Manifest with Ashley

8 Tips To Create A Powerful Vision Board

January 01, 2024 Ashley Vaughn Season 1 Episode 1
8 Tips To Create A Powerful Vision Board
Manifest with Ashley
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Manifest with Ashley
8 Tips To Create A Powerful Vision Board
Jan 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Ashley Vaughn

On this podcast we discuss 8 tips to create a powerful vision board...

Show Notes Transcript

On this podcast we discuss 8 tips to create a powerful vision board...

Welcome to the manifest with Ashley podcast. I'm your host, Ashley Vaughn. I'm a mindset specialist and intuitive business coach on this podcast. We dive deep into the intricate realms of mindset and manifestation here. We uncover the profound connections between our thoughts, beliefs, and reality unraveling the secrets to unlocking our highest potential. So prepare yourself for a deep experience as we embark on this journey of personal and spiritual growth. Today's podcast is all about how to create a very powerful and effective vision board for 2024. I've been creating vision boards now for over 10 years and year after year, I watched my vision board come to life. And over the years I have found all of these ways. To emotionally connect with that version of myself who is living the reality that I have on my vision board and I've learned how to align my thoughts, my beliefs and my emotions with that version of me and really pull it into my reality. So today I'm going to be giving you eight powerful steps on how to create this amazing and powerful vision board for yourself for 2024 and all of the ways you can align to that future version of yourself who is living out this life and actually pull it into your reality. But before I dive into these eight powerful steps for all of you who have never created a vision board before, I just want to tell you what supplies you're going to need. The supply list is pretty basic. You're going to need a cork board. I use one that is 17 by 23 inches. You're going to need something to pin everything with, pins or tacks, whatever you prefer. You're going to need something to write notes on and you can do something like post its or you can get cute. I get these little vintage notes off of Amazon and I use those. You're going to need something to write with and then you're going to need all of your photos. So when it comes to gathering your photos, I do two different things, but you can choose whatever you like. I go to Amazon and buy vision board clip art books. They have about 800 photos that are specifically designed just for vision boards. And now that I can use these, I don't have to go through magazines like I used to. I used to spend so much time searching through magazines to find just a couple of photos that resonated with me. I don't need to do that anymore. These. Vision board clip art books have everything. It makes it so much easier. Then I go over to Pinterest and print photos from there. I always can find amazing affirmations on Pinterest that align with me. I might have vacation destinations that I want to experience in the next year to two years. I'll print those off. Just anything at all that aligns with your vision, print it off. So now that you know, what supplies you need, let's dive into these eight powerful steps on how to create the board step number one, before you even get started looking for those photos, I want you to sit down and ask yourself some really deep questions and get an aligned vision of what it is that your soul really wants to experience in the next year to two years. Do this for each area of your life. What do you want your love life to look like? What do you want your health to be like? What vacations do you want to take? How much money do you want to make? What is your relationships like with your family members? Go into each area of your life and just say, what is it that I really want this area of my life to look like in 2024. So now we can move on to step two. Once you have that aligned vision together, now you just want to find all of the photos that match up to that vision. So once you've gathered all of those photos, now we're going to move on to step three, which is just adding all of your photos to your board. Do it however you want. I like to do mine in sections. I just like my board to be very organized, makes me feel good. But like I said, do it however you want. So once you have all of your photos on your vision board, now we're going to move on to step four, which is what I feel like is the most powerful part of creating the board itself. This is where we're going to take all of those little notes that I told you to get, and we're going to place them all over your board around different photos. And we're going to write in all of the details of what it's like to be living that experience, to really. Make it like tied to you. This is how you tie those specific pictures to you and your vision. So let's say for instance, you have a photo of just like money. I would put a note on that photo and say, I'm so happy and grateful that I now make over a hundred thousand dollars a year with ease, grace, and flow. Let's say you have a photo that says, I love my new job. I would put a note on that photo that says, I'm so excited to work with these people. I love them so much. I look. forward to going to work every day. You know, whatever it is that you want to experience, just write it on those notes and put those notes all over your board. So that way, when you set and connect with your board every single day, you're reading these notes and you're reminding yourself that this is your life that you're experiencing and it's bringing up strong emotions within you. Years ago, when I was trying to manifest the money to move my business to a different street, and this was a street that I had dreamed of my business being on for many years, I took a picture of that street. I drove to that street, I took a picture of it, I printed that picture out, put it on my vision board, and I wrote on top of that photo, I am so happy and grateful that Polished, which was my nail salon, is now on Bridge Road and thriving. And A year and a half later, that was my life. I, I manifested all the money. I moved my business to that street and that became my reality. So you just want to have photos of things you want to experience and you want to put notes on those photos that actually bring that vision, like personalize it so that you can bring it into your reality. So take your time with this step. Really bring each photo to life by writing the notes on the photo of what it feels like to be living in it. So once you're done with that step, you've completed your board, but don't forget that at any time you can always take things off of it and add things to it. You know, don't overthink it like it's set in stone. It's definitely not this is your life, and you created anything you decide you don't want to experience. Pull it off throughout the year. If you decide that you want to modify it and make things different, just go ahead and switch it up. Now let's move on to step number five. So step number five is now that your board is all done, I want you to connect with it daily, whatever time you have, even if it's just five minutes a day. What I like to do is get up and in the mornings, I go light a candle when I sit by my board and I just read my notes on it. I kind of meditate on it. I feel into it. And I remember I'm reminding myself every single morning, as soon as I wake up. This is the life I'm creating, and reading all these notes reminds me of why it is so important to me that I have these experiences. So, I like to remind myself of that every single morning, and if I have time before bed, I'll go do the same thing before bed. Just sitting with it for a few minutes every single day and connecting to it. So moving on to step six, and I'm like warning you now, step six, step seven and step eight are for those of you who are really dedicated to manifesting this new life and who are fully committed to showing up every day and doing the inner work needed for it. to align with that version of you. So step number six is using scripting to dive deeper into your vision board and really bring it to life. If you're not familiar with scripting, scripting is when you journal like you're already living in the manifestation. So the way that I use scripting to bring my vision board to life is I will sit in front of my vision board and pick one of those photos and really meditate on it and start to think about what it feels like to live in that photo. And I'll start to journal, like I'm already living in it and just go deeper and deeper into all the details of what it's like. Having that life and what it feels like to be living in the moment of those photos, you know, let's say for instance You're trying to make a hundred thousand a year and one of your photos on your vision board says I'm so happy and grateful that I'm finally making a hundred thousand a year So I would script and I would say now that I'm making a hundred thousand a year I'm finally able to pay this off or go on this vacation or help so and so in this way and it feels So good to have that much money coming in and to be able to do these things I wanted to do for so long and just go on and on with it. Taking the time every single day to script about everything that you're living on your vision board is you grounding it into your reality. It's not just you having a vision board that you glance at every now and then, it's you focusing on living in the manifestation, living in the reality, and being that version of you. And when you focus more on that future reality, that's on your vision board. That is when you really start to flip into the energy of already having that life and not living in this one. So when you start to focus more on the future reality, then you do the current reality. That's when the changes take effect. That's when you really start to manifest things. So, once you've created your vision board and now you're scripting daily off of it, you're going to have a lot of shifts take place within you that are very powerful. And that takes me into number seven, aligning your beliefs with the beliefs of the version of you who is living out your manifestations. So what happens when you start to manifest this new reality? Old versions of you. Old belief systems that are no longer serving you start to surface. Now, when this happens, it can be extremely uncomfortable, and I deal with this all the time with my coaching clients. After a few weeks of working together, all of their past beliefs, all of these limiting beliefs, these beliefs that they don't deserve what they're asking for, these beliefs that they can't manifest more money and that they don't deserve the love life they desire, all of these things come to the surface, but it's for your highest good. It's all coming up for you to face it. to notice that it's there to tag it and write it down and then choose beliefs that are in alignment with that life you're creating and releasing those old ones. Now this is something that once you learn how to do, you will use this for the rest of your life because it's not like you just face old beliefs, shift them out and you're good. Beliefs that are, that are not serving us can come up all of the time, but you become so powerful when you Notice them. When you identify them and you shift them out and you choose the new beliefs every time. That is how you really become a very powerful creator because you are very, very aware of your belief system. Your belief system creates your entire reality. So if you're into the law of attraction and if you're into manifesting, knowing your belief system and how to control it is literally everything. So think about that version of you living in your manifestations. What do they believe to be true about themselves? That got them where they are. What beliefs do they have about money? What beliefs do they have about love? What beliefs do they have about themselves and what they can achieve? Those are the beliefs that you need to start embodying right now. I always have a journal that is specifically for my beliefs that I'm shifting out. Every time something negative comes up within me, any limiting belief, any fear, doubt, or worry, That I can't achieve what it is that I'm after. I write it in that book and then I write down below it every single reason why it's not true and the new beliefs that I choose to have instead that are aligned with my vision. So now we're moving on to the last step, which is getting very clear on what that version of you who's living that life looks like, feels like, acts like, what they say yes to, what they say no to, all of it, and start showing up as that version of you every single day. Get up in the mornings. Look at your vision board. Meditate on it. Script a little bit. Remind yourself every single day. This is who I am. This is how I act. This is how I feel. This is how I talk. This is how I walk. Start to embody those qualities right now. Act like it's already done. Believe it's already done. Do this every single day. And I'm telling you, there is no way that your life is not going to change drastically. When you choose to embody this new identity, like that is it, you're aligning your beliefs with it, you're doing all the inner work, you're showing up every day as that person, this is it, this is, this is creating the new reality, there is no way that you're not going to have major shifts happen quickly when you start to become that version of yourself right now. All right. So that wraps it up. I gave you all of my most powerful tips. Now, you know how to create a very powerful, a very effective vision board for 2024. There is no excuse to get out there, create your vision, start to align to it every single day and make 2024 the most amazing year you've ever had.