Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,

Bouncing Back from the Holidays: Five Tactics to Rejuvenate Your Spirit and Start the New Year Right

December 12, 2023 Dietrich L Horsey
Bouncing Back from the Holidays: Five Tactics to Rejuvenate Your Spirit and Start the New Year Right
Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,
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Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,
Bouncing Back from the Holidays: Five Tactics to Rejuvenate Your Spirit and Start the New Year Right
Dec 12, 2023
Dietrich L Horsey

Are you ready to kick those post-holiday blues to the curb? Let me, Dejuk, guide you through five strategic ways to rejuvenate your spirit and start the new year on a high note. From the art of self-reflection to setting small, achievable goals, I'll share simple yet effective tactics that will help you regain your energy and zest for life. I'll also reveal how minor changes in your surroundings and reconnecting with old friends can bring a fresh and revitalizing start to your year.

The second half of the show is packed with exciting news and announcements. Specifically for the ladies over 40, we've got a webinar/masterclass just for you! We'll tackle sleep, fitness, and nutrition to help you live your best life. Plus, we have just launched our website, complete with a live quiz! And as we aim to hit our subscriber goal, I discuss how you can support us on this journey. Tune in, take notes, and let's beat the post-holiday slump together with Fit Light Blueprint. 

Less is more to get fit fast / sign up for our free webinar in the new year

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Show Notes Transcript

Are you ready to kick those post-holiday blues to the curb? Let me, Dejuk, guide you through five strategic ways to rejuvenate your spirit and start the new year on a high note. From the art of self-reflection to setting small, achievable goals, I'll share simple yet effective tactics that will help you regain your energy and zest for life. I'll also reveal how minor changes in your surroundings and reconnecting with old friends can bring a fresh and revitalizing start to your year.

The second half of the show is packed with exciting news and announcements. Specifically for the ladies over 40, we've got a webinar/masterclass just for you! We'll tackle sleep, fitness, and nutrition to help you live your best life. Plus, we have just launched our website, complete with a live quiz! And as we aim to hit our subscriber goal, I discuss how you can support us on this journey. Tune in, take notes, and let's beat the post-holiday slump together with Fit Light Blueprint. 

Less is more to get fit fast / sign up for our free webinar in the new year

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Speaker 1:

Good day everyone. This is me just goofing off Dejuk with Fit Light Blueprint. It is Monday, Yup Monday. So have you ever wake up after the big dump of the holidays feeling tired, even leading up to the holidays, because everything's one month after another. All these things are happening. So we're going to address the overcoming post-holiday blues before it happens or if it's always started happening. I have a few ideas that may help you get through those times or, before those times get to you, get over those times. So I'm sure most of you, or some of you, wake up and feel like you're so tired already and then, after the holidays, even more exhausted because of the rush of getting things done, getting things accomplished or preparing stuff for other people food stuff, like that Thanksgiving and then you've got Christmas and then the big hurrah for New Year's those who actually partake in those activities. So I'm going to lay down a top five ways, I think that, to overcome the post-holiday blues.

Speaker 1:

One use extra time after the holidays to self-reflect. Think about the things that you like, the things you don't like, and then figure out a way to change those things you don't like. Take some time to self-reflect. Number two set small goals, like cleaning the house or making something where a case may be Getting better shape, that's always a good goal, getting better shape, especially with us, of course. Don't self-plug. Always plug in. Get fit methods, Whether you're near or far. Focus on desires and goals, whether you're exercising, spending more time with family and friends, consider how you make changes. Small steps lead to big goals. Pursue an interest. Use downtime to delve into subjects that you've been curious about. Find topics and activities you like to learn more about. Host a dinner party, prepare for an event for some people, friends, lift a mood or refresh, or number. That was four, so five. Refresh your surroundings, rearrange your furniture, paint some walls, whatever. One of those things for the new year. So a new year for a positive note, with a fresh, clean. Start by painting your walls or rearrange the furniture. Start spring cleaning early that's an idea.

Speaker 1:

Reconnect with old friends that is actually a plus because most of the time you get to kind of, you know, go back to those happy times you had, or more happy times, or those times where you had no worries At one point. We all had those where you're just a kid or a case may be. You basically had those times where you talk about all the good times you had. Of course, you don't want to live there, you don't want to stay there, but it is kind of good to go back and enjoy those times once again with some good friends or family. And that is the ones I'm going to give you. Hopefully they help and hopefully you can use some of them and not all of them. That is my top five or six of them which I may have gave you, but that should be enough. So just a little side note or an ending note.

Speaker 1:

We are having a webinar slash master class for women over 40 who wants to get in shape and basically want to get more rest or sleep. We have going to do a work webinar just on mostly sleep and getting fit and nutrition. That it's going to be January the 8th. Stay tuned to our social media. You can find us on, of course, Facebook, Instagram. We have a YouTube channel Give Fit Methods.

Speaker 1:

The website is finally finished, complete. You can take the quiz on that. It is live now. I thought it was live before but it wasn't, so you slide now, you take the quiz and also, you know, just feel free to kind of hit us up on our email Get Fit Methodscom. That is all I have for you guys today. Hope you enjoyed it. Please share with everyone. Download it. Right now, I think we have 250 subscribers. My goal for the year is going to be to get to at least to a thousand by well, right now it's in January, so by at least 500 by the end of January. That's the goal and you guys can help me do that if you feel like it, If you think it's worth your time or effort. So this is Deedra Cahorsi Give Fit Methods. Enjoy your holiday If you hear from you or see you or you contact us, be safe and have a great day, and I'm out.