There was a woman that started some of this and it was called Because I looked to see what maybe I had.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It started happening, but mine just comes natural. I guess for my dad Her name was Dolores Craigler.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And she did something like that Taught people. I have the book.

Speaker 1:

Just be clear it's not. It's not Reiki.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, alright. First thing in the mind was Reiki, because I have a friend who basically has done that too. They called it energy work, but I got.

Speaker 2:

But a lot of people like they're afraid of it because they can't imagine that you know somebody could you know? Just feel that you know.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's definitely different. For sure than most you know protocol or techniques where you'll call it for healing. I mean, everybody knows need to eat healthier and all that kind of stuff like imagine super greens, but you know, and people have to commit, right, everybody wants to really commit.

Speaker 2:

Because they don't commit, they start feeling better and they're like, okay, I'm done.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm like you're not done, you're not gonna get better, because as we get older, we don't go backwards.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's safe. It's definitely a journey. I mean, it is just one day at a time, that's all it. This, or really is one day at a time. It's kind of slow too.

Speaker 2:

People, people. Just they jump into it and start lifting and lifting and stuff. I just started that. It's not up there right now. Some of it is against hanging there, started that yoga thing and I just do pull up every day and do a little bit and I get stronger and stronger. First time I couldn't even pull myself up, so Yep. You know it's a process. Eating small things every day, eating like pickled stuff, is really good for you. I'll eat some Pickles or whatever pickled stuff, chicken salad not. Where's the pickled stuff?

Speaker 1:

Where's the pickled stuff? What is it good for?

Speaker 2:

It seems to help me keep weight down. Okay, pickles, and what's it called. What are those Stuffed these? Whatever these are, I forget what they're called.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have my glasses on to see Terrible. They're the, you know, olives olives Got it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

Just little stuff and I lost weight.

Speaker 1:

Most of the pickle stuff that I'm aware of, like kimchi and all that kind of stuff. I don't like kimchi. It's supposed to be good for digested the digestive system so and there is a podcast about the digestive system.

Speaker 2:

but I gotta think what's called it's about your gut. Right Got health yeah it's a guy and he's pretty good. He thinks that if you have good gut health, then you'll rewind and look younger, and all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure some truth to that To some degree right, To some degree To some degree.

Speaker 2:

I mean it just depends. But everybody goes crazy on everything you know. And then I'll take this pill called horse tail grass pill, if you've ever heard of that.

Speaker 1:

I have not.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's good for gout and everything, liver and all kinds of stuff If your legs hurt, if you have leg pain and everything, and it actually absorbs inflammation and everything, because I, you know, I don't suggest anything unless I've tried it. So, quite a few of my customers use it because they get bone spurs and all this stuff. But it makes natural silica which absorbs all this stuff you don't need.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

A couple of people use it and helps keep going. Help them keep going, you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I have most of my clients are return. They're all you know, they're all regulars. I give them a certain price for them and people are like why don't you just give everybody the same price? Because if they come regular, they can't come regular if they don't have a certain price. Right, you know, I get it.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. Yes, it's good work you're doing there too. I mean I know about it, but I can't say I've ever experienced it. I mean I've done, oh, come on over, break it before.

Speaker 2:

How is it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, where you at again, where you located.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm in Perceville Virginia.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah. So um little back back story. So I'm actually close to you, just be from that area, like in Maryland, but now live in Chicago. But yeah, is it.

Speaker 2:

Chicago like really crazy and dangerous.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, where's the spot that you can think of? It's not that way, you know, in any part of the United States. Always with the pockets here and there, but where we are, yeah, I mean, there's instances everywhere, but you know, I'm not that concerned about that at all.

Speaker 2:

You should come visit and then you can like. People can like see. You can see what I do and then some of my people can. You can help them and see, help them, the older ones, to do something, because I'm not really certified, you know, to give people nutrition advice and stuff like that yet.

Speaker 1:

So if anybody wanted to give me a hard time, yeah, the good thing about you know we'll be in this, we're on in the world today, I mean since pandemic, you can do a lot of these things online. You can have, like you know, say you know, get a pretty good thing done. Give them some outline of what they need to do. It's really basic.

Speaker 2:

It works.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, you know it's going to work for certain individuals. Again, it all comes down to being consistent, as you said before, and just keep on trying new stuff that works for the individuals. There's a lot of. There's a foundation for all this.

Speaker 2:

I have people that won't give up. I have a couple of people that have Parkinson's, and I have a couple of people that have the colonoscopy bag that nobody would take. So you know they're fighters, so I'm going to take them. Yeah what I can.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like me. They're fighters like me. That's your work right there, so you know I have chronic Lyme disease, so that's another reason I got into this to help people understand, you know to about pain and what to do and not do and all that stuff to help their pain.

Speaker 1:

Nice. So, laura, I read, so that's your question. So is there any last things you want to tell the folks out there about? You know how to get better, or some advice as far as, like, if they're experiencing anything with the need to do, any last words you can think of that would actually help them.

Speaker 2:

Well, I believe that it's all over wellness. They have to like, just try different things and definitely massage and you know, exercising, doing stuff with you. Nutrition, because not all of it's going to work for everybody. We don't know what's going to work for each of us because we have different DNA, different body types and everything. But they have to keep trying because of longevity. If you just sit down and don't move and sedentary, then you'll cause more problems.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely I just watch TV for 15 minutes. Get up, go walk around the house, sit back down watch TV.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right Now I get it Moving for sure.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, it's expensive to go to other people, but I mean, that's any way, you're going to keep moving, you're going to live longer. I call it different things.

Speaker 1:

It's an investment in your health. I mean you can pay it either to a health professional like a fitness trainer or someone like yourself, or you can pay it to the doctor when you get. You get ill and I guarantee you, it's going to cost more. The latter in the latter.

Speaker 2:

The doctors are going to kill you yeah.

Speaker 1:

Sure Right, so yeah, so that's what I say.

Speaker 2:

It's an investment, I mean something we just kind of and I don't think people should be taking all these vaccines, because a lot of my clients he wear a pie cat. That's just my opinion. That's just my opinion. What's happening here? So but people like me. It doesn't affect me the vaccine, because my body doesn't do fight or flight anymore with the Lyme disease, so it won't even know anything's going on until you're really sick or something you know right. So, but I did, I did too, I did too.

Speaker 1:

You did.

Speaker 2:

I did, I did too.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to comment on that myself personally, but okay, you don't have to, I'm not going to comment on it, Right?

Speaker 2:

Just say what I see you know. But I mean you're only as old as you feel, as you like to yourself, get you know. So I just think it doesn't matter. Just it's a mindset, that's all.

Speaker 1:

Definitely a mindset. For sure, yeah, if people.

Speaker 2:

They just need to go slow on all this with what you're doing. Just go slow, don't jump into it, and do it fast. So, being mindful of everything how they move. How they move Most people cause their structural problems by like sitting and like having a leg under them or crossing their ankles during the day and cutting off circulation. You know, or you know, holding your arm in the back when you drive on cut soft circulation and just a lot of different things that people do really causes their problems, you know right.

Speaker 2:

I'll ask them a lot of that how they're sitting, you know, or whatever they're doing.

Speaker 1:

Is that why two men, male and female?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Does it?

Speaker 2:

Okay, yep, cause man they like cross their ankles Usually when they're sitting all day, or put it under their desk chair. Their legs a certain way sit there cause they don't move. You know you got to get up and move at least every two hours for five minutes, you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So they probably don't have the right chairs. They're working at home and all that and right height and it's just ergonomics and structure and everything. But you know the ortho's aren't going to tell anybody that. Right, they'll have them doing exercises and all that crap. So I don't know. But I'm glad you got me on here. I was like he's not going to get me on here. I'm just not the right fit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, I mean. So this is our first, first episode. So I'm like, okay, you had an interesting approach to health and all that kind of stuff. So I'm like you know so and again, this channel is all about, you know, mostly women.

Speaker 1:

but same token, I mean I'm sure you get women too, or 40 plus, and you know how you can help yourself, cause what happens is like for me I started because you know my mother, who's basically always helping other people or stuff like that, you know, but never really time for herself, so so, so that's my whole thing, and women do that a lot. I find that I train a lot of women. And you're very you know giving when it comes to like other people, but very seldom to take time for themselves. So this with the whole channel, is basically all about. So how can we help those people, those women?

Speaker 2:

you know, women from 40 to 80.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So and and men too, 30s to 80.

Speaker 1:

So so, yes, that's what it's all about. So I thought you were talking about, but it's like it's like me talking to people too.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's not just this is like talking to them, and I think people really need to. You know they want to talk about something or I have to talk to them. You know, say my opinion. They may not have anybody talk to. Where I'm a group where I can have four or five people at a time sit there and talk about how people were raised. Some of them were not treated very well. They think it's normal. It's not normal, you know, to be treated badly. So I didn't know that until I came here. I was from West Virginia and I came here to Virginia and then I didn't realize until I seen other people how they act and that it wasn't normal the way I was treated and my family. So if I would have never left, I would have never known.

Speaker 1:

Sure sure.

Speaker 2:

So one woman came in and she was dressed up and everything one day and I said you look beautiful today and she goes. What I said, you look beautiful today, she goes. Nobody's ever told me that in my life and it's just like, really. So you know, it's men and women that have been treated like that and they just don't realize it's not normal, right? You know, it's not their fault. So I would just like to do a group and just have people talk, you know about it or whatever they want to talk about.

Speaker 2:

So help, heal, that's the thing. Heal everybody. You know one way or another, because we can cause problems with our body, with what kind of tension and stress it can come out through your muscles and everything. So you know you can cause your problems. You have a lot of heartache or whatever. You know.

Speaker 1:

Sure, okay. So, folks, I appreciate you coming and Laura, thanks for contributing to our calls. And one has a great holiday season coming up and stay tuned for our podcast, your Fit Methods, and we will talk to you or see you in the new next day Awesome.

Speaker 2:


Medical Massage Therapy and Energy Healing
Health Advice for Women and Men
Healing and Empowering Through Conversation