King’s Perspective

King's Perspective: Cinematic Laughs and Thrills, Musical Beats, and Gaming Highs

January 22, 2024 Kingchyll Season 1 Episode 5
King's Perspective: Cinematic Laughs and Thrills, Musical Beats, and Gaming Highs
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King’s Perspective
King's Perspective: Cinematic Laughs and Thrills, Musical Beats, and Gaming Highs
Jan 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5

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Get ready to buckle up for a rollicking ride through the annals of comedy and action films with yours truly, King Chill, on the latest episode of the King's Perspective. We're talking about movies that made you spit out your popcorn in laughter and grip the edge of your seat in excitement. From dissecting the slapstick genius of "Airplane!" to debating the Christmas credentials of "Die Hard", I’ve got you covered with insightful anecdotes and a fresh take on the classics, as well as the latest hits like "Mad Max: Fury Road". Expect a deep dive into the laugh riots of "The Hangover" and "Bridesmaids" paired with my personal spin on their societal impact. It's an unfiltered journey into the films that shape our laughs, our thrills, and our very culture.

But wait, there's more! The beat doesn't stop there as we segue into the soul-stirring world of music-infused cinema and the local Oregon music scene. Feel the raw emotion of "The Five Heartbeats" and the iconic grooves of "Purple Rain", with a side trip to the enchanting melody of "Encanto". I'm also shining a spotlight on homegrown talents like Elliott Smith and Esperanza Spalding, whose tunes have left a permanent mark on our playlists. Plus, we're leveling up the conversation to tackle the evolving complexity of video games and the hunt for that defining next-gen console masterpiece. Whether you're a die-hard gamer or just love a good story, this episode is your all-access pass to entertainment enlightenment. So plug in, amp up, and join the conversation because this is one episode you won't want to miss. Peace out.

King’s Perspective Intro

King’s Perspective Outro

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Get ready to buckle up for a rollicking ride through the annals of comedy and action films with yours truly, King Chill, on the latest episode of the King's Perspective. We're talking about movies that made you spit out your popcorn in laughter and grip the edge of your seat in excitement. From dissecting the slapstick genius of "Airplane!" to debating the Christmas credentials of "Die Hard", I’ve got you covered with insightful anecdotes and a fresh take on the classics, as well as the latest hits like "Mad Max: Fury Road". Expect a deep dive into the laugh riots of "The Hangover" and "Bridesmaids" paired with my personal spin on their societal impact. It's an unfiltered journey into the films that shape our laughs, our thrills, and our very culture.

But wait, there's more! The beat doesn't stop there as we segue into the soul-stirring world of music-infused cinema and the local Oregon music scene. Feel the raw emotion of "The Five Heartbeats" and the iconic grooves of "Purple Rain", with a side trip to the enchanting melody of "Encanto". I'm also shining a spotlight on homegrown talents like Elliott Smith and Esperanza Spalding, whose tunes have left a permanent mark on our playlists. Plus, we're leveling up the conversation to tackle the evolving complexity of video games and the hunt for that defining next-gen console masterpiece. Whether you're a die-hard gamer or just love a good story, this episode is your all-access pass to entertainment enlightenment. So plug in, amp up, and join the conversation because this is one episode you won't want to miss. Peace out.

King’s Perspective Intro

King’s Perspective Outro

Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome back to the King's Perspective with King Chill, where I talk all things in pop culture film, music, television, sports and video games. Episode 5,. Shall we begin? Yes, shall we? So, according to IMDB, here are some of the essential comedy and action films One Airplane from 1980s, a classic parody film that pokes fun at disaster movies.

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The Hangover from 2009,. A hilarious comedy about a group of friends who wake up in Las Vegas with no memory of the previous night. And, if I believe correctly on this one here, the first hangover had the cameo from Mike Tyson with the Mike Tyson knockout punch. Very classic. Bridesmaid from 2011, a comedy about a group of bridesmaids who are trying to help their friend prepare for her wedding. I felt like Bridesmaid was a great film and this is not a take away from Bridesmaids but it felt like the way that it came out roughly two years after Hangover, that it was essentially the same, just situation was different and genders were different. But again, great film. It just. Sometimes you can see a film from a mile away and see like, oh, this premise plays out the same way as the previous film. That was like five, seven years ago. Let's see what we have next here. Grand Budapest Hotel, a quirky comedy about a hotel concierge and his adventures. I've seen trailers for that film but I have not watched it yet. I hear it's a classic, something that should be watched. So maybe I will get around to that before the years over and try to watch this film, the 40 year old version from 2005,.

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A comedy about a man who has never had sex and his friend's attempt to help him lose his virginity. The Star is Steve Carell. That's one film that was very interesting, very entertaining. I saw it at the time on DVD after it released and I would say for the most part it was movie theater quality to go pay your ticket. One scene in particular that stands out to me for the most part, and I'm probably going to butcher his name, but it's a scene in 40 year old virgin where he works at a electronics store. That's kind of like, oh man, they don't have them anymore, but it's like a smart city, I believe, and electronics. So Kevin Hart comes in and he's looking to get a refund and he's hassling and giving Steve Carell's character a hard time and then walks in I believe his name is Romy Malcolm yes, character and essentially Kevin Hart and Romy Malcolm's character are basically having the standoff. It gets real ignorant, as I'll say the best way to put it, and they're going back and forth, trading verbal tirades and insults, before Kevin Hart's character concedes. But that scene alone is a classic, which makes the film a classic, just the way that tirade and back and forth between those two. The funny thing is, I believe no, romy didn't appear in Real Husbands of Hollywood of Kevin Hart's show, not as a regular, but I think he appeared a couple of times as a special guest, a reoccurring role. So from that film those two continued to do some work which when they did do work, it was great.

Speaker 1:

Now onto the action essentials Die Hard for 1988, a classic action movie about a cop who tries to save hostages from terrorists in a high-rise building. Okay, I don't mean to laugh because I'm pretty sure that's happened before in real life, but it's just the way the film premise was set up. You wouldn't think it was believable for John McClain to get through everything that he did, but he did. The other thing is, when I laugh and I think about this film is it's it came out in the summer, but the funny thing is the film itself was during Christmas, or a setting was Christmas. So you've got a film shot somewhere between May, june or July and then the film itself when you're seeing it I wasn't saying real time, but just seeing it it's set during Christmas in LA. So the big debate about that film is always is it considered a Christmas film? Well, if there are themes of Christmas within that film, then I would say yes. So at that point I guess you can put that on your Christmas list of films to watch.

Speaker 1:

Terminator 2, judgment Day 1991, a science fiction movie about a cyborg sent back in time to protect a young boy from more advanced cyborgs. All I can remember for the most part is just watching that and seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger's character chasing down some liquid cyborg, which blew my mind at the time. And then the classic scene I believe, yeah, in this one here where the semi truck was chasing John under the bridge in LA. Classic scene as well, but that film and it just oof. And then I think the other part that blew my mind, that freaked me out, was when I think Sarah John's mother had some dream and envisioned that cyborgs had took over and they detonated a bomb and it blew up majority of the world and then you just see her trying to escape, running to a fence but couldn't get over fast enough and then the flame just basically shockwave of a flame just blows over her and she's just standing at the fence, still shaking it as a skeleton. I was like yo at that point in time.

Speaker 1:

I was freaked out as a kid seeing that the Matrix from 1999, a science fiction movie about a computer hacker who discovers that the world is simulated reality, controlled by machines I mean, isn't that kind of what we're living in right now? The Matrix everybody says, get off the Matrix, get off the grid. But now when the film came out, it kind of turned the world on its head and saw what films can bring and what they can envision with creativity. But the Matrix the first one was the greatest in my opinion Mad Max Fury Road from 2015,.

Speaker 1:

A post-apocalyptic action movie about a woman who rebels against a ruler in a desert wasteland. So this is a prequel to Mad Max with Mel Gibson in the late 70s 80s. I did watch it, but I just I watch a lot of post-apocalyptic films, but this one just didn't do it for me. The best way to put it, it just didn't. I really try to watch it, really try to get into it. Tom Hardy was in it, charlize Theron was in it as well, so two great actors, but behind the scenes what you saw on screen, with great chemistry behind the scenes, was not from what I've heard, but just overall I just could not get into that film.

Speaker 1:

And then lastly here John Wick from 2014,. An action movie about a retired hitman who seeks vengeance against the people who killed his dog. I can imagine there's probably a real-world John Wick really running around here where his dog probably got maimed or killed, either purposely or by accident, and now he's seeking revenge because that was his partner. I would not be surprised, honestly, if this film was derived from true inspiration of somebody really doing it. Did he go on a killing tirade or spree? Probably not, but probably did seek vengeance against somebody or she. No talent, but I would not be surprised.

Speaker 1:

Most popular films people are watching right now Saltmur A the Botched Tale of Privilege and Desire, directed by Emeril Finnell, star Spirri Kogan, jacob Arlotti and Richard E Grant. It has a 71% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Nightzman American Supernatural horror film directed by Bryce McGuire, starring Wyatt Russell, keri Condon. It currently has a 25% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Four things Science, fantasy Black Comedy film directed by Yorgos Lanthams and written by Tony McNamere. Stars in the Stone Mark Ruffalo, william Defoe, rami Yusef, christopher Abbott and Jared Carmichael. It currently has a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I believe on the Golden Globes I just won the Golden Globe for this film, so something to check out Now. I did some research and I was just scouring the internet and I saw that there's a list of titles from the beginning of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, 2010's till now, replay volume. I'm going to go ahead and list these off here for you.

Speaker 1:

One of my all time favorites House Guest, this American comedy starring Symbad and Phil Hartman. The movie follows Kevin Franklin and inner city Pittsburgh native who poses as Derek Bond, childhood friend of Gary Young, to escape loan sharks. If you haven't seen it, I don't want to give too much away about it. But essentially, just from that synopsis, that's how it is in the film. But SinBeds presence on film, comedic timing, even the scene on the train tracks where he is trying to give the birds and bees talk to a young man, but comparing it to McDonald's was funny. So I would definitely say it does have great replay value and it should be a film that should be checked out Pretty woman in American romantic comedy.

Speaker 1:

The film stars Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. The story centers around a Hollywood escort, a Vivian Ward, and a wealthy businessman, edward Lewis. I don't think you can go anywhere where no one's talked about pretty woman. I think they deem it at least Julia Roberts Best work and her breakout role. For Richard Gere I don't believe this particular film was. I'm probably going to get this film wrong, but if I remember correctly, I think it's an officer and a gentleman. For Richard Gere, this is what most people hang their hat on for him.

Speaker 1:

Lethal weapon, an American buddy cop action comedy with a pair of mismatched LAPD to Texas Martin Riggs, a former Green Beret who's become suicidal after the death of his wife, and a veteran officer and family man, richard. Oh, no, not Richard, sorry, roger Murtagh, I don't know why I want to say Richard, but we, I've seen them all. I've seen all the lethal weapons. Which one can I say is my favorite? Only because I think. I think it would have to be two and only because the shenanigans that were going on there in Lethal Weapon 2 and I believe it was Lethal Weapon 2 with the dignitaries that came over to LA and it was at the very end. Well, no, it wasn't so much at the very end, it was throughout the whole movie. Those dignitaries kept abusing their diplomatic immunity for certain things, and there's things they can get away with that we had to abide by. So it wasn't until the very end that Murtagh basically shot the dignitary as he's holding up a badge, I believe, or he just yelled out diplomatic immunity, right, and then Murtagh shoots him and says it's just been revoked. But that was funny. I don't know why it just was so. So, like I said, throughout the film, there's a lot going on in that one, but I would probably say for me, that's that's my best one to watch.

Speaker 1:

Poet Justice is an American romantic drama film starring Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur. The film follows Justice, a poet mourning the loss of her boyfriend from gun violence, who goes on a road trip from South Central LA to Oakland, had a mail trip, along with her friend and the postal worker postal workers Tupac and his friend and her friend meaning Justice. Her friend is Regina King. I've seen the film probably a dozen times and I would say it's not bad. I would definitely say for for Janet Jackson I can't remember if it was her first film or not, but let's just say maybe it's her second For her acting, for what was called on her to do was great for Tupac, a rapper at that point in time, but he was branching out of just being deemed a rapper and more of a entertainer and her great acting skills at that point in time. Any takeaways from that film? Any memorable moments? Probably the family reunion that they crashed and from the long road trip. They just happened to stumble across the park that they were making a stop at and there's a family there that they opposed as family members to get food and was saying cousin, during that time and they were asking the family reunion members what part of the family they belong to and they couldn't really figure out who. But the one questioning at the time kind of just let it go and they went ahead and proceeded to grab food and continued on their journey.

Speaker 1:

Rush Hour American Buddy Action comedy film starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. The film follows a Hong Kong chief inspector Lee, and LA detective James Carter as a team, as a team, up to rescue a daughter of a Chinese diplomat who has been kidnapped in Los Angeles. Seeing, there we go again with the diplomats. But no, this film was actually good. For the first time seeing Jackie Chan in a role that wasn't solely non talking and just action, with his stunts and kicks and flips, we got a little bit more personality from Jackie. And then seeing Chris Tucker at that time coming off the fame of Friday and I think, fifth element as well, and to this one to kind of see oh okay, well, it's Chris Tucker, what's he going to bring to this film now? What's he going to do next? And he delivered. So I think for me, always the first Rush Hour is always a great because of the introduction, the chemistry, and then you know other films after that, just kind of build on it. Rush Hour two was great, rush Hour three, and now they're coming out with a four. So we'll see. Maybe it's every other film for the most part so well, not even that, because, like I said, one was good, two was good, the third not so much. So let's hope that this fourth one is actually decent.

Speaker 1:

Naked Gun, an American crime comedy film starring Leslie Nielsen. The film follows Detective Drebben as he tries to solve a case involving a kidnapping of Officer Nordberg and the assassination of Queen Elizabeth II. It's sad for me because I didn't discover Leslie Nielsen until about the late 90s, as you know. His career was still going, but not quite as heavy as it was prior to. And those Naked Gun films, man, they're, they're true gems. Even his work that he's done after that, with his comedic performances and timing are great as well. So I would definitely recommend that one. Let's see here.

Speaker 1:

Five Heartbeats is an American musical film that follows three decade career of rhythm and blues vocal group, the Five Heartbeats, which is loosely based on the lives of several artists, including the Dells Temptations, four Tops, wilson Pickett, james Brown, frankie Lyman, sam Cook, written, produced and, I believe, directed by Robert Townsend. Stars, leon trying to see. Is there anybody else in there? I mean, I can name some of this one. I'm just Diane Carroll as well. This was a gym growing up watching this. It's definitely a staple in the black community. You can't ask anybody anywhere if they've seen Five Heartbeats and they've not seen it. Give one. I know giving the stories probably going like oh man, you like a drama or trauma scenes, but it's.

Speaker 1:

There's a particular scene in this film. Now picture with me Late evening in New York City. The Five Heartbeats had just checked into their hotel and you have a disgruntled artist going to said manager that also manages the Five Heartbeats, um is asking about his royalties and books. Well, said manager is in a meeting, speaking to his investors and saying, hey, not, right now Can't talk to you. I'm in a. I'm in a business meeting. Said, uh, artists is still pushing the issue, still wanting to see where his money's at. Essentially, managers like, hey, you know, my office hours are from nine to five, so, you know, go on. You know, hey, I'm busy right now. And the artist basically was like nah, forget that, you don't see me now. Then at that point the manager's just like, okay, hey, you know what guys, you know what, I'm going to catch up with you guys later.

Speaker 1:

Then, as those guys are walking away, he turns around, bag, slaps the artists and then a uh, the worst beating I've seen on TV, uh, pursued, uh, that I've ever witnessed, uh, and it's the manager beating up the disgruntled artist and his bodyguards. They're taking them through pretty much every hotel room. So they get to one final hotel room and they said take him to the balcony. And as a kid I'm like what? Take him to the balcony. What does that mean? Oh, they take him to the balcony and this artist understands what that means. So he's holding on for dear life the awning or opening of the uh balcony door, uh, and he ends up slapping his hands away, tossing them almost over the railing of the balcony. Uh, but it was just more of a intimidation or fear factor that he was putting into the artist. So he pulls them back up and as that artist is whimpering, crying, it's not coming out his face, tears coming down, the manager takes his finger like a gun and points it to his head and says my office hours are from. Then the artist kind of looks over sheepishly and recites nine to five, five heartbeats. Though, besides that scene from big red, who's the manager?

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Classic film, so definitely, uh, if you haven't seen it, definitely check it out. Uh, purple rain, an American rock musical drama scored and starring Prince and his acting debut. The film follows the story of a young musician, kid the kid, sorry who was struggling to make it big in Minneapolis music scene while dealing with his abusive home life. Um, it's loosely based on Prince's life, from what I've heard. So it's not full 100%, there's some liberties taken in there. But um, uh, the film, the film, the album which is like a soundtrack to the film classic. So, um, if you haven't checked out the film or you're not a prince, uh, art, uh, I can't even get out. If you're not a Prince fan, you're kind of on the fence, as I was, but when I did sit down and watch purple rain, I can see why. Um, the film has been acclaimed and he as an artist as well.

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In canto, an American animated musical fantasy film that follows the Madrigal family, a multi-generational Colombian family led by the matriarch, whose children and grandchildren receive magical gifts from a miracle which they use to help people in their community called in canto. See, I didn't know that that community lived in was called in canto. Um, I thought that was just. You know, the film was just caught in canto, just to be caught in canto, but now, after watching it several times, you know it made sense. But, um, it's a great Disney Pixar film. Um, the.

Speaker 1:

The main takeaway from that film is we don't talk about Bruno. Um, you couldn't go on anywhere at that particular time. Um, at that time when that film was out, not hearing about that song, all right. So we're going to switch over to music and, as promised, I'm giving you more artists from a certain designated state, and this time it's Oregon. So we have Elliot Smith. He is often compared to the likes of Nick Drake and the Beatles. Smith's unique fusion of indie rock and folk helped redefine Portland's music scene during the 1990s.

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Some of the most popular songs included Miss Misery Between the Bars and Waltz number two. Um, this one's shocking to hear. I had no idea, uh, about this artist here, but Esperanza Spalding, a Grammy award winning singer and songwriter known for her unique blend of jazz, r&b and soul music, was born in Portland, oregon. Um, if I remember correctly, for one of her jazz albums she was either nominated or won a Grammy within the last two, three years. Um, the Decemberist and indie rock band from Portland, oregon known for their eclectic and eclectic reference references sorry, uh to Oregon and their songs. They sing about downtown Portland, more specifically the Portland Transit Mall in their song on the bus mall. So those are the well known artists from Oregon. So, um, if you're familiar with those artists and knew that they lived in Oregon, great. If not, this your first time hearing that, great as well.

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News to me Uh, billboard, what's happening? Uh, lil Nas X has released a new single called J Christ and the music video features him dunking on Satan. So I want to say is about a year and a half ago, he did a song and created a video where he was uh, being um, wooed by Satan and then also giving Satan a lap dance. Now, this time it's the inverse, where he's basically shaming the devil. Sweetest DJ and music producer, alasso, is set to perform at the Michelobo ultra Super Bowl party, along with little Wayne and T pain. So the resurgence of little Wayne and T pain at a Super Bowl party. It's going to be classic when those two get together. They have great chemistry and make great music.

Speaker 1:

Zane, formerly of One Direction, has collaborated with Pakistani group or on a remix called to ha con. Um, this one's interesting. I don't know who asked for this, but the Pentagon felt the need to come out and, um, this proved. This says a Pentagon has denied Fox news conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is a political asset. Um, sure, okay, pentagon, if that's what you, if that's what you want to run with, that's how you want to end that? Sure, sure, she's not a political asset. Sure, okay, uh.

Speaker 1:

Travis Scott's new song, topia twins, featuring Rob 49 and 21 savage, has been viewed over 2.1 million times on YouTube in just two days. Big numbers. Spotify playlist entitled today's top hits Ari, ariana Grande and the song called and yes, jack Harlow, loving on me, take McRae, greedy, doja cat, paint the town red. Taylor Swift, cruel swammer, no a con stick season. Olivia Rodrigo, vampire, kenya grace strangers, little Nas X, again for a J Christ Tyler water song is blowing up. Can't go nowhere without hearing water. They even have a remix with Travis Scott Drake, rich baby daddy. That's mainly being played on your Snapchat for people who want to use it for background music or a theme, but that's on Splowing Up as well.

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The Weeknd, one of the girls SZA Snooze, doja Cat, agora Hills, sabrina Carpenter, feather Mizuki, my Love, mine, all Mine. Billie Eilish sorry what I Was Made For. Teddy Swims Lose Control. Doa Lupa, dance the Night Away and I believe that's from the Barbie soundtrack and JID or JID Surround Sound, which, when they are doing this challenge I believe I don't know what it's called at the moment, but I know what they're doing is essentially they're taking their phone and hanging it or taping it to the ceiling and they're twerking to the song Surround Sound. So where the song was released previously, it might have not got big recognition, but it found a new life on TikTok being used, this song being used during these twerk sessions.

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Newly released 21 Savage, third solo album, american Dream. The album is also a soundtrack to his debut film, american Dream, the 21 Savage story, which reflects his journey to success and long struggle with his immigration status. The opening week numbers for the album is currently projected between 130,000 and 150,000, which would be the first number one debut album for 2024. He actually released a trailer showing some of the film with the music playing and everybody was like oh, what is this? What is this? What's going on here with this? They quite didn't understand. But as a further follow-up happened, we realized that this is essentially an album. That's like soundtrack being released first and then the album second. If I remember, doing some research, I believe it's being released sometime, I think on July 21st. It kind of coincided with 21 Savage or 21,. So go figure On the television.

Speaker 1:

Current trending TV shows echo slow building series with fresh narrative elements and hard hitting action. I've watched three episodes so far and I've had my interest and curiosity. I just gotta get around to finishing it. Percy Jackson and the Olympians a loving, realized Odyssey through adolescence and myth. From what I've done research and from what I've heard from others, it's a great series to watch. So if you're on the fence about watching the Percy Jackson, check it out. You won't be disappointed.

Speaker 1:

Reacher a rock'em, sock'em and pulp with a sly wink Well, I've talked about Reacher at Ozzy and it keeps making this list because it's a very good TV series show. Fargo, a superb return to peak form. Slow horses, a spy thriller with a great cast, now popular upcoming TV shows for 2024,. House of Dragons 2, a fantasy series based on George RR Martin's book Fire and Blood. Avatar, the Lesson Airbender, a live action adaptation of the animated series. The Sympathizer, a spy thriller series based on the Pulitzer Prize novel by Viet Thiem Nguyen sorry I might have butchered his name. Masters of Air, a war drama series set during World War II. Stranger Things, season five, a science fiction horror series set in the 1980s. I've never been into Stranger Things.

Speaker 1:

I've watched maybe two episodes of season one and it was just kinda like eh, it's just okay. Same with House of Dragons. I try to watch it. I think I got up to three episodes and it was just like ooh okay, it just had a slow buildup. That's just what it was. I think that's the problem. So I'm willing to give it a chance again, but I need to go back and watch season one before I even try to dip into season two. Here On to sports, antonio Pierce, the interim head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders, is acting like he's got the head coaching job.

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What that essentially means is he got them to a winning record when he took over as head coach and I think the organization likes what they see in him thus far. So they're willing to go ahead and talk cash, talk money with him about a contract and for over how many years, and let him have his creative control over the organization, at least when it comes to coaching on the field. On to our playoff games. The Detroit Lions defeated the Los Angeles Rams in the NFC Wild Card game which, if you remember listening to last episode, I pretty much told you that was gonna happen because defense wins championships. Green Bay Packers defeat the Dallas Cowboys in the NFC Wild Card game. I didn't see that happening, but it's to be expected it's the Cowboys. With that being said, I denounced all things Cowboys.

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Next season I will be a follower of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Buffalo Bills defeated them Pittsburgh's dealers in the AFC Wildcard game. It was a close game. Pittsburgh really showed more grit and heart than Dallas did. I really thought they had a chance of coming back and beating the Bills. Kansas City of Chiefs defeated the Miami Dolphins in the AFC Wildcard game. It was a blowout. Dolphins didn't stand a chance. And then this game shocked me, but I did call this as an upset. I said Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFC Wildcard game. I think the most points that Philadelphia put up was 9 to Tampa Bay's 31. But now Tampa Bay's got to go up against the Detroit Lions and that's not going to be an easy feat.

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On to the NBA here. Your top 5 NBA MVP leaders are Joel Embiid from Philadelphia, nikola Jokic from Denver, shay Gildris Alexander from OKC, thunder Luca the Don Dantige sorry I had to add that on from Dallas, and then Yanis Antitokopo from Milwaukee Bucks. Now, interesting tidbit here I wanted to share. The NBA has played on Martin Luther King Day for the past 37 years, which I had no idea, but that was very interesting. So I want to share a tidbit about that here for you, about a player and team. And it says, the best individual performance on MLK Day was by Damian Liller for the most points ever scored on MLK Day, when he scored then a career best, 61 points, and the Blazers 129 to 124 overtime win against the Golden State Warriors in 2020. And then, essentially, the team that's played the most games on Martin Luther King Day is the New York Knicks. Have been on schedule all 37 years that the NBA has observed MLK Day and the streak continues in 2024 as the Knicks host the Orlando Magic on MLK Day, which they did. Charlotte Hornets point guard Lamello Ball dazzled in his return from a six week absence, finishing with 28.5 assist, five steals in his first game since springing his ankle in November 26. Giannis and to the cupola leads the way and overall voting with more than 3.4 million votes, while LeBron James has nearly 3.1 million votes in the second All Star voting returns. So I'll start weekend where this is January. So all star weekend is getting ready to happen in February. It's like usually middle of February. So you're looking at, I don't think they're going to do the captains anymore, but what they're doing is letting the public meeting the fans, reporters and some of the owners vote on who's popular and who gets put where, coming out of the east and the west.

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Lastly, here, video games Says video game developers have a financial incentive to make infinitive games much harder to stop playing. Switching to infinite games can help people gain control over their lives Time spent with video games. So essentially what they're saying is these video game developers are making games so complex. It's making the consumer or user spend more time on the video game, and that's on purpose. But it looks like people are coming out against that and saying, hey, we just want a casual video game that we can play, pick up, without having to spend way too much time of our lives dedicated to this console. You know, people have work lives, family lives or just overall lives, and to be dedicating that much time to a video game can be a bit ridiculous. I can even agree with that. I like video games as a way to relax, but not as a part time or full time job.

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Lastly, here it says many college football fans remember NCAA football video games that dominated the early to mid 2000s. The reason why that's being brought up here is that NCAA football is coming back this year. We don't know what the date will be, but everybody is excited and geeked up about it. I wouldn't say I am so much, but I do kind of like that coming back, and you know you have different genres of football being played. I think with this one here, I definitely will give it a look and see how it plays and feels. I don't really have a college, so that's what's going to be really damning when playing that game. You really have to have a college football team that you're interested or invested in. So I'm not really sure I'm going to probably get some fillers or get some suggestions on who I should be playing with when the game drops. They're looking at it, probably, if I were to take a guess, somewhere between the summer or fall of this year.

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But the rise of next gen consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series, excitement for a new game looms on the horizon. So essentially they're still looking for that one defining game that defines the PlayStation 5 or Xbox consoles Like Last of Us. For the most part defines the PS3, ps4, ps5 console. Well, ps4, I already said PS3 and PS4 console it defines Sony's brand. Now, far as Xbox, you got a series like Rome Halo. When you think of Xbox, you always think of Halo. It's always define the Xbox console. They usually always have a Halo for every time they release a new console For our Sony goes, it looks like Last of Us, uncharted, let's see what else. Another exclusive would be God of War. So titles like that. They're still looking for something that's completely new, brand new for both consoles. To define the console that says, yes, this is what made the PS5, or this is what made the Xbox S or Xbox X, so that's what they're looking for here. When they say that Alright, well, that has been my time here for the King's Perspective.

Speaker 1:

I am KingChill and this is episode 5 down in the books. If you enjoyed what you heard here, like subscribe, comment, share, share with a friend, share with a family member. Other than that, this has been my time, peace.

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