Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

Ep.1 Titan's Task

December 21, 2023 mamasfire Season 1 Episode 1
Ep.1 Titan's Task
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Show Notes Transcript

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. Just beginning here, but the intention is to share a new view and new stories and new things that come through into this multiverse. All right, I'm going to start with a story called Titan's Task. Titan's Task came through a while back and uh, I'm just going to let it speak for itself. Titan's Task The discussions of the gods led to an idea. Prometheus took it and ran. The idea was a solution. The solution to a question. How would the gods get their Soma now that Agni had left the scene? We need a way to hold up creation. The weight is unbearable without the fire of creation. The Titans call from Tartarus, Grandson, help us. Free us from our bondage. Give us a way to hold up the mother that does not cause such suffering. It struck like a lightning bolt, a gift of Shiva, as the pillar fell hard on the backs of the Titans. Foresight knew the way. I see a being. A being that will hold vibrations. I could make this being if you would all agree to help me. The weight is grinding. Anything, anything you need. There is no sacrifice we will not make. The Mother, in her glory, must be held up. How can you help us? The Titans called out as one. Prometheus, grandson forethought, timid lightning spark stepped forward. I see the way. It will take a piece of each of you. Each piece, I will take and build a hearth. Each ancient god will hold a hearth in the new being. We will call them humans. These humans will be my greatest creation. And when they hold the vibration, their attention, at their heart center, they will feed us all for eternity. Each titan came forward with their gift. Rhea, blood. Eros, desire. Chi, fire. Uranos, birth, creation. Shiva's love. Every titan came forward and all offered their greatest gifts to their grandson with trust and love. Each gift was taken and added to the whole. Finally, the first and the last gave her gift, the grandmother's unconditional love. Prometheus took her gift, and with all in hand, he began to craft this new being. You know, there is a funny story that tells us why the priests of Dionysus have mixed up genders. Prometheus received an invitation to dinner to his great friend's home in Hearth. Dionysus always throws a great affair, and this was no exception. Prometheus drank and laughed, loved, and brought new creations into the multiverse. At the end of the night, grandson Forethought, Prometheus, father of fire and lover of humans, his greatest creation, came home to add the last piece of the gender of woman and man. Due to the wildness of Dionysus, he confused some, and they became the lovers of the same sex, and the holders of his Elysian mysteries. At any rate, he took every gift and built a musical instrument. A vibrational marvel that could attune to any vibration, and even greater in miracles, could be played by the creator's attention. Where the human put her or his attention, each hearth being a focal point, the attention, if held on a hearth, would find the resonance, the middle way, the eye of the dragon. And with that, the woman could feed the titan the soma they needed to meet their task. Prometheus loves Hestia, as do all the gods and goddesses, the first and the last, and so he gave her the highest honor, the heart hearth, the center point that meets and holds up all the other hearths, the extraordinary being that can hold up all the titan's tasks if they only hold their attention on their hearts. The dilemma comes with each gift. The Titans gave this dilemma a name, Pandora's Box, for it quickly became clear that humans had the freedom of choice, and if they chose to hold their attention on other parts of Prometheus's instrument, they found other vibrations and created other things. They no longer held up the gods. Instead, they made more weight for the Titans to hold. The secret the human must remember is to hold your attention on your heart. This is the gift Prometheus gave us, Hestia's hearth. The means to hold up each and every Titan's task. Welcome all to the Lowly Yogi Wild Joy podcast. It is a beginning. We'll see where it all goes.