Something More Human

If it's corny, you're on the right track

Episode 4

In this episode, we dive into what we learned with our first 4 guests and challenge ourselves (and you) to a few ways to live a fuller life of human connection. We discuss personal development, consistency, listening to your intuition, and stepping out of your comfort zone to build connections.

Challenge #1: Research therapy or a personal development modality THIS WEEK to start exploring.

Challenge #2: Step out of your comfort and chat up a stranger.

Stay Connected with Sam & Elliot

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Want us to answer your question, address a special topic, or discuss a story of yours? Your input will be an integral part of our future episodes! Submit your question, topic request, or personal stories HERE.

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Eye-Opening Moments Podcast
Eye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...

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