Love u Miss u Bye

Journeys in Adaptability and the Power of a Growth Mindset

January 22, 2024 Christi Chanelle Season 1 Episode 4
Journeys in Adaptability and the Power of a Growth Mindset
Love u Miss u Bye
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Love u Miss u Bye
Journeys in Adaptability and the Power of a Growth Mindset
Jan 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Christi Chanelle

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The moment my first episode hit the YouTube airwaves for Love u Miss u Bye, I felt a whirlwind of emotions, from exhilaration to an intense vulnerability that caught me by surprise.  I'm thrilled to share with you how that experience sparked a heartwarming reunion with friends that I hadn't spoken to in years, and how it embodies the essence of what we'll explore today—embracing positivity and the power it holds over our lives. 

We'll unravel the concept of a growth mindset and how it can be our most transformative tool. I'll share candid moments of confronting my fears, like tackling public speaking, and how these experiences chiseled away at the limitations I once placed upon myself. Let's redefine failure, not as a setback, but as a stepping stone to greatness, and shift our focus from seeking approval to pursuing continual self-improvement. Join me on this empowering journey, where every stumble is a chance to rise stronger, and every day presents a new canvas for personal growth.

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TikTok- ChristiChanelle
Facebook - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions
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The moment my first episode hit the YouTube airwaves for Love u Miss u Bye, I felt a whirlwind of emotions, from exhilaration to an intense vulnerability that caught me by surprise.  I'm thrilled to share with you how that experience sparked a heartwarming reunion with friends that I hadn't spoken to in years, and how it embodies the essence of what we'll explore today—embracing positivity and the power it holds over our lives. 

We'll unravel the concept of a growth mindset and how it can be our most transformative tool. I'll share candid moments of confronting my fears, like tackling public speaking, and how these experiences chiseled away at the limitations I once placed upon myself. Let's redefine failure, not as a setback, but as a stepping stone to greatness, and shift our focus from seeking approval to pursuing continual self-improvement. Join me on this empowering journey, where every stumble is a chance to rise stronger, and every day presents a new canvas for personal growth.

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Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye
TikTok- ChristiChanelle
Facebook - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions
Instagram- ChristiChanelle

Speaker 1:

Mindset. It's all about the mindset, from the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night. Everything is up to you your emotions, your thoughts, your perception, your reactions, every moment. The Lovey Mischiebi podcast. Let's inspire each other. I'm Kristy Chanel and I am so thankful that you decided to spend a little bit of time with me and, staying with the grateful mindset I felt it was really important that I tell you how my first YouTube video premiere went for Lovey Mischiebi First off, episode two and episode three.

Speaker 1:

I really open up my soul and share it with everyone. I get really, really raw and it can be really scary when you put all of your skeletons out there for the world to see. So I was highly nervous. I opened a bottle of champagne that I had. I'm not a drinker, but I do like a little champagne and orange juice, so mimosas are my absolute favorite. Anyway, I opened up a bottle of champagne my daughter's 21 now she's like mom, you got to give me one. So her and I are drinking champagne just calming my nerves for what I'm about to reveal. Now. I didn't really think anybody would show up, so it was fine. I knew my best friend would be there, and I knew my daughter would be there because I made her the moderator. With that came the surprise of having two of my long-time friends join the premiere, and then it became super fun. I was no longer nervous and worried. I was excited because I'm sharing these episodes with my friends that I haven't spoken to in a very long time. So this podcast has actually brought people back into my life that were amazing people from my life. It ended up being a really fun night, one that I'll always remember. So I was nervous, but I was very thankful. I can't wait to do it again Sunday.

Speaker 1:

Today I went and got my nails done I don't know if you can tell, but they're purple for my podcast. This is how much of a non-small talk person I am. I go and I sit down and I'm like do you mind? I have to study for something. So I am going to listen to a podcast. So I'm getting my nails done.

Speaker 1:

So I put on my headphones and I turn on Theo Vaughn podcast. I'm flipping through TikTok and I see him sitting there and he has a guest on. I don't know his name, but the guest is the male guest is crying really hard. So whatever they're talking about is causing pain to the guest because they're reliving it by telling it to Theo. Theo says to him I'm going to save a space for you right now, and it was just the most manly, freaking thing I have ever seen between two men. It got me emotional just watching it. It was beautiful. I hope this is where we're going. I hope this is where we're headed, where we leave space for each other and men can actually have emotion. Like that's where I want to be. So I followed him when I opened my podcast space.

Speaker 1:

It shows me things that they recommend and it recommended today the Theo Vaughn show with Tony Robbins and I'm like all right, it's more men and it's more feelings and I want to know about that stuff. I'm listening to this. It was a two hour episode and I'm into it. I love this. I love everything about this. And it took me back to when I first started this podcast and I told my brother I'm like John, I want to have a podcast for women where we lift each other up and we inspire each other. I just want to support each other. And he's like yeah, that's cool, he goes, but why do you have to make it just for women, like because that's who I am, that's who I'm going to speak to, and he's like yeah, that can be inferred, but you don't have to say it. What if men want to listen to you? What if they want to hear the insight from a woman? And I'm like you know what? You got a great point and I took women out of my intro. Now it's in my hashtags and stuff like that. But I don't advertise that this is a women's show, because it's not just a women's show. And when I was listening to this I could tell it was a male show and it was geared towards male thinking. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. And Theo doesn't come out and say this is a man's show. You just know it. It's inferred. The people that are into that are going to listen. Anybody that feels they need to hear it, they're going to show up. Just make the content. So that's what I've decided to do today. It's going to be positive mindset.

Speaker 1:

The things that I've done in my career. I started out in restaurants. Like I said in a previous episode, I wasn't going to be able to stay in restaurants because I wanted to be home at night to tuck my son in. So I eventually decided I need to probably have an office job. I didn't have a college degree so I had to try to figure it all out. I started working for my dad in Texas and I learned about email. I learned about construction because it was concrete resurfacing, so I learned a lot about that kind of stuff with them.

Speaker 1:

Then I got pregnant with Hannah and with each child I did not work for two years. I'm not sure how I managed that, but I didn't. So I was on my two. After I had Hannah we moved to Las Vegas, me and her dad. He was working for my dad and I was a stay-at-home mom for a long time. For two years I started to become depressed. Now I'm not saying staying at home is depressing or comparing it to anyone that's a stay-at-home mom. I'm just saying for me, that's not who I am. I'm not a stay-at-home, I'm a career woman. I like to be working. I enjoy it. It fulfills me and so does being a parent. I'm not diminishing that, but for me I need to be working.

Speaker 1:

I was starting to get a little depressed. I started to have a lot of doubt about myself and I remember my stepmom Vonda saying Christy, do you not see yourself? Do you not see what's in front of me? Because you have a lot more to give than the way you're acting. And I was like, okay, well, that was a real conversation. And then I found a job. It was for like $11 an hour, it was from a roofing company. So I'm like all right. So I go and I show up and I start really kicking ass at my job. This was just like to shake the dust off of my brain. It was not, I was not gonna say the job for $11 an hour, but I needed to shake the rest off my brain and get back into my kick-ass mode.

Speaker 1:

I get a random call. I'm telling you the universe works in mysterious ways because you couldn't have written a script to work this well. I am sitting at my desk at my job. I had been there probably six months. At this point the phone rings. I pick it up and it is a recruiter who used to call the girl that worked in the position that I'm in at the same desk before me. And so she's like, hey, hey, crystal. And I'm like this is Christie, it's not Crystal. And she's like, okay, well, are you happy there? Are you happy? And I'm like, I don't know. I guess it's fine why? And she's like, because I have an opportunity, if you wanna go on an interview. And I'm like, well, give me the facts. What is it? Well, this is salary. This is $15 an hour.

Speaker 1:

It's on Howard Hughes Parkway, it's the big, high rise, overlooking the strip, and I'm like I hope today's dress down day and I'm in jeans and my hair's in a bun and she's like I'll let them know, just show up. I'm like, okay, okay, why not? I got the phone call. There must be something to it. So I show up, I look and I'm looking around and this lobby is like granite, gorgeous, it's stunning. And I'm like I'm walking in and my freaking sneakers and my hair in a bun and I'm like, oh, there's a no way, there's absolutely no way they are gonna hire me. And I remember telling myself but I'm gonna go anyway, I'm gonna see this through, why not? What's the worst that'll happen? I'll be back at the job I'm at tomorrow. I don't lose anything by going. And I'm literally having this conversation in my head as I'm walking through the lobby. I get on the elevator, I go up, I sit down and I call me back and I meet the CFO and we're having this really great conversation and it's just a super, super conversation. At the end she's like all right, I like you, I wanna hire you. So do you want the job? Yeah, I want the job. And she's like okay. She's like if you can pass the drug test, you're in. I'm like fantastic, I can pass the drug test.

Speaker 1:

When I got the job at Malasky Pacific and I was leaving the roofing company, I walked in and I said I found another job. I'm giving you my two weeks. They said is there anything we can do to keep you here? And I said there isn't. There isn't because I feel like you should have already done that. You guys are underpaying and you got a whole staff out there that is being underpaid. So if you could do anything for me, it would be to take the raise that you wanna give me right now and split it out and give it to them. That's what you can do. And I literally did say that and then I walked out there, I told them goodbye and I said let me know if you get that raise, because you all deserve it. They got a raise. I got emails and thank yous and text messages. They listened, so it's like I felt like I was in that position and in there for a reason, so I ended up working there for, I guess, four years.

Speaker 1:

Does everybody remember when the economy took like a nosedive in like 2008 and it like shook construction to its core? Well, I was in Vegas when this happened. I started working at Malasky Pacific, which is the job I'm telling you about in 2004. And then in 2008, the whole world was shaking over this economy. That was happening and jobs were at a dead stop. I got pregnant with Trevor in 2008, which means I went through a divorce and I got together with somebody else and I got pregnant again. Fantastic. Throughout the whole thing, though, my career is going steady and strong. The president of that company took care of me. You know, it's like when the company couldn't afford to give you a Christmas bonus. He gave me a Christmas bonus out of his own pocket to make sure that I still got a Christmas bonus and, honestly, I'll never forget it and I forever compare it to places that I work.

Speaker 1:

Now, place started going under. I start going under mentally. At the same time. It was like together. You know, the world is crashing. I can't you can't get a job at the same salary you're getting, because my field is very, very specialized. I'm in construction accounting, which means I deal with lean laws. From there, the economy is dying and shifting. It's like all these construction jobs are stopping. I was pregnant at the time.

Speaker 1:

I decided it was time to get out of Vegas. I wanted to go back to Texas. Vegas didn't bring me joy anymore. I moved back to Texas, found a job pretty much right away, because Texas, yes, they were hit with the economy stuff, but they were still doing better than Vegas, like a lot better. So I got a job right away and I actually ended up getting job making more money than I was making in Vegas.

Speaker 1:

So I got a job, but it was really just like I was doing civil type work, but it was construction, so it was like highways and roads and stuff like that. But I was working for a micromanager who would like give me stuff to do and then take it back and change it. It was the strangest thing I've ever encountered. Honestly, I hated that job. She was just all into everything I was doing and nothing was right. It did not matter what I did. Nothing was right. But I wasn't gonna quit because if they were gonna lay me off. They were gonna pay me. They were gonna pay me a severance. I'm not gonna leave on my own. Even though I hated it, I was making too much money. When I say I was gonna get a severance, it wasn't out of the blue. They were letting people go because they were shrinking down. I knew it was a matter of time before I would go, so I just had to buy time. I got the severance check, whatever. Now we're in 2011.

Speaker 1:

I got a contract job. It was a two month timeframe and I'm like, well, I could use it right now while I still look. This will be a good thing because I'm in a relationship, but I am the breadwinner in the relationship and I have kids that are depending on me in this relationship, so I was constantly making sure that that money was coming in. So, like I said, it took this two month job and ended up turning into like a year and a half. Finally, my last day was coming. They threw me like a party type thing and then it was really sweet and I'm still. I actually still talked to some of those people today On my last day. Keep in mind.

Speaker 1:

I had been looking for a job for the last five months Couldn't find anything. Five months, nothing. And then randomly I get an email for a position at a roofing place and I'm like all right. So I call her and I was like I'm interested, what is it about? What's the pay? What's going on? And when I tell you that I got this email on my very last day at this company and picked up the phone and called and she said can you go down for an interview today After work? I say goodbye to this company. I go, I show up and they hire me and I was there at that job for nine and a half years. I love my job. The people there were like family, but I could do my job after nine and a half years with my eyes closed.

Speaker 1:

I knew I needed to move on to keep my brain going, like I want to challenge, like challenge me. I'm sad, you know. I'm like. You know I could stay and become a director. It's. You know that's a possibility. I'm gonna open up my LinkedIn. I'm just gonna open it up. I'm not gonna actively look, I'm just gonna dip my toe and see what's out there.

Speaker 1:

The next day I get a message from a recruiter from LinkedIn and he's like I have a job that fits your resume. Are you interested? So I respond back and I'm like I don't know how much is it. I said I am very happy. So it is gonna take me a little bit to be really interested enough to go. What do you got? He tells me and I'm like, okay, well, I need, is there a bonus structure? I was like I need to know that there's a bonus structure and what the potential is for that. You know, we start talking, we start negotiating that kind of thing. He's like they wanna interview you tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

I have an interview, goes really well, and then I leave and I go back to work. By the time I get back to work, they've offered me the job. Now I have a decision to make. Like this is what I get for freaking dip in my toe in the water. This is what I get. I have a decision to make. Do I jump and be completely and utterly uncomfortable or do I stay with the people I love, with my 28 days of PTO and grace and flexibility? What do I do? You know, it was one of the hardest things that I had ever done. It was during, it was right after COVID. So I left September of 2021. Like, I was ready to move on.

Speaker 1:

So I started working at this new place in 2021, which I am currently at. I'm telling the story with the freedom, and I know you're gonna think, oh my God, how can you tell the story? You worked there. It's okay. It's okay because I've told the CFO this story too, and I'll explain that a little bit. So I started at this job. Okay, it was scary as hell. None of the people that would be on my team because I was hired as a manager would like me. None of them. And it's because one of the people thought they were gonna get the job. I didn't know that I'm walking into resentment and problems. Okay, so I walk in there.

Speaker 1:

Then, if you've listened to my show, you know that I don't like public speaking. I'm told hey, christie, join a big, freaking virtual meeting with 30 of the RVPs and introduce yourself. And I'm like, oh my God, what? What do you want me to do? Oh my God, and tell us a little bit about yourself. Talk about anxiety. Okay, I do it. I do it. I get through it. Of course, I bring up my Dallas Cowboys. I'm like I'm in Dallas and this is what I've done. Yeah, so I got through it. I'm like, okay, this isn't so bad. Everybody's really nice to me, everybody's nice and he's like you gotta get approved from Christie for blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I'm the bad guy. Okay, because this is sales reps and this is RVPs of sales, so I'm the bad guy. County's always a bad guy. I'm like, okay, well, I got through that. Like I walked through my fear and my mindset was good. I walked through fear. And then they decide that they wanna have a regular Monday meeting every Monday. And I'm like, oh my God, and now I get to bring percentages, I get to show everybody percentages and have them ask me a million questions and Know that they don't like me. Oh joy, can't wait to do this now.

Speaker 1:

I know my anxiety starts on Sundays, like now, on Sundays. I'm like I'm gonna die. I don't want to go in, I want to call out, I hate this and they're not nice to me. Like these people are not nice to me. It's like here I get on. I'm like, hi, how's everybody doing? And then I would just get like death stares. It's like what? What is everybody? Are you guys? Do you guys drink coffee? Maybe you should drink coffee. You know, it was just, it was awful, but they were mean and they would ask these questions like, well, I don't understand why, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

I had been there, like in three weeks, you know, and they would just attack. They would attack so bad, in fact, that the CEO and partner had to come visit me and the director of accounting so they could apologize for how we were getting treated, like we would get off the phone and I would be in tears. I mean like I hate this place. I hate everything about this place. People are freaking mean and I'm thinking I left my Comfort zone for this shit. It was pissed.

Speaker 1:

And then I changed my mindset. Okay, I'm gonna give this one year because I am not gonna bail. Before I see what happens, before I see what I can actually do here and what relationships I can make. I saw it as a. I saw it as a challenge. I saw it as a challenge. I'm like it's not gonna beat me. I'm gonna beat it. I know I'm good at my job, I'm not. I'm just not gonna let it happen. The miracle happens, a freaking miracle happens. They get Acquired by another company. Oh god, here we go. Oh my god. Now there's absolutely no comfort for anyone Not just me, but everyone turns out. This ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me and the company, because the people that actually bought the company Kind of amazing. They really cared about their employees and I'm like, oh my god, is this all talk, because I ain't buying, like I ain't buying.

Speaker 1:

Then I had a meeting with the CFO and I realized that he's a lot like me, like we're similar in the way that we think he listens to my ideas. You know he he sees potential for me, like he's already said. He's like you know, as soon as Trev grows up, he's like I want you traveling and what? You going and networking and making sure that we keep our big accounts. What? Who's gonna tell him? Yeah, who's gonna tell him I don't like to network? I'm not. What is he really offers for us? Yeah, I mean, hey, if the money's good, I'll learn to network. I'll get over that.

Speaker 1:

It's just a mindset, right? That's what we're talking about. It's just a mindset. I can do it. Mindset is Truly everything it's. It's how you get from one point to the next. It's how you treat the situation. So I'm going to give you some tips on how to Get into more of a growth mindset. What is a growth mindset? Eight steps to develop one WGU.

Speaker 1:

You may have heard about a growth mindset in discussions of popular Psychology and social trends, from Ted talks to books, quizzes and seminars. There is an increasing amount of discussion about this idea. But you may be wondering what exactly is a growth mindset and can it actually help you succeed? It helped me Completely when I stopped putting up with people's crap and I realized I'm worth more, because I don't know if you know how much strength it takes to leave a job of nine and a half years, but it does. It's like a death to leave something you've known for that long Just to jump into the unknown, like having absolutely no clue and just believing enough in yourself that you're gonna land on your feet. It's hard. A growth mindset means that you thrive on Challenge and don't see failure as a way to describe yourself, but also a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. Your intelligence and talents are all susceptible to growth.

Speaker 1:

Number one Listen to the mindset voice inside of you. Internal dialogue like what if I fail or if I don't try, no one will see me fail, means you have a fixed mindset voice inside. I've heard that fixed mindset means you think this of yourself and you don't vary out of that like. This is your belief. It's important to listen to your internal mindset voice so you can truly discover what type of mindset you have. This is the first step to successfully changing your mindset. So, yeah, identify what kind of mindset you had.

Speaker 1:

I've been in a survivor mindset, which is I have to survive, I have to make it, I have to do this and right now I would say I'm in a growth mindset. But I've absolutely been in a fixed mindset before. To give you an example I Keep saying I'm bad at networking. That's a fixed mindset. There's a classic example I'm telling you I'm bad at networking, so I'm now accepting that about myself and not trying to Overcome it by going out there and networking, which would be a growth mindset. So I'm saying I'm growing, trust me, I'm growing and I will get over to the fixed mindset and fix it. Just not today. We are growing and evolving, though every day you can start in one area and work your way to the other. It doesn't have to be let me fix the whole thing right now. It's not possible. It's it's so not possible. And I'm the example, okay.

Speaker 1:

Number two Recognize that you have a choice. You understand the mindset voice inside of you is telling you not to try to protect yourself from failure. Now the choice is up to you. Will you listen to the voice? That can only be up to you. I'm I'm a terrible cook. I am not good at cooking. How do you know? Is it because you've tried and you sucked at it? Okay, what'd you do about it? Like did did you just start to buy fast food every day? Or did you Get recipe books and test yourself and try? I can tell you I'm a terrible cook. Okay, this is a fixed mindset that I don't mind having because I hate it. I'll definitely be the grandma that buys the whole dinner and then hides the packaging and then just puts it on the table. That's me. I own it.

Speaker 1:

Number three talk back with a growth mindset voice Instead of falling for the mixed mindset voice. Talk back to your internal dialogue with a new mindset. Say things like I'm not sure I can do it, but it will be worth it to try, or if I don't try it all, it is a failure. This new voice will help you drown out the fixed mindset voice that is crowding your thoughts and ambition. I agree, that's something that I definitely do. I talk to myself and when I know that it's uncomfortable and it feels really bad, I have to tell myself that it's not going to feel like that always. I have to walk through it. I have to do it.

Speaker 1:

Those virtual meetings at this job they sucked every bit of energy. I had to do them. I hated them. But I woke up on Monday morning and said it's not going to be all day, it's going to be one hour of my day and then I can turn off my camera. So what? That I'm the first speaker. That's a good thing, because I can get it over with and then turn my camera off and listen to everybody else. But I had to find a way to be okay with being on the camera in front of everybody giving numbers and percentages that they could shoot holes in. I had to be okay with that. I practice that every morning by saying it's only going to be an hour and then you're done and then you can breathe the rest of the week. It's only an hour and that's how I got through it. I was training myself to deal with it because I had to.

Speaker 1:

What was my alternative Quit, run away. No, I wasn't going to do that. I have family sport. What are you going to do that? Number four practice. I like this one.

Speaker 1:

Put yourself in situations that are challenging to help you practice your new voice, with new challenges around every corner. There's many opportunities to thrive from setbacks and trials. Yeah, I mean that's all you can do, right? I think there's more strength in actually doing something, where you have a choice and you choose the harder route. I think that's braver than me talking to myself to get through these virtual meetings. I think my braver choice was when I left my job of nine and a half years, because I had a choice I could stay comfortable, it could keep my 28 days of PTO, and my choice was not to do that. My choice was to grow and get uncomfortable. So I would say practice Like I'm doing with the podcast. Practice every day and keep getting better, but be okay with when you suck. I think that's the win there is. Be okay when you suck because you will, as long as you know you're going to suck. All you can do is get better and when you do, it's so rewarding. It's so rewarding. I find it so cool when I'm editing and then I discover something new, I'm like, oh, I can put that in there. How cool is that, you know? And it's like I just got a little better. I just got a little better because, ultimately, I don't want to be an accounting. I don't. I have no, no desire. I want to do this.

Speaker 1:

Five find outside help. Cultivating a growth mindset isn't something that can be done alone. You'll need outside help to help offer encouragement and advice, and this is where they try to sell you on their program and their mentors. So I'm going to skip that. I think talking to your friends or your family about what you're thinking about doing and maybe weighing the pros and cons is not a bad thing. That's actually a really good thing to do. To sit down and write your cons out, your pros and cons, helps you make a decision. Is this the right decision? And once you decide it is the right decision, then you start the process. Then you're ready. It's forgiving status. I'm going to make mistakes, but I am going to kick its ass. Status Once you make that decision. Green light.

Speaker 1:

Number six stop seeking approval from others. While you need outside help, you also need to stop worrying about the approval of others, comparing yourself to others, focusing on how you look to others and hiding failures are hindering you from developing a growth mindset and finding success. Keep focusing on yourself and how you can grow and stop worrying if others are looking at your progress. Chances are. Nobody is, that's a big one. It's like you think everybody's looking at you, making fun of you, thinking you're just not it, not it, nobody really is. Nobody really is. And if they are and they think what you're doing is terrible, how long you think they're gonna watch? Not very long. So, honestly, they may see you right out the gate and see that you're not that good and then tune you out. Good, good bye, bye. They're not your cheerleaders, they're not your support team, they're not your tribe Bye. Don't worry about what they think. Okay, don't, you're doing good, You're doing good.

Speaker 1:

Number seven replace the word failing with learning. Okay, yeah, I say fail a lot. I could definitely change that to learning. You could do that. Let's read it. As you come to recognize that failing is just a new way of learning, you'll stop being so afraid of it. By embracing failure as an opportunity to continue learning and growing, you'll be on your way to understanding what a growth mindset is really all about. I agree with that. There's not much to add there. It's kind of complete by itself. Failing is learning. Replace the word with learning and it'll make you feel better.

Speaker 1:

Number eight take growth mindset action. You need to follow through on the actions your new mindset voice tells you to take on. Sometimes you may not succeed, but that's okay. As you practice talking to yourself with a growth mindset and follow through on the actions, you'll cultivate the mindset of growth. Yeah, and I wanna just add right here that here it tells you the growth mindset versus fixed mindset. I feel like I gave you a really good idea of that, what it was, earlier, so I'm not gonna read through it, but I really hope, if you're to take anything from this and God, I ramble the editing I have just created for myself is unreal, like unreal, because it's here and it was here and it was here. You're not gonna hear that, though You're gonna think I am in complete alignment with my thought process, which I am not. So I'm here to give you the background. I am not. The editing is where I really shine.

Speaker 1:

I would like for you to take from this that it's okay to be uncomfortable. It's okay to think you're not good at something, although that's considered a fixed mindset. You can jump all over that and make a growth mindset by just practicing and doing it over and over and over again. It's pretty amazing, I can tell you. Right now I'm living in growth mindset. I'm living here and, honestly, I love it. I love everything about it. It is so much better than being in survival mindset, which is where I have been for a feel like a million years, and I'm finally able to be in alignment and be uncomfortable and be okay with it. So I hope you join me on that.

Speaker 1:

If you feel like you're in a growth mindset, you have to put it in the comments. I want to know who's growing with me, who's with me. If you're in a fixed mindset, that's okay because we can move into the growth mindset. It's not fixed. It's not fixed Even though it's called fixed mindset. It's not fixed because you could move to growth. So let me know which mindset you're in and I promise you this will not be the last time we talk about mindset because, honestly, that's how I live my life. That is where I'm at. Maybe next time we'll talk about survival mindset. I just needed to be a little bit more positive today. I needed that in my life. You know it's important for me to stay in the headspace that I am in, because then I'm a little bit more genuine with you. If I line with my headspace, I'm in a grateful headspace right now, so thank you for being here.

Speaker 1:

Please put in the comments how you like the show, what mindset you're in, click, like and subscribe the little plus sign at the top and come back and hang out with me at the premiere. On YouTube they are 730 Central Standard Time and 830 East Coast Time and it's basically we're just watching together. There's a chat box that opens up and we can talk about the episode. I will see you next Monday or Sunday at the premiere. Talk to you then. Love you, miss you Bye. L-u-m-u-v Podcast Love you, miss you Bye has been brought to you by Kristi Chanel LLC, but if you're looking for more information or want to follow us on social media, go check out KristiChanelcom. All the podcasts are streamed there and the YouTube episodes are there, so why not? You can also listen. We're all podcasts are streamed. This includes Apple Podcasts and Spotify. And lastly, thank you to you. You, yeah, you the one that's listening or watching. I appreciate you so much, love you, miss you, bye.

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