Breathwork & Meditation for Success Podcast

Square Breathing for Success | Guided Meditation

November 01, 2023 Derm Corbett
Square Breathing for Success | Guided Meditation
Breathwork & Meditation for Success Podcast
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Breathwork & Meditation for Success Podcast
Square Breathing for Success | Guided Meditation
Nov 01, 2023
Derm Corbett

Immerse yourself in a voyage of inner peace and self-discovery as we explore the transformative power of guided meditation, visualization, and square breathing. Ever wondered how to harness the energy of your breath to master your mind and manifest your dreams? This episode will guide you through the process, effortlessly cultivating a serene and centered state of mind, while introducing the technique of square breathing to help you maintain a steady rhythm. 

With visualization as a focus, we extend an invitation for you to imagine a goal you're passionate about achieving. You'll learn how to create a vibrant mental painting of your triumph, and truly experience the associated emotions and sensations. By recognizing the power within you to overcome hurdles and express gratitude for the clarity and inspiration gained, we're helping you tap into a state of focus and motivation that you can return to any time. Remember, this is more than just meditation. It's an empowering journey towards realizing your dreams, with your breath as your guide.

Show Notes Transcript

Immerse yourself in a voyage of inner peace and self-discovery as we explore the transformative power of guided meditation, visualization, and square breathing. Ever wondered how to harness the energy of your breath to master your mind and manifest your dreams? This episode will guide you through the process, effortlessly cultivating a serene and centered state of mind, while introducing the technique of square breathing to help you maintain a steady rhythm. 

With visualization as a focus, we extend an invitation for you to imagine a goal you're passionate about achieving. You'll learn how to create a vibrant mental painting of your triumph, and truly experience the associated emotions and sensations. By recognizing the power within you to overcome hurdles and express gratitude for the clarity and inspiration gained, we're helping you tap into a state of focus and motivation that you can return to any time. Remember, this is more than just meditation. It's an empowering journey towards realizing your dreams, with your breath as your guide.

Speaker 1:

Find a comfortable seated position, gently close your eyes and take a moment to settle in to this present moment. Allow yourself to fully relax and to let go of any distractions. You'll now embark on a guided meditation journey to visualize your goals and inspire action through the power of visualization and square breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to become centered. Begin to bring your attention to your breath, just observing the natural rhythm of your inhales and exhales. From this meditation we're going to be using the square breathing practice and it goes like this you will inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four and then hold for a count of four. So it'll go a little something like this Inhale two, three, four, hold at the top two, three four exhale, two, three, four hold at the bottom two three, four.

Speaker 1:

Continue this pattern of inhaling, holding, exhaling and holding again. Allow your breath to be smooth, steady and controlled, and maintaining the rhythm at your own pace. If it works for you to do it slower, you should honor that and that's what you should do. It could go something like inhale two, three, four.

Speaker 2:

Hold two, three, four. Exhale two, three, four. Hold two, three, four.

Speaker 1:

You'll feel the natural rhythm of your breath and you'll find the pattern that works for you the best, At your own pace. Continue the square breathing, so inhale, two, three, four, hold two, three, four exhale two, three, four and hold two, three, four.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to keep going with this at your own pace, when you have established your own rhythm that works best for you with the square breathing. I invite you now to keep that square breath going and bring to mind a single goal that you wish to accomplish. Visualize this goal in vivid detail. What does success in this goal look like? How are you gonna feel when you've achieved this goal? What kind of person are you gonna be that was capable of achieving this goal? Immerse yourself in the emotions and sensations that might come up for you when you visualize being successful in your goal. Feel the joy and aspirations and fulfillment that arise from manifesting your aspirations. Connect now with the energy of success and allow it to radiate through your entire being, continuing with that box breathing at your own pace. With each breath, affirm your commitment to taking inspired action towards your goals. Feel the motivation and determination growing within you. Recognize that you have the power to make your dreams a reality, one step at a time, as you continue to visualize and box breathe.

Speaker 1:

Are there any obstacles that have come up for you in visualizing this goal? Could be someone's opinion. A family member with good intentions doesn't understand. How would it feel to confidently and respectfully overcome obstacles like these, recognizing that you have the power to dissolve the obstacles that go in front of you and to energize your vision and your success. Remain open to the guidance and support that will help you move forward.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment now to express gratitude for the clarity and inspiration you have gained. Know that you can return to this state of focus and motivation, in this relaxed state, whenever you need to. This practice of square breathing and visualization can be incorporated into your daily routine to reinforce your connection with your goals and inspire consistent action. Trust yourself and the power of your breath to guide you on the path to realizing your dreams. If you wish to stay visualizing and breathing, there are still a few minutes left in this meditation, should you feel you need the extra time. Otherwise, I invite you now to bring your awareness back into the room, gently moving your fingers, gently moving your toes, opening your eyes, and remember to use this feeling as you progress towards your goal. Thank you, and I will see you in the next meditation.