GCSE English RevisionPod

Love and Relationships episode 1 - 'Winter Swans' and 'Neutral Tones'

September 08, 2019 Mr Forster, Mr Gallie Season 10 Episode 1

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Welcome back podders! After a beautiful summer break, we hope you are all ready to get your teeth into some serious revision. This week, we embark on the other AQA poetry cluster: Love and Relationships. Specifically, we have a look at this summer's exam question and talk about how doomed (or perhaps not) romantic feelings are reflected in the bleak landscape of the two poems.

As ever, you can download the hand out here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1r0bUu4KL3Jczxm3LshbWnR_oEQ-kHeSz

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