
Plant Your Seeds of Greatness

February 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Plant Your Seeds of Greatness
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Plant Your Seeds of Greatness
Feb 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8

The power to create your best life is closer to you than you think. You are the creator of your destiny. Living the life of your dreams is so easy I wonder why many people don't do it. Many people prefer to suppress their dreams and desires under the pretense of humility or frugality. They postpone their dreams until they can achieve them through human means and efforts.

Friends, if you can achieve your dreams through your human ability, it simply means your dreams aren't big enough. You can never fulfill God-size dreams through human efforts. I dare you to go after dreams that are bound to fail if God doesn't help you.

You can turn hopeless situations around; You change your outcomes through the words of your mouth. Your words are more powerful than anything in this world; you can create life and you can also destroy it by the words you speak.

In this episode, I reveal how God helped me to miraculously pay off the biggest debt I ever owed.

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Show Notes

The power to create your best life is closer to you than you think. You are the creator of your destiny. Living the life of your dreams is so easy I wonder why many people don't do it. Many people prefer to suppress their dreams and desires under the pretense of humility or frugality. They postpone their dreams until they can achieve them through human means and efforts.

Friends, if you can achieve your dreams through your human ability, it simply means your dreams aren't big enough. You can never fulfill God-size dreams through human efforts. I dare you to go after dreams that are bound to fail if God doesn't help you.

You can turn hopeless situations around; You change your outcomes through the words of your mouth. Your words are more powerful than anything in this world; you can create life and you can also destroy it by the words you speak.

In this episode, I reveal how God helped me to miraculously pay off the biggest debt I ever owed.

Have questions? I encourage you to post your questions and thoughts in my "Deeper Dive" Study group.

Join My "Deeper Dive Study Group" here:

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