Star Wars Sucks!

The Phantom Menace: The Good, The Bad, and The Midi-chlorians

May 25, 2024 Circle of Nerds Season 1 Episode 4
The Phantom Menace: The Good, The Bad, and The Midi-chlorians
Star Wars Sucks!
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Star Wars Sucks!
The Phantom Menace: The Good, The Bad, and The Midi-chlorians
May 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Circle of Nerds

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week we're dissecting the many layers of "The Phantom Menace." From the film's controversial and polarizing aspects - yes, we're looking at you, Jar Jar Binks, to the timeless power of John Williams' "Duel of the Fates", we're going on a ride that should teach Padawans a few things and offer Jedi Masters some fresh insights.

We swap stories of merchandise mania that defined the fan experience during the film's release, unpack Anakin's heart-wrenching departure from his mother and debate the Jedi Order's morally ambiguous practices.

Join us as we view the Star Wars saga through a more positive lens and pay homage to its origins, celebrate its present, and eagerly anticipate its unwritten future.

Key Moments
0:00 Star Wars Episode I

11:40 Discussion on Star Wars

18:58 Analyzing Star Wars

34:04 Star Wars Prequel and Soundtrack Discussion

39:14 Analyzing Star Wars Episode I

53:19 Analyzing Anakin Skywalker

1:07:41 Analyzing George Lucas and Star Wars

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

This week we're dissecting the many layers of "The Phantom Menace." From the film's controversial and polarizing aspects - yes, we're looking at you, Jar Jar Binks, to the timeless power of John Williams' "Duel of the Fates", we're going on a ride that should teach Padawans a few things and offer Jedi Masters some fresh insights.

We swap stories of merchandise mania that defined the fan experience during the film's release, unpack Anakin's heart-wrenching departure from his mother and debate the Jedi Order's morally ambiguous practices.

Join us as we view the Star Wars saga through a more positive lens and pay homage to its origins, celebrate its present, and eagerly anticipate its unwritten future.

Key Moments
0:00 Star Wars Episode I

11:40 Discussion on Star Wars

18:58 Analyzing Star Wars

34:04 Star Wars Prequel and Soundtrack Discussion

39:14 Analyzing Star Wars Episode I

53:19 Analyzing Anakin Skywalker

1:07:41 Analyzing George Lucas and Star Wars

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Speaker 1:

hey, hey, hey. I forgot to do the intro again. All right, take two this week on. Star wars sucks. Slavery and overly exaggerated racial stereotypes all in one beloved children's film yep, stick around, we going to talk about it. That's more like it. Welcome to the show everyone, howdy succulents. Welcome to Star show everyone Howdy succulents. Welcome to Star Wars Sucks. A non-toxic, low-sodium Star Wars show that doesn't make you feel bad for not knowing that midichlorians are the microscopic organisms that allow you to use the force to choke people to death. I'm sure it's an ability all of us would love to have from time to time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Especially on days like today. So, whether you're a hardcore fan or just a little swarzy curious, this is your Star Wars safe place. We're the Circles Nerds and we absolutely do love Star Wars, even if we don't always like it. So why don't we go around and uh introduce you to our motley crew? Gentlemen? So to my left, your right star of stage and screen, it is the sensational sherry. Hello everyone. I feel like you have like wrestling music going on in the background. You need some code. We I think we all need like entrance themes. We do. I think that would be pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

I can have a belt we'll do that for season two. Okay, I'm not messing with that right now. Season two we're all gonna have our own entrance theme, so work on it, I guess. All right. And from the outer rim territory of bostween, it's daddy louis hello children and you do have a belt, don't you?

Speaker 3:

a wrestling belt?

Speaker 1:

I absolutely do why are you not wearing?

Speaker 3:

we need like star wars I have a full size one and I have like a little one that you can put like on a cabbage patch doll or something so I don't know why you would. So that's the one that you actually wear no, that one goes around my junk, and then the big one goes around my waist and then the medium-sized one Around your junk.

Speaker 4:

Sorry Mom.

Speaker 1:

It's like a Coke bottle, right Like a Coke can. It's like you're packing like a Coke can.

Speaker 3:

I'll grab it.

Speaker 1:

You said no.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, you don't need to grab your job, you said. Now he's doing it, he's on camera, he's packing like Indiana Jones's guy short round.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, that is the size of a cock ring yeah, saying like I can you can wear it as a as a cuff. I'm glad all of our listeners can see this right now. Is that the winged eagle?

Speaker 3:

it was the. This is the one that came after the winged eagle. This is the one that stone cold yeah, this is stone cold introduced this one nice gross.

Speaker 1:

I only know about the greatest wrestling belt of all time, which belonged to the greatest intercontinental champion of all time macho man randy. That white, that white, nice, clean. Oh yeah, white belt is beautiful, it really is. It really really is. And, hailing from parts unknown, more wrestling terminology here it's tony what's going on, everybody?

Speaker 4:

welcome back to the galaxy I still need.

Speaker 1:

I still need a nickname for you we'll figure it out season

Speaker 1:

two we get the music. Season two yeah, season two. And of course, I am tommy d. You're more than slightly obnoxious. Star wars know it all. So what are we doing here? It's very simple. Our mission is to watch all of the canon star wars films and tv shows in chronological order. We're going to break them down, connect the dots and learn more about star wars, and maybe even a little about ourselves. Warning, there will be spoilers. Now, this is also a warning to us our, our team here, our family here.

Speaker 1:

Uh, let's be mindful of what we talk about outside of the episode that we're talking about because we, oh so we don't spoil like future stuff right, yeah, yeah good call good call, because we didn't really think about that yeah, I didn't either, until I was listening to the show last week and I was like, oh damn for people that didn't know about dooku. We really just shat on that okay, well, you started, I know no yeah, no, we were all guilty of that, for sure I'm not pointing fingers here, I'll point fingers at myself, because that, yeah, I okay well, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I I honestly didn't think about it until you just said that yeah, same, that was the whole point of that little series.

Speaker 2:

So what we were going to talk about yeah, well, but the thing is like the.

Speaker 1:

The assumption is that some of the folks that are listening to the show um are brand new to star wars and they don't know the things that we know. We know the history of many of these characters it's going to be hard to not talk about.

Speaker 3:

We'll do our best, folks, we'll do our best In release order.

Speaker 2:

In release order.

Speaker 1:

But again, some people, if they're new, if they're brand new, Everybody knows a little.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, I think it's rare that you're going to find somebody that doesn't know anything about Star Wars, even if they haven't watched it.

Speaker 4:

It's going to be certainly rare enough that somebody's listening to this podcast that has never seen anything.

Speaker 1:

True, I mean just in case, if we can.

Speaker 2:

if we can, well uh well, my like, there goes my, my top ball I mean, no, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

I say if we can say people, you know what, if it's gonna be, if it's gonna be like a foreshadowing type of spoiler, we'll just have people plug there is, just skip that part, it's ear muffet, ear muffet. There you go, all right. So last week we talked about the birth of ahsoka and the gradual fall, the descent of count dooku, as shown in the tales of the jedi tv series. Uh, the general consensus was that these episodes uh were a bit heavy, uh, emotionally. However, they were still very impactful, insightful and definitely worth watching. In or out of chronological order, yeah. So, uh, very, very good stuff there.

Speaker 1:

So this week we're talking about the big one. We're talking about one of the most controversial films in the star wars franchise, probably one of the most controversial pieces of media in the star wars franchise, and, uh, that is star wars episode one, the phantom menace yikes. Released in 1999, the phantom menace marked the return of george lucas to the director's chair after a 22 year hiatus. The film takes place 32 bby and sets the stage for what will be known as the skywalker saga. So set during the the galactic republic era, the film follows a young anakin, skywalker, and his rise from slave to young jedi and introduces us to characters that will impact the galaxy for years to come. The film also helps to answer decades of questions and debates, and not always in the most pleasing of ways. So I know, for many, many years, the only thing that a lot of us had to go off of were the books and the comics and things like that. And then in one movie, in one shot, all of that was gone. It was wiped out, all of these things that we had debated on and things that other authors had written about gone Out the door. So some people were okay with it, some people disappointed, and that's why it's probably one of them. And then there's Jar Jar Binks, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So a quick note on BBY. Aby we are going to be using that term as we continue on with our podcast. So BBY means Before the Battle of Yavin, and that is something from the very first film, star Wars, new Hope, which takes place in 19, which was released in 1977. And that's considered year zero on the timeline. So anything that happens before that is bby. Anything happens after that is aby, for after the battle of yavin. So there you go, so let's get into it. We have babbled long enough and uh, let's, uh, let's, get into some things. So, louis, because, uh, this is one of your favorite films of all time, we're starting with you light side pros, dark side cons, and then your blast points anything impactful, meaningful, or a hot take, and or a hot take.

Speaker 3:

You could have all of those things um, it's certainly not my favorite movie of all time, um, but it is by far not the worst um star wars content out there and um admittedly watching it now, as a um, you know, 41 year old, it has nostalgic feelings.

Speaker 3:

It's starting to have that nostalgic feeling um because of when it came out, um, and me and Tony, specifically because him and I are pretty much exactly the same age, we were kind of like in that weird where we're not old enough to remember the original trilogy but we're not young enough for the prequels to necessarily have been aimed at our age group. It, like the prequels, specifically episode one, was really geared towards that, like I would say that 8 to 15 year range, uh, of audience which we were outside of. You know, we were, you know, late teens, early 20s, when, when, when those came out, and so while we weren't the target audience, neither was the original trilogy right, so we were kind of in that gray area.

Speaker 3:

So I grew up watching the original trilogy, um, so when I saw initially, uh, episode one, I was like yeah you know, um, it was exciting to have fresh Star Wars content after so many years of not having fresh Star Wars content. Now we get fresh Star Wars content like a dime a minute, like like Disney is force feeding a Star Wars content. But back then, when episode one came out, you know like it was, it was everything. You know like it was, it was everything. Um, so I I would say my, my light side, um, and kind of a blast point is, um, the impact that this movie had overall on the fandom as a whole really has set the precedent for what we get now as star wars content. Um, without that, without episode one, I don't think we would have what we have today for for star wars content that really set up things to be successful.

Speaker 3:

Um, I understand why there are some people that don't like the movie, which will go to my dark side points. Um, the movie cgi wise did not age well at all when I re-watched this movie um for the purposes of this podcast. Um, the alien cgi in the movie is atrocious. Like jar jar looks ridiculous. Um, but I don't hate jar jar as a character at all. Um, I don't understand the hate that he gets I don't know I I do.

Speaker 3:

I do like jar jar as a character. Was he a little over the top, sure? But again, the age range that they get right, exactly, exactly, um. So yeah, I think my only dark side is like the cgi just didn't age well, um, some of the acting is subpar, um, but going back to a light side, is some of that, some. We got some breakouts from that, right, like like, uh, natalie portman, um is our padme forever. Um, ewan mcgregor is our obi-wan forever, right, like. I mean, like we got some qui-gon has become a fan favorite of darth maul. You know what I Like. There's so much good that came out of that movie. I I find a hard time nowadays saying bad things about the movie, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So, any hot takes any other.

Speaker 3:

Do you guys remember the merchandise for the movie?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It was just all so good. There was just so much good stuff. The figures that had the little right, the figures that had the little, the little calm pads, that you would like put over the thing and it would like say a phrase from the movie. You know, you put it over like, and then when you were in the store you'd like take it off of the shelf and then you'd try and get the com and the thing to do it so you could see what it would sound like while you were still in the store and freaking, all of the like. Every restaurant, like every chain restaurant like kfc and bk and mcdonald's there was just merch everywhere being a collector of star wars when that movie came out yeah it was like.

Speaker 3:

It was like back when the uh power of the force first came out.

Speaker 1:

It was that feeling like oh yeah, but but this time you've got a new movie to back up that merch right. You know, before, with the power of the force stuff, it was people our age, you know grabbing it because again, like you said, there was some nostalgia. These were the first figures that we had since the, the original figures right, which were just like sticks with sticks for arms and legs, and however, I still always will love the original figure lightsabers how they would just like, but.

Speaker 1:

But it's like everything. Everything about the merchandising of it was exactly what George wanted for the original. You know, star Wars film, which there was a ton of merchandising which, which was unseen, right, the world hadn't seen that level of merchandising before. Star Wars film, which there was a ton of merchandising which, which was unseen, right, the world hadn't seen that level of merchandising before. Star Wars was everywhere before the movie even came out in theaters. So now, with the phantom menace, of course, I mean Jar Jar's face, and and it was everywhere. I remember, I remember, for some reason, I remember all of the water bottles. You're drinking from a straw out of the top of Jar Jar's head, yeah, I have a Yoda one over there in that thing.

Speaker 1:

We can't see it. Your camera looks like you're recording with a potato tonight for some reason, so it's just like really weird. Yeah, maybe this is on my end, I don't know okay anyway, I don't know you're super pickly, but yeah, there was a. There was a ton, a ton of merch.

Speaker 4:

It was a good time to be a star wars fan sure was all right, Tony you're up, okay, so I'm going to piggyback off a couple points. So, first off, we'll start with Light Side. While the visual effects did not age well, the audio effects, I would argue, aged incredibly well, especially going back. Like we said, this movie came out at a period you know what, 25 years, almost after the original, after the original movie came out. Um, and I love the original movie, I love the. You know how they did the the effects with. You know practical effects as much as you could, um, but you know there's something to be said for the audio in this movie. It is just incredible. I mean just, you know, from, from the sounds of blasters to, uh, the sounds of the, the boombas, when they, when they were bouncing around in the final battle, uh, the, the audio is just incredible. And, and you know, hats off to that team, cause they just did a really great job of that, really great job of that. Other light side points you know, while I will say that the visual effects overall are a dark side point, there are some things that they tried that I just thought were incredible.

Speaker 4:

It's probably two, maybe two and a half minutes into the movie, right when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are landing to talk to, you know, to begin negotiations. There is, and I don't know if it is a very large droid or a relatively small ship that is walking around almost like a spider. And I have no idea what that ship is called. I tried to do a little bit of research into it but I didn't find anything much on it. But I saw this thing when I was like I literally watched the movie last night.

Speaker 4:

I saw this thing and rewound it back twice. So just kind of watch this thing move. Just it's maybe on frame for five or six seconds in total, but it's just creative design and I love the fact that they went for it, even if it didn't work. You know we talked about Jar Jar and some of the other alien design and whatnot and yeah, it doesn't really hold up now, but I'm glad that they went for it. I'm glad that they didn't just try to just stick with humanoids and all that. So I thought that was intriguing um, another one second, one second.

Speaker 1:

So I think we're, I think we're, uh, we're kind of getting a little bit off track just a little bit. So I, I, so we're, we're talking, we're kind of like critiquing the film, you know, in terms of like technical, you know, the, the graphics, things like that. Um, let's talk about the story. That's. That's really really why we're here. So I yeah, tony, we didn't really touch on that, we, you know it's like, but it's so easy to look at, like to see things like the cgi from 1999. You know, like I noticed it too people were walking.

Speaker 1:

There's no shadows under their feet, it looks like they're just walking on nothing you know there's a lot of, there's a lot of things like that, but but instead of the technical aspects of the film, let's talk about the story itself. Let's talk about so we're looking at like pros and cons and our blast points and things like that. Let's you know, let's think about that, think about that, that in the way that you're approaching these, you know these answers in terms of story and where these things led us, and also, maybe, how it compares to some of the things that you grew up, you know, knowing about Star Wars, because, again, this film completely gets rid of and there's that bubble, that bubble it's so hot.

Speaker 4:

I don't know where it comes from, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So you know again, like I grew up, you know, after the, after the movies came out, you know there were the re-releases, there were the special editions, you know those, those kept coming out, but it was again, it was books and and comics and that was it. There were no cartoons, there were no tv shows, there were no other movies. So everything that that we grew up with, um, especially, like you know. And when did? When did jedi come out? 80, 83, I think.

Speaker 1:

Uh yes, yeah, 83, 83 so from 83 to 99, there's, there's nothing you know except for the, the eu, the expanded universe, which is now known as legend. So you know, you have that whole period of time where you're reading all of these stories and like this whole mythology is built up in your head. You know that's, you know your head canon. And then now here comes papa george and he's like yeah, no, no, no, no. He's like I know, I, I signed off and I gave my thumbs up on all of these books, all of these beloved stories that you all know and love so well. But no, no, we're just gonna, we're just gonna forget those ever happened and we're gonna go with this thing that I made up, which it he's. He is the maker, so that is his prerogative to do so. So, in in those terms, in those terms, if you guys want to, absolutely revisit, revisit.

Speaker 4:

So when it comes to that, I would say, as far as the story is concerned and I will this is one of the things that I'm really glad about how we are doing this is, having just watched Tales of the Jedi and seeing some more stories of the corruption of the Senate really gives a better layout to what we're seeing in this movie of how layout to what we're seeing in this movie of of how diplomacy and corruption have led the groundwork to allow the story to happen right, because I would at least like to think that back in the days of the high republic this type of thing would have never happened.

Speaker 1:

We're going to find out soon enough, sure accolades on its way now.

Speaker 4:

Now the the one, and it's not an issue so much as just my personal experience. I never really read most of the comics and whatnot, so for me it was literally just okay. I've got the original trilogy to go off of and now I've got this movie, so I didn't have a whole lot of headcanon for it. To me it was just okay. We're just diving in and let's see what happens okay, well, that's good.

Speaker 1:

A fresh perspective for you, then, so that that's really good okay um, as far as you know, going through the story beats um.

Speaker 4:

I will say I I getting into a dark side point here. I do understand the hate that jar jar gets um. He is not the worst character by any means, but he's certainly not among my favorites. Again, just I'm not. You know, like Louie mentioned target audience for this movie 8 to 15. And for me it just didn't hit. I appreciate what they were trying to do it, just to me it was a little too goofy, a little too silly. But that's fine, Again that.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't bad for you. You weren't the target.

Speaker 2:

And it was a comic relief.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. Star Wars has always had comedy in it. It's one of the things that the toxic fan base has always had a problem with to a point, but that's another conversation. So I don't mind that aspect. To me it was just like. To me, the nice thing about, about other aspects of star wars was there was always comedy to it, but like there was never just a character, that that's all it was was just comic relief, right, um, whereas that's what Jar Jar was. That's okay.

Speaker 4:

But beyond that I will say there's a certain, looking back on it now, a certain amount of blind faith that you have to have. And as much as and Louie knows this Qui-Gon is by far my favorite Jedi of all time. I've gone back and read some of the novels and whatnot of him and Obi-Wan's relationship prior to the movies. I've started reading into some of his relationship as a Padawan to Count Dooku and I love that character. But the blind faith that he has in, just well, this is all just going to work out and we just got to ride with it. Because I mean, let's be honest, if they lose like if somehow Anakin loses that pod race, they're fucked Like I don't, I think that loses that pod race.

Speaker 1:

They're fucked Like I don't. I think that that he knew, I don't think that it was like cause, like Padme brings that up. You know Padme even says you know, your, your faith in this boy, you know, and a boy we hardly know. You know, you know she was like you know he was like you know he was like well, she said the queen would not approve. You know she's like you know.

Speaker 1:

I don't trust but I I do not approve. Yeah. So I think I think Qui-Gon knew, I think that he had in, in some ways, that foresight similar to what Palpatine has. Palpatine's able to to, to really foresee things until his ego gets in the way.

Speaker 4:

And I I can, I can certainly accept that as as as the headcanon and the logic to go with. Yeah, I don't know, to me that becomes one of those. If he's that strong with the force, then he really should have been on the council and you know maybe that just goes to you know, the flaws of and the blindness that jedi had in the force. Going into all that. Obviously, again, we don't have that background at this point to know.

Speaker 1:

um, but yeah, I think you get it. I mean that, tony, I think that's it. I think that is exactly. That is the eye opener right there. I I don't know if it was done on purpose. I really want to think that it was done on purpose. But, like you said, that is the flaw in the Jedi Council. I mean, the Jedi are still very much. You know, there's the light side and the dark side and there is no in between. We talked about that last week. So in that respect, what you said I think that really, really nails it is that you know, yes, qui-gon should have been on the council. He absolutely should have been. He probably should have been the leader of the council, but he didn't want it and the council didn't want it because the council's like political.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sherry, you're about to say something well, I I don't think they agreed with his living force tactics no, yeah, they did not agree with his methods at all I think that's. That's the difference, but you'll get to me about that.

Speaker 4:

Oh man, sherry's got something. So when it comes to blast points again, this is pretty early on in the movie I want to say maybe 10 minutes in when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are confronted by the quote-unquote droidekas, yep, and they decide to make a hasty retreat. Yes, now, this is an ability that was never seen in the original trilogy and has never been seen since. No, and it's something that would have come in pretty fucking handy in a number of situations Many times, not too much. More specifically later in this movie, when Obi-Wan's trying to catch up in the in the duel of the fates yeah, like if you've got access to that service you should have been stopped by that stupid Sherry.

Speaker 1:

Remember when they, when they were trying to, they were trying to poison them inside that little, that little conference room and they came out and then the battle droids with the shields, the droid came up. We see them use their lightning speed. It's like, oh, obi-wan's, like it's a fend off and they're gone like the Flash, like a cartoon character. There's a little smoke, yeah, and Tony's absolutely right, we never saw it before and we never see it again. We literally never see it again. Where was that maneuver before? Qui-gon got the gut shot. I mean, he could be like you, ain't? Nope, I don't think so. Ha ha, well, maybe they're.

Speaker 1:

You know what it's a plot device it's technical maybe maybe it's like a once, maybe it's like a once a day thing.

Speaker 2:

There's like a 24-hour cool down on it before you can use it again.

Speaker 1:

You do get tired. I mean, the midichlorians can only do so much. It takes a lot of energy, the midichlorians, they gotta take a break.

Speaker 2:

That's funny, Tony.

Speaker 4:

The one thing is to me, honestly, this is one of those things that I think when I watched this movie back in 1999. I don't know that, I recognize that that's what that was, nah right no but I certainly recognize it now and again.

Speaker 4:

Back in 1999 I was definitely a star wars fan, but I wasn't aware of the critical issues or the toxic fan base that we love to talk about. But I will say it's almost stunning how again, maybe I'm wrong, but I certainly don't remember there being a ton of backlash against them having this ability which had never been seen before. And yet when the sequel trilogy comes out, oh, there's force healing now. Oh, this is bullshit. You can't do that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, just spoilers.

Speaker 2:

Too late.

Speaker 1:

I think that I've always said that the force is like the ultimate cheat code, like it doesn't, it doesn't matter, it explains everything. Before these movies came out and we were just living on the books and stuff and we would have, you know, as youngsters, we would have these debates. You know, how did they do this? How did they do that? The Force, I mean that's it. It's like you know, how did you survive doing the Force? You can use the Force to explain away everything. It is the cheat code, it is the up, up, down, right back forth a, b, a, b, whatever the fuck that cheat code was but the force of the cheat code, yeah, so.

Speaker 4:

So I guess I'll my you know, before I go too much on a rant on all this stuff, um, I will say final light points, dark points for me. Um, again now, having watched tales of the jedi, I you know, and I know it's one of the major criticisms that this movie and the entire prequel trilogy got was how much time and energy was spent in Senate negotiations and all that other stuff. I personally want a little bit more of it. I want to know a little bit more of how that breakdown went when they tossed out Valorum and brought in Palpatine. Like what did that battle look like on the inside? You know, I know they mentioned Bale as one of the potential people to come up. I really would have loved to get a little bit more of a deep dive into that. I understand it probably would have ruined the pace of the movie, but still I kind of want to know more about that.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we'll get Tales of the Senate. I mean, we've got Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire. Ten out of ten would watch.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. Tales of the Senate. So I mean, who knows who knows? I think that that would be interesting because you know Tales of senate. So I mean, who knows who knows? I think that that would be interesting because you know the, you know tales, the jedi tales of the empire. They're, they're shorts, you know, they're not, they're not too long. You could do tales of the senate and you know, really, look at like. I would love to know more about what happened with velorum. I would love to know why bale organa didn't get the chancellorship. He was very popular, very well liked. I mean, we know why.

Speaker 3:

Just a little bit, because he liked it well, you know, since we know that dave and john listened to our podcast, we should just um. You know, there's your idea, guys there you go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so day flowing john. Next year, 2025, let's see it. Tales of the Senate, that shit would blow up. You got all these people talking about how they don't like the politics of Star Wars. That's all Star Wars is is politics. Everything is politics in Star Wars Everything Jedi, the Senate, the Sith, the New Order, the Old Order, the Republic Order, all the orders, it's all it's all, it's all.

Speaker 4:

And because I always like to leave off on the brighter side of things, final light side point for me, uh, and I know I mentioned it briefly earlier um, sound quality, whatnot? The duel of the fates? I just for me, personally, as much as I love the imperial march, as much as I love luke's theme and all that, for me that music, that's my number one. I there's just nothing else that compares, um, and not just the music itself, but everything that goes into it. I mean quite literally that entire battle is the fate of the entire star wars universe. Yeah, if qui-gon does not die in that battle, I don't think anakin grows up to be, to become what he becomes, and who knows where that world ends up yeah, I mean it.

Speaker 1:

It had to. It had to go in the direction that it went. We had we had to lose qui-gon um obi-wan had to lose qui-gon. Anakin had to lose qui-gon. It's sad and it's unfortunate, but I agree with you, it had to happen. And you know, and and I would agree that that that is probably one of the finest pieces of music in cinema period. There's actually a little mini documentary about it. I just recently watched it on YouTube and it's just, you know, john Williams and George Lucas kind of going back and forth, you know what, you know the sound that John is there, that George is looking for, and then how John Williams is able to like just bring that you know into life, just pull it out of the ether. You know he brought in the choir, it was. It's just amazing. But then someone did like a little parody where they they made lyrics for that so good long lyrics where it's like it

Speaker 1:

it is really, really good and if, if you haven't heard it, please, please, listen to it. However, it may ruin. Duel of the fates for you for the rest of your life, because you will never be able to listen to it without hearing corn. Of the fates for you for the rest of your life, because you will never be able to live without hearing corn on the cob anymore. And it kind of like it kind of takes the gravitas away from it just a little bit but yeah, I'm going to.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to download that audio and we'll put it up on our social page.

Speaker 1:

Cause we got to do it so, Louie, before we get to share.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to circle back around to you and see if you had anything else you wanted to. To mention story side of things, um, honestly, I mean, there's a lot to unpack in this movie. Yeah, I mean tony kind of took the words out of my like it's it's very the story is. Yeah, I mean, everything tony said was right, it's it's a pivotal moment, it's very important you, it's a must see, it's. There's no way of getting around it, um, if you watch it in chronological order, um, and you have no idea what's coming in the future for these characters. Um, man, are you in for something special?

Speaker 1:

yeah, if you've seen the.

Speaker 3:

If you've seen, you know some of the older stuff and this is your first time dabbling in the prequels. Um, with that knowledge, um, just being able to have some of that backstory and and some of it isn't is just fun, right, like the. The um the origin of c-3po um, you know that. That. It is just fun, right, like the origin of C-3PO. Yeah, it's just a fun. Like you know what I mean. No one asked like oh, I wonder how C-3PO was made. And then George was like here, don't you want to know? And now we're like oh, I'm so glad I know how. You know what I mean. Like when I sat down to watch that.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't thinking. This is where we're gonna meet c3po.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I had no idea because we didn't know, we didn't, we didn't know that anakin made 3po had no idea you know that was a brand new thing to fans right, um.

Speaker 1:

And then 18, well, no more than 18. 18 years, like I don't know, I don't know, like 20, 25 plus years later. You know, you've got C3PO telling Luke Skywalker thank the maker.

Speaker 3:

And it's like your dad was a painter, Yep. C-3po was the only character. Him and R2 are the only characters to appear in all Star Wars films.

Speaker 1:

And R2 knows everything. I don't think he has ever had a mind wipe. I was going to talk about that, oh.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry All right.

Speaker 1:

Sensational Sherry. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, all right. Sorry, all right, all right. Thank you, I'm done. Sensational Sherry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm done.

Speaker 2:

So you guys said everything already. No, no, there's still more stuff.

Speaker 1:

You have pages and pages, so I do have pages. So, Sherry, Sherry and I, we we went we this in theaters recently.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It was the 25th anniversary.

Speaker 3:

20th anniversary 25th, it came out in 99.

Speaker 1:

So 25. 25 years. So I'm either a terrible Star Wars fan or I'm just really bad at math 25. So we were privileged enough to see this in theaters, which I highly recommend, because, tony, I agree with you 10,000%. The sound was amazing, maybe a little too amazing sometimes. Sometimes I'm like oh my God, no, it was, that's just because I'm sure, but we got to see it in the theater, so I think that that's uh, that's fun, that's fun. So, sherry, what say you?

Speaker 2:

oh no, um no, like I feel bad because you talked about like not having like big time spoilers. So you told me now I can't say stuff.

Speaker 1:

okay well, you told me I can't say stuff. Okay Well, you told me. You said start with Louie. Oh no, no, no, you said because I don't know.

Speaker 2:

The spoilers is what I'm saying Okay. But anyway.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So you know a little snippet of like you know what I liked about it I liked what I liked about it is that hold on, because I'm old and I can't see my paper without taking my glasses off, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So what I liked about it was the story of you know the 1977, you know basically the other three movies, so with Annie and Anakin and things like that, that if people don't know who he is, well, now, you know, I mean if you, if you're, you're, if you're, if you know, you know, right, if you're staying with our, if you're doing your, our homework along with us, you know who anakin is in, this little slave boy, and no, no, that's not what I mean but you mean you do, if you know who he becomes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm pretty sure we know, I mean and I know, but that's why I have my paper, yeah, you know. So anyway, um, so it kind of defeated what I was going to say, but so then just tell us how you feel about the movie no, the movie itself um the story for me because I, like like tony, I didn't read the comics things like that, but I've lived with you for, you know, 30 years yeah so obviously I know some things from the books, but I only know the original trilogy, right.

Speaker 2:

So when this movie came out, it was eye-opening, you know what I mean. And I was like, oh you know, anakin is this great kid and the thing I felt, I felt bad for him, to be honest, when they took him away from his mother. Um, that's the only. That's one of the things with the Jedi. We talked about this before. I don't agree with that. I don't agree with them ripping them from their families. They're kidnappers, yes, and doing all these things to train them in their cult.

Speaker 1:

Child, child abductors, human traffickers.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I don't think they're human traffickers.

Speaker 3:

Well, I, mean, I don't think they're traffickers but you know, it's not ditty, but um dang shots fired shots fired.

Speaker 2:

Oh damn, damn. But you know you gotta put that in there.

Speaker 1:

Damn girl, don't hurt him savage, he hurt himself oh, but um all right but no, anyway, so um I don't even have a sound, any sound effects for that. What does this one do? Geez, that was that hurt my heart and I'm not even involved so no, I don't but anyway.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I really thought that qui-gon um and to be honest, this is a spoiler, sorry guys.

Speaker 1:

He could have fought a little harder to get his mother released as well and I know well it's not a spoiler we saw, we see that in the movie, that's that's oh, yeah, yeah so in the movie we just don't want to spoil stuff that's that's outside of the fans.

Speaker 2:

It's fine if it happens it happens, so, um, so yeah, I felt for them, though that's what I like. I like the movie about the whole um, I don't know how to put it, um, I don't know. I I just generally I like the movie. Jar jar is fine. Um, like you, he's a little over the top, but again, he's that comic relief, so it doesn't really bother me. I think the Gungan are great people, you know a great race that they have, that they brought in, introduced and you know, and everybody can get along on the planet, which I thought that was really cool. Um, I think the biggest thing. Let me see what I write here, Let me write here Um, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I guess the the negative and the for me again is just when they, they took Annie away from his mother. They, they took annie away from his mother. Yeah, I, I really think, because he was too old and I agreed with yoda on that, I I have to say, yeah, when they brought him to the temple, I did I 100 agreed um, he was too old, I think maybe they could have kept him on the planet and maybe taught him a little some things and teach him about the force.

Speaker 2:

Maybe go back and talk. You know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

I don't think because he already had like preconceived notions. He was obviously bitter because he was a fucking slave. Well, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean it was bitter about a slave, but I mean really they didn't, they didn't really dive into the slave thing.

Speaker 1:

You see it once, when Padme was like you're a slave, yeah, and he was like I'm a person and my name is Anakin Well, I guess, so that motherfucker is a little bitter about his, his slavery.

Speaker 2:

So he already had anger.

Speaker 1:

He had that and then he has know longing he misses his mom and all of those emotions, as yoda says, could you know that it's fear, that fear. But he but anakin himself, even said he wasn't afraid, but he misses his mom. I think that there was a level of fear there. Of course there was, but he, but you're what?

Speaker 2:

10 years old nine. He was nine nine years old and you're like light years away from your.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, I'm gonna, I'm gonna train you.

Speaker 2:

You know, and I felt bad for obi-wan because he's like I haven't even done the trials yet and you're already getting rid of me right I know he loves.

Speaker 3:

I am ready to face the trials.

Speaker 2:

I am ready, are you? I mean, apparently you're not and then the council.

Speaker 1:

You defeated a Sith, you're good. You're fine, go ahead and cut the ponytail off, you're good? Go ahead, here's a Padawan for you. Even though Obi-Wan didn't become a Padawan until he was like 12, he almost got shipped off to an agricultural colony because nobody wanted him. He was like the kid picked last for for kickball on the playground. So, tony, you said you liked reading stuff about obi-wan and qui-gon. There's a, there's a young reader's book, um, about that, about obi-wan and qui-gon, about qui-gon taking obi-wan as his padawan, like days before he was supposed to get shipped off to an aggro colony. So it's a good book. Again, it's a young reader's book. It's for, you know, but I was able to say all the words out loud, so you know.

Speaker 4:

Perfect for me um, I haven't read that one. Uh, the one I wrote was called master and apprentice, uh, and I do highly recommend it if you're interested in getting more of that background I I have heard that that's good Between those two characters.

Speaker 2:

I've seen that movie, but it was not Star Wars related.

Speaker 4:

That's a whole other topic. That's for our only fans. That's only fans. Oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Sherry, please continue, and you could see Palpatine's wheels.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like turning in this movie.

Speaker 1:

We will watch your career with great interest. Yeah, I bet you pervy motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know much about him. I had no idea when we first watched this, obviously back in 99, that I didn't know he was part of the Senate and all these things. I had no idea. But then you see him talking to padme and I felt like I don't know how she didn't feel the, the sinister, the sinister.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, yeah, he's just slimy right, yeah, he just seems like he makes my skin crawl.

Speaker 2:

So I'm, I'm so, and I know she was young as well. Oh, yeah, 14, yeah, she, yeah, she was like 14, 15 um, you know, and you're the queen of this whole planet, so um, and you're getting.

Speaker 1:

You're getting all this advice from all of these. Like far, far older people, you have all these expectations, you have the weight of literally a, the weight of a world on your shoulders. And you're a kid, you're a baby I mean, she was raised for that, but still yeah, and she did a great job.

Speaker 2:

She did a great job, um, and you know, I don't know how many people have watched, like the crown.

Speaker 1:

You know, queen elizabeth, yeah, it reminds me of her story which I think is weird but I bet george based a lot of padme on queen elizabeth yeah, I would imagine.

Speaker 2:

She was so young and things like that. I mean, it is that parallel the young queen. Yeah, the young queen.

Speaker 1:

During a war. I mean she was doing stuff during World War II, I mean it was just yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but for Padme she took it like a champ she did and she kept all those internal struggles to herself. You know, for the most part, but she brought the.

Speaker 1:

She was the one who brought the Gungans and the Nubians together. Yes, I mean she got down on her knees and said we beg you to help us. I mean that that speaks volumes of her character. I mean she is. She was a 14 year old girl, but she was a woman.

Speaker 2:

I mean she was absolutely she is the queen and her place Right.

Speaker 1:

She knew what she had to do to save to save, to save her planet, Not just, not just her people, but every, every species, every people. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So and then I guess one of the surprising things obviously you already mentioned it was, you know, c-3po and that Anakin made him. So that was very interesting. And I think one of my favorite scenes was the fight between Qui-Gon and Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi. I loved it. It's intense, especially when the walls kept closing and you're like seriously, are you going to fight? Come on. So I thought that was very interesting, but I did question the whole.

Speaker 1:

Like when qui-gon got killed, his body didn't disappear there's, there's a reason for that, so, and we, we so yeah, yeah, we can get into that later, because I don't even know that oh, yeah, yeah, that, that whole, yeah, yeah okay, so yeah, so that I was like yoda explains it in the movie in a movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, eventually okay, so no, that's fine. But you know, if you've watched, you know the first trilogies, that's what happens. So then when I saw, I was like well, what's going on? And then you know the living force and things like that. So as a kind of a noob in the whole thing, I was like oh, and and that's a great point that is a really really good point because when we watched the show last week and they buried that the jedi, they got killed.

Speaker 2:

Yes, um, and you know they put her in that coffin with the light or you know whatever, it was like a cremation um. I was like what?

Speaker 1:

right, I didn't think that happened, because the first time that well, I mean, up to this point, the first time that we had ever seen a jedi die was in the original trilogy and when obi-wan went out, and he's just gone poof and then we see it happen again with yoda, but it's, it's interesting because in in this, in the prequel trilogy, they, they tie that together okay they tie it together with yoda and obi-wan. Um, okay, and it's great. It's actually giving me goosebumps thinking about it right now okay, cool so, but that's that's really it, okay.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, I think that's all I had um I would recommend it, yeah, to people yeah, I was gonna say, tell me danny louie recommended for uh yeah, new fans, absolutely okay.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, my stuff before we, before we head out, I'll do my stuff quick. Well, as quickly as I do, I guess. But, um, I, despite, despite all of the expectations that I had going into it, of the prequels, uh, the prequel films, this one is my favorite. It's, it probably makes my my top five for star wars films. Um, this one is is up there. I would say it's like my top three actually. And the reason being is that I know it wasn't made for me, it's not my star wars, it wasn't my generation star wars, but it had everything there that, as a star wars fan, I wanted and that I would have asked for. We had the lightsaber duels, we had that fucking dope ass pod race. That pod race was the shit, yeah, and I mean like it's like from start to finish. I mean it's like in your gut, you know, you know that anakin's probably gonna win, but the setup for it, you know, oh, yeah, well, I'll win this time right, it's tense the whole time.

Speaker 1:

You haven't even finished, you've never, you've never finished a race. Well, I almost won the last one, but saboba blast me with his very you know, flash me with his vents or whatever, yeah, so it's like. And then the look on Padme's face.

Speaker 3:

You assumed too much.

Speaker 1:

She's like I'm going to be dancing for Jabba. We are done. We are done on Tatooine. That is it. Thanks, qui-gon.

Speaker 4:

I will say I don't want to interrupt, but I will say, for me this is a great example of this, is a character that we know has plot, armor, and yet they give you that suspense yeah, because I mean, really they.

Speaker 1:

If you've never seen it before, yes, there is the plot armor, so you know he'll live, but there's still no guarantee he's gonna win that race. Oh yeah, you know, there's still no guarantee. And it was just. Oh, man, it was great. I love that. I love jar jar, I love what he brings, I love his rise to power, you know, and I mean I mean, I mean, granted, he is the Sith Lord, who is, you know, the puppet master behind all of this, I mean Darth Jar Jar, and it's a theory, but I believe it to be fact.

Speaker 2:

I believe he is serious.

Speaker 1:

So he has made all of this happen. If you, if you really deep dive it and look into it, Is it because they, they, uh, what is it?

Speaker 2:

kicked him out of the city?

Speaker 1:

so now he's getting revenge on the whole but I think that was all part of his plan anyway too. Oh, you know, you're not gonna, you're not gonna. You know, smash the boss's head, liver or whatever it's called. And you know you get banished because you're clumsy. Banished because you're clumsy, you're not gonna get banished because you're clumsy. Banished because you're clumsy, you're not going to get banished because you're clumsy if you don't do it on purpose. No one's that clumsy, especially gungans. Gungans, if you see, gungans are very agile, that's true, they're very agile, they're, they're, obviously they're good swimmers, but they're, they're maybe jar jar has like adhd no, he doesn't have adhd he.

Speaker 1:

He is full of the dark side. That's what he has some riddling. Yes, he needs some. Yeah, no shit. Um, ahmad best did such a great job performing as jar jar, as the, the physical jar jar and the voice. He did such a great job and he got so much hate for that and I was so happy to see him. Um come back later later yeah, later later that's actor we're saying, yeah, later, so, but, um, so I, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I think that there were. There were many, many corny moments, many, many, many corny moments. Um, you know there were, uh, but again, that's star wars. Star wars is corny, it's cheesy, it's it's. You know, saturday afternoon cinema I mean, this is what george grew up watching. This is, you know. So, you know, I, I loved the phantom menace. I really really do. I really can honestly say that there's, there's a point in it where I've seen, I've seen the movie dozens of times and I, I get it every.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting choked up, not thinking about it every single time. When anakin is leaving and shmi is like don't look back, don't look back, I'm like, oh my god, here we go again. The heartstring, it really does, it really does, and then and then he goes and that just the weight of that carries along with us. When we see him in the jedi council chamber and you know they're, they're talking about that and it's like you know your thoughts of your mother, I miss her. I mean it's like duh, you know, and like you know he's, you know he's cold in space and you know it's like he is an actual. I mean, he is a, he is a good kid who has just been born into a shit situation and it just well, I think they made it worse for him the jedi made it absolutely worse for him, obi-wan it opened him up to palpatine yes that.

Speaker 1:

That's what happened but palpatine, palpatine though is so good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, spoilers, sorry palpatine is you zip it, shut up, but, but. But to your point, as we will see. Well, see, I don't want to say too much, right? But it's kind of important what I'm going to say um earmuffet looking at anakin in this light, seeing him here yeah you will.

Speaker 3:

You will really see down the line how he was. Just the way that he came into the jedi order is so dramatically different from how any other padawan gets introduced into the jedi order. You know, like and I would like to see more of that from star wars, content to see how, um, and maybe we will in the future, things that we watch, because, as I've said before, I am not versed in clone wars and stuff like that but I would like.

Speaker 3:

But I would like to see more of how babies get selected to come into the Jedi Order. It can't be every slave on the planet that a Jedi picked out. He was a unique case, it was like this destiny and that made his training so much more difficult. And you really need to look at anakin right now, as you watch this film, as this young little boy, and realize that his journey is wildly different from any other jedi's journey it is to to use a single word.

Speaker 1:

If I, if I, were to use a single word to describe the story of Anakin Skywalker, it would be heartbreaking. That is the word. Heartbreaking, and we're we're definitely going to get more into that as we go into episode two and three of the prequels, um, which we're going to be getting into in a couple weeks, but, um, it is just heartbreaking to see how this young child was. Essentially, it's almost like being the child of divorced parents who are using the kid for leverage, and that's exactly what we see between the Jedi and Palpatine, and it's like this wonderful, talented, funny little boy was used as a tool for other people's agendas the light side and the dark side, both and no one thought about the both and no one thought about the boy. No one thought about the boy, and I think that's why his tale is so heartbreaking. Because, you know, as anyway, we're getting a whole thing. We could do a whole podcast just about anakin skywalker.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and and and you know multiple and the things that, the things that come into his life. And once we start seeing him in the clone wars, I mean, to be totally honest, even that's my Anakin, like I. You know, anakin from the films is Anakin from the films and we're going to get more into that again in later episodes of this podcast as we talk about those, those films. But the Anakin of the clone wars animated series is that is, that is my anakin skywalker. I mean that guy is, I mean the relationship between him and obi-wan, the relationship between him and padme. You know, we get to see all of that grow and develop and it's just beautiful, but it just makes everything else hurt that much more. Yeah, but yeah, so, uh, my hot take is that it's a fucking great movie and I absolutely love it. Flaws and all, I love that movie. That's my hot take.

Speaker 1:

Um, the dark side I thought that some of the pacing was actually too fast. There was, uh, the, the um, when they're, when they're going to the, the planet core and and you know, you know, oh, gooberish, you know doing all that. Um, they're big, you know, but it sets up qui-gon for that classic there's always a big fish line, right, but I, I read the book and in the book obviously they go into more detail. But um, when he there's this whole thing where in the book where qui-gon touches jar jar's shoulder and knocks him out well, he's using the force on him, obviously, to knock him out, and then obi-wan says you overdid it. There's more to it in the book, but in the film it's just like it's so quick and they did.

Speaker 1:

They just they barely touch on it. So I think like that's my least favorite scene. It's fun, but like the pacing of it, it's like, and again and again, with this movie there's so much to unpack, there's so much that was put into the film. It's hard to really rest on just one thing. But I think overall we do get. We get the building blocks for the tragedy that is Anakin Skywalker story. I mean, ultimately it ends up with redemption. But you know, I I don't know, it's, it's still.

Speaker 1:

It hurts this heart, hurts the soul.

Speaker 3:

So anybody got anything else um, I think that you, I think that one other really quick thing is um, I guess you know, a dark side of something that I would like to have seen more of would have been Qui-Gon actually teaching Obi-Wan. Like you see him teaching him in passing, but it's really touched on very lightly. You know, like, like when, when Obi, like when Qui-Gon is talking to the, to the council, about Obi-Wan's progression, you know through, like his training or whatever he says. You know like his training or whatever he says. You know he, he still has much to learn of the living force, but he is capable, like I wanted to see you know what I mean like I'd almost want a prequel to the prequel.

Speaker 1:

I'd want to see qui-gon because dave and john are listening. Guys, fellas right. You know a six episode series shorts 20 minutes long. Six episodes um qui-gon and obi-wan. From the time that he takes obi-wan is his padawan to like a day before you know they get sent to do the the trade negotiations.

Speaker 3:

So we get the Padawan tales the Padawan speaking.

Speaker 4:

I would love to see that, I absolutely would. But I want to see. I want to see Qui-Gon's progression from Padawan of Dooku oh to master of of Obi-Wan.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, and yes, and something, something happened to qui-gon jinn along the way. I don't know what, I don't think any of us know, know what it is, but something happened to qui-gon along the way to make him ridiculously powerful. Yeah, so much so, wow, so much so. And I, you know, I, man, fuck it, we're gonna spoil it, I don't care, no, but so much so that he actually teaches yoda and obi-wan from beyond the grave, like, I mean, like he becomes that strong in the living force, the, the, it's just, it's insane. So, yes, I, I think something, something happened. You know, unless maybe he's his midichlorian, his midichlorian council, no, but his duke was powerful as fuck so I mean, but what I'm saying is is he saw the struggle in his master that's a good point okay, and I think, instead of turning the way some do to the sith, he turned the opposite and was like what are you doing, dude?

Speaker 2:

we need to do this that's a great point.

Speaker 1:

So it pushed him harder to be good To be as good as I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying he, I think they all tap in to some dark side. I mean, you do once in a while, that just happens.

Speaker 1:

But maybe he focused internally more to try to help his master.

Speaker 2:

I think he did. I think he did try to do that. That's a great point. Yeah, he focused on the better part of the force using it the way that it's supposed to be used.

Speaker 1:

So he tapped into the living force more to try to counterbalance the slide that that dooku was going on right, and I think qui-gon is the epitome of the force I would agree, I would agree he.

Speaker 2:

He has the. I think he has the best of both world, and knowing who his master is now um.

Speaker 1:

Now I can see why so that really set the stage for you. That's good. I'm so glad you're able to experience that yeah that's awesome yeah, so I think

Speaker 4:

yeah. So my personal take on that, like if you, if you and I know it's a different nerd topic, but if you're all familiar with the dungeons and dragons, um, what is it called alignment chart? Yeah, I think qui-gon lands true neutral and I think he's the only Jedi that we know that does.

Speaker 1:

I don't. I'd put Ahsoka at true neutral. I would put Qui-Gon at neutral, good.

Speaker 3:

But with Tony's experience, not having the background of Ahsoka, he might not see her in that way. So maybe, when all of this is done, then he's gotten Ahsoka's full, because I haven't seen it but I know a little bit more about it because I've done probably a little more research than Tony has. So maybe once we've all seen Ahsoka's full story, maybe. But but I agree with tony right now of the jedi that we've seen and what, what we know, I would agree with him outside of ahsoka, who we're still I got it.

Speaker 1:

I got it. Yeah, from your perspective right now, yep, absolutely, I would agree. Um, that's fun. We should do a. We should do a star wars character dnd alignment chart. Like just make an alignment chart and put in there who we think is the critical um example of that particular alignment well, after all this, that can be like a grand finale like I don't even play, but I know what that is yeah, we could probably even do that on our social media, like ask people to you know, say who what's, what's your?

Speaker 1:

you know, who do you, who do you think is lawful good, and you know things like that. You know, like I would put yoda is lawful good, you know, he's just like I was gonna say. I was gonna say, uh, mace, but mace is, I don't, mace is like a paladin, but was that a we'll have to talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll get into that, that's later, that's later, all right, but I have a fun fact. Oh yeah, yeah, fun fact, just a quick one. People might know it already.

Speaker 1:

Fun fact is, but people might not.

Speaker 2:

That George Lucas, all his ideas, but the movies um with a pad and pencil first no typewriter, no computer, just no just paper and ink, just paper, old school and pencil it's. It was specific. Oh, it's a pencil, okay, it's probably in a race or whatever. But so when we're talking about how a lot of it was just like really fast paced, I'm thinking that's how his brain is yeah probably he's writing this stuff.

Speaker 2:

If he is literally writing it out, I mean, think about your brain, you know you have all these ideas and you're just trying to my brain is fucked no, that's not what I'm knackered but but no, but that's what I'm saying. George lucas has that imagination that, that that type of brain, right where you have this idea and you have to get it out and he writes it out. He writes it on paper and then probably makes changes and obviously writers and things like this get involved, but the initial is just yeah and it's interesting yeah, it.

Speaker 1:

It's cool because if you ever look at like there, you can go online like they've got, like you know, the first drafts of things and his the original story. I think it's called the jedi of the wills, okay, or something like that, or it's something of the will. Heard of that one? Yeah, yeah, that was. It was, yeah, like all of the names's, something of the will. I haven't heard of that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was. It was like all of the names. A lot of the names are still in there.

Speaker 1:

Um, I think star killer was in there. Star killer was originally supposed to be Luke's name, like that was. It was supposed to be star killer, not Skywalker originally, but maybe it's tales of the wills, I, something like that. Um, but that was like the original, that was like the original. But there's, there's. It's really interesting to look at you know, sherry, like what you said, the, the way that his mind moves like in the direction that it moves in. It kind of like you know, weaves in and out, but then to see like a lot of the stuff from his original notes and his original manuscripts dave and John are like pulling things from that yeah, I bet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like, like the rebels TV series. You know, when you look at Zeb Zeb was the original concept for Chewbacca, which is really really cool, and like the whole animation style was based off of Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art. So to see that coming full circle again, that's showing that you know Star Wars, especially Rebels and everything that Dave and John do. Everything is a love letter to George Lucas, thanking him for creating this amazing galaxy for us. You know again flaws for us. You know again flaws and all.

Speaker 1:

You know we're not all going to like it now, but you know we, uh, we all don't have to like it. You like what you know. It's like someone had put out a it was a, a tweet years ago, Um, and they said star Wars is like a restaurant. You know, it's like your favorite, it's like our favorite restaurant. You go in there. You don't like everything on the menu. You order what you like you. You don't eat what you don't like, you don't worry about what other people have ordered and, above all else, don't be a dick to the staff.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, and and I agree a hundred thousand percent, that is. That is. That's any franchise really. I mean, you've got a lot of people that work hard to do this. Really, I mean, you've got a lot of people that work hard to do this. Um, george shared this with us, you know. I mean I feel grateful for that. You know, people are like, well, disney is destroying it, well, you know what? Anyway, that's, that's not for this show, yeah, but I love it. Thank you, george, for uh, for creating this, and I hope I get to meet you before you die because you're old.

Speaker 3:

So All right, so he probably listens to. So maybe we can set up a meet and greet.

Speaker 2:

So the only one listening is Disney.

Speaker 1:

No, they're lawyers, the only one Lawyers. What is?

Speaker 2:

the Star Wars? Yeah, let's. How about you give Dave and them are the ideas that we have today, we'll get there today.

Speaker 1:

We'll get there, we'll get there. Um, so, homework for next week succulents watch tales of the jedi season one, episode four. Now, remember, we didn't watch that on the last run, but now there's a reason, because four takes place directly after the events of the phantom menace. Okay, and it's just gonna hit you, it's gonna have a box of tissues. I'm just saying just, you take that. However, you want to have a box, yeah, it's gonna.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna be like you're gonna feel it, you're gonna feel it in your chest, I hope, because I hope that you know, as you know, if people are watching these things in the order that we're, that we're giving out the homework and I'm hoping there's people watching things for the first time. Share it, like you would seem. You know, with with the whole thing, with dooku, I really hope that people are are seeing this and their eyes are opening and they're learning new things and they're really starting to invest in some of the characters and they're starting to get that that emotional connection with some of the characters. So when we lose someone like qui-gon you know we didn't have a whole lot of time with qui-gon- you know, but he made a big impact.

Speaker 1:

He did make a big impact, but now we're gonna see how his death impacted others yeah tales of the jedi season one, episode four.

Speaker 1:

Watch it, it's so good. It's so good it's more dooku stuff. So all right and uh. With that, it is time for our obligatory pimping. So please check us out on all social media at the sws show and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and our youtube channel. That way you never, ever, miss an episode. And if you'd like some merch, head on over to circle of nerdscom slash merch, we should probably should make our own merch site for this. Huh, yeah instead of uh.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, it's fine piggybacking off.

Speaker 1:

It can be, it's fine yeah, we'll do that another time. So, um, and if you'd like to know what's coming up, you can check out our timeline, um, in the show description. So that's gonna let you know what's coming up in, you know, for the rest of the season. Uh, so, does anybody have anything else before we head on out? Anyone got anything going on? Anything that the folks need to be aware of?

Speaker 3:

Not I.

Speaker 1:

Nothing, nothing, nothing going on. I can think nobody's nobody's doing anything else. All right, there you go. All right, fair enough, all right, so, succulents, thank you so much for tuning in this week, as always, uh, we really appreciate it. We appreciate you uh spending the time with us and we hope you learn something. We hope that you uh are enjoying this uh journey through a galaxy far, far away. So until next time, as always, if no one does anything nice for you, bye.

Star Wars Episode I
Discussion on Star Wars
Analyzing Star Wars
Star Wars Prequel and Soundtrack Discussion
Analyzing Star Wars Episode I
Analyzing Anakin Skywalker
Analyzing George Lucas and Star Wars