The Equity Gap

A former recruiter's open letter to job seekers

Shahzia Noorally

When I started my career in HR, I somehow ended up in recruitment - truly by accidental happenstance. And boy did I learn a lot - about what it was like to be on both ends of the job searching process. I discovered so many things about how undermined the recruitment function can be, how few resources are dedicated for companies to humanize the experience for job seekers and the years I spent in the recruitment space sparked a passion project for me - a blog that was all about serving the job seeker, to help remove some of the mystery around the experience and that all led me to here - pivoting a few times to finally land on this podcast to relay insight, advice and my unconventional career strategy for other racialized women. 

In my brainstorming process for this episode, I came across an old blog post of mine that I thought I would resurrect. An open letter of sorts to job seekers to provide real perspective and insight on what it’s really like to be the recruiter and how to really master the game to connect in meaningful ways. At the time I was a tad frustrated with the hate rhetoric that I was seeing regularly on LinkedIn about how awful recruiters were, so I wanted to shed light and provide perspective on those recruiters that actually had integrity and good intentions, because not all of them do. To paint a picture of what we were up against and how to get inside the brain of a recruiter. So here it is, an open letter for job seekers from a former recruiter originally written and published by me in July 2014.

If you ever want to connect, provide feedback, share your story or give me any perspective on topics you want me to cover, reach out anytime at

The Colour Gap Podcast is part of the Alberta Podcast Network, locally grown, community supported.

Licensed intro music from NoMo

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