King’s Perspective

King Chyll Explores Cinematic Wonders, Melodic Musings, and Sporting Fervor

April 22, 2024 Kingchyll Season 1 Episode 18
King Chyll Explores Cinematic Wonders, Melodic Musings, and Sporting Fervor
King’s Perspective
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King’s Perspective
King Chyll Explores Cinematic Wonders, Melodic Musings, and Sporting Fervor
Apr 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 18

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Welcome aboard "The King's Perspective," where heartfelt gratitude meets the thrilling world of entertainment! As we celebrate another milestone together, I'm thrilled to share my take on a lineup of cinematic adventures – from the raw emotion of "Arcadian" to the haunting origins of "The First Omen," and the battlefield grit of "Civil War." But that's not all; we've got the scoop on star-studded flicks like "Challengers," "Boy Kills World," and "Cash Out," sure to keep your popcorn bucket overflowing. And for a dash of nostalgia, join me for a jaunt down memory lane with the ever-delightful "Blankman."

Strap in for a journey across the survivalist tales that echo the resilience of Tom Hanks in "Castaway," stretching to the enduring sagas of "Gilligan's Island" and "Swiss Family Robinson." On the music front, we're tuning into Nebraska's finest – from the bluesy undertones of Buddy Miles to the introspective notes of Elliott Smith. Swifties and Arianators, rejoice as we decode the surprise elements in Taylor Swift's latest tracks and the artistry behind Ariana Grande's visual love letters. It's a symphony of stories that harmonize the beats and narratives that shape our culture.

Shift gears with me as we step onto the court and feel the heat of the playoff season. Zion Williamson's absence might shake up the Pelicans, but we're breaking down how they and the LA Clippers might maneuver the high stakes of the postseason. As we anticipate a star-studded Olympic lineup, let's not overlook the NFL's buzz – from contract cliffhangers to strategic signings, I'm laying out the moves that are making waves. So, whether you're a die-hard sports fan or a sucker for a good story, there's a seat saved for you. Join me, King Chyll, on this ride through the highs and lows of the entertainment landscape, and let's keep the conversation going – because every perspective shapes the kingdom of culture.

King’s Perspective Intro

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Welcome aboard "The King's Perspective," where heartfelt gratitude meets the thrilling world of entertainment! As we celebrate another milestone together, I'm thrilled to share my take on a lineup of cinematic adventures – from the raw emotion of "Arcadian" to the haunting origins of "The First Omen," and the battlefield grit of "Civil War." But that's not all; we've got the scoop on star-studded flicks like "Challengers," "Boy Kills World," and "Cash Out," sure to keep your popcorn bucket overflowing. And for a dash of nostalgia, join me for a jaunt down memory lane with the ever-delightful "Blankman."

Strap in for a journey across the survivalist tales that echo the resilience of Tom Hanks in "Castaway," stretching to the enduring sagas of "Gilligan's Island" and "Swiss Family Robinson." On the music front, we're tuning into Nebraska's finest – from the bluesy undertones of Buddy Miles to the introspective notes of Elliott Smith. Swifties and Arianators, rejoice as we decode the surprise elements in Taylor Swift's latest tracks and the artistry behind Ariana Grande's visual love letters. It's a symphony of stories that harmonize the beats and narratives that shape our culture.

Shift gears with me as we step onto the court and feel the heat of the playoff season. Zion Williamson's absence might shake up the Pelicans, but we're breaking down how they and the LA Clippers might maneuver the high stakes of the postseason. As we anticipate a star-studded Olympic lineup, let's not overlook the NFL's buzz – from contract cliffhangers to strategic signings, I'm laying out the moves that are making waves. So, whether you're a die-hard sports fan or a sucker for a good story, there's a seat saved for you. Join me, King Chyll, on this ride through the highs and lows of the entertainment landscape, and let's keep the conversation going – because every perspective shapes the kingdom of culture.

King’s Perspective Intro

King’s Perspective Outro

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey, welcome back. It's the King's Perspective, episode 18, week 18, consistent concurrent. Again, I appreciate all my listeners coming out and helping me grow this brand and making it possible to get to episode 18. I wouldn't have thought that we would have been here at this point but again, it just further proves that people like what they're listening to. It's entertaining, informative and brings some value as well to your life of putting you up on game of what's going on in the film world, music world, television world, sports world and video game, that small talk that you might be having at the water cooler at work, that you can kind of talk with your coworker or friend about what's going on in those areas. So you know this isn't possible without you know the loyal listeners, because not only does it help me grow but it helps you guys grow, or it helps both of us grow the show. So you know, I appreciate each and every one of you coming out and taking the time to listen. So, as we always do here, we talk all things again film, music, sports, television and video games. So let's kick it off here with films. So here are some of the most popular movies right now. Some of the most popular movies right now.

Speaker 1:

Arcadian. Led by a strong performance, arcadian blends family drama and post apocalyptic horror, set in a near future where life on Earth has been decimated. The First Omen, a prequel to nearly 50-year-old film series, the First Omen is frequently frightening and plays within the confines of the franchise. When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a mysterious and ominous event Civil War. Directed by Alex Garland, the film takes place in a dystopian future America and follows a team of military embedded journalists. It provides a gripping close up look at the violent uncertainty of life in a nation in crisis. All right, now we've got some new releases here coming up for this Friday. We have challengers. Tasha Duncan, a former tennis prodigy turned coach, is married to a champion who is currently on a losing streak. Her strategy for her husband redemption takes the unexpected turn when he must face off against his former best friend and Tasha's former boyfriend boyfriend. The film delves into an intense love triangle involving professional tennis players and formal rivals both on and off the court. I believe this one stars Zendaya um that's been uh promoted heavily on TV during major sporting events and um in the movie theaters In the movie theaters, of course as well. Boy kills world. When his family is brutally murdered, a deaf man named Boy escapes the jungle. There he is trained by a mysterious mentor to enact vengeance on the murderers. Boy's journey becomes a blend of action, revenge and survival as he hones his skills and confronts those responsible for his family's death.

Speaker 1:

I believe this one stars Bill. I want to make sure I'm getting his last name correctly Bill Sassgard, if I'm pronouncing it correctly. You've seen him in pretty much a lot of films, most notably, I would say, for me, recently, when he was the clown for it when they did the remake part one and part two. So he's the main star in that film. Then we have Cash Out. Then we have Cash Out.

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Mason leads a high-end crew of thieves who decides to retire after a near-miss with the law due to a double-cross. However, when his younger brother, sean, proposes a bank heist that could be the biggest score ever, mason is tempted to return to his old ways. The heist goes weary and the thieves find themselves trapped inside the bank with hostages, surrounded by SWAT teams, the FBI and Interpol. That film again comes out this Friday as well, and the main headliner actor would be John Travolta. Alright, now, films with great replay value. We have Blank man.

Speaker 1:

When Grandma Walker is murdered by mobster Michael DeSute Minnelli, a henchman at Harris' campaign headquarters, daryl decides to fight crime. He becomes a vigilante superhero named Blank man, using his technical expertise to create weapons and gadgets. His crime-fighting crusade includes a substance that renders ordinary clothing bulletproof. Now, this film stars Damon Wayans, david Alan Greer, and I can see her face, but I can Robin Gibbons. Her face, but I can Robin Gibbons. So this was, I want to say, for Damon Wayans. I want to say this might have been his first solo film and then after that would have been Mo Money, or it could have been Mo Money, which would have been his first solo film, and then Blank man. But again, the premise is exactly just like how I read.

Speaker 1:

I remember at the time when the film was released, everybody pretty much liked it. I mean, at least everybody pretty much liked it. I mean it was a little quirky because you know it was a bit low budget and the costume design and the gadgets that he was using were low budget. But what do you expect for someone who's just starting off being a vigilante? It's got to be true to life. It's got to be as real as it can get. If someone were to start up a what's the word, I'm like what am I looking for? Someone were to start up taking on being a quote, unquote, vigilante or a superhero you know they're just using what they have at their disposal Then hey, it is what it is. But overall the film was great. But overall the film was great. It had a lot of comedy within the film and, again, a lot of the comedy was true to life, to what you could expect for the film based on the film. Before he completely Kevin became full on vigilant, he was working at McDonald's by day and then by night he was the crime fighter. So usually Bruce Wayne didn't work at all. But you know, in this case Kevin had to work at a McDonald's to kind of blend in with the regular people. In this case Kevin had to work at a McDonald's to kind of blend in with the regular people. But overall, again for Damon Wayans, this film for Blank man was perfect. It was right on par. Again, I believed everyone loved it.

Speaker 1:

Second film here with great replay value that I just saw, literally just within this week, would have been Last Action Hero starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. The synopsis here for that film is Danny Manningham, an 11-year-old boy from New York City, is a huge fan of action movies, particularly those featuring the fictional character Jack Slater played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Danny's life takes an unexpected turn when he receives a magical golden ticket from his friend, nick, who works in a movie theater as a projectionist. The ticket allows Danny to enter the world of Jack Slater's latest film. So yeah, essentially, danny's this 11-year-old boy down on his luck, always getting picked on, beat up. So his only refuge during those times is movies, where he basically can exact his revenge on those who robbed him by watching these films and feeling empowered, essentially. So Nick, his friend, gives him the hookup on the latest Jack Slater film. He goes to see it. He doesn't realize that it's a golden ticket I don't think Nick did either and when he's sitting there watching the film, the ticket, this golden ticket activates. So while Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Jack is riding in a car having a shootout, one of the bad guys throws a bomb at him. It's like TNT wrapped within itself and Jack Slater sees it, throws it right. Well, when he throws it, it goes from the movie into real life, danny's real life, and he sees it, freaks out and he tries to run. Instead of going outside of the movie back into the auditorium or the lobby of the movie theater, he runs towards the screen and, as the TNT blows and detonates, blows him into the screen. So now he's in the movie, as the movie goes on, to help Jack faces demons and help him think outside the box when facing off against his biggest rival in the film. But overall, man, as a kid watching that film, it was action packed. The way the premise of the movie was set up, the way it was was was awesome. So for me that's one of my favorites and that's why it's on this list here awesome. So for me that's one of my favorites and that's why it's on this list.

Speaker 1:

Here we have, lastly, castaway. Now we've all probably seen Castaway and, as I mentioned before in previous episodes, probably for Tom Hanks, he's got a few movies up there that I could, you know, stomach to watch and that's not a bad thing. But I mean something to watch like on a repeat thing, but I mean somebody to watch on a repeat. This would be one. And then Forrest Gump. So it's a flip. They're both one and one A, one B, but they're like I said for those two films.

Speaker 1:

So the synopsis here for Castaway is in 1995, chuck Nolan is a time-obsessed systems analyst who travels worldwide to resolve productivity problems at FedEx depots. He has a long-term relationship with Kerry not Kerry Kelly Oof, why don't I say Kerry Fares whom he lives with in Memphis, tennessee. Chuck's manic existence abruptly changes when, after a plane crash, he becomes isolated on a remote island, cast away into a most desolate environment imaginable, stripped of the conveniences of everyday life. He must first meet the basic needs of survival, water, food and shelter. We've all, like I said, we've all seen Castaway and with with Castaway for me I don't think, and I'm sure there have, because I mean Gilligan's Island existed. Now, I never watched Gilligan's Island and that was before my time, but Castaway was essentially the closest thing, I think.

Speaker 1:

Another show that comes to mind, I think it was a show and a film as well Swiss Family Robinson. I've heard a lot about that as well. So you've got again Gilligan's Island, swiss Family Robinson. But still you've got those films or shows that kind of set up, that same premise, but for me they were before my time never watched them. So Castaway was a way of kind of watching those.

Speaker 1:

But through Castaway and when watching Castaway it's just like the survival techniques of this man trying to find water to drink efficiently, self-clean of self-clean food, how to keep himself going motivated. There's no one there, and it's so true, it's without. I mean, humans are social creatures, so without having someone there to kind of bounce ideas off of or have a conversation can make you essentially go crazy. So he found Solace and this tennis ball and called it, you know, wilson, and that basically kept him sane for all those years that he was there on the island until he was able to find survival. But again, seeing a film like that, where an individual is and fighting for his survival against just the elements of just needing those basic things until he can figure out his next move, was just awesome and it takes you along the ride for that adventure of seeing does he make it or does he not? So again, forrest Gump Cast Away, probably the best two films I've seen him do, meaning Tom Hanks, interchangeable for how you want to start with one of those films. If you were to say, hey, what's the best films that I could watch by this actor, tom Hanks, those would be the first two films that I would say this is what I would introduce somebody to, and it doesn't matter which one you do. You could flip a coin and either way you would be fine with whichever way it lands.

Speaker 1:

All right, now we're going to move over here to music, famous musicians from Nebraska. We have Buddy Miles, born in Omaha. Buddy Miles was a talented drummer, singer and gained fame for his work with legends like Jimi Hendrix, carlos Santana. His powerful drumming style, rooted in jazz and blues traditions cultivated in Nebraska, solidified his status as a key figure in rock and funk genres. Some of his popular songs them Changes, down by the River and we have to Live Together, which I have heard. Two of his songs, them Changes and we have to Live Together, where the Jimi Hendrix Experience, I believe, which I have an anthology of. But yeah, buddy Miles is all through that with his drumming. Both of them are great songs. James Valentine born in Lincoln, nebraska, james Valentine is the lead guitarist of the pop band Baroom 5. His music career started with the foyer into the piano, before moving into drums and setting on the guitar.

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Elliot Smith tremendously talented singer-songwriter, elliott Smith held from Nebraska. His heart-trending lyrics and delicate melodies resonated with listeners For beyond the state's borders. He contributed greatly into the indie rock scene and left an indelible mark on the music world. Here are some of the most recent releases you might find interesting. Taylor Swift surprises her fans with a brand new album called Tortured Poets Department. She had kept a secret for two years before announcing it at the Grammys. The album features 16 songs, including collaborations with artists like Post Malone and Florence and the Machine.

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Dram has an album called Dram and B Waiver the rapper, slash crooner fourth album, bridges Anything Goes creativity of his early days. With his later serious soulfulness, dram I can't think of one of his biggest hits. Or you can say, oh yeah, this is Dram here. What I know Dram for is usually by the holiday time and usually during NBA Christmas they will play this LeBron claymation video for Sprite and it's usually Dram's song that's playing and it's called the Thirstiest Time of the Year and it's usually promoting the cranberry Sprite. So you've probably seen the video of the claymation LeBron or cartoon LeBron drinking the cranberry Sprite and that song playing in the background called it's the Thirstiest Time of the Year.

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We have Chewbacca Hutchins with an album called Chewbacca. Perceive His Beauty, acknowledge Its Grace. This is the first full-length album by the British jazzman Chewbacca Hutchings to fully explore his commitment to the flute, featuring an illustrious cast. And then here are some notable music video releases in 2024. We Can't Be Friends. Wait For your Love by Ariana Grande, a soulful track with a captivating video that explores love and longing. Just Like an Angel by Kali Uches. Kali Uches delivers a mesmerizing performance in this visually stunning video. Red Rump by 21 Savage, a dark and an intense video that complements the song's gritty vibe. Training Season by Dua Lupe. Dua Lupe takes us on a journey through different seasons in this beautifully shot video, and then Overcompensate by 21 Pilots, a quirky and imaginative video that showcases the band's signature style.

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All right, moving on over to sports MLB. The Ladier family is making history in baseball. Jack Ladier, the son of former MLB pitcher Al Ladier, is set to make his MLB debut. This father-son duo joins other legendary pairs who have played at the highest level. Then we have here Tanner Hawk. The Boston Red Sox recently pitched a complete game shutout, becoming the first pitcher in 14 years to achieve this feat. His performance included a Maddox shutout with fewer than 100 pitches. And then a young fan, camden Cleveland, wearing number 25 in honor of his favorite player Byron Buxton, had a surreal moment when Buxton signed a baseball for him. A heartwarming story amidst the action on the field.

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Alright NBA, the Pelican star, big man, zion Williams, will miss the play-in against the Kings due to a hamstring injury. So, yeah, the Pelicans play the Lakers for the seventh seed out of the West. During that game, zion we got to see the Zion that we had all been looking for, the potential, and he, during the fourth quarter, went out with the hamstring injury. So the Lakers eventually won and got the seventh seed. So then what happened was the Pelicans moved down to the eighth seed and then had to further defend that eighth seed spot against the Sacramento Kings, which they end up beating the Sacramento Kings anyhow. But now that they are in the eighth spot, but now that they are in the a spot, they go up against the Oklahoma City Thunder.

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And my only thing is, with this hamstring injury, how severe is it? Because I wonder if there'll be a chance for Zion to come back at any point during that series. Or is there a chance if they advance somehow past the first round and beat the OKC Thunder and go on to the second round? Is he available at that point?

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The Clippers coach, tyronn Lue, stated that he is preparing to have the one and only Kawhi Leonard back for game one. Leonard hasn't played since March 31st due to inflammation in his surgical repaired right knee and they're still saying it's a game time decision here as we speak now. They're not sure if he's going to be ready for the game and if he isn't, is it a big deal? Big deal, yes and no, because it's essentially next man up. I mean at this point, they've got James Harden, they've got Paul George, you've got Russell Westbrook coming off the bench. Now, if Tyronn Lue wants to essentially make a change with that bench rotation and maybe have Russell Westbrook play more minutes and maybe not come off the bench, he can do that.

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But I feel like they've got a good rotation, you know, without Kawhi or a good team. So the only thing is they're going up against the Dallas Mavericks. And Dallas Mavericks, two main focal points or stars are Luka Dantic and Kyrie Irving, and those two, you know, play beautifully off each other. So I think Dallas has what it takes to get past the Clippers, even if Kawhi wasn't there. Luka Dantic can pretty much score from just about anywhere. Kyrie is good getting to the basket. He's got good ball handling skills, he can take me out the dribble, he can shoot the three-pointer, he can shoot the mid-range and, like I said to me, he's good with going to the basket. So Clippers are going to have their hands full. And one thing I will say is, with Kawhi Leonard though he brings a certain defensive tenacity that most of those other guys on the Clippers don't have Kawhi can essentially guard the center if he had to. The power forward, small forward, the shooting guard, the point guard you name it. He can get all those positions locked up. So that would be one of the biggest things. I think losing Kawhi will be a problem.

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Let's see the United States roster for the Olympic Games here this summer in Paris includes players with a combined 10 Olympic gold medals and multiple Kia MVPs. So we've got LeBron James, kevin Durant, steph Curry they lead the lineup. And then the 76ers secure the seventh seed by rallying past the Miami Heat while the Bulls outlasted the Hawks to stay alive for the eighth seed in the East. So yeah, the Sixers beat the Miami Heat because they both were playing for the lock in here. So the Sixers have the seventh seed and they go up against the New York. And then as far as the Miami Heat goes, when they lost they had to play the winner of the Chicago Bulls and the Atlanta Hawks. So then the Chicago Bulls beat the Atlanta Hawks and then they went off against the Miami Heat. Miami Heat beat the Chicago Bulls so they locked up the A seed. So the A seed goes up against the number one seed, which is the Boston Celtics. So you're going to have the Miami Heat go up against the Boston Celtics, the Philadelphia 76ers go up against the number two seed, which is the New York Knicks.

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My predictions between those two is Miami's gritty. They're good. They play a cohesive team ball where it's next man up and they really don't depend on one particular person. It's a collective, unlike Boston where it's like, ok, if Jason Tatum's not on, then we have Jalen Brown, and then if those two aren't cooking, then it's just like, oh well, we're screwed at this point. So I look at Miami Heat to really frustrate the Boston Celtics. If they can get past them, that would be an upset. Then, far as New York Knicks versus Philadelphia 76ers 76ers Everybody's saying they believe the Sixers can win because Joel Embiid's back and they're cooking and clicking at the right time. But I just think this New York team is different. They're playing a good brand of basketball cohesive. I think it will go to seven. It's not going to be easy for the Knicks, but I think they'll outlast the 76ers.

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Now on to the NFL. The Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence. Contract talks are underway, but Lawrence is focused on his job, regardless of whether he gets an extension or not. His job, regardless of whether he gets an extension or not. The Miami Dolphins plan to pick up fifth-year option for wide receiver Jalen Waddell and linebacker Jalen Phelps. I don't think it's Phelps, I think it's Phillips. There we go. And then Cortland Sutton, the Denver Broncos wide receiver, says he is skipping voluntary workouts as he is seeking a new contract. So that's typical. You'll see that in the NFL, where guys will hold out and not show up to certain things because they're trying to make a statement saying, hey, you pay me or I'm not coming and I'll sit out the rest of the season and affect your season to let you know how valuable I am. It sucks, but it's one of those things where you got to find a way to send a message to let these GMs and owners know you mean business, even if it means you got to self-inflict, self-sabotage.

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Now on to the NHL. Trich or Coutureau, there we go of. The Tampa Bay Lightning became the fifth NHL player to reach 100 assists. He now shares the milestone with legends like Wayne Gretzky, mario Lemieux and Bob Orr. Jeff Carter retires. After 19 years in the NHL, the forward Jeff Carter has decided to retire. He won the Stanley Cup twice with the Los Angeles Kings during his career. The Vancouver Canucks will face the Nashville Predators in the first round of the playoffs.

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All right, so that ends our talks on sports, and now we're going to move to television. So here are some of the current popular television shows Parasite, the Gray, a thrilling series. Baby Reindeer, a limited series, a captivating modern noir steeped in classic tradition, with a cool performance by Colin Ferrer by Colin Ferrer. And then Fallout, an awesome adaptation that feels like a true extension of the video game. Fallout is a post-apocalyptic blast for newcomers and longtime fans alike. So I talked about that before. Again, it's from the Fallout series by Bethesda Games, series by Bethesda Games. They decided to allow Amazon Prime to create an adaptation for a TV show. I believe it was eight episodes, some ranging from 40 or more minutes. But either way, those who have played Fallout 1, fallout 2, fallout 3, fallout 4, fallout New Vegas, fallout 76, they see things taken from each and every game there and can relate and point at the screen, like the meme that Leonardo DiCaprio does from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood where it's like, yep, yep, I know where that's from and, just you know, can see those Easter eggs and take delight in that because they're like, hey, you know, if you're familiar with the game and a fan of the game, there's just certain points in the game I mean the show that you can call back to at least one of the Fallout games. But either. Overall, though, the TV show has done well. It exceeded my expectations because I remember when it was being talked about that they were going to make it into a TV show and I was just like, oh well, we'll see. You know, these video game adaptations turn into movies or video games don't always go well, but this one really exceeded. They really stuck the landing on this one.

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Here are some new television shows premiering in 2024. So we have Vanderpump Villa. The series follows Lisa Vanderpump and her hard or hand-selected staff as they work, live play at their exclusive French villa, chateau Rosabella. The show revolves around the crew's efforts to satisfy an extravagant desires of the affluent visitors. Then we have Knuckles. The series takes place between the events of Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. It follows Knuckles as he trains Deputy Sheriff Wade Whipple in the ways of the warrior. The show promises action, adventure and comedy as it delves into Knuckles warrior training and his interactions with humans. If you're a fan of the Sonic franchise, this spinoff series should be exciting for you.

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Then 24 and 24, the last chef standing Food Network 24 talented chefs and fearless chefs take on 24 food challenges and 24 consecutive nonstop hours. The competition demands that they display the skills, creativity and stamina needed to be elite chefs. They display the skills, creativity and stamina needed to be elite chefs. So yeah, 24 competitions and 24-hour challenges is crazy. Some people will be sleep deprived and probably that's what they're banking on, where they're not going to do so hot on some of these challenges. But yeah, I'm definitely going to have to check this show out to see how one stays up 24 hours coherently and is able to adhere to what's asked of them during these challenges without falling asleep or mishearing the chefs of the showrunner, so that they can cook and bake efficiently.

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Television shows with great replay value. We have the League Now. This series is set in Chicago and revolves around six friends who participate in a fantasy football league. The show follows the lives of these friends as they engage in fantasy football, doing whatever it takes to win. Alongside their competitive spirit, they also deal with the aftermath of pranks and often dangerous antics they play on each other.

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Tosh.0, the show delves into all aspects of internet, from the indigenous to the absurd to medically evasive. Daniel Tosh provided satirical commentary on online viral video clips, internet memes and social media trending topics, society, celebrities, stereotypes and popular culture as a whole. Yeah, tosh.0 just concluded, at least about four years ago, 2020, but it ran from 2009 to 2020. And pretty much it was like taking all the crazy things you would see on YouTube Um, uh, let's see Twitter at the time. Uh, instagram, snapchat, tiktok, uh, and he just basically break it down. Sometimes, if they were really sensational clips, he would take the time to bring on the user from that platform and explain you know what was going on and I break down on that clip. Um, so know what was going on in a breakdown of that clip? So, yeah, it was a very unique show. It was a very funny show. It's kind of like America's Funniest Home Videos, but with a twist.

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And then Best Week Ever from VH1. I don't know if you folks remember that, but, yes, best Week ever. I am talking about best week ever. The show featured comedians analyzing the previous week's developments in pop culture, including recent happenings in entertainment and celebrity gossip. It followed a similar format to the miniseries. I love the 80s. It's a big successor. The episodes aired on Fridays at 10 PM and replayed several times over the weekend. So, yeah, friday and then you could catch it again on Saturday and Sunday. Uh, but yeah, it pretty much just delved into the same thing, like a Tosh Um but um. It didn't include a whole lot of viral videos. It just delved more into truly what was happening with celebrities, the gossip or recent red carpet happenings. I remember they talked about the rapper Shine back in 2004 when he had got released from jail, and they did a little spoof or satire on that as well. Best Recover was pretty dope because it pretty much got what was happening at that point in time from other celebrities' point of view as well. Some of them were comedian celebrities, mainly kind of like C or D list or up and coming comedian celebrities, but the show was awesome.

Speaker 1:

Now video games. Here are some of the recent happenings in the world of video games. Amazon's adaptation of the popular video game series Fallout has been praised by critics alike. The show takes a different approach to storytelling compared to the games From Sonic's Flickies to Gato, roboto's Kiki and Ichichan. Cute animals have always been a part of video games, always been a part of video games. Nintendogs, tabby Cats, lambs and Shiba Inus also add to the adorable factor in games like Cult of Lam and Super Mario Odyssey.

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Google Cloud Director of Games, jack Bussard discusses the company's plans to win the gaming industry with cloud servers and AI. He also reflects on what went wrong with Google Stadia. Google Stadia wasn't bad. I mean, it was all cloud-based and it was pretty much. You can pick it up and play and don't have to worry about loading or load times. You can just pretty much pick up, play right away with no problem. I just think probably they didn't have enough games. Or if they had enough games that you know pulled from Nintendo, switch, playstation and Sony and any PC games for that matter then I just think that they just probably didn't market it efficiently or as good as they could. So if they're in the market for creating another console, I think they have learned from what went wrong the first time and correct that so that when they make a new console here it can rival PS5, xbox XS and the new Nintendo Switch 2.

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The gaming landscape in 2024 is vibrant, with a variety of titles that have garnered critical acclaim. Here are some of the best games to play this year Helldivers 2, my personal favorite, I've played. I probably logged in about maybe over time, not all at once, but just over time, maybe 30 hours. I'd have to check my PS5 log to see if that's true, but I'm guessing it's been about 30 hours. Final Fantasy VII, rebirth, dragon's Dogma 2, star Wars Outlaws Now, that hasn't came out yet, but it's on the list of games that are going to be one of the best for 2024. So they're already, you know, bigging it up and talking about it. Senu Saga, hellblade 2, Hades 2, botany Manor and Call of Duty Warzone Mobile. All right, so that concludes the video game section and also concludes here our show for episode 18, week 18.

Speaker 1:

Again, I am King Chill and this is King's Perspective. I hope that you enjoy the show, found it insightful, delightful, informative. If you like the show, like, subscribe, comment, share, retweet. You can find me on X or Twitter, as it was known as just King Chill. You can find me on there. Ask me any questions that you may have about the show or just me in general. Again, if you like the show and you find it informative, share it with a friend, a family member, co-worker, whoever. Let's get it out there and let's get this show big. Again, I'm King Chill. This is King's Perspective, episode 18. Peace.

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