King’s Perspective

King's Perspective: Unveiling Film Gems, Sporting Legends, and Gaming Evolution

March 04, 2024 Kingchyll Season 1 Episode 11
King's Perspective: Unveiling Film Gems, Sporting Legends, and Gaming Evolution
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King’s Perspective
King's Perspective: Unveiling Film Gems, Sporting Legends, and Gaming Evolution
Mar 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11

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Step into the realm of King Chyll's Perspective, where the boundaries of pop culture and sports collide in a symphony of deep dives and candid discussions. This week, we're unpacking the cinematic world from the enigmatic "Madam Webb" to the culturally pivotal "One Love" biopic of Bob Marley. Hear my unfiltered takes on these films, as well as others like "Beekeeper" and "The Book of Clarence," and discover why the eerie "Imaginary" and the franchise capper "Kung Fu Panda 4" are stirring up conversations. We'll navigate the controversies, champion the underappreciated, and spotlight upcoming screen gems poised to ignite your passion for film.

When it comes to sports, the tides are ever-shifting, and I'm here to chart their course. Marvel at the strategic artistry behind MLB pitcher rotations and join me in celebrating Jenny Cavnar's historic voice in sports broadcasting. Witness the rise of future stars like Paul Skenes and Jackson Holiday, while taking stock of the seasoned prowess of NBA legends and up-and-comers alike. It's a tapestry of triumphs, milestones, and the unyielding spirit of competition that paints the landscape of our beloved games, from the baseball diamond to the basketball court.

In the electric universe of gaming, change is the only constant. Find out why whispers about Nintendo's Switch 2 console have fans in a frenzy, and join me in honoring the end of an era as Charles Martinet—voice of Mario—says farewell. Plus, we'll peek behind the curtain of Microsoft's strategic moves in the gaming sphere and share an inspiring tale of a young Tetris master's historic win. For those who live and breathe pixels and high scores, this episode is a treasure trove of industry updates and insights that no gamer should miss.

King’s Perspective Intro

King’s Perspective Outro

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Step into the realm of King Chyll's Perspective, where the boundaries of pop culture and sports collide in a symphony of deep dives and candid discussions. This week, we're unpacking the cinematic world from the enigmatic "Madam Webb" to the culturally pivotal "One Love" biopic of Bob Marley. Hear my unfiltered takes on these films, as well as others like "Beekeeper" and "The Book of Clarence," and discover why the eerie "Imaginary" and the franchise capper "Kung Fu Panda 4" are stirring up conversations. We'll navigate the controversies, champion the underappreciated, and spotlight upcoming screen gems poised to ignite your passion for film.

When it comes to sports, the tides are ever-shifting, and I'm here to chart their course. Marvel at the strategic artistry behind MLB pitcher rotations and join me in celebrating Jenny Cavnar's historic voice in sports broadcasting. Witness the rise of future stars like Paul Skenes and Jackson Holiday, while taking stock of the seasoned prowess of NBA legends and up-and-comers alike. It's a tapestry of triumphs, milestones, and the unyielding spirit of competition that paints the landscape of our beloved games, from the baseball diamond to the basketball court.

In the electric universe of gaming, change is the only constant. Find out why whispers about Nintendo's Switch 2 console have fans in a frenzy, and join me in honoring the end of an era as Charles Martinet—voice of Mario—says farewell. Plus, we'll peek behind the curtain of Microsoft's strategic moves in the gaming sphere and share an inspiring tale of a young Tetris master's historic win. For those who live and breathe pixels and high scores, this episode is a treasure trove of industry updates and insights that no gamer should miss.

King’s Perspective Intro

King’s Perspective Outro

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey. Welcome back to the King's perspective. I'm King Chill and this is episode 11. Yes, that's right, episode 11. Well, I've thought that myself, but I am here, we're ready to go, start this episode 11. And, as usual, the tagline is I'm here to talk about the weekly pop culture and film, music, sports, television and video games. So let's go ahead and get this started with the film genre. So the most popular movies that the audience are enjoying right now as we speak.

Speaker 1:

Madam Webb, a little synopsis on that for me is this is a superhero story film. It tells a standalone origin story of one of Marvel's intriguing characters. I've talked about this before. I have not gotten around to seeing it. I wanted to see it this week, in the just past, but I'm sure there's going to be some time and I'm not really too pressed to go out and see just yet because the reviews have come in. It's just been OK, a little bit underwhelming, but seeing as believing is my motto, so I've got to see it first.

Speaker 1:

Bob Marley One Love celebrating the life and music of the iconic Bob Marley. The biopic features Kingston, ben Adir and the central role. One of the biggest controversies of the film was that they didn't choose a true Rassafari or Jamaican. They chose someone from Europe that wasn't true Jamaican. But why did I guess? That's not my, that's not my, that's not for me. I think, for the most part, you have to go with two things Someone who closely resembles, because being portrayed, and does his acting or her acting really convey to the audience that they are who they are? You can tell me, though, back in I think it was 2004,. 2005,. Jamie Foxx portrayal of Ray Charles. I mean, it was like a spitting image. You would have thought that was Ray Charles. I had to do a double take a couple of times. I was like man, like Jamie Foxx, had everything down to a T. So I'll have to see this Bob Marley film and see how Ben not Ben, but Kingsley, ben Adir does his portrayal.

Speaker 1:

Bob Marley, argyle a spy thriller with a silly and energetic spin. Argyle Stiles sorry. Bryce Dallas Howard and Sam Rockwell Iron Claw. Based on the true story, this powerful film explores family ties in an intensely competitive world of professional wrestling. Had an opportunity to watch it just a couple of days ago. I ended up watching Beekeeper. I really try to watch all the films that I talk about here, so Beekeeper, I finally did watch it. It's not as bad as I made it, where I was saying that it's a cheap knockoff of John Wick, but it's almost along those lines of needing some type of motivation to go out and be a revenge tour film on behalf of something or someone. So I watched that. And then I watched the Book of Clarence as well, shortly after the Book of Clarence Chef's Kiss. Actually it's pretty decent, so it's exactly what I thought it would be so after watching those two films, it came down that I had more time and I was going to try to watch Iron Claw but ended up falling short by falling asleep. So once I get an opportunity to watch that one, I will give my thoughts on Iron Claw. But, like I said, I'm a huge well was a huge wrestling fan, so at some point I've got to get around to that and watch that film.

Speaker 1:

Newly released films for this week. We've got Imaginary. So the synopsis here that I have for you is when Jessica returns to her childhood home with her family, she discovers that her old stuffed bear, chauncey, her youngest stepdaughter, alice, become attached to the bear. However, as Alice's behavior grows increasingly concerning and the game she plays with Chauncey takes a sinister turn might take away from it, and I've seen the trailer for this many times since I've been in the movie theaters to go see Aquaman and American fiction. This film's trailers played a couple of times Some crazy mess. But the biggest takeaway was how they did the Temptation song. It was just my imagination playing during the trailer. They made it heck of creepy. I could never look at the same song again. I could never look at that song again now because of the way they used the song and tweaked it a bit to make it a very scary song. So I was like wow, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

But on some lighter notes here, more uplifting, we've got Kung Fu Panda 4., says here Poe, our lovable giant panda, is set to become the spiritual leader of the Valley of Peace. However, his responsibilities don't end there. While searching for his successor as the new dragon warrior, poe faces a formidable new adversary known as the chameleon. They look like they are just really gearing up to go the fast and furious route with Kung Fu Panda, but the way this one is shaping up with the trailer and just with my synopsis here, I don't think it could go that way. This feels like this is gonna be the end, but that could be wrong, so we'll see.

Speaker 1:

We have another film here called five pounds of pressure. The film follows a story of Adam, an ex-con, who returns to his child, his old childhood neighborhood, after serving 16 years Stretch for murder. Adam is on a rocky path for forgiveness towards his son, who grew up with that grew up without him. Meanwhile, eli, the bitter and volatile brother of the man Adam killed, is seeking revenge. So that might be an interesting film to check out. And then, lastly, this is a Netflix film here called damsel. A beautiful, sheltered young girl, noble, noble woman, agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to discover that his family intends to sacrifice her to repay an ancient debt. The only person I think that comes out to my mind because this will be out this Friday Is Millie Bobby Brown, I believe that's her name, is the Lead in this film, and I can't remember if it was Angela Bassett that I saw. That was in this film as well, but Seems very interesting From the trailer. So Netflix keeps cranking them out and that's one of their go-tos here that they want everyone to check out here. So if you have time, check it out.

Speaker 1:

Films with great replay value we have 2001 space Odyssey. It tells the story of humanity's evolution from the dawn of the eight light creatures to exploration to solar system and beyond, influenced by a mysterious alien modelist. This film is divided into four parts, each with a different setting and theme. I heard good things about this film, but I have not got around to watching it. I believe this is a Stanley Kubrick film as well, and I know he's held in high regard. So I've got to try to find a way to watch this film Without having to pay for it. I'm not saying illegally, but I'm just saying, like a lot of these films you have services and then it's like oh, you've got Amazon Prime, but if you want to watch this film, it's 199. If you want to buy it, it's a 699. It's like but I already have the subscription. Like why do I need to buy it? Like this should already be included. So I've got to look through many of my subscriptions and see if this one's here.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorites here Truman show. A man lives a fabricated reality that is broadcast as TV show. He's unaware that his life is scripted and controlled by the show's creator, christoph, and that everyone around him is a actor. As he begins to notice anomalies and clues that reveal the truth, he decides to escape his artificial world and find his freedom. Jim Carrey did an awesome job in this film. I want to say at this point in time, when that film came out, most like the 90s, like maybe 97, 98 by that time Uh, I'm just thinking this yeah, that might have been one of his first serious, serious roles, but he did a good job, because at that point in time you know he's just coming off the heels of the mask, dumb and Dumber. So this one here was a little bit of a different Detour, but it was a great detour. So yeah, forrest Gump tells us the life story of Forrest Gump, a simple man with a low IQ but good intentions, his experience. He experiences many historical events and meets famous people while pursuing his childhood love, jenny, probably.

Speaker 1:

I used to think Turner and and Hooch Was one of Tom Hanks best when I was growing up as a kid or big. You know, other people could probably say the burbs, but this one here, though, forrest Gump, are really to me solidified Tom Hanks as A Good actor, a great actor at that point I mean, after this one he's done other roles and I would probably say the only film, that the only film that could rival this film and basically rival himself would have been probably cast away. So I'm just thinking right now, I don't, you know, I know there's, there's Scully, and then there's the only thing that I can think that comes from my mind right now Is the line I'm the captain. Now I cannot think of what that film was called, but I'm sure other people would throw that in. But, like, really, really Two films that they stand out of my mind for Tom Hanks would be Forrest Gump and Cast away. But again, forrest Gump was a great film because it took you on a journey Through Forrest's life and, like I said, historical events and famous people.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, here we have Austin Powers. The spy who shag me follows the adventures of Austin Powers, a British spy who travels back in time To 1969 to recover his mojo, which was stolen by his arch enemy, dr Evil. Along the way His he teams up with a CIA agent named Felicity Shagwell and faces various threats, such as the clone of Dr Evil called mini me and the Scottish assassin called fat bastard, and the laser weapon on the moon. Yeah, I think this one, by far probably, was a very good film. Yeah, I think this one by far probably is the best Austin Powers.

Speaker 1:

First one was was it was an introduction, was great. You know, no one knew if Mike Myers was gonna do another one after that. It was just kind of like always a one-off. And then the second one came out and it was like okay, yeah, you've had all these characters here. Then they had a third. I cannot, for the life of me, think of the name of the title, but it kind of picks up where the second one left off. And then it had Beyonce in there. Um, mike Myers, um, dr Evil Gold member, um, so that one was interesting, but it had its little jokes and things of that nature, but I don't think it was quite as memorable, with memorable lines, quite like the spy who shag me. So, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

Music, popular musicians from Montana. We have Tim Montana, uh, the popular songs like American Thread Heal, billy Rich, and this beer came here to party Rob Quest from pronouncing his last name correctly as a frontman of the legendary Mission Mountain Wood Band. Linda McDonald Uh, yeah, linda McDonald. Okay, uh. Iron maidens drummer Uh, I saw the name and I was like okay, uh. And then lastly, bruce Fairweather, a grunge pioneer. So those are famous musicians from the state of Montana.

Speaker 1:

And then new and exciting music releases. We have the snuts, a Scottish indie rock outfit, returns with their third full-length album called Millennials. Mgmt or management. The Connecticut formed rock duo, presents loss of life, their first album of new material in six years. Rod Stewart, oh gee and Jules Holland have a collaborative album called swing fever, a 13 track honoring timeless big band era songs. And then Selena Gomez has a follow-up to her 2013 song single soon, with love on. So look out for that.

Speaker 1:

And then emerging artists to look out for for this year. Uh, we have grace Carter, a London bass singer, songwriter, who blends soulful vocals and honest lyrics. Audrey Nuna, a Korean-American song theorist who delivers soul barring r&b tracks with a distinctive flair. Bacar, a genre blending Londoner who fuses rock, hip-hop, punk and indie influences. And then junior varsity from the la based duo group, who makes infectious and upbeat pop songs with a DIY anesthetic. So that's all there for the music.

Speaker 1:

Let's go ahead and transition to sports. Now over here for MOB. When it comes to reaching the world series, a strong starting rotation is crucial. Okay, 14 of the previous 16 Pinman winners have ranked eighth or better and starter ERA. So contenders should keep a close eye on their pitching staff. So, you know, making sure that you have the correct starters, relievers and closers are always going to be key.

Speaker 1:

I noticed that just a little bit not to go on a tangent here or divert when I was playing MOB, the show 2023. It was very crucial. I noticed with my rotations and pitching that you had a good starter. Figure out your, your reliever, who you want to use for that, and then your closer, and then also, when you were using these, you would want to rotate because you know, baseball is probably by far the only sport that I know of that has one of the I wouldn't say the longest seasons. But they play a lot more games than your typical NFL, your NBA, nhl. I believe it's to a total tune of 182 games.

Speaker 1:

So when you're, you know, playing each and every game, you're traveling, you know it's very crucial to say, hey, you know I'm gonna have Rob start, you know, game one of the opener of the series or the season for the Dodgers, right, and this Rob is just fates his name here, but you know I'm gonna give him. You know I'm a let him pitch. You know, maybe let's see three, four innings, okay, and then maybe I give him tomorrow off, but then in this place I'm gonna have somebody else do the same. So it's always crucial to always have a good rotation, with time off in between, so then that your pitchers, relievers and closers, you know, are always kind of rejuvenated, rested and feeling refreshed, because you don't want to blow on their arm out trying to throw anything. Now I'm not probably butcher her name here, but I want to make sure I get it correctly it's Jenny Karpnar. The newly appointed lead play-by-play announcer for the Oakland athletics is set to make waves in MLB history. She will become the first woman to serve as the club's primary play-by-play voice this season. So kudos to Jenny.

Speaker 1:

Paul Skeens and Jackson Holiday, both former first overall draft picks face-off in a thrilling pitcher battle, pitcher batter battle this spring. These two prospects rank high on MOV's pipeline 100 list. Exciting times for baseball fans. So these two face them off against each other. It's you always want to see that. It's, you know, the equivalent of Brady Mahomes. You know an NFL when that happened. Or Bird Magic. Or let me see Mario Lemieux and maybe Wayne Gretzky and in a NHL. So we're always looking for that. Your, your best versus my best of the league.

Speaker 1:

And then the closeout MLB, it says, known for a contact hitting, Jung Hall Lee surprised everyone by launching an impressive 418 foot home runner during the Giants game against the D-backs power from an unexpected source. So they, you know, having him hit a home run like that was not on their to-do list, but now that they know he can hit quite like that, they're gonna be probably expecting, you know, him to step up a little bit more and try to get a Homer to a game. I mean, homer to a game is not not too, but I'd just say a Homer game is not unreasonable, but I mean there's a lot of elements that are that do come into play the pitcher you know if he's really giving you any Lee way, and then you know the, the hitter themselves. So you know, but a Homer, at least try to hit. A Homer game is not a reasonable to ask from a ball club.

Speaker 1:

Nba Victor, women, yama put on an impressive performance with 28 points, 13 rebounds and five blocks out shining Chet home home grin in a game against the Thunder. So these two I've talked about. I'm at nauseam and I know what I said was the NBA is looking for a face after LeBron leaves. Okay, and I remember I said something about you could be looking at Devin Booker from Phoenix Suns. You could be looking at Luca Dantich from Dallas Mavericks, those two being the this generation's like Magic and Bird. And then Victor women, yama. Now, the way these two have been going at it Chet and Victor I mean you know they keep putting on performances like that. Hey, I may have to, you know, look elsewhere and say, hey, you know, maybe these two will be the face of the NBA. They're gonna keep the rivalry going between these two teams and make the NBA interesting, and that's really. All it takes is at least one player to spark an interest, to draw a leadership back, or two people. So maybe that's what we've got going on here.

Speaker 1:

Lebron James, the NBA's all-time leading scorer, is closing in on another milestone Now, at this point in time, he's already reached that milestone. He's reached the 40,000 points, so that's the most points overall in the NBA. No one has ever done this, not to go on a tangent here, but I think this is what it's trying to do here is make it undeniable that LeBron is the greatest player ever he's played overseas, in a sense of what the the Olympics. So he's got some gold medals, he's got a four NBA championship. So it's one shy from Kobe and then two shy from Michael Jordan and then others, if you want to go up the list, like Bill Russell or or Karim Abdul-Jabbar, magic Johnson and I think with this it's trying to set it up, as I said before, statistically.

Speaker 1:

So it's undeniable that they can't say he's not the greatest, because when you're scoring 40,000 points and no one has done it like, you literally top Karim Abdul-Jabbar, who held that record of the most points in the NBA, and then you top all that and then you go over it and it looks like you are going to even add to this journey at 40,000, 40,000. And it looks like you could probably, by the time you retire, get it to 45, where it's going to be a record that stands indefinite. Statistically they'll say Kobe's never done it, karim's never done it, wilt's never done it, bill Russell's never done it, michael George's never done it and all these other statistics there that he's going to edge out all the former crates. So then that way is like well, statistically LeBron is the greatest. He doesn't have all the rings, like you know, your Kobe, magic Johnson, michael Jordan, karim, bill Russell. You know, the rings is what generally separates the players, but what? They'll come in now and they'll pull these fat stats, fat stats in to really separate them. So then at that point it's like oh, you know, these guys haven't done it, so it's undeniable, but that's what I see there.

Speaker 1:

But I mean it's, it is a major accomplishment, because I saw a breakdown somewhere where someone was saying if someone wanted to essentially tie this record, tie it or break it I think it was, for I think it had to be like 100 games he would have to score. The player had to score like 50 points a game, or or he could do 50 games at 25 points a game. Yeah, like it's an 82 season game, but you could do 100 or 150 games, or it was 50 at 25. So the math it's going to be tough, but yeah, it was something like that, but you would have to play at least 20 seasons at the very least to get to that point. So it was going to be tough for whoever tries to get to that point of breaking that record and while LeBron still playing, adding to it, at this point it's like it's not going to happen, it's going to stand indefinite.

Speaker 1:

Philadelphia center Joel indeed hopes to return to the floor this season after recovering from a knee left knee injury. So yeah, that was man. This is March, so I want to say January. January had that injury after he scored 70, some odd points and then next game he's out. So I would say, hopefully for the Sixers that they can get him back, because they're hot, they're right where they need to be right now and if he comes back in and to the rotation it can help. Then I see a deep playoff run for them.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, the NBA foundation established a 2020, I don't know, sorry. In 2020, they established an invest in 100 million and to create economic empowerment in black communities. Also to be noted that Russell Westbrook, the Los Angeles Clippers, have done the same thing as well, where he is building affordable housing and the urban community in the greater Los Angeles. So, as much slack I haven't done on here, as much I wouldn't say slack, but flack I give him about his play, sometimes not all the time, but sometimes off the court. He's great. There's. There's really not much you can say about Russell Westbrook off the court and that's a really valiant effort of building that. I think it said it was like it was 82 or 100 affordable houses. He plans on helping create a family. So again, that's not an easy feat. So kudos to Russell. Nfl.

Speaker 1:

The Minnesota Vikings have informed running back Alexander Matheson that he will be released. I didn't get a chance to check out his stats this season or see his game, but it just seems like for me the Vikings are taking one step forward, five steps back. Just a few years back they were really strong contenders to making a great playoff push and then now it's just like they start off stronger in a season. They get like a three, four win streak and then after that it's win, loss, win loss, win loss and then it's like they're struggling to get into the playoffs, even to a wildcard birth.

Speaker 1:

Steelers general manager Omar Khan expressed full faith in quarterback Kenny picking picket sorry, but also mentioned being open to competition in the room. They should, as, as a newly found Steeler fan, I jumped off the bandwagon of the Cowboys. I denounced them. I would say if they can trade up in a draft and it's probably gonna be impossible, but if they're able to get their hands on Caleb Williams, hey from USC, no problem. I did hear Justin Fields from Chicago was available. You can take a look at that. There were grumblings last week that Denver Broncos Were interested in seeing what the value was for Russell Wilson.

Speaker 1:

Now, bringing Russell in to an established team that just really needs a quarterback that's all they need Would be a great fit and I think he would fit great with Mike Tomlin. So at this point in time you know we're in the offseason, now They've got time to kind of figure out their quarterback situation. But can he pick it and Mason Rudolph? I think you need someone that's either a vet that still can play and it's got some good mileage stuff still left on them, or you bring in, maybe up and coming that that's God about at least three, four years under his belt and go from there. But well, like I said, they've got some time here. Panthers head coach Dave Canaryll. Can Alice emphasize that they don't plan to fix quarterback Bryce young, but rather need him to Contribute effectively to the offense? Well, he's here said than done and for what I've seen with Bryce young, I don't think it's so much on Bryce, it's a 50 50. They were all on Bryce, but I think it's more or less on On offensive line as well. He needs more time.

Speaker 1:

That dude was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, didn't really have time in the pocket, and then when he did, sometimes some of the passes weren't that great. So let's start by getting great max protection. So then that way you can really say, alright, we went all out this season. We got a mass Max past protection. He's in the pocket, he, you know from the game to be looked. He still is making bad passes. So then at that point the organization can say, oh, get everything we could, now it's on him. And then they either go another year with them or they look to move elsewhere.

Speaker 1:

And then Drard male, the head coach of the New England Patriots, clarified the franchises changes. Franchise changes are not intended as shots. As bill billich, I can't make a comment of you know wanting to make changes as well to the organization. Fresh, new start, new regime coming in. You know basically, who wouldn't say that though? I mean you're getting ready to take over from Highly decorated coach who Brought six championships to that organization. So now you're stepping in those shoes and you're just essentially saying, hey, I want to do my own thing. You know we're still the Patriots way, but it's gonna be the male way, not the the billichick way. So that's only understand the comment, nothing to be taken out of context or a shot at Bill Bella check.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, to close out the NHL trade buzz, the Nashville Patriots are unlikely to move gold tinder juice from announcing his name correctly. Soros Jake de bruce is concerned about his future with the Boston Bruins and Vladimir Tarsas Kinko is generating a high level of interest from Ottawa Senators. The New York Rangers seek revenge against the Columbus blue jackets after the New York Patriots, the Columbus blue jackets, after their 10 game win streak was snapped. The NFL commissioner and that NFL in a chill Commissioner, gary Batman as praise Winnipeg as a strong hockey market. So basically, you know, a lot of times with these small market teams they don't get enough Love, our support, and then sometimes they'll just say, hey, we'll just build through the draft and we'll build our winning. Culture Kind of reminds me of Oklahoma City Thunder small market team that finally built through the draft and now they're a respectable team.

Speaker 1:

And then Manon Ramu is thrilled to see an increased opportunity for girls in youth hockey. As you know, manon Ramu became the first woman to Woman to try out for NHL. She played in the NHL exhibition game for Tampa Bay Lightning in 1992 and 1993, making her the first woman to participate in such a game and any of the major North American pro sports leagues. So who those are her? And that's something I never knew. Now it's only probably because I wasn't really big in a hockey right around that time growing up. But had I been, that would have been a sight to see, like really taking interest in and seeing that exhibition and seeing how she Played. You know that's what you have YouTube for now, so it definitely be something to go back and look at that exhibition game and see how she handled herself.

Speaker 1:

On the television TV shows premiering in March we have regime shows, an increasingly deranged author, a Ruler, who shows or explores ongoing collapse around her over the course of the year. So the, I believe that's being premiered on HBO Max. The gentleman follows Eddie Ornman as he inherits his father's massive estate in the British countryside, which turns out to be a hotbed for criminal activity. So again, that shows called the gentleman. And then Tokyo Vice, season two, another HBO show, hbo Max, fully settled into the dense cast of compelling characters and rich Melew. Tokyo vice Tokyo vices sophomore season is riveting and criminal crime chronicle. And. And then, to close it out, we have one day chronically the passage of time with well-observed sweep. One day is, by turn, giddy and somber, but always swooningly romantic. New release shows that we should be looking at here. We have Shogun, a sweeping epic set in Fudorou, japan. This series promises to captivate drama and historical intrigue.

Speaker 1:

Avatar, the last bend of the live action. So they've done a TV show of the live action. Why am I saying the live action? So they've done a live action of the TV shows? Because you have the anime one and now you have the same Avatar, last airbender, but it's live action. And then, if you remember, a few years back they did a live action film. It says fans. So the animated series will be excited for the adaptation, exploring the world of bending elements. But a lot of people have been giving it negative reviews. I would watch it, but I would have to get caught up with the anime series first. Then to kind of compare what the live action is like.

Speaker 1:

A show here called New Look, fashion historical drama that delves into the glamorous and transformative post-war era. Formula One, drive to Survive, look into high-speed racing and behind-the-scenes drama. The documentary Styles series is a much watch Now TV shows with great replay value. We have ER. The series follows the inner life of emergency room ER of Cook County General Hospital, a fictionalized version of the real Cook County Hospital in Chicago. If you remember, this is the jumping point for most of your stars, as you kind of see now, mainly George Clooney, juliana Margolies am I missing anybody else? I know there's probably somebody else Eric LaSalle, dang, I almost almost forgot Eric LaSalle, but those generally are the ones that you know stuck out to me. Oh, and then, dang was it. Is it Noah Wiley? Yeah, so yeah, I remember watching that as a kid growing up. It was a big thing.

Speaker 1:

The TV show and the Heat of the Night. The series focuses on the police department's numerous struggles to solve crimes and catch criminals, aided by virtual tips and the police Lieutenant Bubba Skinner. The show navigates tricky small-town politics. If you've seen In the Heat of the Night with Sidney Portier, this is where it actually comes from, the film that created a spin-off of the TV show, because it literally now the funny thing is the show takes place during the 80s but it's literally supposed to be taking place immediately after the film. Good series, I mean, if you like dealing with crime solving and police car chases you know crime solving, intriguing, thought processing things then this would be your show. Now, again, it's set in the heart of the south Mississippi, so you're gonna be dealing with a little bit of racism here and there, but overall, when you can take that out and just get to the nitty-gritty of crime solving and intrigue is it's definitely a decent show. Then we have here Little House on the Prairie.

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The show depicts a simple farming lifestyle for the Ingalls family and their experiences settling into a quiet little house on the banks of Plum Creek. The series often narrates the life and adventures of the Ingalls family in their 19th century American Midwest. Yeah, I grew up watching this during the 90s as well, I think by the time when I was watching though it was reruns, but I usually would watch it before or after school. But the show was great. It kind of gave you a glimpse into the life of you know what it was like to be so living on a farm before technology and everything like that. So definitely it was a good show. This is us.

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The series follows the lives of siblings Kevin, kate and Randall, known as the Big Three, and their parents, jack and Rebecca Pearson. It takes place mainly in the present but also uses flashbacks to flash forward to show other significant moments in the family's history. So, long story short, you have Jack and Rebecca, who are a couple who finally get together and they want to settle down and have kids and they're on their way to have triplets. But when they're having triplets, one of the the triplets pass. So the only two that actually make it is Kevin and Kate. Happened to be the same day that they lost one of their children or child. They lost the child. The third, there was an abandoned child at a fire station who was happened to be same day, same age, born probably right after Kevin and Kate. Only a tricky part was this child was African-American, but Jack and Rebecca decided to take him on and raise them, raise him as their own, so that would be Randall. So you get to see how Jack and Rebecca navigate their lives navigate their lives with their children and then also with Randall, who's their newly adopted child, and him being African-American, and how to raise African-American child and dealing with racism and bigotry. But overall the the series ended, I think, about a year or two ago, but it was great, great series.

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And then lastly, here to close this out, video games. The state's here parallel. The game dub Pokemon with guns has stirred up the internet with controversy, but it's probably one of the hottest games you can play right now. Microsoft is laying off 1900 workers. It's still. The gaming industry is taking a hit, so you're going to start seeing it even more. The developers behind the League of Legends write games announced layoff of 530 staff members. Who's getting rough out there? Actors Union has struck a deal with AI, voice acting, licensing and video games.

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Nintendo is expected to launch the Switch 2 console this year. If they do, you're probably going to see it. Pre-orders go on probably during the summer, and then go on sale during the holiday, because that's usually how most video games are released during the holiday time. A 13 year old boy became the first person to beat the original Tetris and the original Tetris and even got to meet the game's creator. And then Charles Manette, the iconic voice of Mario, has retired from performing as the character in the video games. And then Microsoft's acquisition, activision Blizzard is moving forward so we talked about that before where some of these companies are buying one another, emerging together. But what you're probably going to see is when they do do that, there's going to be a massive I don't want to say massive, but there's going to be probably somebody else because they're going to have this company at this company merging, coming together. There's going to be some redundant titles or divisions that they're going to lay off. So with that merger you're going to probably see some layoffs that I'll be announcing here shortly. So, yeah, but that's it for the show ending with video games.

Speaker 1:

I hope that you found the information here given today on episode 11 insightful, intriguing, informative for you. Okay, and if you do subscribe, like comment, share with a friend, family member, loved one, co-worker, whoever. But let's get it out there, let's get this place big. So, again, that's the show, king's perspective. I am King Chiu, episode 11. I appreciate you for coming out and listening to the show. This show would not be what it is without you. So again, thank you, peace.

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