Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,

Discovering True Health Metrics Beyond the Bathroom Scale

January 04, 2024 Dietrich L Horsey Season 1 Episode 19
Discovering True Health Metrics Beyond the Bathroom Scale
Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,
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Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods ,
Discovering True Health Metrics Beyond the Bathroom Scale
Jan 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 19
Dietrich L Horsey

Ever feel like your bathroom scale holds too much power over your day? We're shedding light on the elusive numbers game and how it might be misleading your fitness journey. Dive into the hidden factors that influence your scale reading, such as water retention and hormonal shifts, and why these fluctuations are completely normal. Get ready to embrace a new perspective on tracking progress, with practical advice on finding more meaningful metrics like the fit of your clothes and the reflection in the mirror. Plus, I'll share my personal approach to a vibrant diet that's as nourishing for the soul as it is for the body, ensuring you're equipped to make choices that support a balanced path to health.

Circle the date for an empowering webinar aimed at all the fantastic 40+ women out there looking to revamp their fitness routine. As your enthusiastic guide, I can't wait to explore potent strategies tailored to our unique life stage, alongside special guests who'll sprinkle their wisdom into our conversation. Anticipate a dynamic Q&A segment crafted to quench your thirst for knowledge and leave no stone unturned in your quest for well-being. So bring your experiences to the table, engage with our vibrant community, and let's march collectively toward the pinnacle of health and fitness.

Webinar Jan 10 @ 6pm central
Youtube Get Fit Method - YouTube

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Dietrich L Horsey's Podcast/ Get Fit Methods , +
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Ever feel like your bathroom scale holds too much power over your day? We're shedding light on the elusive numbers game and how it might be misleading your fitness journey. Dive into the hidden factors that influence your scale reading, such as water retention and hormonal shifts, and why these fluctuations are completely normal. Get ready to embrace a new perspective on tracking progress, with practical advice on finding more meaningful metrics like the fit of your clothes and the reflection in the mirror. Plus, I'll share my personal approach to a vibrant diet that's as nourishing for the soul as it is for the body, ensuring you're equipped to make choices that support a balanced path to health.

Circle the date for an empowering webinar aimed at all the fantastic 40+ women out there looking to revamp their fitness routine. As your enthusiastic guide, I can't wait to explore potent strategies tailored to our unique life stage, alongside special guests who'll sprinkle their wisdom into our conversation. Anticipate a dynamic Q&A segment crafted to quench your thirst for knowledge and leave no stone unturned in your quest for well-being. So bring your experiences to the table, engage with our vibrant community, and let's march collectively toward the pinnacle of health and fitness.

Webinar Jan 10 @ 6pm central
Youtube Get Fit Method - YouTube

Support the Show.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up everyone. Good day, good day, happy new year, happy new year. We're going to 2024. And some things came up today. I just want to kind of talk about it because I think it's very important.

Speaker 1:

This is Dietrich with Get Fit Methods, and I want to talk about this weighing yourself in. Whatever you weigh yourself in, and that what you see is not what you get, and what you think you see is still not what you get. When it comes to the scale, are you one of those kind of people who really working on or weighing yourself often and seem like your body's not doing what you think it should be doing? You're eating clean. As soon as you eat something that you think is not the best for you, you get on the scale and, oops, there it is. Well, I'm here to tell you, low relief, that what you see is not what you get. What that means is the weight on the scale is not the best indicator of everything you've been doing. I get this question often, though, like I give you a case, a little situation that I run into. So I got some clients who are really working on trying to get leaner, feel better in their clothes, look good in a case maybe feel good and the challenge is they say, oh, you know, I've been eating this candy or I've had this burger over the weekend. I jumped on the scale this morning and I'm two pounds heavier. Now common sense, and it's not to degrade anyone or make them feel bad, or I'm just going to put it in the common sense.

Speaker 1:

If that was the case, that every time you ate something that you feel that wasn't in line with where, you want to go and say your treat yourself meal, if that was the case, it's automatically would happen. That way We'd all be well, we'd be rolling around everywhere we went, because it's not instant gratification, it's not an instant punishment, that every time you eat something that's not in agreement with what you think you should be eating, that you're already mad that you're going to reap the like, not the benefit. So bear in mind the scale weighs a lot of things. Another thing to take into consideration is when you eat anything that has a lot of salt in it. You can weigh yourself, probably two or three days in a row, and you may see three to five pounds, even 10, depending on the person of extra weight. How do you think that happens? Do you think that you actually are three to five or even 10 pounds heavy from eating, say, a piece of bacon, just salty or whatever. Not the case. Your body will hold up to three to five pounds of water at any given day. Pin hormonal imbalances, pin on, you know, if you're dehydrated it depends on if you have, you know, drank a lot of water, not enough water. It's a lot of different things that could happen.

Speaker 1:

When you are getting on a scale, when you say what I suggest most people do, if you really want to get a true indicator of how much you actually weigh, you need to do an average. So say you weigh yourself for seven straight days. What is the lowest weight that you've seen consistently in that week? That would be your actual weight. Good news that is your actual weight and it could be even less than that because you're not. You still retain a little bit of water anyway. But bear in mind the lowest weight you see more often, not the highest, because I like to focus on the negative. It's not the highest. That is not your weight. That's your water weight. That's your. Have you use a bathroom weight? That's. I haven't done number one, number two, weight. So the good news is that what you see is not what you get.

Speaker 1:

So, going into the new year, for all those who are trying to lose weight or trying to get in better shape, if you have something that you feel like you maybe should not have had or you had a drink or something like that bear in mind you will not get the punishment from that immediately. You would have to be doing that for weeks and months at a time to get that body weight. Think about this. A lot of times when you are trying to lose weight, you get to a place where you can't go any further. So it's not like it's an instant thing that happens. There's a point where your body will basically maintain itself, whereas if you feel like it's more comfortable, based on what your activities are, based on your act, based on your lifestyle, it will maintain itself. That's how it creates a balance, based on the situation. So if you're going to weigh yourself, weigh yourself for a week straight. See what that number is. If you want to continue to do that, just fine.

Speaker 1:

I think that the true indicator of weight, muscle mass, body transformation is what you see in the mirror or the clothes that you've been wearing. Often they start to feel different. That is your true measurement of what's going on with your body, not the scale. I know we've been weight watchers and all the rest of those guys and Jenny Craig, all the big scale watchers. That's fine. If it gets you where you want to be and you're okay with knowing that it's going to fluctuate and you understand what's going on, do that. But if it feels like it's more of a punishment, don't do it.

Speaker 1:

My suggestion is, as I mentioned in all my workshop webinars that we're having and conducting, eat the rainbow. If you're eating with a lot of colors in your food at least three to five different colors besides beige you're going to be more balanced. Therefore, you probably have more wholesome foods. In return, you'll probably eat less because you feel more satisfied. It's really that simple. So for the new year, it gets harder on the river.

Speaker 1:

Follow us on YouTube, instagram, facebook. We're all over the place. You can schedule an assessment, take our quiz on our website. All that stuff is available to you. We got a lot of free information on YouTube, even our training methods some of those on YouTube as well. But the main thing is Eat more balanced foods. You will feel better. You'll look better at any age, so do that again, teacher horsey. Get fit methods fit like blueprint.

Speaker 1:

Our webinars coming up the 10th at 6 pm I Will be hosting that. I may have some additional guests on there to talk about For our 40 plus women who want to get in shape, all these different methods I talk about on my podcast. We'll have it like a Q&A as well to get all the information you need to make an educated decision how you want to do, what's the best methods for your body to get the best shape of your life. So stay tuned. Please share, like our videos, our social media. Blah, blah, blah. You know the deal, you know what you need to do. Appreciate you. Have a great day. Happy New Year, peace.

Understanding the Scale and Weight Perception
Fitness Tips for 40+ Women Webinar