Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson
Gut, biotypes & nature. The missing link in all tests, protocols, and diets.  This is why most of them do not give you results. 
All the practitioners who test, supplement and put you on diets will have clients who get worse or have no results at all. This includes all the current holistic autism practitioners.

Protocols like SCD, Low Oxalate, Medical Medium, Feingold, Heavy Metal Detox, fish oil, methylated B, oxygen therapy, behavioral therapy and ALL interventions named after Doctors.
 If you have ever run gene, blood, saliva and urine tests and spent money on supplements without significant results, this podcast is for you.
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Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready...

1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles.

2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers.

3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.