Reflect on This

A Virtuous Woman

May 10, 2024 Johnny Hinshaw Season 1 Episode 19
A Virtuous Woman
Reflect on This
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Reflect on This
A Virtuous Woman
May 10, 2024 Season 1 Episode 19
Johnny Hinshaw

Season 1 Episode 19 - This is a special Mother's Day edition of the podcast.  In this episode, I share about a fascinating solution to a problem in Jamestown, the first American colony.  I also review the biblical description of a virtuous woman.  Both are excellent illustrations of the enduring blessing of the inherent, God-given feminine strength of women to our families and communities.

"Reflect on This" is the podcast version of short email devotionals I send to my family and friends, where I am sharing the things I am learning about the ways and nature of God, through applying my study of the Scriptures to the world around me.
 You can find and subscribe to "Reflect on This" on your mobile device, using your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and many others, by simply searching on “Johnny Hinshaw” (include the quote marks in your search).  Or, if you prefer to listen from your computer, simply go to , or do a web search on "Reflect on This Johnny Hinshaw."

If you like the podcast, I encourage you to subscribe and leave a favorable review, because it helps others to find the podcast more easily (by raising the podcast in search results).

Music credit:
Be Thou My Vision Interlude, by Sarah Bereza 

Show Notes Transcript

Season 1 Episode 19 - This is a special Mother's Day edition of the podcast.  In this episode, I share about a fascinating solution to a problem in Jamestown, the first American colony.  I also review the biblical description of a virtuous woman.  Both are excellent illustrations of the enduring blessing of the inherent, God-given feminine strength of women to our families and communities.

"Reflect on This" is the podcast version of short email devotionals I send to my family and friends, where I am sharing the things I am learning about the ways and nature of God, through applying my study of the Scriptures to the world around me.
 You can find and subscribe to "Reflect on This" on your mobile device, using your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and many others, by simply searching on “Johnny Hinshaw” (include the quote marks in your search).  Or, if you prefer to listen from your computer, simply go to , or do a web search on "Reflect on This Johnny Hinshaw."

If you like the podcast, I encourage you to subscribe and leave a favorable review, because it helps others to find the podcast more easily (by raising the podcast in search results).

Music credit:
Be Thou My Vision Interlude, by Sarah Bereza 

1.19 – A Virtuous Woman


As I have been thinking this week about Mother’s Day (our upcoming day of honoring mothers), I came across a quote from Glenn Stanton, on the value of women in human history.  I heard this quote on the “Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage” podcast from Focus on the Family.  Here is the quote:


Women create, shape and maintain human culture.  Manners exist because women exist. Worthy men adjust their behavior when a woman enters the room, they become better. Civilization arises and endures because women have expectations of themselves and for those around them.  Woman is the most powerful living force on the globe. She creates, shapes and sustains human civilization.


Women in so many ways are the underlying strength of our families, our church fellowships, and our communities.  Through their grace-filled influence, they make us all better.  


On that same podcast, they also gave a great example of this from history.  When Jamestown, the first American colony, was established in 1607, it was initially settled by just men. And the hope for those who invested in this expedition was that Jamestown was going to be a thriving and productive community.


A year later, when the investors sent someone to see how the guys were doing, what they found basically was one big frat party. Nothing had been done, no work had been created, and few structures had been built. Do you know what the solution was?

They persuaded single young women to set sail for the colonies, in exchange for free passage, clothing and land. And it worked beautifully. The influence of women helped turn Jamestown from a frat boy party into a productive community.


The Bible describes the value of a virtuous woman in the following way (from Proverbs 31):


Proverbs 31:10 CSB  Who can find a wife of noble character [or virtue]? 


Let’s pause there for a moment.  The Hebrew word translated as noble character or virtue means literally a force, an army, valor, or strength.  I believe this is referring to the inherent feminine strength of women, as they carry out their God-given calling in their families.  Let’s continue with the description of a virtuous woman:


She is far more precious than jewels.  (11)  The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will not lack anything good.  (12)  She rewards him with good, not evil, all the days of her life.  


The next section speaks to the industrious nature of a virtuous woman:


(13)  She selects wool and flax and works with willing hands… (15)  She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household …   (17)  She draws on her strength…  (27)  She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle.  


The next section speaks to the nurturing, caring nature of a virtuous woman:


(20)  Her hands reach out to the poor, and she extends her hands to the needy.  


The next verse speaks to her ability to anticipate difficult situations, and to plan wisely for them:


(21)  She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all in her household are doubly clothed.  (25)  Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come.  


Here is a verse that describes her wise and loving nature with her family and others:


 (26)  Her mouth speaks wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue.  


The result of a virtuous woman living out her God-given calling?


(28)  Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also praises her:  (29)  “Many women have done noble deeds, but you surpass them all!” 


Husbands, let’s be sure on this Mother’s Day, and throughout the year, to express this attitude of gratefulness to our wives, for their loving influence on us and our families.  Children, be sure to thank your mom often for her love and service to you.  After all, the concluding words of Proverbs 31 says:


(30b)  A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.


Today, I encourage you to “Reflect on This.”