More Than a Song - Discovering the Truth of Scripture Hidden in Today's Popular Christian Music
More Than a Song is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to helping you discover the truth of Scripture hidden in today's popular Christian music. Each episode teaches you to connect portions of God's Word with the songs you're singing along with on the radio to help you meditate on Truths that will transform your way of thinking and, ultimately, your life.
More Than a Song - Discovering the Truth of Scripture Hidden in Today's Popular Christian Music
#475: "Praise The Lord" by Micah Tyler
Don't forget the Episode Guide Download for THIS episode! Download it to interact with Scripture for yourself.
I see a lot of conversation in the media about positive self-talk. And I get it. Talking negatively about yourself to yourself is not helpful. Inspired by Micah Tyler's song "Praise The Lord," I meditated on King David's self-talk in the Psalms. He pumps himself up by telling his soul to praise the Lord.
Biblical self-talk is WAY better than anything you'll read about anywhere else. Let's learn about it together in Psalm 103 this week.
In this episode, I discuss the following:
- Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:
- Read in context
- Repetition
- Consider the opposite
- Mark up the text
- Meditate on Scripture
- Complete a word study
- Episode Guide Download
- Theology leads to doxology
- As you learn and grow and then approach Scripture again, you will see new things because YOU are new
- Studying Psalm 103 in previous episodes - Episode 103 and Episode 332
- Psalm 103 is the first in a series of praise psalms (Psalms 103-107)
- David's self-talk about praising the Lord as bookends of Psalm 103
- "If we aren't praising God truly, we aren't thinking about God rightly and deeply." - Exalting Jesus in Psalms 101-150 - Amazon Paid Link
- Biblical self-talk focuses our words on God and not on ourselves
- Considering the opposite of "praise" -
- Turning truths learned in Scripture into phrases of praise that your soul declares back to God
- Following the cross-reference regarding God's treatment of our sin
- Isaiah 38:17-19
- Isaiah 43:24
- Micah 7:19
- Romans 4:7
- Ephesians 2:5
- Completing a word study on the word translated "soul"
Purchase your copy of A Seat at the Table today!
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